821 resultados para Crustal Deformation


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Reconstruction of a cleft lip leads inevitably to scar tissue formation. Scar tissue within the restored oral orbicular muscle might be assessed by quantification of the local contractility of this muscle. Furthermore, information about the contraction capability of the oral orbicular muscle is crucial for planning the revision surgery of an individual patient. We used ultrasound elastography to determine the local deformation (strain) of the upper lip and to differentiate contracting muscle from passive scar tissue. Raw ultrasound data (radio-frequency format; rf-) were acquired, while the lips were brought from normal state into a pout condition and back in normal state, in three patients and three normal individuals. During this movement, the oral orbicular muscle contracts and, consequently, thickens in contrast to scar tissue that will not contract, or even expand. An iterative coarse-to-fine strain estimation method was used to calculate the local tissue strain. Analysis of the raw ultrasound data allows estimation of tissue strain with a high precision. The minimum strain that can be assessed reproducibly is 0.1%. In normal individuals, strain of the orbicular oral muscle was in the order of 20%. Also, a uniform strain distribution in the oral orbicular muscle was found. However, in patients deviating values were found in the region of the reconstruction and the muscle tissue surrounding that. In two patients with a successful reconstruction, strain was reduced by 6% in the reconstructed region with respect to the normal parts of the muscle (from 22% to 16% and from 25% to 19%). In a patient with severe aesthetical and functional disability, strain decreased from 30% in the normal region to 5% in the reconstructed region. With ultrasound elastography, the strain of the oral orbicular muscle can be quantified. In healthy subjects, the strain profiles and maximum strain values in all parts of the muscle were similar. The maximum strain of the muscle during pout was 20% +/- 1%. In surgically repaired cleft lips, decreased deformation was observed.


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OBJECTIVE: The effects of mechanical deformation of intact cartilage tissue on chondrocyte biosynthesis in situ have been well documented, but the mechanotransduction pathways that regulate such phenomena have not been elucidated completely. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of tissue deformation on the morphology of a range of intracellular organelles which play a major role in cell biosynthesis and metabolism. DESIGN: Using chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, and electron microscopy, we imaged chondrocytes within mechanically compressed cartilage explants at high magnification and quantitatively and qualitatively assessed changes in organelle volume and shape caused by graded levels of loading. RESULTS: Compression of the tissue caused a concomitant reduction in the volume of the extracellular matrix (ECM), chondrocyte, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Interestingly, however, the Golgi apparatus was able to resist loss of intraorganelle water and retain a portion of its volume relative to the remainder of the cell. These combined results suggest that a balance between intracellular mechanical and osmotic gradients govern the changes in shape and volume of the organelles as the tissue is compressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results lead to the interpretive hypothesis that organelle volume changes appear to be driven mainly by osmotic interactions while shape changes are mediated by structural factors, such as cytoskeletal interactions that may be linked to extracellular matrix deformations. The observed volume and shape changes of the chondrocyte organelles and the differential behavior between organelles during tissue compression provide evidence for an important mechanotransduction pathway linking translational and post-translational events (e.g., elongation and sulfation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the Golgi) to cell deformation.


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OBJECT: The localization of any given target in the brain has become a challenging issue because of the increased use of deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson disease, dystonia, and nonmotor diseases (for example, Tourette syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorders, and depression). The aim of this study was to develop an automated method of adapting an atlas of the human basal ganglia to the brains of individual patients. METHODS: Magnetic resonance images of the brain specimen were obtained before extraction from the skull and histological processing. Adaptation of the atlas to individual patient anatomy was performed by reshaping the atlas MR images to the images obtained in the individual patient using a hierarchical registration applied to a region of interest centered on the basal ganglia, and then applying the reshaping matrix to the atlas surfaces. RESULTS: Results were evaluated by direct visual inspection of the structures visible on MR images and atlas anatomy, by comparison with electrophysiological intraoperative data, and with previous atlas studies in patients with Parkinson disease. The method was both robust and accurate, never failing to provide an anatomically reliable atlas to patient registration. The registration obtained did not exceed a 1-mm mismatch with the electrophysiological signatures in the region of the subthalamic nucleus. CONCLUSIONS: This registration method applied to the basal ganglia atlas forms a powerful and reliable method for determining deep brain stimulation targets within the basal ganglia of individual patients.


