867 resultados para Continuous quality improvement.
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are sensitive self-service systems that require important investments in security and testing. ATM certifications are testing processes for machines that integrate software components from different vendors and are performed before their deployment for public use. This project was originated from the need of optimization of the certification process in an ATM manufacturing company. The process identifies compatibility problems between software components through testing. It is composed by a huge number of manual user tasks that makes the process very expensive and error-prone. Moreover, it is not possible to fully automate the process as it requires human intervention for manipulating ATM peripherals. This project presented important challenges for the development team. First, this is a critical process, as all the ATM operations rely on the software under test. Second, the context of use of ATMs applications is vastly different from ordinary software. Third, ATMs’ useful lifetime is beyond 15 years and both new and old models need to be supported. Fourth, the know-how for efficient testing depends on each specialist and it is not explicitly documented. Fifth, the huge number of tests and their importance implies the need for user efficiency and accuracy. All these factors led us conclude that besides the technical challenges, the usability of the intended software solution was critical for the project success. This business context is the motivation of this Master Thesis project. Our proposal focused in the development process applied. By combining user-centered design (UCD) with agile development we ensured both the high priority of usability and the early mitigation of software development risks caused by all the technology constraints. We performed 23 development iterations and finally we were able to provide a working solution on time according to users’ expectations. The evaluation of the project was carried out through usability tests, where 4 real users participated in different tests in the real context of use. The results were positive, according to different metrics: error rate, efficiency, effectiveness, and user satisfaction. We discuss the problems found, the benefits and the lessons learned in the process. Finally, we measured the expected project benefits by comparing the effort required by the current and the new process (once the new software tool is adopted). The savings corresponded to 40% less effort (man-hours) per certification. Future work includes additional evaluation of product usability in a real scenario (with customers) and the measuring of benefits in terms of quality improvement.
El trabajo desarrollado pretende dar a conocer cuales son las necesidades especificas de alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA).Se enmarca en los estudios que afrontan la temática de la Atención a Diversidad y la inclusión de los alumnos con TEA en centros ordinarios educativos. Se pretende desarrollar recursos metodológicos para ofrecer una respuesta adaptativa ante el reto de afrontar las competencias clave a través de la nueva asignatura de “Tecnología, programación y robótica”; Para ello se analizan las características de cuatro estudiantes con TEA escolarizados en secundaria del centro concertado Colegio Lourdes (FUHEM) de la comunidad de Madrid y se ofrecen respuestas diferentes en función de ellas, apoyándonos en sus fortalezas para vencer sus dificultades, con el objetivo de alcanzar las mismas competencias claveque el resto de compañeros, como marca la Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad de la Educación, LOMCE, que entra en vigor en este nivel en el curso 2015-2016. ABSTRACT The developed work seeks to highlight what are the specific needs of students with autism spectrum (ASDs).The part of the studies faced the issue of Attention to diversity and the inclusion of students with ASD in mainstream schools educational disorder. It aims to develop methodological resources to offer an adaptive response to the challenge of addressing key skills through the new subject of "Technology, Programming and Robotics"; To do the characteristics of four students with ASD are discussed in secondary school concerted Lourdes (FUHEM) of the Madrid and different responses depending on them are offered, building on their strengths to overcome their difficulties, in order to achieve the same core competencies of other colleagues as brand organic law of Quality Improvement of Education, LOMCE, which takes effect in the 2015-2016 year.
