981 resultados para Damage control (Warships)


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Replication protein A (RPA) is required for both DNA replication and nucleotide excision repair. Previous studies have shown that RPA interacts with the tumor suppressor p53. Herein, we have mapped a 20-amino acid region in the N-terminal part of p53 that is essential for its binding to RPA. This region is distinct from the minimal activation domain of p53 previously identified. We also demonstrate that UV radiation of cells greatly reduces the ability of RPA to bind to p53. Interestingly, damage-induced hyperphosphorylated RPA does not associate with p53. Furthermore, down-regulation of the RPA/p53 interaction is dependent upon the capability of cells to perform global genome repair. On the basis of these data, we propose that RPA may participate in the coordination of DNA repair with the p53-dependent checkpoint control by sensing UV damage and releasing p53 to activate its downstream targets.


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Eukaryotic cells actively block entry into mitosis in the presence of DNA damage or incompletely replicated DNA. This response is mediated by signal transduction cascades called cell cycle checkpoints. We show here that the human checkpoint control protein hRAD9 physically associates with two other checkpoint control proteins, hRAD1 and hHUS1. Furthermore, hRAD1 and hHUS1 themselves interact, analogously to their fission yeast homologues Rad1 and Hus1. We also show that hRAD9 is present in multiple phosphorylation forms in vivo. These phosphorylated forms are present in tissue culture cells that have not been exposed to exogenous sources of DNA damage, but it remains possible that endogenous damage or naturally occurring replication intermediates cause the observed phosphorylation. Finally, we show that hRAD9 is a nuclear protein, indicating that in this signal transduction pathway, hRAD9 is physically proximal to the upstream (DNA damage) signal rather than to the downstream, cytoplasmic, cell cycle machinery.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe sod2 gene, located near the telomere on the long arm of chromosome I, encodes a Na+ (or Li+)/H+ antiporter. Amplification of sod2 has previously been shown to confer resistance to LiCl. We analyzed 20 independent LiCl-resistant strains and found that the only observed mechanism of resistance is amplification of sod2. The amplicons are linear, extrachromosomal elements either 225 or 180 kb long, containing both sod2 and telomere sequences. To determine whether proximity to a telomere is necessary for sod2 amplification, a strain was constructed in which the gene was moved to the middle of the same chromosomal arm. Selection of LiCl-resistant strains in this genetic background also yielded amplifications of sod2, but in this case the amplified DNA was exclusively chromosomal. Thus, proximity to a telomere is not a prerequisite for gene amplification in S. pombe but does affect the mechanism. Relative to wild-type cells, mutants with defects in the DNA damage aspect of the rad checkpoint control pathway had an increased frequency of sod2 amplification, whereas mutants defective in the S-phase completion checkpoint did not. Two models for generating the amplified DNA are presented.


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Eventually to understand the integrated function of the cell cycle regulatory network, we must organize the known interactions in the form of a diagram, map, and/or database. A diagram convention was designed capable of unambiguous representation of networks containing multiprotein complexes, protein modifications, and enzymes that are substrates of other enzymes. To facilitate linkage to a database, each molecular species is symbolically represented only once in each diagram. Molecular species can be located on the map by means of indexed grid coordinates. Each interaction is referenced to an annotation list where pertinent information and references can be found. Parts of the network are grouped into functional subsystems. The map shows how multiprotein complexes could assemble and function at gene promoter sites and at sites of DNA damage. It also portrays the richness of connections between the p53-Mdm2 subsystem and other parts of the network.


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Most mammalian cells exhibit transient delays in the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle after treatment with radiation or radiomimetic compounds. p53 is required for the arrest in G1, which provides time for DNA repair. Recently, a role of p53 in the G2/M transition has also been suggested. However, it has been reported that the presence of functional p53 does not always correlate with the induction of these checkpoints. To precisely assess the role of p53 in activating cell cycle checkpoints and in cell survival after radiation, we studied the response of two isogenic human fibrosarcoma cell lines differing in their p53 status (wild type or mutant). We found that when irradiated cells undergo a wild-type p53-dependent G1 arrest, they do not subsequently arrest in G2. Moreover, wild-type p53 cells irradiated past the G1 checkpoint arrest in G2 but do not delay in the subsequent G1 phase. Furthermore, in these cell lines, which do not undergo radiation-induced apoptosis, the wild-type p53 cell line exhibited a greater radioresistance in terms of clonogenic survival. These results suggest that the two checkpoints may be interrelated, perhaps through a control system that determines, depending on the extent of the damage, whether the cell needs to arrest cell cycle progression at the subsequent checkpoint for further repair. p53 could be a crucial component of this control system.


