492 resultados para Cortina de impermeabilização
O maior rio do Estado de São Paulo, o Rio Tietê, teve, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, suas áreas de várzeas tomadas pelo processo de urbanização e metropolização da população. Parte de suas terras inundáveis passou por processos de aterramento e impermeabilização para que a instalação de indústrias e infraestruturas fosse possível. A APA da Várzea do Rio Tietê foi criada para controlar o processo de ocupação do entorno do rio e na tentativa de amortecer as enchentes causadas por tempestades, cada vez mais constantes. Essas chuvas torrenciais são causadas pela influência das Ilhas de Calor da RMSP com o encontro de brisas marítimas, e causam inundações e destruições
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Building on some core concepts of dialogic discourse analysis, this article aims to discuss, through an examination of the bestseller lists in Brazil during the years 2000 to 2010, the central features of contemporary mass literature. By the evidence of the prevalence of self-help books, we examine how the phenomenon is consisting. The conclusion that we get is that self-help can be seen both as a discourse genre and as style.
The aim of this paper is to show how the methodological apparatus of Greimasian semiotics is applied to tackle discourse issues. In particular, focusing on the concepts of veridiction and passion, two specific discourse procedures, it is examined how these concepts are included in the enunciative praxis by analyzing two distinct texts: the short story “O cônego ou a metafísica do estilo”, by Machado de Assis, and the Nova Schin beer ad published in a Brazilian weekly magazine.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH of calcium hydroxide (CalenTM) when associated or not with chlorhexidine 0.4%, and when associated with chlorhexidine with the addition of 20% or 10% of alphatocopherol (AchéTM), assessed in several periods of time. Methods: Fourty dentine tubes 20 mm, properly standardized, were made from bovine anterior teeth roots. Following, a perforation was achieved in the roots distal face at 7 mm from the cervical radicular line by using a #1/2 carbide bur. After complete root sealing is made, except in the perforation local, the radicular canals were filled with one of the following associations: Group I – Calen®; Group II – Calen™ with chlorehxidine at 0.4%; Group III – Calen™ with chlorhexidine at 0.4% with the addition of 20% (weight) of alhatocopherol compound and Group IV – Calen™ with chlorhexidine at 0.4% with the addition of 10% (weight) alphatocopherol. After cervical sealing is accomplished, the roots were immersed in water MiliQ and the pH, assessed in 24h, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 45 days. Results and Conclusion: In all periods tested, the pH of the calcium hydroxide (Calen™) was similar to the pH of the calcium hydroxide (Calen™) associated with chlorhexidine 0.4% and 10% alphatocopherol (p > 0.05). The association of 20% alphatocopherol obtained the pH lower than the association with 10% (p < 0.05). The pH of the association with chlorhexidine was similar to the pure calcium hydrocide (Calen™) after the 14th day (p > 0.05) only. Therefore, on the 45th day, this difference was significant again (p < 0.05).
The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the apical leakage after the apical re-preparation and replacement of the principal gutta-percha point plus endodontic sealer (Sealer 26TM). Sixty extracted human canines were prepared by using a step back technique up to size 50 K type file apically. At each change of instrument the canals were irrigated with distilled water. After that step, the external surface roots were coated and subdivided into six groups with ten roots each: I – single gutta percha point technique; II – lateral condensation and III – hybrid technique. The IV, V and VI groups were similar to others groups but after to place the principal gutta percha point, it was removed, re-prepared up to size 60K file and in sequence replaced the principal gutta percha point and the root canal filling finished. The specimens were immersed in 2% Rhodamine BTM for 7 days at 37 oC. The apical leakage was measured by Image ToolsTM program. With Kruskal Wallis test statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the techniques (p > 0.05).
The Portland cement has shown similar biological properties to calcium hydroxide, but its radiopacity is lower. Therefore, the addition of materials that minimize this deficiency should be considered. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the apical sealing ability and pH of a white Portland cement added of several radiopacifying agents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty bovine roots with incomplete apices were selected, and the foraminal openings were standardized to PM 720G bur. After the external root sealing, an apical intracanal barrier 10.0 mm thick was executed with the white Portland cement powder, pure or added of a radiopacifying agent (iodoform, zinc oxide or bismuth subnitrate), and distilled water (0.37 mL). The apical roots were immersed 24h in water in humid atmosphere, and after that they were immersed 24h in 2% Rhodamine B, under vacuum. In sequence, the roots were longitudinally sectioned, the root fragments were photographed, the images were digitalized and the apical infiltration was measured by the Image Tool program. The pH solutions were also evaluated, in 24h and 48h and 7 and 30 days. Data were submitted to Anova test. RESULTS: The zinc oxide solution has the lowest apical infiltration in relation to the other groups (p < 0.05). The pH behavior varied during the analysis, and in the period of 24h all groups showed the highest values (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The type of radiopacifying agent used interferes in the sealing ability of the apical barrier, and zinc oxide showed to be the most beneficial one. The pH varies according to the period of analysis, and the highest values were obtained in the first 24h (p < 0.05).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The constant petrol fuel leak in gas stations has caused concern in many countries around the world. Those fuels have toxic organic compounds in their composition, like Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), which are harmful to the human health. In this work the efficiency of the protection layer with a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) membrane of 2.5 mm thickness was evaluated. The study was based in the diffusive process in the intact membrane by a permeameter developed to evaluate the diffusive process. The membrane was putted in the middle of the system to separate two sides: a local soil impregnated with diesel oil (in one side) and pure water (in the other side). The chromatography technique was conducted to evaluate the contamination in the pure water. The analyses were made monthly in a total period of 6 months of research. The results tests show that the membrane was less effective to antracene and naphthalene compounds. Despite that, the results showed that the HDPE membrane is a good alternative to prevent contamination of water and soil by the compounds under study up to one year, based on the performance in the time of study.
The issue of environmental impacts to human health and the generation and disposal of solid waste has led to a change of paradigms for your face, highlighting the need for sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this context, the expansion of landfills in Brazil in recent decades makes it necessary to sustainable management of waste generated by this type of enterprise, since its implementation. The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis of the generation of waste in a landfill, in the expansion phase, and the alternatives adopted for its management. The qualitative diagnosis was made from observations on site and the wastes were classified and quantified from August 2011 to January 2012. In the diagnosis was considered the reduction, reuse and recycle, in that order. The results of this study showed that the residue of the greatest generation was PEAD geomembranes used in the waterproofing of the landfill, reaching 7 t, followed by PVC pipes, which reached 850 kg, both destined for recycling. The largest volume of wastewater generated corresponded to the leachate, reaching 11,500 m3 , which were sent for treatment
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
The development of cities is initially nearby rivers and with the intensification of the urbanization process occurs the soil sealing, leading to an increased level of water runoff, and, consequently, in a greater number of floods. The main goal of this study is to verify the interference of land occupation in the floods of the Lavapés Stream basin, Rio Claro (SP), in five temporal series, 1962, 1972, 1988, 1995 and 2014. The characterizations of land use were made from photo-interpretation and, thus, were produced thematic maps on scale 1: 20.000. The description of the Soil Conservation Service, 2007 was the basis for the classification of land use, thus achieving the CN parameter (Curve Number) used in hydrologic modeling done in IPHS1 program. The results indicate that soil sealing associated with the growth of the city of Rio Claro are responsible for increasing of the discharge in the Lavapés Stream basin and floods in this watershed
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS