960 resultados para Dynamic increasing factor (DIF)
Los procesos de diseño y construcción en Arquitectura han mostrado un desarrollo de optimización históricamente muy deficiente cuando se compara con las restantes actividades típicamente industriales. La aspiración constante a una industrialización efectiva, tanto en aras de alcanzar mayores cotas de calidad así como de ahorro de recursos, recibe hoy una oportunidad inmejorable desde el ámbito informático: el Building Information Modelling o BIM. Lo que en un inicio puede parecer meramente un determinado tipo de programa informático, en realidad supone un concepto de “proceso” que subvierte muchas rutinas hoy habituales en el desarrollo de proyectos y construcciones arquitectónicas. La inclusión y desarrollo de datos ligados al proyecto, desde su inicio hasta el fin de su ciclo de vida, conlleva la oportunidad de crear una realidad virtual dinámica y actualizable, que por añadidura posibilita su ensayo y optimización en todos sus aspectos: antes y durante su ejecución, así como vida útil. A ello se suma la oportunidad de transmitir eficientemente los datos completos de proyecto, sin apenas pérdidas o reelaboración, a la cadena de fabricación, lo que facilita el paso a una industrialización verdaderamente significativa en edificación. Ante una llamada mundial a la optimización de recursos y el interés indudable de aumentar beneficios económicos por medio de la reducción del factor de incertidumbre de los procesos, BIM supone un opción de mejora indudable, y así ha sido reconocido a través de la inminente implantación obligatoria por parte de los gobiernos (p. ej. Gran Bretaña en 2016 y España en 2018). La modificación de procesos y roles profesionales que conlleva la incorporación de BIM resulta muy significativa y marcará el ejercicio profesional de los futuros graduados en las disciplinas de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción (AEC por sus siglas en inglés). La universidad debe responder ágilmente a estas nuevas necesidades incorporando esta metodología en la enseñanza reglada y aportando una visión sinérgica que permita extraer los beneficios formativos subyacentes en el propio marco BIM. En este sentido BIM, al aglutinar el conjunto de datos sobre un único modelo virtual, ofrece un potencial singularmente interesante. La realidad tridimensional del modelo, desarrollada y actualizada continuamente, ofrece al estudiante una gestión radicalmente distinta de la representación gráfica, en la que las vistas parciales de secciones y plantas, tan complejas de asimilar en los inicios de la formación universitaria, resultan en una mera petición a posteriori, para ser extraída según necesidad del modelo virtual. El diseño se realiza siempre sobre el propio modelo único, independientemente de la vista de trabajo elegida en cada momento, permaneciendo los datos y sus relaciones constructivas siempre actualizados y plenamente coherentes. Esta descripción condensada de características de BIM preconfiguran gran parte de las beneficios formativos que ofrecen los procesos BIM, en especial, en referencia al desarrollo del diseño integrado y la gestión de la información (incluyendo TIC). Destacan a su vez las facilidades en comprensión visual de elementos arquitectónicos, sistemas técnicos, sus relaciones intrínsecas así como procesos constructivos. A ello se une el desarrollo experimental que la plataforma BIM ofrece a través de sus software colaborativos: la simulación del comportamiento estructural, energético, económico, entre otros muchos, del modelo virtual en base a los datos inherentes del proyecto. En la presente tesis se describe un estudio de conjunto para explicitar tanto las cualidades como posibles reservas en el uso de procesos BIM, en el marco de una disciplina concreta: la docencia de la Arquitectura. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica general sobre BIM y específica sobre docencia en Arquitectura, así como analizado las experiencias de distintos grupos de interés en el marco concreto de la enseñanza de la en Arquitectura en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. El análisis de beneficios o reservas respecto al uso de BIM se ha enfocado a través de la encuesta a estudiantes y la entrevista a profesionales AEC relacionados o no con BIM. Las conclusiones del estudio permiten sintetizar una implantación de metodología BIM que para mayor claridad y facilidad de comunicación y manejo, se ha volcado en un Marco de Implantación eminentemente gráfico. En él se orienta sobre las acciones docentes para el desarrollo de competencias concretas, valiéndose de la flexibilidad conceptual de los Planes de Estudio en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (Declaración de Bolonia) para incorporar con naturalidad la nueva herramienta docente al servicio de los objetivos formativo legalmente establecidos. El enfoque global del Marco de Implementación propuesto facilita la planificación de acciones formativas con perspectiva de conjunto: combinar los formatos puntuales o vehiculares BIM, establecer sinergias transversales y armonizar recursos, de modo que la metodología pueda beneficiar tanto