789 resultados para Continuing education programs


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"These modifications are the result of the 1997 Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act."--Memorandum.


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Cover title.


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Australia has a network of Federally funded disability employment and vocational rehabilitation services, including a proportion of outlets that specialise in providing services for persons with psychiatric disabilities. However, neither Federal nor State Governments currently provide or fund disability-specific education assistance to persons with psychiatric disabilities. To begin considering whether Specialised Supported Education is indicated for persons with psychotic disorders, we examined data collected in a national 'Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers Australia, 1998'. International studies of the effectiveness of overseas Supported Education programs were also examined to identify the forms of assistance most likely to warrant consideration in Australia. U.S.A. evidence indicates that Specialised Supported Education is emerging as an effective career development option for persons with psychotic disorders. An example of an innovative Specialised Supported Education program is provided to illustrate how this type of program can be implemented in Australia.


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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate a standardised sleep apnea patient education program and develop a study design that may be used to evaluate other such education programs. Method: Thirty-four adults diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) underwent a standard sleep apnea education program and completed measures of knowledge of and beliefs about sleep apnea before, after, and 3 months following education. Two outcome measures were used: the Apnea Knowledge Test (AKT) and the Apnea Beliefs Scale (ABS). Results: AKT results showed significant knowledge gains posteducation, which were maintained at follow-up. Patients also reported more positive beliefs about their ability to change their behaviour and comply with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment recommendations after education. Discussion: Findings from this preliminary investigation suggest that the education program used in this study may improve patients' knowledge of CPAP and promote functional beliefs about OSAHS treatment. This program clearly warrants further research, and ultimately such programs may prove important in improving CPAP compliance. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Despite the increasing importance of, and interest in, documenting the impact of environmental education programs on students' learning for sustainability, few tools are currently available to measure young students' environmental learning across all the dimensions of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours. This paper reports on the development of such a tool, using an iterative action research process with 134 students, aged six to eleven, attending programs at an Environmental Education Centre in Queensland. The resulting instrument, the Environmental Learning Outcomes Survey (ELOS) incorporates observations of students' engagement in learning processes as well as measuring learning outcomes, and allows both of these aspects to be linked to particular components of the environmental education program. Test data using the instrument are reported to illustrate its potential usefulness. It is envisaged that the refined instrument will enable researchers to measure student environmental learning in the field, investigate environmental education program impacts and identify aspects of programs that are most effective in facilitating student learning. [Author abstract]


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Commonwealth and State bodies have made substantial investments into curriculum initiatives, research, and reform with a focus on middle schooling. To a considerable degree, the success of middle schooling is dependent upon teachers' preparedness to enact and embrace initiatives and research. Research has shown that the success of school improvement and reform initiatives hinges, in large part, on the qualifications and effectiveness of teachers (Killion, 1999; Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001). While some research and professional development in Australia has targeted the school site, pre-service teacher education is clearly a vital yet under-researched area due to its relatively recent introduction. Recent research that includes middle years teacher education (MYTE) (Killion, 1999; Mertens & Flowers, 2004; NCES 2001; NMSA, 2003) and reports from a system that has been working with middle schooling for some time indicates that teachers need specific teacher preparation before they enter the middle level classroom and continuous professional development as they pursue their careers. In Turning Points 2000, one of the seven recommendations is to staff middle grades schools with teachers who are expert at teaching young people in their middle years, and engage teachers in ongoing, targeted professional development opportunities (Jackson & Davis, 2000). Given there are now two dedicated programs towards MYTE (Edith Cowan University and The University of Queensland), other institutions containing elements of MYTE, and others considering MYTE this symposium will summarise current initiatives and research in MYTE, critique the state and place of MYTE in Australia and begin discussions towards teacher education programs that improve the efficacy of middle schooling.