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Purpose: To quantify the in vivo deformations of the popliteal artery during leg flexion in subjects with clinically relevant peripheral artery disease (PAD). Methods: Five patients (4 men; mean age 69 years, range 56–79) with varying calcification levels of the popliteal artery undergoing endovascular revascularization underwent 3-dimensional (3D) rotational angiography. Image acquisition was performed with the leg straight and with a flexion of 70°/20° in the knee/hip joints. The arterial centerline and the corresponding branches in both positions were segmented to create 3D reconstructions of the arterial trees. Axial deformation, twisting, and curvatures were quantified. Furthermore, the relationships between the calcification levels and the deformations were investigated. Results: An average shortening of 5.9%±2.5% and twist rate of 3.8±2.2°/cm in the popliteal artery were observed. Maximal curvatures in the straight and flexed positions were 0.12±0.04 cm−1 and 0.24±0.09 cm−1, respectively. As the severity of calcification increased, the maximal curvature in the straight position increased from 0.08 to 0.17 cm−1, while an increase from 0.17 to 0.39 cm−1 was observed for the flexed position. Axial elongations and arterial twisting were not affected by the calcification levels. Conclusion: The popliteal artery of patients with symptomatic PAD is exposed to significant deformations during flexion of the knee joint. The severity of calcification directly affects curvature, but not arterial length or twisting angles. This pilot study also showed the ability of rotational angiography to quantify the 3D deformations of the popliteal artery in patients with various levels of calcification.


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We analysed the Mo isotope composition of a comprehensive series of molybdenite samples from the porphyry- type Questa deposit (NM, USA), as well as one rhyolite and one granite sample, directly associated with the Mo mineralization. The δ98Mo of the molybdenites ranges between −0.48‰ and +0.40‰, with a median at −0.05‰. The median Mo isotope composition increases from early magmatic (−0.29‰) to hydrothermal (−0.05‰) breccia mineralization (median bulk breccia = −0.17‰) to late stockwork veining (+0.22‰). Moreover, variations of up to 0.34‰ are found between different molybdenite crystals within an individual hand specimen. The rhyolite sample with 0.12 μg g−1 Mo has δ98Mo = −0.57‰ and is lighter than all molybde- nites from the Questa deposit, interpreted to represent the igneous leftover after aqueous ore fluid exsolution. We recognize three Mo isotope fractionation processes that occur between about 700 and 350 °C, affecting the Mo iso- tope composition of magmatic–hydrothermal molybdenites. Δ1Mo: Minerals preferentially incorporate light Mo isotopes during progressive fractional crystallization in subvolcanic magma reservoirs, leaving behind a melt enriched in heavy Mo isotopes. Δ2Mo: Magmatic–hydrothermal fluids preferentially incorporate heavy Mo iso- topes upon fluid exsolution. Δ3Mo: Light Mo isotopes get preferentially incorporated in molybdenite during crys- tallization from an aqueous fluid, leaving behind a hydrothermal fluid that gets heavier with progressive molybdenite crystallization. The sum of all three fractionation processes produces molybdenites that record heavier δ98Mo compositions than their source magmas. This implies that the mean δ98Mo of molybdenites published so far (~0.4‰) likely represents a maximum value for the Mo isotope composition of Phanerozoic igneous upper crust.