la asimilación de conocimientos y habilidades establecidas para el título, como el propio flujo de aprendizaje o learn flow BIM. Del mismo modo reserva, incluso visualmente, aquellas áreas de conocimiento en las que, al menos en la planificación actual, la inclusión de procesos BIM no se considera ventajosa respecto a otras metodologías, o incluso inadecuadas para los objetivos docentes establecidos. Y es esta última categorización la que caracteriza el conjunto de conclusiones de esta investigación, centrada en: 1. la incuestionable necesidad de formar en conceptos y procesos BIM desde etapas muy iniciales de la formación universitaria en Arquitectura, 2. los beneficios formativos adicionales que aporta BIM en el desarrollo de competencias muy diversas contempladas en el currículum académico y 3. la especificidad del rol profesional del arquitecto que exigirá una implantación cuidadosa y ponderada de BIM que respete las metodologías de desarrollo creativo tradicionalmente efectivas, y aporte valor en una reorientación simbiótica con el diseño paramétrico y fabricación digital que permita un diseño finalmente generativo. ABSTRACT The traditional architectural design and construction procedures have proven to be deficient where process optimization is concerned, particularly when compared to other common industrial activities. The ever‐growing strife to achieve effective industrialization, both in favor of reaching greater quality levels as well as sustainable management of resources, has a better chance today than ever through a mean out of the realm of information technology, the Building Information Modelling o BIM. What may initially seem to be merely another computer program, in reality turns out to be a “process” concept that subverts many of today’s routines in architectural design and construction. Including and working with project data from the very beginning to the end of its full life cycle allows for creating a dynamic and updatable virtual reality, enabling data testing and optimizing throughout: before and during execution, all the way to the end of its lifespan. In addition, there is an opportunity to transmit complete project data efficiently, with hardly any loss or redeveloping of the manufacture chain required, which facilitates attaining a truly significant industrialization within the construction industry. In the presence of a world‐wide call for optimizing resources, along with an undeniable interest in increasing economic benefits through reducing uncertainty factors in its processes, BIM undoubtedly offers a chance for improvement as acknowledged by its imminent and mandatory implementation on the part of governments (for example United Kingdom in 2016 and Spain in 2018). The changes involved in professional roles and procedures upon incorporating BIM are highly significant and will set the course for future graduates of Architecture, Engineering and Construction disciplines (AEC) within their professions. Higher Education must respond to such needs with swiftness by incorporating this methodology into their educational standards and providing a synergetic vision that focuses on the underlying educational benefits inherent in the BIM framework. In this respect, BIM, in gathering data set under one single virtual model, offers a uniquely interesting potential. The three‐dimensional reality of the model, under continuous development and updating, provides students with a radically different graphic environment, in which partial views of elevation, section or plan that tend characteristically to be difficult to assimilate at the beginning of their studies, become mere post hoc requests to be ordered when needed directly out the virtual model. The design is always carried out on the sole model itself, independently of the working view chosen at any particular moment, with all data and data relations within construction permanently updated and fully coherent. This condensed description of the features of BIM begin to shape an important part of the educational benefits posed by BIM processes, particularly in reference to integrated design development and information management (including ITC). At the same time, it highlights the ease with which visual understanding is achieved regarding architectural elements, technology systems, their intrinsic relationships, and construction processes. In addition to this, there is the experimental development the BIM platform grants through its collaborative software: simulation of structural, energetic, and economic behavior, among others, of the virtual model according to the data inherent to the project. This doctoral dissertation presents a broad study including a wide array of research methods and issues in order to specify both the virtues and possible reservations in the use of BIM processes within the framework of a specific discipline: teaching Architecture. To do so, a literature review on BIM has been carried out, specifically concerning teaching in the discipline of Architecture, as well as an analysis of the experience of different groups of interest delimited to Universidad Europea de Madrid. The analysis of the benefits