1000 resultados para Dedinszky, Guyla: Maassa maan tavalla
Selostus: Maan muotoilun, kylvötavan ja siementiheyden vaikutus porkkanan satoon
Selostus: Maan fosforitilan muutos pitkäaikaisessa kenttäkokeessa hietamaalla
Speciation is a fundamental evolutionary process, the knowledge of which is crucial for understanding the origins of biodiversity. Genomic approaches are an increasingly important aspect of this research field. We review current understanding of genome-wide effects of accumulating reproductive isolation and of genomic properties that influence the process of speciation. Building on this work, we identify emergent trends and gaps in our understanding, propose new approaches to more fully integrate genomics into speciation research, translate speciation theory into hypotheses that are testable using genomic tools and provide an integrative definition of the field of speciation genomics.
Tiivistelmä: Metsitettyjen turvepeltojen maan fysikaaliset ominaisuudet
Recent magnetotransport experiments of holes in InGaAs quantum dots [D. Reuter, P. Kailuweit, A. D. Wieck, U. Zeitler, O. Wibbelhoff, C. Meier, A. Lorke, and J. C. Maan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 026808 (2005)] are interpreted by employing a multiband k¿p Hamiltonian, which considers the interaction between heavy hole and light hole subbands explicitly. No need of invoking an incomplete energy shell filling is required within this model. The crucial role we ascribe to the heavy hole-light hole interaction is further supported by one-band local-spin-density functional calculations, which show that Coulomb interactions do not induce any incomplete hole shell filling and therefore cannot account for the experimental magnetic field dispersion.
Selostus: Maan lämpötila Suomessa
Selostus: Ympäristöolosuhteiden vaikutus maan fosforin liukenemiseen pintavalunnan aikana
Selostus: Maan märkyyden vaikutus ilman koostumukseen ja dityppioksidiemissioon hiuemaassa