997 resultados para ENFERMEDAD DE LA PIEL
Background: The possibility to acquire sexually transmitted diseases generates bio-psycho-social conflicts affecting daily life of women. Objective: To investigate the knowledge of women on the concept of being infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and to understand the significance they attributed to their condition as HPV carriers. Material and method: It is a qualitative study in which ten women were interviewed, after the result of a cytopathological exam suggesting HPV. Data were collected at the Center of Health School of the Universidade Estadual Paulista -UNESP-Brazil. Results: The significant items were: deception and preoccupation about the cure, since they indicate that it is very deceptive to be infected with an incurable disease by a person whom they trust; the method of having sexual relations and being infected again; the necessity of care and of being optimistic to face the disease and the threat of cervix cancer originating anxiety. Discussion: Orientations made by health professionals were efficacious to clarify the relationship with cancer development. It is possible to understand the necessity of assistance orientations and the opportunity to hear them, offering individualized quality care. This study also offers important elements to reinforce the educational role of health professionals, principally those referring to sexually transmitted infection and cancer, seeking prevention and early treatment with the offered information. However, there is no desire of finishing the subject regarding perception, thus there is much to discover about diseases related to human papilloma virus. Key words: women carriers of HPV, feelings attributed by women.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de bronquite aguda, rinite e sinusite em crianças e adolescentes e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional. Foi realizado inquérito domiciliar com 1.185 crianças e adolescentes de São Paulo, SP, de 2008 a 2009. Os participantes foram selecionados a partir de amostragem probabilística, estratificada por sexo e idade e por conglomerados em dois estágios. Para análise ajustada foi realizada regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 7,3% referiram bronquite aguda, 22,6% rinite e 15,3% sinusite. Após análise ajustada, associaram-se à bronquite aguda auto-referida: idade de zero a quatro anos (RP = 17,86; IC95%: 3,65;90,91), cinco a nove anos (RP = 37,04; IC95%: 8,13;166,67), dez a 14 anos (RP = 20,83; IC95%: 4,93;90,91), referir ter alergia (RP = 3,12; IC95%: 1,70;5,73), cor da pele preta/parda (RP = 2,29; IC95%: 1,21;4,35) e morar em domicílio com um a três cômodos (RP = 1,85; IC95%: 1,17;2,94); à rinite auto-referida: idade dez a 14 anos (RP = 2,77; IC95%: 1,60;4,78), 15 a 19 anos (RP = 2,58; IC95%: 1,52;4,39), referir ter alergia (RP = 4,32; IC95%: 2,79;6,70), referir ter asma (RP = 2,30; IC95%: 1,30;4,10) e morar em apartamento (RP = 1,70; IC95%: 1,06;2,73); à sinusite auto-referida: idade cinco a nove anos (RP = 2,44; IC95%: 1,09;5,43), dez a 14 anos (RP = 2,99; IC95%: 1,36;6,58), 15 a 19 anos (RP = 3,62; IC95%: 1,68;7,81), referir ter alergia (RP = 2,23; IC95%: 1,41;3,52) e apresentar obesidade (RP = 4,42; IC95%: 1,56;12,50). CONCLUSÕES: As doenças respiratórias foram mais prevalentes em grupos populacionais com características definidas, como grupo etário, doenças auto-referidas, tipo de moradia e obesidade.
The Cornélia of Lange´s syndrome is a genetic anomaly, described and published by Cornelia Catharina of Lange in 1933, however, their aspects were described previously by Winfried Robert Clemens Brechmann in 1916, that’s why it is also known as Brachmann of Lange’s syndrome. The most frequent clinical characteristics include typical face dismorfia, variable degree of mental delay, anomalies of the hands and feet, multiple malformations, retardation of the pre and postnatal physical development and microcephaly variable intellectual compromising. Some facial characteristics are peculiar and they are mixed with the inherited lines of their own family, the united brows, the long lashes, the small nose, the round face, the fine lips and lightly inverted. As oral manifestations they present micrognathia, dental crowding, periodontal disease, delayed dental eruption, enamel hypoplasia, erosion of the enamel and dentine caused by stomach acids of the gastroesophageal reflux and atresia of the dental arches. The purpose of this paper is to present a clinical report of a boy bearer of this syndrome assisted at CAOE - FOA - UNESP, emphasizing the importance of multiprofessional team for the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome.
