866 resultados para Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Guido Gravenkötter
A popularidade dos dispositivos móveis tem vindo a aumentar significativamente nos últimos anos e, com isso, surge a necessidade de aceder à Internet nos smartphones e tablets, quer para fins laborais quer para lazer. Devido às limitações de tráfego nas redes móveis, como 3G ou 4G, as pessoas procuram conectar-se aos pontos de acesso nas suas proximidades para poupar tráfego móvel. Os pontos de acesso também são uma outra forma de se conseguir conectar à Internet no estrangeiro, mesmo quando não se tem disponível um plano de dados móveis. As soluções existentes, que visam conectar os seus utilizadores à Internet através de pontos de acesso, requerem o pagamento de uma taxa elevada ou violam a privacidade das redes Wi-Fi ao permitir que todos os utilizadores se consigam conectar sem a devida autorização dos proprietários e que consumam tráfego e largura de banda sem quaisquer restrições. Com este trabalho pretende-se permitir que os proprietários das redes possam limitar os recursos de quem acede às suas redes (tráfego, largura de banda e/ou número de utilizadores conectados) usando apenas uma aplicação Android para fazer todo o controlo de acesso e limitação de recursos. Além de limitar os recursos pretende-se possibilitar a interoperabilidade entre pontos de acesso de diferentes plataformas para permitir que utilizadores de diferentes operadores de telecomunicações possam partilhar as suas redes mutuamente. Para se atingir estes objetivos foi desenvolvido um sistema composto por uma aplicação Android e um servidor web. O teste da solução foi feito através de testes com utilizadores, identificando-se que os participantes partilharam maioritariamente as suas próprias redes. A maioria dos utilizadores optou por partilhar as suas redes de forma pública (com todos os utilizadores) e limitar o número de utilizadores conectados para salvaguardar o desempenho da sua ligação. Com este trabalho, consegue-se concluir que é possível incentivar os utilizadores a partilhar as suas redes caso estejam presentes mecanismos que consigam manter a privacidade da rede e que lhes consigam dar controlo sobre a partilha.
This book consists of two main parts. The first part offers a basic methodological introduction, presenting a concise but multifaceted overview of current problems of collective memory. The second part contains a set of interviews with former prisoners of concentration camps carried out by the authors. The research was conducted by Paweł Greń and Łukasz Posłuszny and focuses on issues of collective and cultural memory illustrated by individual life experiences of concentration camps prisoners. The field of oral history serves as the framework of analysis and narrative inquiry as its research tool. Interviews and additional research materials were collected by the authors and are not available in previous publications, making this work a precious supplement to the current scholarly body of knowledge and achievements in the discipline of memory studies. According to the authors, current historical and literary publications provide an incomplete picture of the WWII and its aftermaths for survivors, because descriptions of the war and imprisonment in the camp play still a dominate role in narratives. The importance of these issues in autobiographies is unquestionable and highly needed to create a common identity among generation of prisoners, though authors often wanted to perceive the fate of individuals in a broader perspective – including the periods before and after the war. Hence, interviews stressed personal experiences and their understanding over time by former prisoners. The interviews covered many topics on life before, during and after the camp – among them daily and neutral routines, but also difficult matters. The latter were connected on the one hand with traumatic events or harsh memories and emotions, and on the other hand with less extensively highlighted threads of prisoners’ lives - such as issues of the body and sexuality – and their dependence on particular representation or narrative. The authors are convinced that the book serves not only as a record of past remembered by eyewitnesses, but it also depicts their accounts in wider contexts and discourses, which expose specific dimensions of told and written stories. In the book Questions for Memory one examine the approach proposed by young scholars. Interviews were conducted from 2009-2011, seventy years after the end of the second world war, and this initiative was the result of questions and doubts of the authors from the existing literature. They also wanted to use the unique opportunity to meet with eyewitnesses and record their stories, because when they pass away we will irretrievably lose the possibility to listen to them and to pose sensitive questions. The majority of the interviewees were prisoners of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their experiences differed greatly from each other based on social background and specific experience in the camps as well as their post-camp and postwar life. Aside from persons whose stories are already well known and open, readers will hear the stories of those who spoke only reluctantly and very rarely, or who had remained silent until the present author’s research. Qualitative differences between interviews occurred on the level of established relationship and atmosphere of trust, which varied according to circumstances and individual character and personality. For P. Greń and Ł. Posłuszny, each interviewed person is equally and highly valued due to the collected material and the personal experience of the meetings. Among the ten interviews placed in the book, seven of them are the stories told by women. Their testimonies exemplify realities of everyday prisoners’ existence and gravitate towards mirroring specifically feminine perspectives of imprisonment. For women, crucial problems stemmed from experiences of body that intertwine with suffering, feeling of shame and humiliation. Early discussions on holocaust literature and issues of representation that shaped the Polish narrative and collective memory imposed imperatives of silence on certain topics. A solution for reconciling heroic and inhuman deeds in stories with completely human physiology was impossible and improper for many years. There were also questions about life after, ways of dealing with a trauma or reflections on the present time. During conversations the authors attempted to come closer to something distant and incomprehensible for their generation and for people who did not experience the camps. Despite the fact that there have been seventy years of dealing with these events in literature, art, drama, film, memoirs and scientific works, the past still breeds more questions than answers. The book Questions for Memory serves as an example of this phenomenon.
