997 resultados para Dental radiographies - Judicial issues
Objective: To investigate the postpartum psychosocial and infant care topics that women and men who attend preparation for parenthood classes have been thinking or worrying about during the pregnancy. Furthermore, to compare the rates of endorsement of such issues for women and men so that clinicians can use this information to help plan which topics to include in preparation for parenthood classes. Design: A survey of expectant parents attending preparation for parenthood classes at a local public hospital. Participants completed a 17- to 19-item postpartum issues checklist devised for the study. Setting: Preparation for parenthood classes conducted in a public hospital in South Western Sydney, Australia. Participants: People attending the session were in their 2nd to 3rd trimester, of low to middle socioeconomic status, and 95% were expecting their first child. Eighty-five percent of women were accompanied by their male partner at the session. Data are reported from 201 women and 182 men. Measure: A 17-item issues checklist was devised initially and later expanded to 19 items. The initial checklist covered three psychosocial issues: interpersonal, intrapersonal, and parental competency. The expanded checklist also included items on infant care issues. Participants rated each item as to the extent to which they had been thinking or worrying about it over the past few weeks. Results: More than half of the men and women had been thinking or worrying about their ability to cope as new parents; just less than half of both men and women endorsed the item regarding the effect having a baby would have on their relationship with their partner; approximately 40% of women had thought that they might get bored or lonely when at home with the baby, and an equal rate of men reported that their partner experiencing this sense of boredom or loneliness was an issue for them. There were few differences between the genders in the rate of endorsement on the issues checklist. Conclusion: That many of the issues on the checklist are prevalent in both women and men at this time in the pregnancy would suggest that these are topics that would be pertinent for inclusion at preparation for parenthood classes. Although the checklist is not exhaustive, the data reported give empirical justification for inclusion of these topics in such classes.
Many lungfish of the tooth plated lineage, both fossil and living, are affected by dental and skeletal pathologies including dental caries, abscesses and cysts within the bone or tooth plate, osteopenia, bone hypertrophy, and malocclusion. These conditions, while influenced in part by structural relationships of soft and hard tissues in the tooth plates, jaw bones and surrounding oral tissues, can also be used as indicators of the kind of environment inhabited by the fish. The disease processes have specific structural consequences, related either to the pathology or to attempts to heal the damage, and usually alter the form and function of the tooth plate or bone. Consequently they can be distinguished from postmortem diagenetic or taphonomic effects, which alter the structure in less specific ways and show no sign of healing. Dental caries, the most common pathological condition in dipnoan dentitions, is recognisable in lungfish from the Devonian of Western Australia, the Tertiary of South Australia and the Northern Territory and from living lungfish in south east Queensland. Other pathologies have a more sporadic occurrence.
Although the majority of dental abscesses in children originate from dental caries or trauma, a few are associated with unusual conditions which challenge diagnosis and management. Recent research findings have shed light on these unusual entities and greatly improved understanding of their clinical implications. These conditions include developmental abnormalities such as dens invaginatus in which there is an invagination of dental tissues into the pulp chamber and dens evaginatus in which a tubercle containing pulp is found on the external surface of a tooth crown. In addition, inherited conditions which show abnormal dentine such as dentine dysplasia, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and osteogenesis imperfecta predispose the dentition to abscess formation. Furthermore, 'spontaneous' dental abscesses are frequently encountered in familial hypophosphataemia, also known as vitamin D-resistant rickets, in which there is hypomineralization of dentine and enlargement of the pulp. In addition to developmental conditions, there are also acquired conditions which may cause unusual dental abscesses,. These include pre-eruptive intracoronal resorption which was previously known as 'pre-eruptive caries' or the 'fluoride bomb'. In addition, some undiagnosed infections associated with developing teeth are now thought to be the mandibular infected buccal cysts which originate from infection of the developing dental follicles. In the present paper, these relatively unknown entities Which cause unusual abscesses in children are reviewed with the aim of updating the general practitioner in their diagnosis and management.
Background. The incidence of, pulp involvement in patients with excessive wear has not been extensively documented. Methods: Clinical, records of 448 patients with excessive tooth wear were reviewed and 52 cases (11.6 per cent) with near or frank pulp exposures or root canal treatments were found and their numbers and sites were tabulated. Light microscopy of study models was used to determine aetiology at each site of exposure as. attrition, erosion or abrasion, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on some individual teeth. Results: Forty sites of near exposure and 57 sites of frank exposures or root canal treatments were found, some cases had both types of exposure. The commonest sites exposed by erosion were the palatal surfaces of maxillary, and the incisal surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth. Posterior teeth were not commonly affected. Toothbrush abrasion had exacerbated softie lesions as shown by SEM. Conclusions: Endodontic sequelae were found in 11 per cent of tooth wear patients as late stages of dental erosion. Near and frank exposures of the pulp thus constitute a small but significant, problem for,the Australian dental profession's concern in the of the tooth wear cases.