Los polímeros compostables suponen en torno al 30% de los bioplásticos destinados a envasado, siendo a su vez esta aplicación el principal destino de la producción de este tipo de materiales que, en el año 2013, superó 1,6 millones de toneladas. La presente tesis aborda la biodegradación de los residuos de envases domésticos compostables en medio aerobio para dos tipos de formato y materiales, envase rígido de PLA (Clase I) y dos tipos de bolsas de PBAT+PLA (Clases II y III). Sobre esta materia se han realizado diversos estudios en escala de laboratorio pero para otro tipo de envases y biopolímeros y bajo condiciones controladas del compost con alguna proyección particularizada en plantas. La presente tesis da un paso más e investiga el comportamiento real de los envases plásticos compostables en la práctica del compostaje en tecnologías de pila y túnel, tanto a escala piloto como industrial, dentro del procedimiento y con las condiciones ambientales de instalaciones concretas. Para ello, con el método seguido, se han analizado los requisitos básicos que debe cumplir un envase compostable, según la norma UNE – EN 13432, evaluando el porcentaje de biodegradación de los envases objeto de estudio, en función de la pérdida de peso seco tras el proceso de compostaje, y la calidad del compost obtenido, mediante análisis físico-químico y de fitotoxicidad para comprobar que los materiales de estudio no aportan toxicidad. En cuanto a los niveles de biodegrabilidad, los resultados permiten concluir que los envases de Clase I se compostan adecuadamente en ambas tecnologías y que no requieren de unas condiciones de proceso muy exigentes para alcanzar niveles de biodegradación del 100%. En relación a los envases de Clase II, se puede asumir que se trata de un material que se composta adecuadamente en pila y túnel industrial pero que requiere de condiciones exigentes para alcanzar niveles de biodegradación del 100% al afectarle de forma clara la ubicación de las muestras en la masa a compostar, especialmente en el caso de la tecnología de túnel. Mientras el 90% de las muestras alcanza el 100% de biodegradación en pila industrial, tan sólo el 50% lo consigue en la tecnología de túnel a la misma escala. En cuanto a los envases de Clase III, se puede afirmar que es un material que se composta adecuadamente en túnel industrial pero que requiere de condiciones de cierta exigencia para alcanzar niveles de biodegradación del 100% al poderle afectar la ubicación de las muestras en la masa a compostar. El 75% de las muestras ensayadas en túnel a escala industrial alcanzan el 100% de biodegradación y, aunque no se ha ensayado este tipo de envase en la tecnología de pila al no disponer de muestras, cabe pensar que los resultados de biodegrabilidad que hubiera podido alcanzar habrían sido, como mínimo, los obtenidos para los envases de Clase II, al tratarse de materiales muy similares en composición. Por último, se concluye que la tecnología de pila es más adecuada para conseguir niveles de biodegradación superiores en los envases tipo bolsa de PBAT+PLA. Los resultados obtenidos permiten también sacar en conclusión que, en el diseño de instalaciones de compostaje para el tratamiento de la fracción orgánica recogida selectivamente, sería conveniente realizar una recirculación del rechazo del afino del material compostado para aumentar la probabilidad de someter este tipo de materiales a las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Si además se realiza un triturado del residuo a la entrada del proceso, también se aumentaría la superficie específica a entrar en contacto con la masa de materia orgánica y por tanto se favorecerían las condiciones de biodegradación. En cuanto a la calidad del compost obtenido en los ensayos, los resultados de los análisis físico – químicos y de fitotoxicidad revelan que los niveles de concentración de microorganismo patógenos y de metales pesados superan, en la práctica totalidad de las muestras, los niveles máximos permitidos en la legislación vigente aplicable a productos fertilizantes elaborados con residuos. Mediante el análisis de la composición de los envases ensayados se constata que la causa de esta contaminación reside en la materia orgánica utilizada para compostar en los ensayos, procedente del residuo de origen doméstico de la denominada “fracción resto”. Esta conclusión confirma la necesidad de realizar una recogida selectiva de la fracción orgánica en origen, existiendo estudios que evidencian la mejora de la calidad del residuo recogido en la denominada “fracción orgánica recogida selectivamente” (FORM). Compostable polymers are approximately 30% of bioplastics used for packaging, being this application, at same time, the main destination for the production of such materials exceeded 1.6 million tonnes in 2013. This thesis deals with the biodegradation of household packaging waste compostable in aerobic medium for two format types and materials, rigid container made of PLA (Class I) and two types of bags made of PBAT + PLA (Classes II and III). There are several studies developed about this issue at laboratory scale but for other kinds of packaging and biopolymers and under composting controlled conditions with some specifically plants projection. This thesis goes one step further and researches the real behaviour of compostable plastic packaging in the composting practice in pile and tunnel technologies, both at pilot and industrial scale, within the procedure and environmental conditions of concrete devices. Therefore, with a followed method, basic requirements fulfilment for compostable packaging have been analysed according to UNE-EN 13432 standard. It has been assessed the biodegradability percentage of the packaging studied, based on loss dry weight after the composting process, and the quality of the compost obtained, based on physical-chemical analysis to check no toxicity provided by the studied materials. Regarding biodegradability levels, results allow to conclude that Class I packaging are composted properly in both technologies and do not require high exigent process conditions for achieving 100% biodegradability