Osteomyelitis of the mandible and maxilla are common in developing countries and their treatment may be long-standing and difficult. Thus, the aim of this study was to discuss the main biological aspects of the chronic osteomyelitis of the jaws of especial interest for dental team. These infections are associated with a complex microbiota composed mainly by anaerobic bacteria, sometimes associated with microorganisms originated from the skin and digestive tract. These data suggest that chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible and maxilla should be treated as anaerobic infections in most cases. In addition, local surgical treatments are relevant in the therapy outcome, associated to the use of antimicrobial agents, and the failure to accomplish them is a major cause of treatment failure.
Objective: This study aimed to understand how patients with Hansen's Disease perceive self-care from the complexity perspective. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: Sample composed of 15 subjects, most of whom were married males (66.6%) with a mean age of 52.3 years and were classified in the polarized forms of the disease. The following themes emerged from the DCS synthesis: having Hansen's Disease, drug therapy, self-care and lifestyle. The study provided visibility to the vertical model, which is largely hegemonic in the tradition of public health care policies, showing concern about only treating the disease, disregarding the complex relationships involved. Conclusion: Acknowledging these limitations and setting strategies to change them in favor of the dialogue among interprofessional team members are challenges to further develop self-care practices and to empower patients in relation to treatment and disease.
The mast cell tumor (MCT) is the second most common type of tumor in dogs. It is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of mast cells in the skin. Treatment involves surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recently, new treatment protocols have been developed, such as the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With the increasing knowledge about the genome and the evolution of methods in molecular genetics, drugs with specific molecular targets are surely going to become promising therapeutic modalities in the near future. Besides being involved in the normal cell cycle, some studies suggest that tyrosine kinases have a fundamental role in neoplastic processes. Therefore, some strategies such as the development of antibodies anti-receptors for tyrosine kinases and small-molecule tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitors have been developed in an attempt to inhibit tumor development. The purpose of this review is to describe the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs.
One of the possible courses of cancer treatment is teletherapy, and one of the most important adverse side effects are skin reactions, an ailment more commonly called radiodermatitis. The main purpose of this study is to analyze knowledge of the evidence about topical products used in the prevention of radiodermatitis, to support care delivery to women with breast cancer during teletherapy. The research method used here is the comprehensive literature review. Four databases were used to select the bibliography. The sample consists of 15 articles. The data shows that, among the topical products analyzed here, Calendula, corticosteroids and Xclair have shown significant protective effects, underlining their actions. The lack of articles published in Brazil highlights the need for further research in this area, seeking better care quality through the use of products with scientifically proven efficiency.
[ES] El ADN es un polímero que contiene la mayor parte de la información necesaria para el desarrollo y funcionamiento de todos los organismos vivos conocidos. La información está fraccionada en diferentes segmentos, los genes, que contienen variables que son individuales y que determinan las características de cada persona. Hay dos que son de especial importancia para la atención sanitaria: la susceptibilidad genética de padecer una enfermedad y la capacidad de responder de forma diferencial a un medicamento, denominado farmacogenética. Poder identificar dichas variantes puede ayudar a comprender la enfermedad e individualizar el tratamiento del paciente respectivamente. Para conocer estas variantes debemos conocer la secuencia de ADN de los genes implicados en las patologías o en las características farmacogenéticas para un individuo determinado, un proceso denominado secuenciación. Sin embargo, existen técnicas para seleccionar y secuenciar el exoma, que es la parte del genoma que contienen los exones, fracciones de los genes que contienen la información necesaria para la fabricación de las proteínas. La secuenciación de exoma cubre la mayor parte de los exones del genoma, pero no detecta algunas regiones, lo que imposibilita la detección de variantes en ellas. Este hecho crea una incertidumbre diagnóstica, lo que limita el poder de esta herramienta para la detección de mutaciones patogénicas. Así, el objetivo principal del Trabajo Fin de Grado es la creación de una herramienta informática que permita al personal clínico, la detección de regiones del exoma con poca cobertura de secuenciación, es decir, regiones del ADN con una frecuencia de lectura baja comparándolo con respecto al genoma de referencia.
