911 resultados para Diffusion of innovation


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Tämän Pro gradu –tutkielman tarkoitus on analysoida ja tutkia hybridiautojen diffuusiota Suomessa vuosien 2004 – 2012 aikana sekä antaa suuntaviivoja tulevaisuuden kehityksestä Suomen automarkkinoilla. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan myös sitä, minkälainen vaikutus veroperusteisilla hinnanalennuksilla voi olla hybridiauton kaltaisen tuotteen myyntimääriin. Tutkielman teoreettinen tausta koostuu innovaation diffuusion teoriasta ja aiemmista diffuusiotutkimuksista hybridiautoja koskien. Tutkielman analyysiosaa varten on kerätty aineistoa autonvalmistajilta ja Liikenteen turvallisuusvirastolta Trafilta. Tilastollisen aineiston perusteella on pystytty analysoimaan hybridiautojen myynnin kehitystä Suomessa ja erityisesti vuoden 2008 veromuutoksen vaikutusta myyntimääriin. Tutkielman tulokset puoltavat ajatusta siitä, että valtio voi halutessaan vauhdittaa ympäristöystävällisten autojen kauppaa huojentamalla niiden verokohtelua. Hybridiautojen myyntimäärät ovat vaihdelleet vuosittain ja diffuusio itsessään on myyntimäärien perusteella vielä alkutekijöissään, mutta tästä huolimatta kasvu on ollut jatkuvaa. Arviot tulevaisuuden myyntimääristä ovat vaihtelevia, joskin pienimuotoinen jatkuva kasvu on todennäköistä seuraavien vuosien aikana.


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A pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar os fatores-chave de sucesso na adoção de aplicativos móveis de táxi (AMTs) por taxistas. Baseando-se nos modelos de Aceitação Tecnológica (DAVIS; BAGOZZI; WARSHAW, 1989), Difusão da Inovação (ROGERS, 1995) e de Confiança (CARTER; BÉLANGER, 2005), o trabalho propõe também uma revisão da literatura de Aplicações Móveis aplicada ao contexto dos AMTs (VAN BILJON; KOTZÉ, 2007). Para o propósito dessa pesquisa, os AMTs são definidos como aplicativos de serviço móvel avançado que viabilizam, por meio de Internet e geolocalização, a solicitação de transporte de táxi em dispositivos móveis, mediante sistemas de informação e chamadas telefônicas, e o acompanhamento da prestação do serviço e seu pagamento. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade e aplicações de questionários em pesquisa de campo, o estudo propõe uma triangulação de métodos de Análise Lexical (BOTTA,2010; GEERAERTS,2010), Conteúdo (BARDIN,2006) e Ranking Médio (OLIVEIRA,2005) para a investigação dos fatores identificados na literatura. Os resultados apontam que os fatores influenciadores do sucesso dos AMTs, na perspectiva de uso pelos motoristas de táxi, são Simplicidade e Utilidade Percebida, enquanto os moderadores são Segurança e Ganhos Financeiros. Acredita-se que a pesquisa poderá contribuir para a discussão de um tema ainda pouco explorado na literatura no Brasil, os Aplicativos Móveis, além de proporcionar implicações gerenciais no âmbito da inovação em empresas desenvolvedoras.


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Em um contexto econômico em que fatores intangíveis, como inovação e aprendizado assumem cada vez mais importância no processo produtivo, a abordagem sobre sistema de inovação revela-se um importante instrumento de política de desenvolvimento regional. A condição pouco desenvolvida do estado do Pará revela uma economia assentada na produção primária, com baixa intensidade tecnológica e pouca competitividade. Com intuito de demonstrar a capacidade inovadora do estado do Pará na ótica do seu sistema regional de inovação, a pesquisa buscou identificar processos de adoção e difusão de inovação, em três diferentes setores, além de analisar a relação universidade-setor produtivo e a política estadual de C&T. Os resultados demonstraram que apesar da existência de um importante arranjo institucional de P&D, a ausência de interação entre os agentes restringe o processo de geração, difusão e adoção de novas tecnologias no estado, denotando assim sua reduzida capacidade inovadora. Essa condição é agravada pela fragilidade da política estadual de C&T, configurando assim um sistema regional de inovação fragmentado e desarticulado.