levels. Related to Class II packaging, it can be assumed that it is a material that composts properly in pile and tunnel at industrial scale but requires exigent conditions for achieving 100% biodegradability levels for being clearly affected by sample location in the composting mass, especially in tunnel technology case. While 90% of the samples reach 100% of biodegradation in pile at industrial scale, only 50% achieve it in tunnel technology at the same scale. Regarding Class III packaging, it can be said that it is a material properly composted in tunnel at industrial scale but requires certain exigent conditions for reaching 100% biodegradation levels for being possibly affected by sample location in the composting mass. The 75% of the samples tested in tunnel at industrial scale reaches 100% biodegradation. Although this kind of packaging has not been tested on pile technology due to unavailability of samples, it is judged that biodegradability results that could be reached would have been, at least, the same obtained for Class II packaging, as they are very similar materials in composition. Finally, it is concluded that pile technology is more suitable for achieving highest biodegradation levels in bag packaging type of PBAT+PLA. Additionally, the obtained results conclude that, in the designing of composting devices for treatment of organic fraction selectively collected, it would be recommended a recirculation of the refining refuse of composted material in order to increase the probability of such materials to expose to proper environmental conditions. If the waste is grinded before entering the process, the specific surface in contact with organic material would also be increased and therefore biodegradation conditions would be more favourable. Regarding quality of the compost obtained in the tests, physical-chemical and phytotoxicity analysis results reveal that pathogen microorganism and heavy metals concentrations exceed, in most of the samples, the maximum allowed levels by current legislation for fertilizers obtained from wastes. Composition analysis of tested packaging verifies that the reason for this contamination is the organic material used for composting tests, comes from the household waste called “rest fraction”. This conclusion confirms the need of a selective collection of organic fraction in the origin, as existing studies show the quality improvement of the waste collected in the so-called “organic fraction selectively collected” (FORM).
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Yutaka Osakabe for co-ordinating the retrieval of full text articles. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supported this study, grant number 12-100074-000-INP
The EU began railway reform in earnest around the turn of the century. Two ‘railway packages’ have meanwhile been adopted amounting to a series of directives and a third package has been proposed. A range of complementary initiatives has been undertaken or is underway. This BEEP Briefing inspects the main economic aspects of EU rail reform. After highlighting the dramatic loss of market share of rail since the 1960s, the case for reform is argued to rest on three arguments: the need for greater competitiveness of rail, promoting the (market driven) diversion of road haulage to rail as a step towards sustainable mobility in Europe, and an end to the disproportional claims on public budgets of Member States. The core of the paper deals respectively with market failures in rail and in the internal market for rail services; the complex economic issues underlying vertical separation (unbundling) and pricing options; and the methods, potential and problems of introducing competition in rail freight and in passenger services. Market failures in the rail sector are several (natural monopoly, economies of density, safety and asymmetries of information), exacerbated by no less than 7 technical and legal barriers precluding the practical operation of an internal rail market. The EU choice to opt for vertical unbundling (with benefits similar in nature as in other network industries e.g. preventing opaque cross-subsidisation and greater cost revelation) risks the emergence of considerable coordination costs. The adoption of marginal cost pricing is problematic on economic grounds (drawbacks include arbitrary cost allocation rules in the presence of large economies of scope and relatively large common costs; a non-optimal incentive system, holding back the growth of freight services; possibly anti-competitive effects of two-part tariffs). Without further detailed harmonisation, it may also lead to many different systems in Member States, causing even greater distortions. Insofar as freight could develop into a competitive market, a combination of Ramsey pricing (given the incentive for service providers to keep market share) and price ceilings based on stand-alone costs might be superior in terms of competition, market growth and regulatory oversight. The incipient cooperative approach for path coordination and allocation is welcome but likely to be seriously insufficient. The arguments to introduce competition, notably in freight, are valuable and many e.g. optimal cross-border services, quality differentiation as well as general quality improvement, larger scale for cost recovery and a decrease of rent seeking. Nevertheless, it is not correct to argue for the introduction of competition in rail tout court. It depends on the size of the market and on removing a host of barriers; it requires careful PSO definition and costing; also, coordination failures ought to be pre-empted. On the other hand, reform and competition cannot and should not be assessed in a static perspective. Conduct and cost structures will change with reform. Infrastructure and investment in technology are known to generate enormous potential for cost savings, especially when coupled with the EU interoperability programme. All this dynamism may well help to induce entry and further enlarge the (net) welfare gains from EU railway reform. The paper ends with a few pointers for the way forward in EU rail reform.
