943 resultados para Data Envelopment Analysis


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Lack of discrimination power and poor weight dispersion remain major issues in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Since the initial multiple criteria DEA (MCDEA) model developed in the late 1990s, only goal programming approaches; that is, the GPDEA-CCR and GPDEA-BCC were introduced for solving the said problems in a multi-objective framework. We found GPDEA models to be invalid and demonstrate that our proposed bi-objective multiple criteria DEA (BiO-MCDEA) outperforms the GPDEA models in the aspects of discrimination power and weight dispersion, as well as requiring less computational codes. An application of energy dependency among 25 European Union member countries is further used to describe the efficacy of our approach. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Efficiency in the mutual fund (MF), is one of the issues that has attracted many investors in countries with advanced financial market for many years. Due to the need for frequent study of MF's efficiency in short-term periods, investors need a method that not only has high accuracy, but also high speed. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is proven to be one of the most widely used methods in the measurement of the efficiency and productivity of decision making units (DMUs). DEA for a large dataset with many inputs/outputs would require huge computer resources in terms of memory and CPU time. This paper uses neural network back-ropagation DEA in measurement of mutual funds efficiency and shows the requirements, in the proposed method, for computer memory and CPU time are far less than that needed by conventional DEA methods and can therefore be a useful tool in measuring the efficiency of a large set of MFs. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Health care organizations must continuously improve their productivity to sustain long-term growth and profitability. Sustainable productivity performance is mostly assumed to be a natural outcome of successful health care management. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a popular mathematical programming method for comparing the inputs and outputs of a set of homogenous decision making units (DMUs) by evaluating their relative efficiency. The Malmquist productivity index (MPI) is widely used for productivity analysis by relying on constructing a best practice frontier and calculating the relative performance of a DMU for different time periods. The conventional DEA requires accurate and crisp data to calculate the MPI. However, the real-world data are often imprecise and vague. In this study, the authors propose a novel productivity measurement approach in fuzzy environments with MPI. An application of the proposed approach in health care is presented to demonstrate the simplicity and efficacy of the procedures and algorithms in a hospital efficiency study conducted for a State Office of Inspector General in the United States. © 2012, IGI Global.


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In the majority of production processes, noticeable amounts of bad byproducts or bad outputs are produced. The negative effects of the bad outputs on efficiency cannot be handled by the standard Malmquist index to measure productivity change over time. Toward this end, the Malmquist-Luenberger index (MLI) has been introduced, when undesirable outputs are present. In this paper, we introduce a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model as well as an algorithm, which can successfully eliminate a common infeasibility problem encountered in MLI mixed period problems. This model incorporates the best endogenous direction amongst all other possible directions to increase desirable output and decrease the undesirable outputs at the same time. A simple example used to illustrate the new algorithm and a real application of steam power plants is used to show the applicability of the proposed model.


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This chapter provides information on the use of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIMDEA). This advanced DEA software enables users to make the best possible analysis of the data, using the latest theoretical developments in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). PIM-DEA software gives full capacity to assess efficiency and productivity, set targets, identify benchmarks, and much more, allowing users to truly manage the performance of organizational units. PIM-DEA is easy to use and powerful, and it has an extensive range of the most up-to-date DEA models and which can handle large sets of data.


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Two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) efficiency models identify the efficient frontier of a two-stage production process. In some two-stage processes, the inputs to the first stage are shared by the second stage, known as shared inputs. This paper proposes a new relational linear DEA model for dealing with measuring the efficiency score of two-stage processes with shared inputs under constant returns-to-scale assumption. Two case studies of banking industry and university operations are taken as two examples to illustrate the potential applications of the proposed approach.


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Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a powerful analytical technique for measuring the relative efficiency of alternatives based on their inputs and outputs. The alternatives can be in the form of countries who attempt to enhance their productivity and environmental efficiencies concurrently. However, when desirable outputs such as productivity increases, undesirable outputs increase as well (e.g. carbon emissions), thus making the performance evaluation questionable. In addition, traditional environmental efficiency has been typically measured by crisp input and output (desirable and undesirable). However, the input and output data, such as CO2 emissions, in real-world evaluation problems are often imprecise or ambiguous. This paper proposes a DEA-based framework where the input and output data are characterized by symmetrical and asymmetrical fuzzy numbers. The proposed method allows the environmental evaluation to be assessed at different levels of certainty. The validity of the proposed model has been tested and its usefulness is illustrated using two numerical examples. An application of energy efficiency among 23 European Union (EU) member countries is further presented to show the applicability and efficacy of the proposed approach under asymmetric fuzzy numbers.


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This study suggests a novel application of Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis (InvDEA) in strategic decision making about mergers and acquisitions in banking. The conventional DEA assesses the efficiency of banks based on the information gathered about the quantities of inputs used to realize the observed level of outputs produced. The decision maker of a banking unit willing to merge/acquire another banking unit needs to decide about the inputs and/or outputs level if an efficiency target for the new banking unit is set. In this paper, a new InvDEA-based approach is developed to suggest the required level of the inputs and outputs for the merged bank to reach a predetermined efficiency target. This study illustrates the novelty of the proposed approach through the case of a bank considering merging with or acquiring one of its competitors to synergize and realize higher level of efficiency. A real data set of 42 banking units in Gulf Corporation Council countries is used to show the practicality of the proposed approach.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by a largely irreversible obstruction of the airways, and is one of the leading causes of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide. This paper illustrates the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess the potential for cost savings at COPD inpatient episode level. The analysis uses the length of stay of each episode as a surrogate for expenditure on that episode while allowing for the medical condition of the patient and the quality of care received. We find substantial possible reductions in length of stay which would translate to cost savings. The paper also explores differences both between hospitals and between care teams within hospitals so that cost efficient protocols of treatment can be identified and disseminated.


