998 resultados para Crystal plasticity


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The crystal and molecular structure has been determined by the heavy-atom method and refined by the least-squares procedure to R= 8"3 % for 2033 photographically observed reflexions. The compound crystallizes in the space group P]" with two molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 11"68 + 0-02, b = 12"91 +0"02, c= 10"43+0"02/~, e= 114"7+ 1, fl=90-2+ 1 and 7,= 118.3+ 1 °. The unit cell also contains one molecule of the solvent, benzene. The 'cage' part of the molecule exhibits a large number of elongated bonds and strained internal valency angles. The bridgehead angle in the bicyclic heptane ring system is 89 °. The acetate group at C(16) and the methyl group at C(15) are cis to each other.


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The crystal structure of the complex La(NO3)3.4(CH3)2SO has been solved by the heavy-atom method. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/e with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions a= 14.94, b= 11.04, c= 15.54 A and fl= 109 ° 10'. The parameters have been refined by threedimensional least-squares procedures with anisotropic thermal parameters for all atoms except hydrogen. The final R index for 1257 observed reflexions is 0.094. The La 3 + ion is coordinated by ten oxygen atoms with La-O distances varying from 2.47 to 2.71 A. The geometry of the coordination polyhedron is described.


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The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensionsa= 12.747, b= 7.416, c= 17.894 A and/3= 90.2 °. The structure has been solved by the symbolic addition procedure using three dimensional photographic data and refined to an R value of 0.079 for 2019 observed reflexions. The pyramidal nature of the two hetero nitrogen atoms in the antipyrine molecule is inter:nediate between that observed in free antipyrine and in some of its metal complexes. The molecule is more polar than that in crystals of free antipyrine but less so compared with that in metal complexes. In the salicylic acid molecule, the hydroxyl group forms an internal hydrogen bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group. The association between the salicylic acid and the antipyrine molecules is achieved through an intermolecular hydrogen bond with the other carboxyl oxygen atom in the salicylic acid molecule as the proton donor and the carboxyl oxygen atom of the antipyrine molecule as the acceptor


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Bacillus subtilis BacB is an oxidase that is involved in the production of the antibiotic bacilysin. This protein contains two double-stranded beta-helix (cupin) domains fused in a compact arrangement. BacB crystallizes in three crystal forms under similar crystallization conditions. An interesting observation was that a slight perturbation of the crystallization droplet resulted in the nucleation of a different crystal form. An X-ray absorption scan of BacB suggested the presence of cobalt and iron in the crystal. Here, a comparative analysis of the different crystal forms of BacB is presented in an effort to identify the basis for the different lattices. It is noted that metal ions mediating interactions across the asymmetric unit dominate the different packing arrangements. Furthermore, a normalized B-factor analysis of all the crystal structures suggests that the solvent-exposed metal ions decrease the flexibility of a loop segment, perhaps influencing the choice of crystal form. The residues coordinating the surface metal ion are similar in the triclinic and monoclinic crystal forms. The coordinating ligands for the corresponding metal ion in the tetragonal crystal form are different, leading to a tighter packing arrangement. Although BacB is a monomer in solution, a dimer of BacB serves as a template on which higher order symmetrical arrangements are formed. The different crystal forms of BacB thus provide experimental evidence for metal-ion-mediated lattice formation and crystal packing.


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We discuss the assembly of a three-dimensional molecular crystal in terms of short-range supramolecular synthons that spontaneously organize themselves according to Aufbau principles into long-range geometries characteristic of the molecules themselves. For this purpose we have examined the systematic changes in the known crystal structures of a family of fluorobenzenes, C6H6-nFn, where 0 <= n <= 6. Crystal assembly is initiated by forming long-range synthon Aufbau modules (LSAM) that carry the imprint of the synthons. For example, when 1 <= n <= 5 the short-range synthons use H center dot center dot center dot F interactions to form the LSAMs. In the n = 0 and n = 6 compounds, the synthons are H center dot center dot center dot C and F center dot center dot center dot C interactions, respectively. The LSAMs are usually one-dimensional. In this study we show that these 1D LSAMs assemble into 2D quasi-hexagonal close-packed layers. The 3D crystal structure is obtained from the various kinds of close-packing known for these 2D layers. The final stages of this 1D -> 2D -> 3D assembly seem to be more influenced by the packing of LSAMs than by any other factor. In these final stages, there may not be so much influence exerted by the stronger short-range synthons. We discuss the evolution of these fluorobenzene crystal structures in terms of putative LSAMs and the purely geometric relationships between the n and (6 - n) compounds that can thus be expected. Such particle-hole pairs show structural similarities. Our discussion is quantified by the interpretation of intermolecular distances in terms of atomic sizes and with qualitative predictions of magnetic model systems.