In patients hospitalised with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and congestive heart failure (CHF), evidence suggests opportunities for improving in-hospital and after hospital care, patient self-care, and hospital-community integration. A multidisciplinary quality improvement program was designed and instigated in Brisbane in October 2000 involving 250 clinicians at three teaching hospitals, 1080 general practitioners (GPs) from five Divisions of General Practice, 1594 patients with ACS and 904 patients with CHF. Quality improvement interventions were implemented over 17 months after a 6-month baseline period and included: clinical decision support (clinical practice guidelines, reminders, checklists, clinical pathways); educational interventions (seminars, academic detailing); regular performance feedback; patient self-management strategies; and hospital-community integration (discharge referral summaries; community pharmacist liaison; patient prompts to attend GPs). Using a before-after study design to assess program impact, significantly more program patients compared with historical controls received: ACS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and lipid-lowering agents at discharge, aspirin and beta-blockers at 3 months after discharge, inpatient cardiac counselling, and referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. CHF. Assessment for reversible precipitants, use of prophylaxis for deep-venous thrombosis, beta-blockers at discharge, ACE inhibitors at 6 months after discharge, imaging of left ventricular function, and optimal management of blood pressure levels. Risk-adjusted mortality rates at 6 and 12 months decreased, respectively, from 9.8% to 7.4% (P=0.06) and from 13.4% to 10.1% (P= 0.06) for patients with ACS and from 22.8% to 15.2% (P < 0.001) and from 32.8% to 22.4% (P= 0.005) for patients with CHF. Quality improvement programs that feature multifaceted interventions across the continuum of care can change clinical culture, optimise care and improve clinical outcomes.
Objective. To improve quality of in-hospital care of patients with acute coronary syndromes using a multifaceted quality improvement program. Design. Prospective, before and after study of the effects of quality improvement interventions between October 2000 and August 2002. Quality of care of patients admitted between 1 October 2000 and 16 April 2001 (baseline) was compared with that of those admitted between 15 February 2002 and 31 August 2002 (post-intervention). Setting. Three teaching hospitals in Brisbane, Australia. Study participants. Consecutive patients (n = 1594) admitted to hospital with acute coronary syndrome [mean age 68 years (SD 14 years); 65% males]. Interventions. Clinical guidelines, reminder tools, and educational interventions; 6-monthly performance feedback; pharmacist-mediated patient education program; and facilitation of multidisciplinary review of work practices. Main outcome measures. Changes in key quality indicators relating to timing of electrocardiogram (ECG) and thrombolysis in emergency departments, serum lipid measurement, prescription of adjunctive drugs, and secondary prevention. Results. Comparing post-intervention with baseline patients, increases occurred in the proportions of eligible patients: (i) undergoing timely ECG (70% versus 61%; P = 0.04); (ii) prescribed angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (70% versus 60%; P = 0.002) and lipid-lowering agents (77% versus 68%; P = 0.005); (iii) receiving cardiac counselling in hospital (57% versus 48%; P = 0.009); and (iv) referred to cardiac rehabilitation (17% versus 8%; P < 0.001). Conclusions. Multifaceted approaches can improve care processes for patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes. Care processes under direct clinician control changed more quickly than those reliant on complex system factors. Identifying and overcoming organizational impediments to quality improvement deserves greater attention.
