926 resultados para Drying Kinetics
CONTEXTE: L'ablation percutanée par cathéter de la fibrillation auriculaire (AC-FA) est une option de traitement pour les patients souffrant de fibrillation auriculaire (FA) symptomatique réfractaire au traitement médicamenteux. L'AC-FA comporte un risque de complications thromboemboliques qui a été réduit par l'utilisation de l'héparine non fractionnée (HNF) intraveineuse durant la procédure. L'administration optimale de l'HNF ainsi que sa cinétique ne sont pas bien établies et nécessitent d'être déterminées avec précision. MÉTHODES ET RÉSULTATS: Cette étude a inclus 102 patients consécutifs atteints de FA symptomatique, réfractaire au traitement médicamenteux, référés pour une AC-FA. L'âge moyen était de 61 ± 10 ans. Après une ponction transseptale de la fosse ovale, une injection intraveineuse de HNF ajustée au poids (100 U / kg) a été administré. Une augmentation significative du temps de coagulation activé (ACT) a été observée passant d'une valeur de base moyenne de 100 ± 27 secondes, à 355 ± 94 secondes à 10 minutes (T10) et à 375 ± 90 secondes à 20 minutes (T20). 24 patients n'ont pas atteint la valeur visée d'ACT > 300 secondes à T10 et plus de la moitié de ce collectif est resté avec les valeurs d'ACT infrathérapeutiques à T20. Ce sous-ensemble de patients avait des caractéristiques cliniques similaires et avait reçu des doses similaires d'HNF, mais s'était plus fréquemment fait prescrire de la vitamine Kl pré-procédurale que le reste de la population de l'étude. CONCLUSION: Au cours d'une intervention standard, l'HNF montre, de manière inattendue, une cinétique d'anticoagulation lente dans une proportion significative des procédures et ceci jusqu'à 20 minutes après l'administration. Ces résultats soutiennent l'importance d'une administration d'HNF avant la ponction transseptale ou tout cathétérisme gauche avec des mesures précoces et répétées d'ACT afin d'identifier les patients avec une cinétique retardée. Ils sont en ligne avec les directives récentes proposant d'effectuer l'AC-FA sous anticoagulation thérapeutique.
This dissertation is based on four articles dealing with modeling of ozonation. The literature part of this considers some models for hydrodynamics in bubble column simulation. A literature review of methods for obtaining mass transfer coefficients is presented. The methods presented to obtain mass transfer are general models and can be applied to any gas-liquid system. Ozonation reaction models and methods for obtaining stoichiometric coefficients and reaction rate coefficients for ozonation reactions are discussed in the final section of the literature part. In the first article, ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. A more general method for estimation of mass transfer and Henry’s coefficient was developed from the Beltrán method. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry’s coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A minor dependence of the Henry’s law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 - 9. In the second article, a new method using the axial dispersion model for estimation of ozone self-decomposition kinetics in a semi-batch bubble column reactor was developed. The reaction rate coefficients for literature equations of ozone decomposition and the gas phase dispersion coefficient were estimated and compared with the literature data. The reaction order in the pH range 7-10 with respect to ozone 1.12 and 0.51 the hydroxyl ion were obtained, which is in good agreement with literature. The model parameters were determined by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using object function method to obtain information about the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. In the third article, the reaction rate coefficients and the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction of ozone with the model component p-nitrophenol were estimated at low pH of water using nonlinear optimization. A novel method for estimation of multireaction model parameters in ozonation was developed. In this method the concentration of unknown intermediate compounds is presented as a residual COD (chemical oxygen demand) calculated from the measured COD and the theoretical COD for the known species. The decomposition rate of p-nitrophenol on the pathway producing hydroquinone was found to be about two times faster than the p-nitrophenol decomposition rate on the pathway producing 4- nitrocatechol. In the fourth article, the reaction kinetics of p-nitrophenol ozonation was studied in a bubble column at pH 2. Using the new reaction kinetic model presented in the previous article, the reaction kinetic parameters, rate coefficients, and stoichiometric coefficients as well as the mass transfer coefficient were estimated with nonlinear estimation. The decomposition rate of pnitrophenol was found to be equal both on the pathway producing hydroquinone and on the path way producing 4-nitrocathecol. Comparison of the rate coefficients with the case at initial pH 5 indicates that the p-nitrophenol degradation producing 4- nitrocathecol is more selective towards molecular ozone than the reaction producing hydroquinone. The identifiability and reliability of the estimated parameters were analyzed with the Marcov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. @All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.