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) is required for the toxicity of TCDD, and so the AhR of CRL:WI and CRL:WI(Han) rats was characterised. Western blot showed AhR proteins of ~110 and ~97 kDa in individual rats from both strains. The AhR cDNA from a CRL:WI(Han) rat with the ~110kDa protein revealed a sequence that was identical to that of the CRL:WI and SD rat. However, cloning of the AhR from a rat with the ~97kDa protein revealed a point mutation, and five variants encoding two C-terminally truncated variants of the AhR protein, arising from a point mutation in the intron/exon junction and consequent differential splicing. These C-terminally truncated variants were expressed and shown to give rise to a protein of ~97kDa; the recombinant AhR bound TCDD with an affinity that was not statistically different from the full-length protein. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay was developed, and showed that both alleles were represented in a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in samples of CRL:WI and CRL:WI(Han) populations; both alleles are abundant. Rats from two studies of TCDD developmental toxicity were genotyped, and the association with toxicity investigated using statistical analysis. There was no plausible evidence that the AhR allele had a significant effect on the toxic endpoints examined. These data show that the two AhR alleles are common in two strains of Wistar rat, and that the AhR alleles had no effect on TCDD-induced developmental toxicity in two independent studies.
El trabajo describe la aplicación de redes Mesh (tecnología inalámbrica) en campos de la videovigilancia y ampliación de zonas Wi-Fi, basado en la realización de una red prototipo capaz de soportar tales servicios, todo esto aplicado al caso de estudio del municipio de San José las Flores, Chalatenango, comunidad de escasos recursos, pues uno de los principales objetivo de este trabajo es hacer accesible esta tecnología a las municipalidades más pobres, para ello se utilizaron herramientas y software libres, dejando plasmado en el documento las factibilidades económicas, técnica y operativa, así como los resultados obtenidos durante la investigación
En esta tesis doctoral pretendo aproximarme a la figura del famoso astrólogo Guido Bonato o Bonatus, así como a su obra, el Tratado de Forlivio sobre los más principales juicios de los astros, traducción castellana llevada a cabo por Auger Ferrer en el siglo XVII (1638) del voluminoso compendio latino Registrum Guidonis Bonati de Forliuio. Decem continens tractatus Astronomie (1491). Así pues, es mi intención, en primera instancia, hacer una extensa introducción a la Historia de la Astrología desde la Antigüedad hasta el Renacimiento, contexto este último en el cual se inscribe el autor de la traducción castellana de la obra del autor latino Bonatus. Me centraré, con especial atención, en los avatares científico-teológicoastrológicos del siglo XIII, siglo en el cual el astrólogo ejerce su labor intelectual. En segundo lugar, pretendo dedicar un espacio a la vida de Guido Bonato, dando una serie de detalles y apuntes biográficos. Asimismo, he de hablar de su extensa producción astrológica en la tercera parte: el Liber astronomicus, posteriormente nombrado como Registrum Guidonis Bonati de Forliuio (1491), Decem continens tractatus astronomie (1506) y De astronomia tractatus decem (1550). En cuarto lugar, intentaré introducir al lector al significado de la extensa y compleja obra latina del astrólogo nativo de Forlí. Por último, destinaré a la quinta y última parte de este trabajo el análisis pormenorizado del Tratado de Forlivio sobre los más principales juicios de los astros. Nuestra obra se adhiere a la corriente de la llamada astrología judiciaria, concretamente a la llamada astrología de interrogaciones o astrología horaria, que predomina en las obras de los astrólogos árabes medievales, según afirma Luis Miguel Vicente García en su obra Estrellas y astrólogos en la literatura medieval española1. De hecho, la parte original latina se intitula «De interrogationibus», «Tractatus interrogationibus seu questioniis guidonis bonati» o «Tractatus super precipuis iudiciis astrorum»...
Aurelio Fernández G, fue alumno fundador de la Preparatoria Técnica “Álvaro Obregón” de la que llegó a ser su director luego de titularse en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica y al tiempo de desarrollar su trayectoria profesional en el Departamento de Laminados de Fundidora Monterrey.
En ocasión de cumplir 80 años de edad, este distinguido egresado de la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil –donde fue secretario y docente- participó en la oficina técnica de Ciudad Universitaria, fungió como Secretario de Obras Públicas del Estado y es recordado como un exitoso alcalde de Monterrey, incluso considerado uno de los mejores que la ciudad ha tenido.