Registration of births, recording deaths by age, sex and cause, and calculating mortality levels and differentials are fundamental to evidence-based health policy, monitoring and evaluation. Yet few of the countries with the greatest need for these data have functioning systems to produce them despite legislation providing for the establishment and maintenance of vital registration. Sample vital registration (SVR), when applied in conjunction with validated verbal autopsy, procedures and implemented in a nationally representative sample of population clusters represents an affordable, cost-effective, and sustainable short- and medium-term solution to this problem. SVR complements other information sources by producing age-, sex-, and cause-specific mortality data that are more complete and continuous than those currently available. The tools and methods employed in an SVR system, however, are imperfect and require rigorous validation and continuous quality assurance; sampling strategies for SVR are also still evolving. Nonetheless, interest in establishing SVR is rapidly growing in Africa and Asia. Better systems for reporting and recording data on vital events will be sustainable only if developed hand-in-hand with existing health information strategies at the national and district levels; governance structures; and agendas for social research and development monitoring. If the global community wishes to have mortality measurements 5 or 10 years hence, the foundation stones of SVR must be laid today.
Aim. The paper presents a study assessing the rate of adoption of a sedation scoring system and sedation guideline. Background. Clinical practice guidelines including sedation guidelines have been shown to improve patient outcomes by standardizing care. In particular sedation guidelines have been shown to be beneficial for intensive care patients by reducing the duration of ventilation. Despite the acceptance that clinical practice guidelines are beneficial, adoption rates are rarely measured. Adoption data may reveal other factors which contribute to improved outcomes. Therefore, the usefulness of the guideline may be more appropriately assessed by collecting adoption data. Method. A quasi-experimental pre-intervention and postintervention quality improvement design was used. Adoption was operationalized as documentation of sedation score every 4 hours and use of the sedation and analgesic medications suggested in the guideline. Adoption data were collected from patients' charts on a random day of the month; all patients in the intensive care unit on that day were assigned an adoption category. Sedation scoring system adoption data were collected before implementation of a sedation guideline, which was implemented using an intensive information-giving strategy, and guideline adoption data were fed back to bedside nurses. After implementation of the guideline, adoption data were collected for both the sedation scoring system and the guideline. The data were collected in the years 2002-2004. Findings. The sedation scoring system was not used extensively in the pre-intervention phase of the study; however, this improved in the postintervention phase. The findings suggest that the sedation guideline was gradually adopted following implementation in the postintervention phase of the study. Field notes taken during the implementation of the sedation scoring system and the guideline reveal widespread acceptance of both. Conclusion. Measurement of adoption is a complex process. Appropriate operationalization contributes to greater accuracy. Further investigation is warranted to establish the intensity and extent of implementation required to positively affect patient outcomes.
The Clinician Development Program (CDP) is an initiative of Queensland Health’s Quality Improvement and Enhancement Program. At the Royal Brisbane & Royal Women's Hospital Health Service Districts, evidence-base practice (EBP) is an important CDP area in which several projects were carried out in 2002. This paper describes one such project. A medical librarian was invited to accompany the clinical team on morning rounds in the Medical Assessment & Planning Unit (MAPU). The librarian conducted information skills training in the ward and helped clinicians to answer questions directly related to patient care. Questions not answered during the round were followed-up, usually within 48 hours, and responses emailed to the consultant who led the rounds. At the project’s conclusion the librarian was invited to continue as a member of the MAPU clinical team, thus acknowledging the valuable role an information specialist can play in incorporating research evidence into patient care. Clinical librarianship (CL) creates a space, albeit a contentious one, for the health librarian at the bedside. This paper describes an Australian CL project and attempts to demystify the role of an information specialist in EBP. It also highlights some of the challenges facing librarians and clinicians attempting to embed EBP in clinical settings.
