926 resultados para Dementia
The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits were studied in regions of the temporal lobe in cases of ‘pure’ Dementai with Lewy bodies (DLB), cases of DLB with associated Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (DLB/AD) and cases of ‘pure’ AD. Abeta deposits occurred in clusters in all patient groups. In the majority of brain areas studied, either a single large (=6400 micron) cluster of Abeta deposits was present or Abeta deposits occurred in smaller clusters which were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. No significant differences in the spatial patterns of Abeta deposits were observed in ‘pure’ DLB compared with DLB/AD. The spatial patterns of Abeta deposits in DLB/AD cases were generally similar to those observed in AD. However, in DLB/AD the primitive deposits occurred less often in a single large cluster and more often in smaller, regularly spaced clusters than in ‘pure’ AD. The data suggest a more specific pattern of degeneration associated with Abeta deposition in DLB/AD cases compared with ‘pure’ AD.
The spatial patterns of Lewy bodies (LB), senile plaques (SP), and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were studied in ubiquitin-stained sections of the temporal lobe in cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), which varied in the degree of associated Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. In all patients, LB, SP, and NFT developed in clusters and in a significant proportion of brain areas, the clusters exhibited a regular periodicity parallel to the tissue boundary. In the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (LOT) and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the clusters of LB were larger than those of the SP and NFT but in the hippocampus, clusters of the three lesions were of similar size. Mean cluster size of the LB, SP, and NFT was similar in cases of DLB with and without significant associated AD pathology. LB density was positively correlated with SP and NFT density in 42 and 17% of brain areas analyzed, respectively, while SP and NFT densities were positively correlated in 7% of brain areas. The data suggest that LB in DLB exhibit similar spatial patterns to SP and NFT in AD and that SP and NFT exhibit similar spatial patterns in DLB and AD. In addition, in some instances, clusters of LB appeared to be more closely related spatially to the clusters of SP than to NFT.
The distribution and density of diffuse, primitive and classic β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) was studied in cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) with and without associated Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 15 cases of sporadic AD. In the 'pure' DLB cases, virtually no Aβ deposits were observed in the CA regions of the hippocampus or dentate gyrus whereas deposits were distributed throughout the MTL in DLB/AD and AD cases. Densities of diffuse and primitive Aβ deposits were similar in AD and DLB/AD cases but density was significantly reduced in the 'pure' DLB cases. The density of the classic deposits was significantly reduced in DLB cases with or without associated AD compared with AD cases. These results suggest that Aβ deposition in the MTL in 'pure' DLB cases is similar to that of elderly non-demented patients while, with the exception of the classic deposits, Aβ deposition in DLB/AD cases is similar to that in cases of AD alone.
Clustering of Lewy bodies (LB) was studied in four regions of the medial temporal lobe in 12 cases of dementia with LB (DLB). LB exhibited clustering in 67/70 (96%) brain areas analysed. In 34/70 (49%) analyses, LB were present in a single large cluster ≤6400 μm in diameter, in 33/70 (47%) LB occurred in smaller clusters 200-3200 μm in diameter which exhibited a regular periodicity relative to the tissue boundary and in 3/70 (4%), LB were randomly distributed. A regular pattern of LB clusters was observed equally frequently in the cortex and hippocampus, in upper and lower cortical laminae and in 'pure' cases of DLB with negligible Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology compared with cases of AD with DLB. In cortical regions, there was no significant correlation between LB cluster size in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The regular periodicity of LB clusters suggests that LB develop in relation to the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal projections.
Significant amyloid-beta (Abeta) deposition in cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) may represent concurrent Alzheimer's disease (AD). To test this hypothesis, the laminar distribution of the diffuse, primitive, and classic Abeta deposits was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in cases of DLB and were compared with AD. In DLB, the diffuse and primitive deposits exhibited two common patterns of distribution; either maximum density occurred in the upper cortical laminae or a bimodal distribution was present with density peaks in the upper and lower laminae. In addition, a bimodal distribution of the classic deposits was observed in approximately half of the cortical areas analysed. A number of differences in the laminar distributions of Abeta deposits were observed in DLB and AD. First, the proportion of the primitive relative to the diffuse and classic deposits present was lower in DLB compared with AD. Second, the primitive deposits were more frequently bimodally distributed in DLB. Third, the density of the diffuse deposits reached a maximum lower in the cortical profile in AD. These data suggest differences in the pattern of cortical degeneration in the two disorders and therefore, DLB cases with significant Abeta pathology may not represent the coexistence of DLB and AD.
In Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS), the size frequency distribution of the beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits can be described by a log-normal model and may indictae the growth of the deposits. This study determined the size frequency distribution of the Abeta deposits in the temporal lobe in 8 casaes of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) with associated AD pathology (DLB/AD. The size distributions of Abeta deposits were unimodal and positively skewed; the mean size of deposi and the degree of skew varying with deposit type and brain region. Size distributions of the primitive deposits had lower means and were less skewed compared with the diffuse and classic deposits. In addition, size distributions in the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) had larger means and a greater degree of skew compared with other cortical gyri. All size distributions deviated significantly from a log-normal model. There were more Abeta deposits than expected in the smaller size classes and fewer than expected near the mean and in the larger size classes. The data suggest thatthe pattern of growth of the Abeta deposits in DLB/AD depends both on deposit morphology and brain area. In addition, Abeta deposits in DLB appear to grow to within a more restricted size range than predicted and hence, to have less potential for growth compared with cases of 'pure' AD and DS.