This paper discusses uncertainties in model projections of summer drying in the Euro-Mediterranean region related to errors and uncertainties in the simulation of the summer NAO (SNAO). The SNAO is the leading mode of summer SLP variability in the North Atlantic/European sector and modulates precipitation not only in the vicinity of the SLP dipole (northwest Europe) but also in the Mediterranean region. An analysis of CMIP3 models is conducted to determine the extent to which models reproduce the signature of the SNAO and its impact on precipitation and to assess the role of the SNAO in the projected precipitation reductions. Most models correctly simulate the spatial pattern of the SNAO and the dry anomalies in northwest Europe that accompany the positive phase. The models also capture the concurrent wet conditions in the Mediterranean, but the amplitude of this signal is too weak, especially in the east. This error is related to the poor simulation of the upper-level circulation response to a positive SNAO, namely the observed trough over the Balkans that creates potential instability and favors precipitation. The SNAO is generally projected to trend upwards in CMIP3 models, leading to a consistent signal of precipitation reduction in NW Europe, but the intensity of the trend varies greatly across models, resulting in large uncertainties in the magnitude of the projected drying. In the Mediterranean, because the simulated influence of the SNAO is too weak, no precipitation increase occurs even in the presence of a strong SNAO trend, reducing confidence in these projections.
Rosin is a natural product from pine forests and it is used as a raw material in resinate syntheses. Resinates are polyvalent metal salts of rosin acids and especially Ca- and Ca/Mg- resinates find wide application in the printing ink industry. In this thesis, analytical methods were applied to increase general knowledge of resinate chemistry and the reaction kinetics was studied in order to model the non linear solution viscosity increase during resinate syntheses by the fusion method. Solution viscosity in toluene is an important quality factor for resinates to be used in printing inks. The concept of critical resinate concentration, c crit, was introduced to define an abrupt change in viscosity dependence on resinate concentration in the solution. The concept was then used to explain the non-inear solution viscosity increase during resinate syntheses. A semi empirical model with two estimated parameters was derived for the viscosity increase on the basis of apparent reaction kinetics. The model was used to control the viscosity and to predict the total reaction time of the resinate process. The kinetic data from the complex reaction media was obtained by acid value titration and by FTIR spectroscopic analyses using a conventional calibration method to measure the resinate concentration and the concentration of free rosin acids. A multivariate calibration method was successfully applied to make partial least square (PLS) models for monitoring acid value and solution viscosity in both mid-infrared (MIR) and near infrared (NIR) regions during the syntheses. The calibration models can be used for on line resinate process monitoring. In kinetic studies, two main reaction steps were observed during the syntheses. First a fast irreversible resination reaction occurs at 235 °C and then a slow thermal decarboxylation of rosin acids starts to take place at 265 °C. Rosin oil is formed during the decarboxylation reaction step causing significant mass loss as the rosin oil evaporates from the system while the viscosity increases to the target level. The mass balance of the syntheses was determined based on the resinate concentration increase during the decarboxylation reaction step. A mechanistic study of the decarboxylation reaction was based on the observation that resinate molecules are partly solvated by rosin acids during the syntheses. Different decarboxylation mechanisms were proposed for the free and solvating rosin acids. The deduced kinetic model supported the analytical data of the syntheses in a wide resinate concentration region, over a wide range of viscosity values and at different reaction temperatures. In addition, the application of the kinetic model to the modified resinate syntheses gave a good fit. A novel synthesis method with the addition of decarboxylated rosin (i.e. rosin oil) to the reaction mixture was introduced. The conversion of rosin acid to resinate was increased to the level necessary to obtain the target viscosity for the product at 235 °C. Due to a lower reaction temperature than in traditional fusion synthesis at 265 °C, thermal decarboxylation is avoided. As a consequence, the mass yield of the resinate syntheses can be increased from ca. 70% to almost 100% by recycling the added rosin oil.
The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy
Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) is known to enhance strength properties of paper. Improved strength usually means increased bonding which is strongly connected to dimensional instability of paper. Dimensional instability is due to changes in moisture content of paper; when paper is moistened it expands and when dried, it shrinks. Hygroexpansion is linked to end-use problems and excessive drying shrinkage consumes strength potential. Effective use of materials requires controlling of these phenomena. There isn’t yet data concerning dimensional stability of papers containing MFC which restricts wider use of MFC. Main objective of the work was to evaluate dimensional stability of wood-free paper containing different amounts of MFC. Sheets were dried with different methods to see how drying strains effected on drying shrinkage and hygroexpansion. Also tensile strength was measured to find out the effect of MFC. Results were compared to sheets containing kraft fines and in some test points cationic starch was used alongside with MFC. MFC increased the dimensional instability of freely dried sheets. As the amounts of MFC increased the effects on dimensional stability became more severe. However the fineness of MFC didn’t play any important role. Both hygroexpansion and drying shrinkage were decreased with cationic starch addition. Prevention of drying shrinkage over powered the effects of additives on hygroexpansion. Tensile strength improved up till 7 % addition amount which could be set as the upper limit of MFC addition when paper preparation and tensile strength are concerned.