and/or limitations of using BIM has been approached through student surveys and interviews with professionals from the AEC sector, associated or not, with BIM. Various diverse educational experiences are described and academic management for experimental implementation has been analyzed. The conclusions of this study offer a synthesis for a Framework of Implementation of BIM methodology, which in order to reach greater clarity, communication ease and user‐friendliness, have been posed in an eminently graphic manner. The proposed framework proffers guidance on teaching methods conducive to the development of specific skills, taking advantage of the conceptual flexibility of the European Higher Education Area guidelines based on competencies, which naturally facilitate for the incorporation of this new teaching tool to achieve the educational objectives established by law. The global approach of the Implementation Framework put forth in this study facilitates the planning of educational actions within a common perspective: combining exceptional or vehicular BIM formats, establishing cross‐disciplinary synergies, and sharing resources, so as to purport a methodology that contributes to the assimilation of knowledge and pre‐defined competencies within the degree program, and to the flow of learning itself. At the same time, it reserves, even visually, those areas of knowledge in which the use of BIM processes is not considered necessarily an advantage over other methodologies, or even inadequate for the learning outcomes established, at least where current planning is concerned. It is this last category which characterizes the research conclusions as a whole, centering on: 1. The unquestionable need for teaching BIM concepts and processes in Architecture very early on, in the initial stages of higher education; 2. The additional educational benefits that BIM offers in a varied array of competency development within the academic curriculum; and 3. The specific nature of the professional role of the Architect, which demands a careful and balanced implementation of BIM that respects the traditional teaching methodologies that have proven effective and creative, and adds value by a symbiotic reorientation merged with parametric design and digital manufacturing so to enable for a finally generative design.
The dynamic responses of the hearing organ to acoustic overstimulation were investigated using the guinea pig isolated temporal bone preparation. The organ was loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator Fluo-3, and the cochlear electric responses to low-level tones were recorded through a microelectrode in the scala media. After overstimulation, the amplitude of the cochlear potentials decreased significantly. In some cases, rapid recovery was seen with the potentials returning to their initial amplitude. In 12 of 14 cases in which overstimulation gave a decrease in the cochlear responses, significant elevations of the cytoplasmic [Ca2+] in the outer hair cells were seen. [Ca2+] increases appeared immediately after terminating the overstimulation, with partial recovery taking place in the ensuing 30 min in some preparations. Such [Ca2+] changes were not seen in preparations that were stimulated at levels that did not cause an amplitude change in the cochlear potentials. The overstimulation also gave rise to a contraction, evident as a decrease of the width of the organ of Corti. The average contraction in 10 preparations was 9 μm (SE 2 μm). Partial or complete recovery was seen within 30–45 min after the overstimulation. The [Ca2+] changes and the contraction are likely to produce major functional alterations and consequently are suggested to be a factor contributing strongly to the loss of function seen after exposure to loud sounds.
Certain peptides derived from the α1 domain of the major histocompatibility class I antigen complex (MHC-I) inhibit receptor internalization, increasing the steady-state number of active receptors on the cell surface and thereby enhancing the sensitivity to hormones and other agonists. These peptides self-assemble, and they also bind to MHC-I at the same site from which they are derived, suggesting that they could bind to receptor sites with significant sequence similarity. Receptors affected by MHC-I peptides do, indeed, have such sequence similarity, as illustrated here by insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. A synthetic peptide with sequence identical to a certain extracellular receptor domain binds to that receptor in a ligand-dependent manner and inhibits receptor internalization. Moreover, each such peptide is selective for its cognate receptor. An antibody to the IR peptide not only binds to IR and competes with the peptide but also inhibits insulin-dependent internalization of IR. These observations, and binding studies with deletion mutants of IR, indicate that the sequence QILKELEESSF encoded by exon 10 plays a key role in IR internalization. Our results illustrate a principle for identifying receptor-specific sites of importance for receptor internalization, and for enhancing sensitivity to hormones and other agonists.
