345 resultados para Culex eknomios
The survival, absolute population size, gonotrophic cycle duration, and temporal and spatial abundance of Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) were studied in a rural area endemic for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in Conchal, Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, using mark-release-recapture techniques and by monitoring population fluctuation. The monthly abundance exhibited a unimodal pattern, with forest and domicile habitats having the highest relative abundances. A total of 1,873 males and 3,557 females were marked and released during the six experiments, of which 4.1-13.0% of males and 4.1-11.8% of females were recaptured. Daily survivorship estimated from the decline in recaptures per day was 0.681 for males and 0.667 for females. Gonotrophic cycle duration was estimated to be 4.0 d. Absolute population size was calculated using the Lincoln Index and ranged from 861 to 4,612 males and from 2,187 to 19,739 females. The low proportion of females that reach the age when they are potentially infective suggests that N. neivai has a low biological capacity to serve as a vector and that factors such as high biting rates and opportunistic feeding behavior would be needed to enable Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis Vianna transmission. This agreed with the epidemiological pattern of ACL in southeastern Brazil that is characterized by low incidence, with isolated cases acquired principally within domiciliary habitats.
Mosquito diversity was determined in an area located on the southern limit of the Atlantic Forest on the north coast of Rio Grande of Sul State. Our major objective was to verify the composition, diversity, and temporal distribution of the mosquito fauna, and the influence of temperature and rainfall. Samplings were performed monthly between December, 2006 and December, 2008, in three biotopes: forest, urban area, and transition area, using CDC light traps and a Nasci vacuum. A total of 2,376 specimens was collected, from which 1,766 (74.32%) were identified as 55 different species belonging to ten genera. Culex lygrus, Aedes serratus, and Aedes nubilus were dominant (eudominant) and constant throughout samplings. The forest environment presented the highest species dominance (D(S) = 0.20), while the transition area showed the highest values of diversity (H` = 2.55) and evenness (J` = 0.85). These two environments were the most similar, according to the Morisita-Horn Index (I(M-H) = 0.35). Bootstrap estimates showed that 87.3% of the species occurring in the region were detected. The seasonal pattern showed a greater abundance of mosquitoes between May and October, indicating the period to intensify entomological surveillance in that area. Journal of Vector Ecology 36 (1): 175-186. 2011.
Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856), an agent of heartworm disease, is an important parasite from both the veterinary standpoint and as a model to study human filariasis. It is a mosquito-borne filarial nematode which inhabits the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries of dogs. D. immitis is an important disease agent on Madeira Island with about 30% of dogs testing positive for this worm. Nevertheless, the vectors of this parasite in Madeira have never been studied, nor has the interaction between pathogen and vector, or the environmental variables that might influence heartworm transmission. Innate susceptibility to infection is only one component of vector competence, and field isolation of naturally infected mosquitoes has shown the capability of D. immitis to exploit a great diversity of vector species under natural conditions. The purpose of this work was to determine which mosquitoes are vectors of heartworm disease, the relation between population density and environment, and the association between immune response of the vector to the filarial parasite. Seasonal abundance of Culex theileri and Culex pipiens molestus was studied. Correlation and canonical correspondence analysis were performed using abundance data of these two species with selected weather variables, including mean temperature, relative humidity and accumulated precipitation. The most important factor determining Cx. theileri abundance was accumulated precipitation, while Cx. pipiens molestus abundance did not have any relationship with weather variables. Field studies were performed to verify whether Cx. theileri Theobald functions as a natural vector of D. immitis on Madeira Island, Portugal. Cx. theileri tested positive for D. immitis for the first time. The same study was made regarding Cx. p. molestus. Two abnormal L2 stage filarial worms were found in Malpighian tubules in field caught Cx. p. molestus. In the laboratory, two strains of Cx. p. molestus were studied for their susceptibility to D. immitis. None presented infective-stage larvae. Finally, because Cx. p. molestus is an autogenous mosquito, we evaluated the reproductive costs when this mosquito mounts an immune response against D. immitis in the absence of a blood meal. This mosquito showed an active immune response when inoculated intrathoracically with microfilariae (mf) of the heartworm. The ovaries from mosquitoes undergoing melanotic encapsulation developed more eggs than those which could not melanize the mf. This fact is contradictory with some previous studies of reproductive costs in Armigeres subalbatus and Ochlerotatus trivittatus, and it was the first time that an autogenous mosquito was used to study this subject.