The analytical method developed to evaluate tamoxifen in dog plasma samples was precise, accurate, robust and linear in the range of 5-200 ng/mL. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.981 ng/mL and 2.97 ng/mL, respectively. Besides, the intra-day precision and accuracy variations were 8.78 and 10.16%, respectively. Tamoxifen concentrations were analyzed by combined reversed phase liquid chromatography and UV detection (lambda=280 nm). The study was conducted using an open randomized 2-period crossover balanced design with a 1-week washout period between the doses. This simple, rapid and selective method is suitable for pharmacokinetic, bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
In this work, a new adsorbent was prepared by microencapsulation of sulfoxine into chitosan microspheres by the spray drying technique. The new adsorbent was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis of energy dispersive X-rays. The Cu(II) adsorption was studied as a function of pH, time and concentration. The optimum pH was found to be 6.0. The kinetic and equilibrium data showed that the adsorption process followed the pseudo second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm model over the entire concentration range. An increase of 8.0% in the maximum adsorption capacity of the adsorbent (53.8 mg g-1) was observed as compared to chitosan glutaraldehyde cross-linked microspheres.
Biosensors based on laccase immobilized on microparticles of chitosan crosslinked with tripolyphosphate (biosensor I) and glyoxal (biosensor II) obtained by spray drying for the determinations of rutin in pharmaceutical formulations were developed. Under optimized operational conditions (pH 4.0, frequency of 30 Hz, pulse amplitude of 40 mV and scan increment of 2.0 mV) two analytical curves were obtained for both biosensors showing a detection limit of 6.2x10-8 mol L-1 for biosensor (I) and 2.0x10-8 mol L-1 for biosensor (II). The recovery of rutin from pharmaceutical sample ranged from 90.7 to 105.0% and the lifetime of these biosensors were 4 months (at least 400 determinations).
Despite the availability of alternative methods for drying tetrahydrofuran (THF), the use of the still apparatus, wherein a THF solution containing Na-bezophenone ketyl is heated to reflux, remains widespread. We herein propose a set of procedures to solve the problems usually faced in applying this drying technique. Moreover, a discussion is made on the chemical knowledge underlying such procedures. Safety and economy issues concerned with the operation of the THF still apparatus are also discussed.
Synthetic antioxidants are an alternative to prevent or retard the degradation of biofuels made from vegetable oils. In this study, it was evaluated the oxidative stability of B100 soybean oil biodiesel, in the presence of tercbutylhydroquinone (TBHQ). The results showed that the induction period, that precedes the seeding process, was delayed in the presence of the antioxidant. Moreover, the obtained results suggest that the B100 biodiesel containing TBHQ can present a storage time at 25 ºC, three times longer than the estimated time for the pure B100.
The aim of this study was to encapsulate curcumin into chitosan, using sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) as an ionic crosslinker by the spray drying method. The influence of TPP on the properties of the final product, such as solubility, morphology, loading efficiency, thermal behavior, swelling degree and release profiles, was evaluated. The microparticles had a spherical morphology (0.5-20 µm) with no apparent porosity or cracks. Results indicated the formation of a polymeric network, which ensures effective protection for curcumin. Controlled-release studies were carried out at pH 1.2 and 6.8, to observe the influence of pH on curcumin release while the mechanism was analyzed using the Korsmeyer-Peppas equation.
This work describes the synthesis of hydrogels of cellulose acetate (AC) crosslinked with 1,2,4,5-benzenotetracarboxylic dianhydride (PMDA). The crosslinking reaction was monitored by FTIR. Analysis of aromatic fragments from the alkaline hydrolysis of the gels by UV spectroscopy indicated that an increase in the stoichiometric ratio of dianhydride resulted in higher degrees of crosslinking. The non-porous nature of the gels was confirmed by analysis of nitrogen adsorption. Water absorption isotherms showed that as the temperature and degree of crosslinking increased, the percentage of water absorbed at equilibrium (%Seq) also increased. The hydrogels presented second order swelling kinetics.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used for decades in developed countries as an oxidizing agent in the treatment of water, domestic sewage and industrial effluents. This study evaluated the influence of the concentration of H2O2 and pH on the inactivation of Escherichia coli cells and the disinfection of sewage treated. The results showed that the inactivation rate increased with pH and H2O2. The presence of other contaminants dissolved in the effluent is probably the cause of these differences, because E. coli inactivation in synthetic wastewater was found to be much faster than in the real treated domestic sewage.