Yeast splicing factor Prp43, a DEAH box protein of the putative RNA helicase/RNA-dependent NTPase family, is a splicing factor that functions late in the pre-mRNA splicing pathway to facilitate spliceosome disassembly. In this paper we report cDNA cloning and characterization of mDEAH9, an apparent mammalian homologue of Prp43. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that the two proteins are ≈65% identical over a 500-aa region spanning the central helicase domain and the C-terminal region. Expression of mDEAH9 in S. cerevisiae bearing a temperature-sensitive mutation in prp43 was sufficient to restore growth at the nonpermissive temperature. This functional complementation was specific, as mouse mDEAH9 failed to complement mutations in related splicing factor genes prp16 or prp22. Finally, double label immunofluorescence experiments performed with mammalian cells revealed colocalization of mDEAH9 and splicing factor SC35 in punctate nuclear speckles. Thus, the hypothesis that mDEAH9 represents the mammalian homologue of yeast Prp43 is supported by its high sequence homology, functional complementation, and colocalization with a known splicing factor in the nucleus. Our results provide additional support for the hypothesis that the spliceosomal machinery that mediates regulated, dynamic changes in conformation of pre-mRNA and snRNP RNAs has been highly conserved through evolution.
The finding that ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) can activate phospholipase D has led to debate as to whether ARF recruits coat proteins through direct binding or indirectly by catalytically increasing phosphatidic acid production. Here we test critical aspects of these hypotheses. We find that Golgi membrane phosphatidic acid levels do not rise—in fact they decline—during cell-free budding reactions. We confirm that the level of membrane-bound ARF can be substantially reduced without compromising coat assembly [Ktistakis, N. T., Brown, H. A., Waters, M. G., Sternweis, P. C. & Roth, M. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 134, 295–306], but find that under all conditions, ARF is present on the Golgi membrane in molar excess over bound coatomer. These results do not support the possibility that the activation of coat assembly by ARF is purely catalytic, and they are consistent with ARF forming direct interactions with coatomer. We suggest that ARF, like many other G proteins, is a multifunctional protein with roles in trafficking and phospholipid signaling.
The increased expression of epidermal growth factor receptor induced by tumor necrosis factor α renders pancreatic cancer cells more susceptible to antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by a mAb specific for this receptor. Laboratory studies with athymic mice bearing xenografts of human pancreatic cancer cells demonstrated a cytokine-induced ability of the mAb to cause significant tumor regression. In a phase I/II clinical trial, 26 patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer were enrolled into three cohorts receiving variable amounts of the antibody together with a constant amount of tumor necrosis factor α. With increasing doses of antibody, the growth of the primary tumor was significantly inhibited. This was reflected by a longer median survival, with one complete remission lasting for 3 years obtained with the highest dose of antibody employed. Thus, a combination of the cytokine, tumor necrosis factor α, with a mAb to the epidermal growth factor receptor offers a potentially useful approach for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
The XPD/ERCC2/Rad3 gene is required for excision repair of UV-damaged DNA and is an important component of nucleotide excision repair. Mutations in the XPD gene generate the cancer-prone syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne’s syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. XPD has a 5′- to 3′-helicase activity and is a component of the TFIIH transcription factor, which is essential for RNA polymerase II elongation. We present here the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster XPD gene (DmXPD). DmXPD encodes a product that is highly related to its human homologue. The DmXPD protein is ubiquitous during development. In embryos at the syncytial blastoderm stage, DmXPD is cytoplasmic. At the onset of transcription in somatic cells and during gastrulation in germ cells, DmXPD moves to the nuclei. Distribution analysis in polytene chromosomes shows that DmXPD is highly concentrated in the interbands, especially in the highly transcribed regions known as puffs. UV-light irradiation of third-instar larvae induces an increase in the signal intensity and in the number of sites where the DmXPD protein is located in polytene chromosomes, indicating that the DmXPD protein is recruited intensively in the chromosomes as a response to DNA damage. This is the first time that the response to DNA damage by UV-light irradiation can be visualized directly on the chromosomes using one of the TFIIH components.