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Objetivo: Identificar las barreras para la unificación de una Historia Clínica Electrónica –HCE- en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales y expertos de 22 instituciones del sector salud, de Bogotá y de los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Santander, Antioquia, Caldas, Huila, Valle del Cauca. Resultados: Colombia se encuentra en una estructuración para la implementación de la Historia Clínica Electrónica Unificada -HCEU-. Actualmente, se encuentra en unificación en 42 IPSs públicas en el departamento de Cundinamarca, el desarrollo de la HCEU en el país es privado y de desarrollo propio debido a las necesidades particulares de cada IPS. Conclusiones: Se identificaron barreras humanas, financieras, legales, organizacionales, técnicas y profesionales en los departamentos entrevistados. Se identificó que la unificación de la HCE depende del acuerdo de voluntades entre las IPSs del sector público, privado, EPSs, y el Gobierno Nacional.


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The research uses a sociological perspective to build an improved, context specific understanding of innovation diffusion within the UK construction industry. It is argued there is an iterative interplay between actors and the social system they occupy that directly influences the diffusion process as well as the methodology adopted. The research builds upon previous findings that argued a level of best fit for the three innovation diffusion concepts of cohesion, structural equivalence and thresholds. That level of best fit is analysed here using empirical data from the UK construction industry. This analysis allows an understanding of how the relative importance of these concepts' actually varies within the stages of the innovation diffusion process. The conclusion that the level of relevance fluctuates in relation to the stages of the diffusion process is a new development in the field.


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This paper presents a Finite Element Model, which has been used for forecasting the diffusion of innovations in time and space. Unlike conventional models used in diffusion literature, the model considers the spatial heterogeneity. The implementation steps of the model are explained by applying it to the case of diffusion of photovoltaic systems in a local region in southern Germany. The applied model is based on a parabolic partial differential equation that describes the diffusion ratio of photovoltaic systems in a given region over time. The results of the application show that the Finite Element Model constitutes a powerful tool to better understand the diffusion of an innovation as a simultaneous space-time process. For future research, model limitations and possible extensions are also discussed.


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We analyze recent contributions to growth theory based on the model of expanding variety of Romer (1990). In the first part, we present different versions of the benchmark linear model with imperfect competition. These include the labequipment model, labor-for-intermediates and directed technical change . We review applications of the expanding variety framework to the analysis of international technology diffusion, trade, cross-country productivity differences, financial development and fluctuations. In many such applications, a key role is played by complementarities in the process of innovation.