The scarcity of occurrence records of culicid species, transmitting insects of etiologic agents for arboviruses, protozoan diseases and philarioses, and lack of information about their interactions with the forest environment make the Caatinga one of the most unknown biomes in Brazil. The aim of this study was to identify culicid species in a conservation unit located in a preserved area of the Caatinga and the possible associations with local abiotic factors, as well as characterize the natural and artificial ecotopes present in the Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte state. The Ecological Station of Serido (ESEC-Seridó) is a Caatinga Conservation Unit located in a rural area of Rio Grande do Norte. The hot and dry climate of the Caatinga, along with a short rainy season, favor the adaptation and resistance of plants, resulting in completely distinct landscapes over the course of the year. The study took place over the course of one year, with monthly collections between 10h-12h, 14h-16h and 18h-20h. Adult mosquitoes were collected in a forest area using a manual suction trap with human bait as attractant at the three times and a Shannon trap for night collections. During the rainy season ovitraps were randomly distributed at different sites. The different capture sites were observed and photographed. Immature and adult insects captured were taken to the laboratory for identification. Of the 5081 insects collected in human-bait and Shannon traps, 75% were Mansonia wilsoni. In addition, Aedeomyia, Aedes, Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Culex, Haemagogus, Mansonia and Psorophora were identified. Of the 92 Haemagogus eggs found, 71 were collected on the banks of a reservoir. Mosquito larvae were found and photographed in an artificial breeding site of a neighboring rural area. Humidity had the greatest influence on culicid density in the Caatinga. Rain was important in the appearance of Haemagogus, Anopheles, Aedes and Psorophora. Temperature had a negative influence on Anopheles triannulatus. The occurence of important vector species of diseases in a little known preserved area of the Caatinga as well as environmental and sociocultural questions are factors that favor the emergence of transmitting insects, making these areas potential subject to the resurgence of diseases
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A dirofilariose é uma zoonose pouco conhecida causada por Dirofilaria spp., nematódeo mais conhecido como verme do coração dos cães (Dirofilaria immitis), parasita do sistema circulatório desses animais, mas que também pode acometer gatos e o ser humano. Sua ocorrência está intimamente ligada à presença de mosquitos vetores (Aedes spp., Anopheles spp., Culex spp.), condições climáticas favoráveis, assim como trânsito entre regiões indenes e endêmicas/epidêmicas. O ser humano pode se infectar com D. immitis (pulmão), Dirofilaria repens (pulmão, subcutâneo) e Dirofilaria tenuis (subcutâneo). A fisiopatologia está intimamente ligada à morte do parasita onde, no cão, pode induzir a obstrução de vasos circulatórios e no ser humano produzir uma lesão nodular com intensa reação inflamatória no parênquima pulmonar com formato de moeda observada nas radiografias. Pode ser diagnosticada pelo exame físico, pela detecção de microfilárias na circulação sangüínea, imunoadsorção enzimático (ELISA), alterações radiográficas, ecocardiografia, ultrassonografia e necropsia. Há riscos no tratamento, sendo a prevenção com a utilização de drogas nos animais o método mais eficaz, principalmente em visitas a áreas endêmicas ou epidêmicas, diminuindo-se, assim, o risco para saúde pública devido à disseminação do parasita.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho foi realizado de fevereiro a dezembro de 1995, na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, localizada no interior da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, município de Melgaço, estado do Pará, com o objetivo de estudar as atividades sazonal e diária na floresta e no ambiente humano, e a estratificação arbórea das várias espécies de culicídeos. As coletas foram realizadas com a utilização de isca humana e armadilha luminosa do tipo CDC - isca ave, na floresta, no solo e copa das árvores e isca humana no peridomicílio. Um total de 1919 mosquitos foram coletados, distribuídos nos gêneros Aedes Meigen, 1818, Anopholes Meigen, 1818, Haemagogus Williston, 1896, Psorophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827, Culex Linnaeus, 1758, Coquillettidia Dyar, 1905, Mansonia Blanchard, 1904, uranotaenia Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1891, Limatus Theobald, 1901, Phoniomya Theobald, 1903, Ruchomya Theobald, 1903, Sabethes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827, Trichoprosopon Theobald, 1901 e Wyeomyia Theobald, 1901. As espécies predominantes foram Culex (Melanoconion) portesi Senevet & Abonnec, 1941 (50,65%), Coquillettidia (Rhynchotaenia) venezuelensis (Theobald, 1912) (9,17%) e Haemagogus (Haemagogus) janthinomys dyar, 1921 (6,51%). As atividades horária e sazonal foram relacionadas com a temperatura, umidade e precipitação pluviométrica, e através do teste de correlação de Spearman, comprovou-se a interferência desses fatores sobre a atividade de algumas espécies. A hipótese de haver diferença significativa entre o número de espécies e exemplares, no solo e copa, foi verificada com utilização do teste do X² (qui-quadrado), que comprovou a diferença significativa somente entre o número de exemplares coletados no solo e copa, em isca humana na floresta.