Mitotic movements of chromosomes are usually coupled to the elongation and shortening of the microtubules to which they are bound. The lengths of kinetochore-associated microtubules change by incorporation or loss of tubulin subunits, principally at their chromosome-bound ends. We have reproduced aspects of this phenomenon in vitro, using a real-time assay that displays directly the movements of individual chromosome-associated microtubules as they elongate and shorten. Chromosomes isolated from cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells were adhered to coverslips and then allowed to bind labeled microtubules. In the presence of tubulin and GTP, these microtubules could grow at their chromosome-bound ends, causing the labeled segments to move away from the chromosomes, even in the absence of ATP. Sometimes a microtubule would switch to shortening, causing the direction of movement to change abruptly. The link between a microtubule and a chromosome was mechanically strong; 15 pN of tension was generally insufficient to detach a microtubule, even though it could add subunits at the kinetochore–microtubule junction. The behavior of the microtubules in vitro was regulated by the chromosomes to which they were bound; the frequency of transitions from polymerization to depolymerization was decreased, and the speed of depolymerization-coupled movement toward chromosomes was only one-fifth the rate of shortening for microtubules free in solution. Our results are consistent with a model in which each microtubule interacts with an increasing number of chromosome-associated binding sites as it approaches the kinetochore.
Coral reef communities are in a state of change throughout their geographical range. Factors contributing to this change include bleaching (the loss of algal symbionts), storm damage, disease, and increasing abundance of macroalgae. An additional factor for Caribbean reefs is the aftereffects of the epizootic that reduced the abundance of the herbivorous sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. Although coral reef communities have undergone phase shifts, there are few studies that document the details of such transitions. We report the results of a 40-month study that documents changes in a Caribbean reef community affected by bleaching, hurricane damage, and an increasing abundance of macroalgae. The study site was in a relatively pristine area of the reef surrounding the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. Ten transects were sampled every 3–9 months from November 1994 to February 1998. During this period, the corals experienced a massive bleaching event resulting in a significant decline in coral abundance. Algae, especially macroalgae, increased in abundance until they effectively dominated the substrate. The direct impact of Hurricane Lili in October 1996 did not alter the developing community structure and may have facilitated increasing algal abundance. The results of this study document the rapid transition of this reef community from one in which corals and algae were codominant to a community dominated by macroalgae. The relatively brief time period required for this transition illustrates the dynamic nature of reef communities.
UVA radiation is the major component of the UV solar spectrum that reaches the earth, and the therapeutic application of UVA radiation is increasing in medicine. Analysis of the cellular effects of UVA radiation has revealed that exposure of human cells to UVA radiation at physiological doses leads to increased gene expression and that this UVA response is primarily mediated through the generation of singlet oxygen. In this study, the mechanisms by which UVA radiation induces transcriptional activation of the human intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) were examined. UVA radiation was capable of inducing activation of the human ICAM-1 promoter and increasing ICAM-1 mRNA and protein expression. These UVA radiation effects were inhibited by singlet oxygen quenchers, augmented by enhancement of singlet oxygen life-time, and mimicked in unirradiated cells by a singlet oxygen-generating system. UVA radiation as well as singlet oxygen-induced ICAM-1 promoter activation required activation of the transcription factor AP-2. Accordingly, both stimuli activated AP-2, and deletion of the putative AP-2-binding site abrogated ICAM-1 promoter activation in this system. This study identified the AP-2 site as the UVA radiation- and singlet oxygen-responsive element of the human ICAM-1 gene. The capacity of UVA radiation and/or singlet oxygen to induce human gene expression through activation of AP-2 indicates a previously unrecognized role of this transcription factor in the mammalian stress response.
A transition as a function of increasing temperature from harmonic to anharmonic dynamics has been observed in globular proteins by using spectroscopic, scattering, and computer simulation techniques. We present here results of a dynamic neutron scattering analysis of the solvent dependence of the picosecond-time scale dynamic transition behavior of solutions of a simple single-subunit enzyme, xylanase. The protein is examined in powder form, in D2O, and in four two-component perdeuterated single-phase cryosolvents in which it is active and stable. The scattering profiles of the mixed solvent systems in the absence of protein are also determined. The general features of the dynamic transition behavior of the protein solutions follow those of the solvents. The dynamic transition in all of the mixed cryosolvent–protein systems is much more gradual than in pure D2O, consistent with a distribution of energy barriers. The differences between the dynamic behaviors of the various cryosolvent protein solutions themselves are remarkably small. The results are consistent with a picture in which the picosecond-time scale atomic dynamics respond strongly to melting of pure water solvent but are relatively invariant in cryosolvents of differing compositions and melting points.