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In the European Union, the importance of mobile communications was realized early on. The process of mobile communications becoming ubiquitous has taken time, as the innovation of mobile communications diffused into the society. The aim of this study is to find out how the evolution and spatial patterns of the diffusion of mobile communications within the European Union could be taken into account in forecasting the diffusion process. There is relatively lot of research of innovation diffusion on the individual (micro) andthe country (macro) level, if compared to the territorial level. Territorial orspatial diffusion refers either to the intra-country or inter-country diffusionof an innovation. In both settings, the dif- fusion of a technological innovation has gained scarce attention. This study adds knowledge of the diffusion between countries, focusing especially on the role of location in this process. The main findings of the study are the following: The penetration rates of the European Union member countries have become more even in the period of observation, from the year 1981 to 2000. The common digital GSM system seems to have hastened this process. As to the role of location in the diffusion process, neighboring countries have had similar diffusion processes. They can be grouped into three, the Nordic countries, the central and southern European countries, and the remote southern European countries. The neighborhood effect is also domi- nating in thegravity model which is used for modeling the adoption timing of the countries. The subsequent diffusion within a country, measured by the logistic model in Finland, is af- fected positively by its economic situation, and it seems to level off at some 92 %. Considering the launch of future mobile communications systemsusing a common standard should implicate an equal development between the countries. The launching time should be carefully selected as the diffusion is probably delayed in economic downturns. The location of a country, measured by distance, can be used in forecasting the adoption and diffusion. Fi- nally, the result of penetration rates becoming more even implies that in a relatively homoge- nous set of countries, such as the European Union member countries, the estimated final pene- tration of a single country can be used for approximating the penetration of the others. The estimated eventual penetration of Finland, some 92 %, should thus also be the eventual level for all the European Union countries and for the European Union as a whole.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella innovaatioiden leviämismallien ennustetarkkuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkielmassa ennustettiin logistisella mallilla matkapuhelinliittymien leviämistä kolmessa Euroopan maassa: Suomessa, Ranskassa ja Kreikassa. Teoriaosa keskittyi innovaatioiden leviämisen ennustamiseen leviämismallien avulla. Erityisesti painotettiin mallien ennustuskykyä ja niiden käytettävyyttä eri tilanteissa. Empiirisessä osassa keskityttiin ennustamiseen logistisella leviämismallilla, joka kalibroitiin eri tavoin koostetuilla aikasarjoilla. Näin tehtyjä ennusteita tarkasteltiin tiedon kokoamistasojen vaikutusten selvittämiseksi. Tutkimusasetelma oli empiirinen, mikä sisälsi logistisen leviämismallin ennustetarkkuuden tutkimista otosdatan kokoamistasoa muunnellen. Leviämismalliin syötettävä data voidaan kerätä kuukausittain ja operaattorikohtaisesti vaikuttamatta ennustetarkkuuteen. Dataan on sisällytettävä leviämiskäyrän käännöskohta, eli pitkän aikavälin huippukysyntäpiste.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää miten asiakkaille suunnattu Internet –pohjainen palvelu muuttaa asiakaspalvelua metsäteollisuudessa, ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tällaisen palvelun omaksumiseen. Tutkimuksesta ilmenee että muutokset asiakaspalvelussa ovat olleet asiakkaiden mielestä pääasiassa positiivisia. Selvisi, että uuden sovelluksen laatuun ollaan tyytyväisiä, mutta että kaikki asiakkaat eivät pidä sen etuja huomattavina verrattuna vanhoihin toimintatapoihin. Esimerkkiyrityksen oma henkilöstö ei keskimäärin koe sovellusta kovin hyödylliseksi oman työnsä kannalta. Jotta sovelluksen käyttöä ja mahdollisia hyötyjä esimerkkiyritykselle saataisiin lisättyä, on sovellukseen tehtävien parannusten lisäksi panostettava tehokkaampaan kommunikointiin ja lisäkoulutukseen asiakkaille. Lisäksi on löydettävä keinoja, joiden avulla asiakkaat kokisivat sovelluksen käytön itselleen edullisemmaksi kuin pitäytymisen vanhoissa toimintatavoissa. Edellä mainitun saavuttaminen edellyttää esimerkkiyrityksen asiakaspalvelu-henkilöstön ja operatiivisen johdon sitoutumista sovelluksen aktiiviseen markkinointiin asiakkaiden suuntaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastatteluilla ja asiakkaille suunnatulla kyselylomakkeella käyttäen pääasiassa kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Haastatteluja tehtiin kahdessa esimerkkiyrityksen yksikössä, kolmessa myyntikonttorissa sekä kahden asiakasyrityksen yhteensä neljässä eri yksikössä. Kyselylomake lähetettiin 215 asiakaskäyttäjälle, joista 30 palautti lomakkeen. Palautusprosentiksi tuli 14.


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Climate innovations, that cover both technological applications and process and service innovations, play a key role in climate change mitigation. The purpose of this study was to examine how the Finnish innovation system could be enhanced with governmental measures so that the diffusion of climate innovations could be speeded up. During the study, it became evident that the governmental measures need to support the whole innovation chain, which comprises of research, development, demonstration and deployment. Only this can lead to the successful birth and diffusion of low carbon innovations. The study found that the strengths of the Finnish innovation system are research and development, and the current national innovation policies strongly support these activities. However, these have been emphasised at the expense of the demonstration and deployment. Consequently, the biggest bottlenecks in the Finnish innovation landscape are the lack of pilot and demonstration projects and slow commercialisation, thus the high price of the innovation. To meet with the challenge, the government should firstly promote strict greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. This would boost up the innovation activities, which would also lower the prices of the innovations. To speed up the commercialisation process, measures that stimulate the domestic market, such as feed-in-tariffs and public procurements, are needed. Special attention should also be paid to the measures that could shift the traditional closed innovation chain towards open innovation. This means that the product development should involve experts from several fields such as the user and marketing experts to speed up the commercialisation. In addition, efficient innovation co-operation between both private and public sector is essential. Finally, as the domestic resources are not adequate for producing all the innovations needed, the domestic innovation activities should be focused on a few sectors, and at the same time promote efficient import policies.