Freshwater is extremely precious; but even more precious than freshwater is clean freshwater. From the time that 2/3 of our planet is covered in water, we have contaminated our globe with chemicals that have been used by industrial activities over the last century in a unprecedented way causing harm to humans and wildlife. We have to adopt a new scientific mindset in order to face this problem so to protect this important resource. The Water Framework Directive (European Parliament and the Council, 2000) is a milestone legislative document that transformed the way that water quality monitoring is undertaken across all Member States by introducing the Ecological and Chemical Status. A “good or higher” Ecological Status is expected to be achieved for all waterbodies in Europe by 2015. Yet, most of the European waterbodies, which are determined to be at risk, or of moderate to bad quality, further information will be required so that adequate remediation strategies can be implemented. To date, water quality evaluation is based on five biological components (phytoplankton, macrophytes and benthic algae, macroinvertebrates and fishes) and various hydromorphological and physicochemical elements. The evaluation of the chemical status is principally based on 33 priority substances and on 12 xenobiotics, considered as dangerous for the environment. This approach takes into account only a part of the numerous xenobiotics that can be present in surface waters and could not evidence all the possible causes of ecotoxicological stress that can act in a water section. The mixtures of toxic chemicals may constitute an ecological risk not predictable on the basis of the single component concentration. To improve water quality, sources of contamination and causes of ecological alterations need to be identified. On the other hand, the analysis of the community structure, which is the result of multiple processes, including hydrological constrains and physico-chemical stress, give back only a “photograph” of the actual status of a site without revealing causes and sources of the perturbation. A multidisciplinary approach, able to integrate the information obtained by different methods, such as community structure analysis and eco-genotoxicological studies, could help overcome some of the difficulties in properly identifying the different causes of stress in risk assessment. In synthesis, the river ecological status is the result of a combination of multiple pressures that, for management purposes and quality improvement, have to be disentangled from each other. To reduce actual uncertainty in risk assessment, methods that establish quantitative links between levels of contamination and community alterations are needed. The analysis of macrobenthic invertebrate community structure has been widely used to identify sites subjected to perturbation. Trait-based descriptors of community structure constitute a useful method in ecological risk assessment. The diagnostic capacity of freshwater biomonitoring could be improved by chronic sublethal toxicity testing of water and sediment samples. Requiring an exposure time that covers most of the species’ life cycle, chronic toxicity tests are able to reveal negative effects on life-history traits at contaminant concentrations well below the acute toxicity level. Furthermore, the responses of high-level endpoints (growth, fecundity, mortality) can be integrated in order to evaluate the impact on population’s dynamics, a highly relevant endpoint from the ecological point of view. To gain more accurate information about potential causes and consequences of environmental contamination, the evaluation of adverse effects at physiological, biochemical and genetic level is also needed. The use of different biomarkers and toxicity tests can give information about the sub-lethal and toxic load of environmental compartments. Biomarkers give essential information about the exposure to toxicants, such as endocrine disruptor compounds and genotoxic substances whose negative effects cannot be evidenced by using only high-level toxicological endpoints. The increasing presence of genotoxic pollutants in the environment has caused concern regarding the potential harmful effects of xenobiotics on human health, and interest on the development of new and more sensitive methods for the assessment of mutagenic and cancerogenic risk. Within the WFD, biomarkers and bioassays are regarded as important tools to gain lines of evidence for cause-effect relationship in ecological quality assessment. Despite the scientific community clearly addresses the advantages and necessity of an ecotoxicological approach within the ecological quality assessment, a recent review reports that, more than one decade after the publication of the WFD, only few studies have attempted to integrate ecological water status assessment and biological methods (namely biomarkers or bioassays). None of the fifteen reviewed studies included both biomarkers and bioassays. The integrated approach developed in this PhD Thesis comprises a set of laboratory bioassays (Daphnia magna acute and chronic toxicity tests, Comet Assay and FPG-Comet) newly-developed, modified tacking a cue from standardized existing protocols or applied for freshwater quality testing (ecotoxicological, genotoxicological and toxicogenomic assays), coupled with field investigations on macrobenthic community structures (SPEAR and EBI indexes). Together with the development of new bioassays with Daphnia magna, the feasibility of eco-genotoxicological testing of freshwater and sediment quality with Heterocypris incongruens