En este artículo analizo dilemas y paradojas que plantea la modernidad en el caso de los Takshek Qom o tobas del oriente de Formosa (Argentina). Para ello me centro en la experiencia del lkillakte o corazón como uno de los núcleos vitales y existenciales de la persona. Allí se alojan las distintas clases de poder shamánico y también es sede de los pensamientos y las emociones. Me interesa explorar qué le pasa en términos simbólicos al corazón shamánico frente al contacto con el catolicismo y el evangelismo, y sus definiciones de lo sagrado y el poder numinoso, la enfermedad y la terapia. De este modo es posible observar al corazón como un lugar-proceso que ha transformado sus fronteras, redefiniendo su anatomía y fisiología ontológicas. Así, como un operador metonímico sensible, los azares del corazón hamánico condensan eventos, símbolos y metáforas significativas de la historia qom.
El video presenta a través de un microprograma uno de los grandes enemigos de nuestra sociedad: el SIDA. Las causas por las cuales podemos contraerlo, las medidas de prevención que todos debemos asumir, los mitos que se han creado alrededor de esta enfermedad, y la concientización acerca de las principales conductas de riesgo
Fil: Renna, Nicolás Federico. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Patología
Se estudió el efecto de cosechar cerezas en dos estados de madurez: rojo pálido y rojo maduro y la utilización de atmósferas modificadas, empleando PBD de 11 y 40 m, sobre la calidad de fruta almacenada a 0 °C y después de 3 días a temperatura ambiente. La calidad fue evaluada en términos de pérdida de peso (%), color (ángulo hue), firmeza, contenido de sólidos solubles, aspecto de los pedicelos y presencia de podredumbres. La fruta cosechada más madura presentó color, sólidos solubles y firmeza adecuados durante 21 días a 0 °C pero el almacenamiento prolongado estuvo limitado por la deshidratación de los pedicelos, que mantuvieron aspecto comercial sólo durante una semana. Para ambos estados de madurez se registró importante pérdida de peso; disminución del valor de °hue y aumentos de sólidos solubles y de firmeza. Durante la simulación comercial la fruta experimentó ablandamiento, pérdida de peso, oscurecimiento de la piel y deshidratación de los pedicelos. Con el uso del PBD no se detectaron cambios significativos para ninguno de los parámetros estudiados, permitiendo además reducir la deshidratación y mantener el aspecto comercial de los pedicelos, independientemente del espesor de la película.
Durante la maduración de frutos de ciruela japonesa [Prunus salicina (Lindl.)] cv. Black Amber, Laroda y Angeleno se evaluaron parámetros de madurez y calidad. Semanalmente se midió la intensidad de color superior de la piel y porcentaje de cubrimiento; firmeza de pulpa; sólidos solubles (CSS) y acidez titulable (AT). Para cada parámetro se ajustó un modelo matemático de correlación con la variable tiempo. El color se desarrolló temprano durante la maduración en Black Amber y Angeleno. La firmeza de pulpa disminuyó a velocidad constante. El ablandamiento en Angeleno fue lento (0,16 lb/día) y rápido, en Black Amber (0,36 lb/día) y Laroda (0,26 lb/día). El incremento de sólidos solubles fue escaso en Black Amber y mayor en cv. Laroda y Angeleno.
Fil: Flores, Fernanda. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Dermatología
Fil: Comerio, Carlos. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Dermatología