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Caenorhabditis elegans dauer formation is an alternative larval developmental pathway that the worm can take when environmental conditions become detrimental. Animals can survive several months in this stress-resistant stage and can resume normal development when growth conditions improve. Although the worms integrate a variety of sensory information to commit to dauer formation, it is currently unknown whether they also monitor internal cellular damage. The Ro ribonucleoprotein complex, which was initially described as a human autoantigen, is composed of one major 60-kDa protein, Ro60, that binds to one of four small RNA molecules, designated Y RNAs. Ro60 has been shown to bind mutant 5S rRNA molecules in Xenopus oocytes, suggesting a role for Ro60 in 5S rRNA biogenesis. Analysis of ribosomes from a C. elegans rop-1(−) strain, which is null for the expression of Ro60, demonstrated that they contain a high percentage of mutant 5S rRNA molecules, thereby strengthening the notion of a link between the rop-1 gene product and 5S rRNA quality control. The Ro particle was recently shown to be involved in the resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans to UV irradiation, suggesting a role for the Ro complex in stress resistance. We have studied the role of rop-1 in dauer formation. We present genetic and biochemical evidence that rop-1 interacts with dauer-formation genes and is involved in the regulation of the worms' entry into the dauer stage. Furthermore, we find that the rop-1 gene product undergoes a proteolytic processing step that is regulated by the dauer formation pathway via an aspartic proteinase. These results suggest that the Ro particle may function in an RNA quality-control checkpoint for dauer formation.


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The replication of double-stranded plasmids containing a single adduct was analyzed in vivo by means of a sequence heterology that marks the two DNA strands. The single adduct was located within the sequence heterology, making it possible to distinguish trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) events from damage avoidance events in which replication did not proceed through the lesion. When the SOS system of the host bacteria is not induced, the C8-guanine adduct formed by the carcinogen N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) yields less than 1% of TLS events, showing that replication does not readily proceed through the lesion. In contrast, the deacetylated adduct N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene yields approximately 70% of TLS events under both SOS-induced and uninduced conditions. These results for TLS in vivo are in good agreement with the observation that AAF blocks DNA replication in vitro, whereas aminofluorene does so only weakly. Induction of the SOS response causes an increase in TLS events through the AAF adduct (approximately 13%). The increase in TLS is accompanied by a proportional increase in the frequency of AAF-induced frameshift mutations. However, the polymerase frameshift error rate per TLS event was essentially constant throughout the SOS response. In an SOS-induced delta umuD/C strain, both US events and mutagenesis are totally abolished even though there is no decrease in plasmid survival. Error-free replication evidently proceeds efficiently by means of the damage avoidance pathway. We conclude that SOS mutagenesis results from increased TLS rather than from an increased frameshift error rate of the polymerase.


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Growing evidence indicates that cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, which includes peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and tissue macrophages, participate in a variety of neurodestructive events and may play a pivotal role in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer disease. The present study sought to determine whether exposure of PBM to beta-amyloid peptide (A beta), the major protein of the amyloid fibrils that accumulate in the brain in Alzheimer disease, could induce cytopathic activity in these cells upon their subsequent incubation with neural tissue. PBM were incubated with A beta for 3 days, centrifuged and washed to remove traces of cell-free A beta, and then applied to organotypic cultures of rat brain for varying periods of time. By using a cell-viability assay to quantitate neurocytopathic effect, an increase in the ratio of dead to live cells was detected in cultures containing A beta-stimulated PBM versus control PBM (stimulated with either bovine serum albumin or reverse A beta peptide) as early as 3 days after coculture. The ratio of dead to live cells increased further by 10 days of coculture. By 30 days of coculture, the dead to live cell ratio remained elevated, and the intensity of neurocytopathic effect was such that large areas of brain mass dissociated from the cultures. These results indicate that stimulation of PBM with A beta significantly heightens their neurocytopathic activity and highlight the possibility that inflammatory reactions in the brain play a role in the neurodegeneration that accompanies Alzheimer disease.


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Induction of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) in the hepatoma Hepa1c1c7 cell line results in an elevation in the excretion rate of 8-oxoguanine (oxo8Gua), a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage and the major repair product of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (oxo8dG) residues in DNA. Treatment of this cell line with 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin (TCDD), a nonmetabolized environmental contaminant, and indolo(3,2-b)carbazole (ICZ), a metabolite of a natural pesticide found in cruciferous vegetables, is shown to both induce CYP1A1 activity and elevate the excretion rate of oxo8Gua; 7,8-benzoflavone (7,8-BF or alpha-naphthoflavone), an inhibitor of CYP1A1 activity and an antagonist of the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor, reduced the excretion rate of oxo8Gua. The essential role of Ah-receptor, which mediates the induction of CYP1A1, is shown by the inability of TCDD to induce CYP1A1 and to increase excretion of oxo8Gua in Ah receptor-defective c4 mutant cells. While there was a significant 7.0-fold increase over 2 days in the excretion rate of oxo8Gua into the growth medium of TCDD-treated Hepa1c1c7 cells compared to control, no significant increase was detected in the steady-state level of oxo8dG in the DNA presumably due to efficient DNA repair. Thus, the induction of CYP1A1 appears to lead to a leak of oxygen radicals and consequent oxidative DNA damage that could lead to mutation and cancer.