This paper reports on the motor and functional outcomes of 20 children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) aged 4-8 years consecutively referred to a pediatric physiotherapy service. Children with a Movement ABC (M-ABC) score less than the 15th percentile, and with no concurrent medical, sensory, physical, intellectual or neurological impairments, were recruited. The Motor Assessment Outcomes Model (MAOM) [Coster and Haley, Infants and Young Children 4 (1992) 11] provided the theoretical base for measurement selection, and preliminary findings at the activities and participation levels of the model are reported in this article. Children with DCD performed at the lower end of the normal range on the Pea-body Developmental Motor Scales (fine motor total score) (M = 85.65, SD = 12.23). Performance on the Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI) standard scores was within the average range (M = 96.15, SD = 10.69). Videotaped observations of the children's writing and cutting indicated that 29% were left-handed and that a large proportion of all children (31%) utilized unusual pencil grasp patterns and immature prehension of scissors. Measurement at the participation level involved use of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance (PCSA) and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Overall, these young children rated themselves towards the more competent and accepted end of the PCSA over the dimensions of physical and cognitive competence and peer and maternal acceptance. The PEDI revealed generally average performance on social (M = 49.98, SD = 16.62) and mobility function (M = 54.71, SD = 3.99), however, self-care function was below the average range for age (M = 38.01, SD = 12.19). The utility of the MAOM as a framework for comprehensive measurement of functional and motor outcomes of DCD in young children is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The authors identify key issues that researchers, funding bodies, ethics committees and ethicists might consider in contemplating research subject payment ethics. They argue that what is missing from the broader debate is due consideration of ethics committee decision processes; research subject reasons for participation; and current research practices. The authors explore these issues and how they relate to existing guidelines on voluntary consent, and arguments that have been proposed for and against research subject payments. (non- author abstract)
Work-related falls continues to be one of the leading causes of fatalities in the Australian construction industry, and the failure to use fall protection equipment, such as fall-arrest harnesses and arresting devices, has been found to be a contributing factor. In an attempt to gain an understanding of the issues surrounding the use of fallarrest harness systems by construction workers a study involving semi-structured interviews of 15 male construction workers was carried out at three construction sites. The majority of interviewees commented that there was discomfort in wearing a fall-arrest harness; that there were a number of problems when anchored via an arresting device; and that using a fall-arrest system reduced productivity. Most of the interviewees considered that they needed safety precautions against falls, and they expressed the view that workers’ attitudes towards safety depended critically upon their supervisors’ attitude towards safety. It was also found that workers were not trained in rescue procedures. Interviewees expressed concern that retrieval of a suspended worker may not be carried out in time to prevent the onset of suspension trauma. A number of issues were identified which require further research, such as, investigation into suspension trauma, harness and arresting device design, training provided to workers, and the provision for rescues.
The National Health and Medical Research Council, Research Agenda Working Group (RAWG), and the literature on Indigenous health have identified the need to fill gaps in descriptive data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and noted both the lack of research with urban populations and the need for longitudinal studies. This paper presents some of the broad ethical and methodological challenges associated with longitudinal research in Indigenous health and focuses particularly on national studies and studies in urban areas. Our goal is to advance debate in the public health arena about the application of ethical guidelines and the conduct of longitudinal studies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We encourage others to offer their experiences in this field.
Este projeto nasceu de uma parceria entre o Departamento Penitenci??rio Nacional e a Defensoria P??blica da Uni??o (DPU). Apresenta duas importantes vertentes no ??mbito da execu????o penal. A primeira relaciona-se ao direito de manuten????o dos v??nculos afetivos dos presidi??rios, possibilitando o contato deles com seus familiares e amigos; e a segunda refere-se ?? realiza????o de audi??ncias judiciais por videoconfer??ncia. Desde a implanta????o do Projeto Visita Virtual e Videoconfer??ncia Judicial, em maio de 2010, 509 presos participaram da visita virtual e puderam conversar e visualizar seus familiares e amigos por meio desse recurso, conferindo, assim, um resultado extremamente satisfat??rio, visto que h?? pelo menos um ano n??o recebiam visitas. De mar??o de 2011 at?? julho deste ano, foram realizadas 160 videoconfer??ncias
O osteossarcoma é um tumor mesenquimal maligno, no qual as células cancerosas produzem matriz óssea. É o tumor maligno primário mais comum do osso, responsável por aproximadamente 20% dos sarcomas, sendo que 5% destes ocorrem nos maxilares. Possuem variados aspectos não só clínicos e histopatológicos como também no curso e prognóstico. Este artigo apresenta um relato de caso de paciente do sexo feminino, com 20 anos de idade, que nos foi encaminhada apresentando aumento de volume na região de pré-molar inferior esquerdo. Após diagnóstico clínico de lesão do periápice dental, a paciente foi submetida previamente a tratamento endodôntico do dente envolvido, a partir do qual, em um período de 11 dias, pode-se observar um considerável aumento da lesão provocando visível assimetria facial. A radiografia oclusal mostrava imagem compatível com área de destruição óssea e formação de osso anormal na região, com cortical externa exibindo evidente radiopacidade semelhante a raios de sol, sugerindo o diagnóstico de osteossarcoma. A lesão foi biopsiada e obteve-se o diagnóstico histopatológico de osteossarcoma. A paciente foi então submetida à mandibulectomia parcial e uma reconstrução da área, usando osso de costela e enxerto de pele da nádega, para o revestimento da mucosa oral envolvida. Aos 8 meses após a cirurgia houve recorrência local da lesão e a paciente foi a óbito aproximadamente 1 ano depois da recidiva.
The present article is an analysis of Brazilian nuclear diplomacy and of the international relevance of the national nuclear program adopted during the two Presidential terms of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Particular attention will be given to the Brazilian position in the agreement on nuclear non-proliferation, to the role of mediation between Iran and the nuclear powers, and finally to the national ambitions concerning the industrial and military uses of the nuclear technologies.