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Os Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia são um tipo específico de graduação (tecnólogo), com características próprias, entre as quais, a focalização na especialização dos seus currículos e duração mais curta objetivando uma formação mais rápida. A graduação tecnológica vem sendo amplamente difundida no país desde a segunda metade da década de 1990, após a promulgação da lei no 9.394/96 LDB, e por uma série de decretos, portarias e pareceres do MEC/CNE. Entre as principais metas e objetivos do PNE para a educação superior, se destacam: diversificação do sistema superior de ensino para atender clientelas com demandas específicas de formação; articulação entre currículo e mercado de trabalho; financiamento e gestão; criação de políticas de acesso à educação superior que facilitem o ingresso de alunos provenientes de grupos de maior vulnerabilidade educacional; crescimento da oferta de educação superior para a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo refletir e debater a contribuição dos CSTs na educação profissional do trabalhador brasileiro dentro das perspectivas do PNE. O estudo se fundamenta no método qualitativo, com base numa pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, caracterizada como estudo de caso único, através da pesquisa de campo realizada com alunos em formação e com egressos do Curso de Eletrônica Industrial da Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai Anchieta, na cidade de São Paulo. Para alcançar seus objetivos, o estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira faz uma análise das variáveis que caracterizam o perfil do aluno em formação buscando identificar sua percepção quanto à escolha pelo CST, conhecimento sobre essa modalidade de ensino e as expectativas futuras da profissão. Na segunda parte, o estudo faz uma análise da percepção do egresso acerca das habilidades e competências adquiridas durante a formação, o grau de satisfação com salário e plano de carreira, e a aceitação profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho. No estudo realizado com alunos em formação constatou-se que os índices de evasão escolar das primeiras turmas do curso foram elevados, sendo apontadas como principais causas as dificuldades de conciliação entre o horário de estudo com a do trabalho e as dificuldades econômicas familiares. O perfil do aluno em formação na IES em estudo é majoritariamente da faixa etária entre 18 e 24 anos; do gênero masculino; egresso do ensino médio feito em escola pública; morador em bairro periférico e natural de cidade da RMSP; o próprio aluno é responsável pelo pagamento das mensalidades; não houve interferência de terceiros na sua escolha pelo CST; tem percepção favorável quanto à empregabilidade futura como tecnólogo. A pesquisa com egressos apontou que os mesmos tem percepção favorável quanto à formação profissional recebida, exceto o fato de não terem atendido disciplinas que desenvolvessem competências gerenciais e de negócios; quanto à empregabilidade e perspectivas de carreira mostraram preocupação na valorização profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho; declararam estar insatisfeitos quanto ao salário recebido; quanto à educação continuada reconheceram ser esse o processo que os manterão atualizados profissionalmente. Como conclusão da pesquisa, há recomendação para estudos futuros na sondagem de outras possíveis causas da evasão escolar com alunos dos cursos com outros eixos temáticos e de IES públicas. Igualmente, aponta-se para a necessidade da proposta curricular da IES em estudo oferecer, além das disciplinas técnicas, outras que desenvolvam competências e habilidade em gestão de pessoas e negócios.


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Nos últimos anos, estudos sobre o ensino da linguagem escrita abordaram as práticas de leitura como uma produção cultural, que se originam nos contextos sociais de comunicação e se constituem em um instrumento de inclusão social e de participação política. Essas ideias foram apropriadas pelos discursos oficiais e amplamente divulgadas no meio educacional no Estado de São Paulo em diversos programas de formação continuada. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa fundamentou-se na teoria das representações sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici, para investigar os sentidos atribuídos ao ato de ler por um grupo de professoras que leciona nos quatro primeiros anos do ensino fundamental. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foram consideradas as práticas e preferências leitoras das professoras, a história do ensino da leitura, as representações sociais sobre o ato de ler entre as mulheres e as suas relações com o processo de profissionalização do magistério. Por meio da metodologia da análise de conteúdo foi possível desvelar as representações da leitura presentes nos discursos das professoras, contribuindo para conhecer suas formas de conceber a prática de ler.(AU)


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This thesis covers two major aspects of pharmacy education; undergraduate education and pre-registration training. A cohort of pharmacy graduates were surveyed over a period of four years, on issues related to undergraduate education, pre-registration training and continuing education. These graduates were the first-ever to sit the pre-registration examination. In addition, the opinions of pre-registration tutors were obtained on pre-registration training, during the year that competence-based assessment was introduced. It was concluded that although the undergraduate course provided a broad base of knowledge suitable for graduates in all branches of pharmacy, several issues were identified which would require attention in future developments of the course. These were: 1. the strong support for the expansion of clinical, social and practice-based teaching. 2. the strong support to retain the scientific content to the same extent as in the three-year course. 3. a greater use of problem-based learning methods. The graduates supported the provision of a pre-registration continuing education course to help prepare for the examination and in areas inadequately covered in the undergraduate course. There was also support for the introduction of some form of split branch training. There was no strong evidence to suggest that the training had been an application of undergraduate education. In general, competence-based training was well regarded by tutors as an appropriate and effective method of skill assessment. However, community tutors felt it was difficult to carry out effectively due to day-to-day time constraints. The assistant tutors in hospital pharmacy were found to have a very important role in provision of training, and should be adequately trained and supported. The study recommends the introduction of uniform training and a quality assurance mechanism for all tutors and assistants undertaking this role.