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Central Switzerland lies tectonically in an intraplate area and recurrence rates of strong earthquakes exceed the time span covered by historic chronicles. However, many lakes are present in the area that act as natural seismographs: their continuous, datable and high-resolution sediment succession allows extension of the earthquake catalogue to pre-historic times. This study reviews and compiles available data sets and results from more than 10 years of lacustrine palaeoseismological research in lakes of northern and Central Switzerland. The concept of using lacustrine mass-movement event stratigraphy to identify palaeo-earthquakes is showcased by presenting new data and results from Lake Zurich. The Late Glacial to Holocene mass-movement units in this lake document a complex history of varying tectonic and environmental impacts. Results include sedimentary evidence of three major and three minor, simultaneously triggered basin-wide lateral slope failure events interpreted as the fingerprints of palaeoseismic activity. A refined earthquake catalogue, which includes results from previous lake studies, reveals a non-uniform temporal distribution of earthquakes in northern and Central Switzerland. A higher frequency of earthquakes in the Late Glacial and Late Holocene period documents two different phases of neotectonic activity; they are interpreted to be related to isostatic post-glacial rebound and relatively recent (re-)activation of seismogenic zones, respectively. Magnitudes and epicentre reconstructions for the largest identified earthquakes provide evidence for two possible earthquake sources: (i) a source area in the region of the Alpine or Sub-Alpine Front due to release of accumulated north-west/south-east compressional stress related to an active basal thrust beneath the Aar massif; and (ii) a source area beneath the Alpine foreland due to reactivation of deep-seated strike-slip faults. Such activity has been repeatedly observed instrumentally, for example, during the most recent magnitude 4.2 and 3.5 earthquakes of February 2012, near Zug. The combined lacustrine record from northern and Central Switzerland indicates that at least one of these potential sources has been capable of producing magnitude 6.2 to 6.7 events in the past.


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Numerical simulation experiments give insight into the evolving energy partitioning during high-strain torsion experiments of calcite. Our numerical experiments are designed to derive a generic macroscopic grain size sensitive flow law capable of describing the full evolution from the transient regime to steady state. The transient regime is crucial for understanding the importance of micro structural processes that may lead to strain localization phenomena in deforming materials. This is particularly important in geological and geodynamic applications where the phenomenon of strain localization happens outside the time frame that can be observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Ourmethod is based on an extension of the paleowattmeter approach to the transient regime. We add an empirical hardening law using the Ramberg-Osgood approximation and assess the experiments by an evolution test function of stored over dissipated energy (lambda factor). Parameter studies of, strain hardening, dislocation creep parameter, strain rates, temperature, and lambda factor as well asmesh sensitivity are presented to explore the sensitivity of the newly derived transient/steady state flow law. Our analysis can be seen as one of the first steps in a hybrid computational-laboratory-field modeling workflow. The analysis could be improved through independent verifications by thermographic analysis in physical laboratory experiments to independently assess lambda factor evolution under laboratory conditions.


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Microstructures and textures of calcite mylonites from the Morcles nappe large-scale shear zone in southwestern Switzerland develop principally as a function of 1) extrinsic physical parameters including temperature, stress, strain, strain rate and 2) intrinsic parameters, such as mineral composition. We collected rock samples at a single location from this shear zone, on which laboratory ultrasonic velocities, texture and microstructures were investigated and quantified. The samples had different concentration of secondary mineral phases (< 5 up to 40 vol.%). Measured seismic P wave anisotropy ranges from 6.5% for polyphase mylonites (~ 40 vol.%) to 18.4% in mylonites with < 5 vol.% secondary phases. Texture strength of calcite is the main factor governing the seismic P wave anisotropy. Measured S wave splitting is generally highest in the foliation plane, but its origin is more difficult to explain solely by calcite texture. Additional texture measurements were made on calcite mylonites with low concentration of secondary phases (≤ 10 vol.%) along the metamorphic gradient of the shear zone (15 km distance). A systematic increase in texture strength is observed moving from the frontal part of the shear zone (anchimetamorphism; 280 °C) to the higher temperature, basal part (greenschist facies; 350–400 °C). Calculated P wave velocities become increasingly anisotropic towards the high-strain part of the nappe, from an average of 5.8% in the frontal part to 13.2% in the root of the basal part. Secondary phases raise an additional complexity, and may act either to increase or decrease seismic anisotropy of shear zone mylonites. In light of our findings we reinterpret the origin of some seismically reflective layers in the Grône–Zweisimmen line in southwestern Switzerland (PNR20 Swiss National Research Program). We hypothesize that reflections originate in part from the lateral variation in textural and microstructural arrangement of calcite mylonites in shear zones.