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We discuss the assembly of a three-dimensional molecular crystal in terms of short-range supramolecular synthons that spontaneously organize themselves according to Aufbau principles into long-range geometries characteristic of the molecules themselves. For this purpose we have examined the systematic changes in the known crystal structures of a family of fluorobenzenes, C6H6-nFn, where 0 <= n <= 6. Crystal assembly is initiated by forming long-range synthon Aufbau modules (LSAM) that carry the imprint of the synthons. For example, when 1 <= n <= 5 the short-range synthons use H center dot center dot center dot F interactions to form the LSAMs. In the n = 0 and n = 6 compounds, the synthons are H center dot center dot center dot C and F center dot center dot center dot C interactions, respectively. The LSAMs are usually one-dimensional. In this study we show that these 1D LSAMs assemble into 2D quasi-hexagonal close-packed layers. The 3D crystal structure is obtained from the various kinds of close-packing known for these 2D layers. The final stages of this 1D -> 2D -> 3D assembly seem to be more influenced by the packing of LSAMs than by any other factor. In these final stages, there may not be so much influence exerted by the stronger short-range synthons. We discuss the evolution of these fluorobenzene crystal structures in terms of putative LSAMs and the purely geometric relationships between the n and (6 - n) compounds that can thus be expected. Such particle-hole pairs show structural similarities. Our discussion is quantified by the interpretation of intermolecular distances in terms of atomic sizes and with qualitative predictions of magnetic model systems.


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The effects of power-law plasticity (yield strength and strain hardening exponent) on the plastic strain distribution underneath a Vickers indenter was systematically investigated by recourse to three-dimensional finite element analysis, motivated by the experimental macro-and micro-indentation on heat-treated Al-Zn-Mg alloy. For meaningful comparison between simulated and experimental results, the experimental heat treatment was carefully designed such that Al alloy achieve similar yield strength with different strain hardening exponent, and vice versa. On the other hand, full 3D simulation of Vickers indentation was conducted to capture subsurface strain distribution. Subtle differences and similarities were discussed based on the strain field shape, size and magnitude for the isolated effect of yield strength and strain hardening exponent.


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The high-temperature polymorphs of two photocatalytic materials, BiNbO4 and BiTaO4 were synthesized by the ceramic method. The crystal structures of these materials were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. BiNbO4 and BiTaO4 crystallize into the triclinic system P (1) over bar (No. 2), with a = 5.5376(4) angstrom, b = 7.6184(3) angstrom, c = 7.9324(36) angstrom, alpha = 102.565(3)degrees, beta = 90.143(2)degrees, gamma = 92.788 (4)degrees, V = 326.21 (5) angstrom(3). Z = 4 and a = 5.931(1) angstrom, b = 7.672(2) angstrom, c = 7.786(2) angstrom, alpha = 102.94 (3)degrees, beta = 90.04(3)degrees gamma = 93.53(3)degrees, V = 344.59(1) angstrom(3) and Z = 4, respectively. The structures along the c-axis, consist of layers of [Bi2O2] units separated by puckered sheets of (Nb/Ta)O-6 octahedra. Photocatalytic studies on the degradation of dyes indicate selectivity of BiNbO4 towards aromatics containing quinonic and azo functional groups


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Mononuclear, binuclear and trinuclear silver(l) complexes were obtained unexpectedly while probing the reactivity of diphosphazane ligands of the type X2PN(Pr-i)PXY towards the ruthenium-based precursor Ru(bipy)(2)Cl-2 center dot 2H(2)O, in the presence of a silver salt as a chloride scavenger. Subsequently, the reactions of AgX [X = Cl, NO3 or CF3SO3] with Ph2PN(R)PPh(Y) [R = H, Y = Ph; R = Pr-i, Y = Ph or OC6H3Me2-2,6] in a 1: 1 or 1:2 molar ratio have been investigated. Mononuclear or binuclear Ag(I) complexes containing either chelating or bridging diphosphazane ligands are obtained. Trinuclear silver(l) complexes are accessible by the treatment of diphosphazane ligands, Ph2PN(R)PPh2 [R = H, Pr-i] with AgCl using piperidine as the solvent. In the presence of a suitable chloride donor species, the mononuclear and binuclear complexes of Ph2PN(Pr-i)PPh2 are transformed slowly to the trinuclear complex [Ag-3(mu-Cl)(2){Ph2PN(Pr-i)PPh2}(3)]X, over a period 20 h. The structures of representative complexes have been confirmed by X-ray crystallography and the salient structural features are discussed