During the aging process, mammals lose up to a third of their skeletal muscle mass and strength. Although the mechanisms underlying this loss are not entirely understood, we attempted to moderate the loss by increasing the regenerative capacity of muscle. This involved the injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus directing overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. We demonstrate that the IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% in muscle mass and a 14% increase in strength in young adult mice, and remarkably, prevents aging-related muscle changes in old adult mice, resulting in a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those in young adults. We propose that these effects are primarily due to stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells by IGF-I. This supports the hypothesis that the primary cause of aging-related impairment of muscle function is a cumulative failure to repair damage sustained during muscle utilization. Our results suggest that gene transfer of IGF-I into muscle could form the basis of a human gene therapy for preventing the loss of muscle function associated with aging and may be of benefit in diseases where the rate of damage to skeletal muscle is accelerated.
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a broadly expressed mitogenic and chemotactic factor with diverse roles in a number of physiologic and pathologic settings. The zinc finger transcription factors Sp1, Sp3 and Egr-1 bind to overlapping elements in the proximal PDGF B-chain promoter and activate transcription of this gene. The anthracycline nogalamycin has previously been reported to inhibit the capacity of Egr-1 to bind DNA in vitro. Here we used electrophoretic mobility shift assays to show that nogalamycin added to cells in culture did not alter the interaction of Egr-1 with the PDGF-B promoter. Instead, it enhanced the capacity of Sp1 to bind DNA. Nogalamycin increased PDGF-B mRNA expression at the level of transcription, which was abrogated by mutation of the Sp1 binding site in the PDGF-B promoter or overexpression of mutant Sp1. Rather than increasing total levels of Sp1, nogalamycin altered the phosphorylation state of the transcription factor. Overexpression of dominant-negative PKC-ζ blocked nogalamycin-inducible Sp1 phosphorylation and PDGF-B promoter-dependent expression. Nogalamycin stimulated the phosphorylation of PKC-ζ (on residue Thr410). These findings demonstrate for the first time that PKC-ζ and Sp1 phosphorylation mediate the inducible expression of this growth factor.
Although transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has been identified to mainly inhibit cell growth, the correlation of elevated TGF-β with increasing serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in metastatic stages of prostate cancer has also been well documented. The molecular mechanism for these two contrasting effects of TGF-β, however, remains unclear. Here we report that Smad3, a downstream mediator of the TGF-β signaling pathway, functions as a coregulator to enhance androgen receptor (AR)-mediated transactivation. Compared with the wild-type AR, Smad3 acts as a strong coregulator in the presence of 1 nM 5α-dihydrotestosterone, 10 nM 17β-estradiol, or 1 μM hydroxyflutamide for the LNCaP mutant AR (mtAR T877A), found in many prostate tumor patients. We further showed that endogenous PSA expression in LNCaP cells can be induced by 5α-dihydrotestosterone, and the addition of the Smad3 further induces PSA expression. Together, our findings establish Smad3 as an important coregulator for the androgen-signaling pathway and provide a possible explanation for the positive role of TGF-β in androgen-promoted prostate cancer growth.
The realistic physical functioning of the greenhouse effect is reviewed, and the role of dynamic transport and water vapor is identified. Model errors and uncertainties are quantitatively compared with the forcing due to doubling CO2, and they are shown to be too large for reliable model evaluations of climate sensitivities. The possibility of directly measuring climate sensitivity is reviewed. A direct approach using satellite data to relate changes in globally averaged radiative flux changes at the top of the atmosphere to naturally occurring changes in global mean temperature is described. Indirect approaches to evaluating climate sensitivity involving the response to volcanic eruptions and Eocene climate change are also described. Finally, it is explained how, in principle, a climate that is insensitive to gross radiative forcing as produced by doubling CO2 might still be able to undergo major changes of the sort associated with ice ages and equable climates.