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a diversidade de insetos hematófagos e de vertebrados silvestres, bem como, a fauna de arbovírus circulante antes das ações de exploração mineral na jazida polimetálica do Salobo, Província Mineral de Carajás, Pará, Brasil, no período de dezembro de 2005 a junho de 2007, um estudo longitudinal foi realizado (sete viagens) sendo capturados e identificados insetos hematófagos (famílias Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae, Psychodidae e Simulidae) capturados em armadilhas luminosas CDC e Shannon, e atração humana; e também foram capturados e identificados vertebrados silvestres das classes das aves (redes de nylon), dos mamíferos e dos répteis (armadilhas Shermann e Tommahwak); foi feita pesquisa e determinação da prevalência de anticorpos nos soros e/ou plasmas desses vertebrados contra arbovírus e tentativas de isolamento viral. Foram capturados 44.795 (1.220 lotes) insetos hematófagos, sendo a família Psychodidae a mais prevalente. As espécies mais abundantes de culicídeos foram Haemagogus leucocelaenus e Haemagogus janthinomys. Foram também capturados 1.288 vertebrados silvestres, e os roedores Proechimys guyannensis e Oryzomys capito, e as aves Turdus albicollis e Phlegopsis nigromaculata foram as espécies mais prevalentes. Foram isoladas em camundongos recém-nascidos, três cepas do Virus Tucunduba, obtidas a partir de lotes de Anopheles (Nys.) species, Culex coronator e Wyeomyia species; foram detectados anticorpos para os seguintes arbovírus: encefalite Saint Louis (VSLE), Ilhéus, encefalite eqüina Oeste, Cacipacoré, Icoaraci, Rocio, Bussuquara e Mucambo, sendo a maior prevalência de anticorpos obtida para o VSLE.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Eleven mosquito species, namely Aedes hastatus, Ae. fulvus, Coquillettidia albicosta, Cq. juxtamansonia, Culex aliciae, Cx. delpontei, Cx. oedipus, Cx. pedroi, Mansonia flaveola, Uranotaenia leucoptera, and Wyeomyia oblita, are recorded for the first time from northwestern Argentina. In addition, 3 species, Cx. brethesi, Limatus durhami, and Ur. nataliae, are reported for the first time from Salta Province. These records extend the geographical distribution of these 3 species to Salta Province. This study also extends the geographical distributions of Cq. nigricans, Cx. chidesteri, and Ma. humeralis to Jujuy Province and of Ae. meprai, Ae. milleri, Ae. oligopistus, Cx. brethesi, Cx. fernandezi, and Cx. tatoi to Tucuman Province.
We undertook geometric morphometric analysis of wing venation to assess this character's ability to distinguish Anopheles darlingi Root populations and to test the hypothesis that populations from coastal areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest differ from those of the interior Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and the regions South and North of the Amazon River. Results suggest that populations from the coastal and interior Atlantic Forest are more similar to each other than to any of the other regional populations. Notably, the Cerrado population was more similar to that from north of the Amazon River than to that collected of south of the River. thus showing no correlation with geographical distances. We hypothesize that environmental and ecological factors may affect wing evolution in An. darlingi. Although it is premature to associate environmental and ecological determinants with wing features and evolution of the species, investigations on this field are promising. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plant extracts represent a great source of molecules, with insecticidal activity, which are used for pest control in several crop production systems. This work aimed to evaluate the toxicity of an aqueous extract of leaves of castor bean against larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in search for different classes of molecules with insecticidal activities by using in vitro assays. The effects of the castor bean leaf extract on the food utilization, development, and survival of S. frugiperda larvae was evaluated by feeding the larvae an artificial diet supplemented with different concentrations of the extract (0%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% w/v). The effects observed were dose-dependent, and the highest concentration evaluated (10% w/v) was the one the most affected food utilization by altering the nutritional indices, as well as larval weight gain, development time, and survivorship. In vitro assays to detect saponins, lectins, and trypsin inhibitors in the castor bean leaf extract were performed, but only trypsin inhibitors were detected. No preference for the diet source was detected in S. frugiperda by feeding the larvae in choice experiments with diets containing different concentrations of the castor bean extract tested. The data obtained indicate the existence of a potential molecule in the tested extract of castor bean to be used as an alternative insecticide to be integrated in the management of S. frugiperda.
In order to assess the epidemiological potential of the Culicidae species in remaining areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, specimens of this family were collected in wild and anthropic environments. A total of 9,403 adult mosquitoes was collected from May, 2009 to June, 2010. The most prevalent among species collected in the wild environment were Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, the Melanoconion section of Culex (Melanoconion), and Aedes serratus, while the most common in the anthropic site were Coquillettidia chrysonotum/albifera, Culex (Culex) Coronator group, and An. (Ker.) cruzii. Mosquito richness was similar between environments, although the abundance of individuals from different species varied. When comparing diversity patterns between environments, anthropic sites exhibited higher richness and evenness, suggesting that environmental stress increased the number of favorable niches for culicids, promoting diversity. Increased abundance of opportunistic species in the anthropic environment enhances contact with culicids that transmit vector-borne diseases.