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Currency is something people deal with every day in their lives. The contemporary society is very much revolving around currencies. Even though technological development has been rapid, the principle of currency has stayed relatively unchanged for a long time. Bitcoin is a digital currency that introduced an alternative to other digital currencies, and to the traditional physical currencies. Bitcoin is peer-to-peer, open source, and it erases the need of a third party in transactions. Bitcoin has since inception gained certain fame, but it has not established itself as a common currency in the world. The purpose of this study was to analyse what kind of potential does Bitcoin have to become a widely accepted currency in day-to-day transactions. The main research question was divided into three sub questions: • What kind of a process is the diffusion of new innovations? • What kinds of factors speak for the wider adoption of Bitcoin? • What kinds of factors speak against the wider adoption of Bitcoin? The purpose of the study was approached by having diffusion of innovations as the theoretical framework. The four elements in diffusion of innovations are, innovation, communication, time, and social system. The theoretical framework is applied to Bitcoin, and the research questions answered by analysing Bitcoin’s potential diffusion prospects. The body of research data consisted of media texts and statistics. In this study, content analysis was the research method. The main findings of the study are that Bitcoin has clear strengths, but it faces a large amount of uncertainty. Bitcoin’s strong areas are the transactions. They are fast, easy, and cheap. From the innovation diffusion perspective Bitcoin is still relatively unknown, and the general public’s attitudes towards it are sceptical. The research findings purport that Bitcoin has potential demand especially when the financial system of a region is dysfunctional, or when there is a financial crisis. Bitcoin is not very trusted, and the majority of people do not see a reason to start using Bitcoin in the future. A large number of people associate it with illegal activities. In general people are largely unaware of what Bitcoin is or what are the strengths and weaknesses. Bitcoin is an innovative alternative currency. However, unless people see a major need for Bitcoin due to a financial crisis, or dysfunctionality in the financial system, Bitcoin will not become much more widespread as it is today. Bitcoin’s underlying technology can be harnessed to multiple uses. Developments in that field in the future are something that future researchers could look into.


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This article assesses the impact of a UK-based professional development programme on curriculum innovation and change in English Language Education (ELE) in Western China. Based on interviews, focus group discussions and observation of a total of 48 English teachers who had participated in an overseas professional development programme influenced by modern approaches to education and ELE, and 9 of their colleagues who had not taken part, it assesses the uptake of new approaches on teachers’ return to China. Interviews with 10 senior managers provided supplementary data. Using Diffusion of Innovations Theory as the conceptual framework, we examine those aspects of the Chinese situation that are supportive of change and those that constrain innovation. We offer evidence of innovation in classroom practice on the part of returnees and ‘reinvention’ of the innovation to ensure a better fit with local needs. The key role of course participants as opinion leaders in the diffusion of new ideas is also explored. We conclude that the selective uptake of this innovation is under way and likely to be sustained against a background of continued curriculum reform in China.


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This chapter seeks to add to the study of innovation diffusion as enacted within the UK construction sector. Whereas using relevant theoretical frames as touch points, the chapter maps out challenges associated with understanding innovation diffusion within the UK construction sector. Central to the argument developed here is just how diverse the UK construction sector is, resulting in the need to focus upon a specific constituent perspective within the sector. It is argued that constituents of the UK construction sector experience the reality of innovation diffusion differently. The chosen focus here is medium-size and typically regionally based construction firms rather than the big guns, because statistics continually demonstrate that this group of smaller firms undertake more than 80% of the sector’s output. As is pointed out in other chapters in the present volume, and as argued theoretically in the industrial network perspective of chapter 7, firms do not innovate in a vacuum. Innovation and diffusion occur within networks of firms typically around a project. A framework drawing upon empirical data is provided to additional insight on the process and the interconnections. It is argued here that the unit of analysis or level of understanding termed the firm can actually be fairly unhelpful for understanding innovation and its manifestation and diffusion within the broader UK construction sector, because this occurs across networks of firms.