The density of Lewy bodies (LB), senile plaques (SP), and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the temporal lobe in four patients diagnosed with ‘pure’ dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and eight patients diagnosed with DLB with associated Alzheimer’s disease (DLB/AD). In both patient groups, the density of LB was greatest in the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (LOT) and least in areaas CA1 and CA4 of the hippocampus. In DLB/AD, the densities of SP and NFT were greatest in the cortical regions and in area CA1 of the hippocampus respectively. Mean LB densities in the temporal lobe were similar in ‘pure’ DLB and DLB/AD patients but mean SP and NFT densities were greater in DLB/AD. No significant correlations were observed between the densities of LB, SP and NFT in any brain region. The data suggest that in the temporal lobe LB and SP/NFT are distributed differently; SP and NFT in DLB/AD are distributed similarly to ‘pure’ AD and also that LB and AD pathologies appear to develop independently. Hence, the data support the hypothesis that some cases of DLB combine the features of DLB and AD.
The laminar distribution of Lewy bodies (LB) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in twelve cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). LB density was maximal in the lower cortex in 59% of cortical areas, in the upper cortex in 31% of areas while densities were similar in the upper and lower cortex in 9% of areas. The distribution of LB was either unimodal with a lower cortical peak, or bimodal with density peaks in the upper and lower cortex. The density of NFT was maximal in the upper cortex in all tissues. The distributions of LB and NFT were similar in temporal and frontal cortex and in cases with and without Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The vertical densities of LB and NFT were not significantly correlated. LB formation may affect the feedback cortico-cortical pathway and the efferent cortical projections whereas NFT formation may affect the feedforward cortico-cortical pathway.
The spatial arrangement patterns of senile plaques have been studied in 10 micron cresyl violet stained sections cut from embedded portions of 20 brain regions from SDAT brains. Two studies are reported: an initial study using the Poisson distribution and a subsequent study using pattern analysis. The initial study indicated that plaques are arranged in discrete clumps in all brain regions when examined at x100 and x400 – suggesting that both small and larger scale clumping may be present. The pattern analysis study was applied to 8 cortical regions. This technique allows a more detailed study of pattern to be made. In all regions the technique revealed that the basic pattern of plaque arrangement is the regularly spaced discrete clump – which may be present on both large and small scales.
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) (also known as Lewy body dementia or diffuse Lewy body disease) is now recognised as the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease and may account for up to a quarter of all cases in elderly perople. This article decsribes the general symptoms of DLB and the visual symptoms that have been reported in the disorder.
We have studied the spatial distribution of plaques in coronal and tangential sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the hippocampus, the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. Sections were stained with cresyl violet and examined at two magnifications (x100 and x400). in all cases (and at both magnifications) statistical analysis using the Poisson distribution showed that the plaques were arranged in clumps (x100: V/M = 1.48 - 4.49; x400 V/M = 1.17 - 1.95). this indicates that both large scale and small scale clumping occurs. Application of the statistical techniques of pattern analysis to coronal sections of frontal and temporal cortex and PHG showed. furthermore, that both large (3200-6400 micron) and small scale (100 - 400 micron) clumps were arranged with a high degree of regularity in the tissue. This suggests that the clumps of plaques reflect underlying neural structure.
Numerous senile plaques are one of the most characteristic histological findings in SDAT brains. Large classical plaques may develop from smaller uncored forms. There is no strong evidence that, once formed, plaques disappear from the tissue. We have examined cresyl-violet stained sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. The frequency of various sizes of plaques were determined in each of these brain regions. Statistical analysis showed that the ratio of large plaques to small plaques was greater in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) than in the neocortex. One explanation of these results is that plaques grow more rapidly in the hippocampal formation than elsewhere. Alternatively, if the rate of plaque growth is much the same in different brain regions, the data suggest that plaques develop first in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) and only later spread to the neocortex. This interpretation is also consistent with the theory that the neuropathology of SDAT spreads from the olfactory cortex via the hippocampal formation to the neocortex. Further development of this technique may help identify the site of the primary lesion in SDAT.
Are there two distinct populations of cored senile plaques in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type?
The relationship between plaque diameter (PD) and core diameter (CD) was studied in four brains from each of four SDAT brains. The regions studied were parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal and inferior temporal lobes. The largest diameters of 100 cored classical plaques and their cores were measured. CD was positively correlated with PD (Pearson's 'r' 0.4 - 0.95) in all region studied. Significant linear regressions of CD on PD with positive slopes (0.10 - 0.65) were found. Two distinct types of regression were found. Type A had a steep slope and a negative intercept on the ordinate whereas Type B had a shallow slope and a positive intercept. Both types can be found within the same brain but Type A or B predominate in a particular tissue. The data suggest that core development may occur either early or late in the development of the plaque. The two types of plaque may thus have different aetiologies. Such an interpretation is consistent with current ideas of plaque formation.
Tetrahydrobiopterin is the cofactor required for the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. The results show that in SDAT there is decreased conversion of dihydroneopterin triphosphate to tetrahydrobiopterin. Further measurements on strictly age-matched SDAT subjects and controls have confirmed the trends in this investigation.