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The purpose of this research was to compare the academic performance and attitudes of students at the instructor-based site of a televised course and the distant site. An earlier pilot program indicated the need for certain technical and structural interventions at the distant site such as multiple "press-to-touch" microphones, a site-administrator and participative seating arrangements. At the beginning of the class, demographic data were collected from the students at both sites through a questionnaire and supplemented with information from students' records. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, number of children, current class status, major, work status and CLAST scores (achievement tests) were examined. There were no significant differences between the students at the sites except ethnicity and reading CLAST scores. The instructor-based site had a higher percentage of Hispanic students and the distant site had a larger percentage of Caucasian and Black Americans. The distant site scored significantly better on the reading section of the CLAST achievement test. An evaluation instrument was distributed to both sites, at the midpoint of the semester, measuring their attitude toward the organizational, technical, and pedagogical factors of the course. A second evaluation instrument, measuring similar factors, but more in-depth, was distributed to both sites near the end of the term. Nine students at the distant site were interviewed along with the site administrator to collect additional information.^ Course completion rates, dropout rates, pass rates and final grades of students at both sites were compared. There were no significant differences in academic performance between the students at both sites, however, there were significant differences in their attitudes. Those at the instructor-based site gave better ratings to most of items in the evaluation instruments. Problems at the distant site included audio and visual clarity, lack of available assistance, too much nonrelated talking, not enough opportunities to ask questions or to interact with the instructor during class. ^


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The purpose of the study is to investigate how beginning teachers in the state of Florida perceive their preparation to demonstrate the 27 Florida Essential Generic Competencies.^ The basic research question of this study was: How do beginning teachers perceive their level of preparation regarding their implementation of the Florida Essential Generic Competencies? This study identified and categorized the perceived degree of preparation for each of the competencies. Also, elementary, middle, and high school beginning teachers were compared to find significant differences and similarities in their perception of their preparation. A comparison was also done for graduates from in-state versus out-of-state and private versus public institutions.^ A survey developed in collaboration with the Department of Education, Florida State University, members of the Professional Orientation Program (POP) Coordinators, and the Project Director of Program Review in the College of Education at the University of South Florida, was sent to 5,076 beginning teachers. A total of 1,995 returned the survey in February of 1993. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) procedure was used (Alpha =.05). Statistical analysis of the data involved a comparison of the different groups of beginning teachers by school level and kind of graduating institutions. The dependent variables analyzed were the responses to all items representing the generic competencies.^ The study identified and categorized the degree of preparation for each competency. The competencies receiving the lowest ratings for degree of preparation were: integrate computers in instruction; manage situations involving child abuse and/or neglect; severe emotional stress; alcohol and drug abuse.^ The Wilkes lambda and the Hotellings multivariate tests of significance were used to examine the differences among the groups. The competency items were further analyzed by a univariate F test. Results indicated that: (1) significant differences were found in nine competency items in which elementary teachers felt better prepared than middle and high school beginning teachers, (2) graduates from a Florida teacher education program felt they were better prepared in demonstrating the competencies than those from out-of-state schools, and (3) no significant difference was found in the perceptions of those who graduated from public versus private institutions.^ Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made: (1) Florida's institutions responsible for teacher preparation programs need to focus on those competencies receiving the lowest ratings, (2) Districts should provide an orientation program for out-of-state beginning teachers, and (3) The survey instrument should be used annually to evaluate teacher education programs. ^


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A study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness, as measured by performance on course posttests, of mindmapping versus traditional notetaking in a corporate training class. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge concerning the effectiveness of mindmapping as an information encoding tool to enhance the effectiveness of learning. Corporations invest billions of dollars, annually, in training programs. Given this increased demand for effective and efficient workplace learning, continual reliance on traditional notetaking is questionable for the high-speed and continual learning required on workers.^ An experimental, posttest-only control group design was used to test the following hypotheses: (1) there is no significant difference in posttest scores on an achievement test, administered immediately after the course, between adult learners using mindmapping versus traditional notetaking methods in a training lecture, and (2) there is no significant difference in posttest scores on an achievement test, administered 30 days after the course, between adult learners using mindmapping versus traditional notetaking methods in a training lecture. After a 1.5 hour instruction on mindmapping, the treatment group used mindmapping throughout the course. The control group used traditional notetaking. T-tests were used to determine if there were significant differences between mean posttest scores between the two groups. In addition, an attitudinal survey, brain hemisphere dominance survey, course dynamics observations, and course evaluations were used to investigate preference for mindmapping, its perceived effect on test performance, and the effectiveness of mindmapping instruction.^ This study's principal finding was that although the mindmapping group did not perform significantly higher on posttests administered immediately and 30 days after the course, than the traditional notetaking group, the mindmapping group did score higher on both posttests and reported higher ratings of the course on every evaluation criteria. Lower educated, right brain dominant learners reported a significantly positive learning experience. These results suggest that mindmapping enhances and reinforces the preconditions of learning. Recommendations for future study are provided. ^