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pS2 is a member of the trefoil peptide family, all of which are overexpressed at sites of gastrointestinal injury. We hypothesized that they are important in stimulating mucosal repair. To test this idea, we have produced a transgenic mice strain that expresses human pS2 (hpS2) specifically within the jejunum and examined the effect of this overexpression on proliferation and susceptibility to indomethacin-induced damage. A transgenic mouse was produced by microinjecting fertilized oocytes with a 1.7-kb construct consisting of rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein promoter (positions -1178 to +28) linked to full-length (490 bp) hpS2 cDNA. Screening for positive animals was by Southern blot analysis. Distribution of hpS2 expression was determined by using Northern and Western blot analyses and immunohistochemical staining. Proliferation of the intestinal mucosa was determined by assessing the crypt cell production rate. Differences in susceptibility to intestinal damage were analyzed in animals that had received indomethacin (85 mg/kg s.c.) 0-30 h previously. Expression of hpS2 was limited to the enterocytes of the villi within the jejunum. In the nondamaged intestine, villus height and crypt cell production rate were similar in transgenic and negative (control) litter mates. However, there was a marked difference in the amount of damage caused by indomethacin in control and transgenic animals in the jejunum (30% reduction in villus height in controls vs. 12% reduction in transgenic animals, P < 0.01) but the damage sustained in the non-hpS2-expressing ileal region was similar in control and transgenic animals. These studies support the hypothesis that trefoil peptides are important in stimulating gastrointestinal repair.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.


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A major problem related to the treatment of ecosystems is that they have no available mathematical formalization. This implies that many of their properties are not presented as short, rigorous modalities, but rather as long expressions which, from a biological standpoint, totally capture the significance of the property, but which have the disadvantage of not being sufficiently manageable, from a mathematical standpoint. The interpretation of ecosystems through networks allows us to employ the concepts of coverage and invariance alongside other related concepts. The latter will allow us to present the two most important relations in an ecosystem – predator–prey and competition – in a different way. Biological control, defined as “the use of living organisms, their resources or their products to prevent or reduce loss or damage caused by pests”, is now considered the environmentally safest and most economically advantageous method of pest control (van Lenteren, 2011). A guild includes all those organisms that share a common food resource (Polis et al., 1989), which in the context of biological control means all the natural enemies of a given pest. There are several types of intraguild interactions, but the one that has received most research attention is intraguild predation, which occurs when two organisms share the same prey while at the same time participating in some kind of trophic interaction. However, this is not the only intraguild relationship possible, and studies are now being conducted on others, such as oviposition deterrence. In this article, we apply the developed concepts of structural functions, coverage, invariant sets, etc. (Lloret et al., 1998, Esteve and Lloret, 2006a, Esteve and Lloret, 2006b and Esteve and Lloret, 2007) to a tritrophic system that includes aphids, one of the most damaging pests and a current bottleneck for the success of biological control in Mediterranean greenhouses.


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Implant failures and postoperative complications are often associated to the bone drilling. Estimation and control of drilling parameters are critical to prevent mechanical damage to the bone tissues. For better performance of the drilling procedures, it is essential to understand the mechanical behaviour of bones that leads to their failures and consequently to improve the cutting conditions. This paper investigates the effect of drill speed and feed-rate on mechanical damage during drilling of solid rigid foam materials, with similar mechanical properties to the human bone. Experimental tests were conducted on biomechanical blocks instrumented with strain gauges to assess the drill speed and feed-rate influence. A three-dimensional dynamic finite element model to predict the bone stresses, as a function of drilling conditions, drill geometry and bone model, was developed. These simulations incorporate the dynamic characteristics involved in the drilling process. The element removal scheme is taken into account and allows advanced simulations of tool penetration and material removal. Experimental and numerical results show that generated stresses in the material tend to increase with tool penetration. Higher drill speed leads to an increase of von-Mises stresses and strains in the solid rigid foams. However, when the feed-rate is higher, the stresses and strains are lower. The numerical normal stresses and strains are found to be in good agreement with experimental results. The models could be an accurate analysis tool to simulate the stresses distribution in the bone during the drilling process.


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Small hive beetles (SHBs) are generalists native to sub-Saharan Africa and reproduce in association with honeybees, bumblebees, stingless bees, fruits and meat. The SHB has recently become an invasive species, and introductions have been recorded from America, Australia, Europe and Asia since 1996. hile SHBs are usually considered a minor pest in Africa, they can cause significant damage to social bee colonies in their new ranges. Potential reasons for differential impact include differences in bee behaviour, climate and release from natural enemies. Here, we provide an overview on biology, distribution, pest status, diagnosis, control and prevention to foster adequate mitigation and stimulate future research. SHBs have become a global threat to both apiculture and wild bee populations, but our knowledge of this pest is still limited, reating demand for more research in all areas of its biology.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.