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One of the main objectives in restructuring power industry is enhancing the efficiency of power facilities. However, power generation industry, which plays a key role in the power industry, has a noticeable share in emission amongst all other emission-generating sectors. In this study, we have developed some new Data Envelopment Analysis models to find efficient power plants based on less fuel consumption, combusting less polluting fuel types, and incorporating emission factors in order to measure the ecological efficiency trend. We then applied these models to measuring eco-efficiency during an eight-year period of power industry restructuring in Iran. Results reveal that there has been a significant improvement in eco-efficiency, cost efficiency and allocative efficiency of the power plants during the restructuring period. It is also shown that despite the hydro power plants look eco-efficient; the combined cycle ones have been more allocative efficient than the other power generation technologies used in Iran.


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Climate change has become one of the most challenging issues facing the world. Chinese government has realized the importance of energy conservation and prevention of the climate changes for sustainable development of China's economy and set targets for CO2 emissions reduction in China. In China industry contributes 84.2% of the total CO2 emissions, especially manufacturing industries. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Malmquist productivity (MP) index are the widely used mathematical techniques to address the relative efficiency and productivity of a group of homogenous decision making units, e.g. industries or countries. However, in many real applications, especially those related to energy efficiency, there are often undesirable outputs, e.g. the pollutions, waste and CO2 emissions, which are produced inevitably with desirable outputs in the production. This paper introduces a novel Malmquist-Luenberger productivity (MLP) index based on directional distance function (DDF) to address the issue of productivity evolution of DMUs in the presence of undesirable outputs. The new RAM (Range-adjusted measure)-based global MLP index has been applied to evaluate CO2 emissions reduction in Chinese light manufacturing industries. Recommendations for policy makers have been discussed.


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A kÃrnyezeti hatások rendszerint túlmutatnak egy vállalat határain, éppen ezért az ellátási lánc kontextusban a kÃrnyezeti szempontok érvényesítése során fontos szerep jut a beszerzési dÃntéseknek is. Számos olyan példát lehetne említeni, amikor egy adott szempont szerint egy alternatíva kÃrnyezetileg elÅnyÃs, de az ellátási lánc egészét nézve már kÃrnyezetterhelÅ. A kÃrnyezeti hatások ellátási lánc szinten való mérése azonban komoly kihívásokat jelent. Ezzel jelentÅs kutatásokat és fejlesztéseket inspirált a téma. Az egyik olyan terület, amelyben komoly kutatási eredmények születtek, az a kÃrnyezeti szempontok beszállítói értékelésbe való beépítése. A kutatások ezen irányához csatlakozva a szerzÅk tanulmányunkban azt keresik, hogyan lehet meghatározni az egyik legáltalánosabban használt szállítóértékelési módszerben, a súlyozott pontrendszerben egy adott szemponthoz azt a súlyt, amely mellett az adott szempont már dÃntésbefolyásoló tényezÅvé válik. Ehhez a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) Ãsszetett indikátorok (Composite Indicators, CI) módszerét alkalmazzák. A szempontok kÃzÃs súlyának fontossága megállapításához a lineáris programozás elméletét használják. _____ Management decisions often have an environmental effect not just within the company, but outside as well, this is why supply chain context is highlighted in literature. Measuring environmental issues of supply decisions raise a lot of problems from methodological and practical point of view. This inspires a rapidly growing literature as a lot of studies were published focusing on how to incorporate environmental issues into supplier evaluation. This paper contributes to this stream of research as it develops a method to help weight selection. In the authorsâ paper the method of Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) is used to study the extension of traditional supplier selection methods with environmental factors. The selection of the weight system can control the result of the selection process.


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This dissertation analyzes hospital efficiency using various econometric techniques. The first essay provides additional and recent evidence to the presence of contract management behavior in the U.S. hospital industry. Unlike previous studies, which focus on either an input-demand equation or the cost function of the firm, this paper estimates the two jointly using a system of nonlinear equations. Moreover, it addresses the longitudinal problem of institutions adopting contract management in different years, by creating a matched control group of non-adopters with the same longitudinal distribution as the group under study. The estimation procedure then finds that labor, and not capital, is the preferred input in U.S. hospitals regardless of managerial contract status. With institutions that adopt contract management benefiting from lower labor inefficiencies than the simulated non-contract adopters. These results suggest that while there is a propensity for expense preference behavior towards the labor input, contract managed firms are able to introduce efficiencies over conventional, owner controlled, firms. Using data for the years 1998 through 2007, the second essay investigates the production technology and cost efficiency faced by Florida hospitals. A stochastic frontier multiproduct cost function is estimated in order to test for economies of scale, economies of scope, and relative cost efficiencies. The results suggest that small-sized hospitals experience economies of scale, while large and medium sized institutions do not. The empirical findings show that Florida hospitals enjoy significant scope economies, regardless of size. Lastly, the evidence suggests that there is a link between hospital size and relative cost efficiency. The results of the study imply that state policy makers should be focused on increasing hospital scale for smaller institutions while facilitating the expansion of multiproduct production for larger hospitals. The third and final essay employs a two staged approach in analyzing the efficiency of hospitals in the state of Florida. In the first stage, the Banker, Charnes, and Cooper model of Data Envelopment Analysis is employed in order to derive overall technical efficiency scores for each non-specialty hospital in the state. Additionally, input slacks are calculated and reported in order to identify the factors of production that each hospital may be over utilizing. In the second stage, we employ a Tobit regression model in order to analyze the effects a number of structural, managerial, and environmental factors may have on a hospitalâs efficiency. The results indicated that most non-specialty hospitals in the state are operating away from the efficient production frontier. The results also indicate that the structural make up, managerial choices, and level of competition Florida hospitals face have an impact on their overall technical efficiency.