was evaluated (Comet Assay and a protocol for chronic toxicity). However, the Comet Assay, although standardized, was not applied to freshwater samples due to the lack of sensitivity of this species observed after 24h of exposure to relatively high (and not environmentally relevant) concentrations of reference genotoxicants. Furthermore, this species demonstrated to be unsuitable also for chronic toxicity testing due to the difficult evaluation of fecundity as sub-lethal endpoint of exposure and complications due to its biology and behaviour. The study was applied to a pilot hydrographic sub-Basin, by selecting section subjected to different levels of anthropogenic pressure: this allowed us to establish the reference conditions, to select the most significant endpoints and to evaluate the coherence of the responses of the different lines of evidence (alteration of community structure, eco-genotoxicological responses, alteration of gene expression profiles) and, finally, the diagnostic capacity of the monitoring strategy. Significant correlations were found between the genotoxicological parameter Tail Intensity % (TI%) and macrobenthic community descriptors SPEAR (p<0.001) and EBI (p<0.05), between the genotoxicological parameter describing DNA oxidative stress (ΔTI%) and mean levels of nitrates (p<0.01) and between reproductive impairment (Failed Development % from D. magna chronic bioassays) and TI% (p<0.001) as well as EBI (p<0.001). While correlation among parameters demonstrates a general coherence in the response to increasing impacts, the concomitant ability of each single endpoint to be responsive to specific sources of stress is at the basis of the diagnostic capacity of the integrated approach as demonstrated by stations presenting a mismatch among the different lines of evidence. The chosen set of bioassays, as well as the selected endpoints, are not providing redundant indications on the water quality status but, on the contrary, are contributing with complementary pieces of information about the several stressors that insist simultaneously on a waterbody section providing this monitoring strategy with a solid diagnostic capacity. Our approach should provide opportunities for the integration of biological effects into monitoring programmes for surface water, especially in investigative monitoring. Moreover, it should provide a more realistic assessment of impact and exposure of aquatic organisms to contaminants. Finally this approach should provide an evaluation of drivers of change in biodiversity and its causalities on ecosystem function/services provision, that is the direct and indirect contributions to human well-being.
There is an increasing need of a model for the process-based performance measurement of multispecialty tertiary care hospitals for quality improvement. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized in this study to evolve such a model. Each step in the model was derived by group-discussions and brainstorming sessions among experienced clinicians and managers. This tool was applied to two tertiary care teaching hospitals in Barbados and India. The model enabled identification of specific areas where neither hospital performed very well, and helped to suggest recommendations to improve those areas. AHP is recommended as a valuable tool to measure the process-based performance of multispecialty tertiary care hospitals. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Purpose: To develop a model for the global performance measurement of intensive care units (ICUs) and to apply that model to compare the services for quality improvement. Materials and Methods: Analytic hierarchy process, a multiple-attribute decision-making technique, is used in this study to evolve such a model. The steps consisted of identifying the critical success factors for the best performance of an ICU, identifying subfactors that influence the critical factors, comparing them pairwise, deriving their relative importance and ratings, and calculating the cumulative performance according to the attributes of a given ICU. Every step in the model was derived by group discussions, brainstorming, and consensus among intensivists. Results: The model was applied to 3 ICUs, 1 each in Barbados, Trinidad, and India in tertiary care teaching hospitals of similar setting. The cumulative performance rating of the Barbados ICU was 1.17 when compared with that of Trinidad and Indian ICU, which were 0.82 and 0.75, respectively, showing that the Trinidad and Indian ICUs performed 70% and 64% with respect to Barbados ICU. The model also enabled identifying specific areas where the ICUs did not perform well, which helped to improvise those areas. Conclusions: Analytic hierarchy process is a very useful model to measure the global performance of an ICU. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The involvement of parents in their child’s hospital care has been strongly advocated in paediatric healthcare policy and practice. However, incorporating parental worries about their child’s condition into clinical care can be difficult for both parents and healthcare professionals. Through our “Listening To You” quality improvement project we developed and piloted an innovative approach to listening, incorporating and responding to parental concerns regarding their child’s condition when in hospital. Here we describe the phases of work undertaken to develop our “Listening To You” communications bundle, including a survey, literature review and consultation with parents and staff, before findings from the project evaluation are presented and discussed.