832 resultados para Construction equipment industry


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The construction material sector, as a capital intensive industry, is highly vulnerable to rapid fluctuations in the economic cycles. In Finland this was witnessed especially during the late 2000s, as in 2007 and 2008 the demand for several construction materials exceeded their supply and right after this, in 2009 the demand collapsed fast as a result of an international recession. These factors brought about the need to study the future trends of the market place of the commissioning company, Finnsementti Oy. As reliable short term market forecasts for the sector are difficult to compose, the study concentrates primarily in examining and identifying the trends that are likely to affect the Finnish cement industry, and as an extension, the concrete industry in a frame of 10 to 15 years. The study’s scope comprehends also the examination of the domestic construction sector, as it represents the end user industry of both cement and concrete. These motives for the study produce the research problem, which is to conduct a trend analysis for cement based building in the Finnish market area in the 2020s. The theoretical frame for composing a trend analysis in the case of this study is twofold. This is due to the fact that both, the macro and micro environments of the examined industries are studied. The main methods used are the PESTE-model (macro) and Porter’s five forces model (micro). The study applies a qualitative approach and the data is gathered by interviewing a group of experts from the cement, concrete and construction industries. The result of the paper is an overall trend analysis for the Finnish cement based building sector, which is based on ‘sub trend analyses’ concerning four identified sub-sectors of the Finnish construction industry. The results are a combination of findings from these sub-sectors and the analyzed data that deals with the studied sector’s macro and micro environment. The conclusions provide an overall picture of the examined sectors’ potential future as a whole and by defined sub-sectors of the construction industry. The recognition of future trends in different areas of the construction industry can be applied as a means for an industry actor’s decision making and in estimating the types of construction that are likely to grow or decline. Finally, based on the analyzed data and conclusions, the commissioning company is provided with a brief SWOT analysis, that provides additional tools for decision making and planning processes regarding the future.


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Kompostien käyttöä on kokeiltu ja tutkittu Kainuun ELY-keskuksen Eloperäiset jätteet kiertoon -hankkeessa. Komposteja on hyödynnetty laskettelurinteen ja kaivosteollisuuden sivukiven läjitysalueen maisemoinnissa, pihanurmen ja energiakasvien kasvattamisessa, metsän lannoittamisessa ja maanviljelyssä. Pihanurmen perustamisen ja energiakasvien kasvattamisen kokeiluista on tehty myös erilliset tutkimukset. Tutkimustyöstä on vastannut MTT (Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus). Tutkimustieto on sisällytetty tähän julkaisuun. Kompostin käyttökokeissa ja tutkimuksissa on hyödynnetty Kainuun kuntien ja Kainuun jätehuollon kuntayhtymän Eko-Kympin komposteja. Kaikki kompostit ovat aumakompostoinnin tuotoksia. Eko-Kympin komposti on valmistettu biojätteistä. Muut kompostit ovat lähtöisin kunnallisten jätevedenpuhdistamoiden lietteistä. Kajaanin kompostia kutsutaan myös A. & E. Juntunen Oy:n valmistamaksi biomullaksi. Saatujen kokemusten ja tutkimusten mukaan aumakompostoinnilla tuotettu komposti soveltuu näihin erilaisiin käyttömuotoihin, etenkin kun esille tulleita kehittämistoimia toteutetaan. Sivukiven läjitysalueiden maisemoinnissa, maanviljelyssä ja metsän lannoittamisessa komposti ei tarvitse kivennäismaata seosaineeksi. Sivukiven läjitysalueilla ne kompostit, joihin oli sekoitettu hiekkaa, eivät pysyneet paikoillaan. Aines valui sadeveden mukana alas rinteeltä. Pelkkää kompostia käytettäessä kompostimassa pysyi aloillaan. Maanviljelyssä ja metsän lannoittamisessa kivennäismaa on tarpeeton. Lisäksi kompostissa oleva kiviaines kuluttaa ja voi vaurioittaa levityslaitteita. Ravinteet vapautuvat kompostista hitaasti kasvien käyttöön. Kemiallisilla lannoitteilla on nopeampi vaikutus. Kompostit soveltuvat erityisen hyvin ympäristöihin, joissa täydennyslannoitusta ei tarvita tai joissa lannoite on vaikeaa levittää. Tällaisia kohteita ovat esimerkiksi kaivosten sivukiven tai rikastushiekan läjitysalueet tai muut vaikeakulkuiset kohteet. Myös metsien lannoittaminen ja maanviljely ovat Kainuussa kompostien hyödyntämisen osalta alihyödynnettyjä. Pöyry Finland Oy on laatinut Kajaaniin kaavaillulle biologiselle jätteiden käsittelylaitokselle teknistaloudelliset suunnitelmat. Yhtiön tekemissä suunnitelmissa tulee ilmi, että kaikkien Kainuun lietteiden aumakompostointi tuottaisi kompostia 13 000 tonnia vuodessa, kun tukiaine seulotaan erilleen. Mädätys- tai biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdoissa lopputuotteen määrä on edellistä pienempi. Pelkkien Kainuun lietteiden mädättäminen tuottaisi kompostia jälkikompostin seulonnan jälkeen 6 600 tonnia. Viherrakentaminen taajamissa on komposteille Kainuussa yleinen käyttömuoto. Sillä on kasvun edellytyksiä etenkin, kun kompostin laatuun panostetaan. Viherrakentaminen Kajaanin seudulla riittäisi kuluttamaan kaiken Kainuussa muodostuvan kompostin, kun kompostimullan kulutuksena pidetään 0,5 tonnia asukasta kohden vuodessa. Tämä vastaa Kajaanin seudulla 27 000 tonnin kompostimäärää. Kompostin muodostumismäärä ei tulevaisuudessa tule olemaan lähellä tätä laskennallista multamenekkiä. Kompostin huono menekki johtuu joidenkin kuntien osalta pikemminkin huonosta kompostin laadusta kuin markkinoiden kyllästymisestä. Tilanne on korjaantumassa suunnitteilla olevan biologisen jätteiden käsittelylaitoksen myötä. Siinä kompostituotteen laatuun voidaan panostaa tehokkaammin kuin erillisillä pienillä kompostointikentillä.


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In this report are described means for indoor localization in special, challenging circum-stances in marine industry. The work has been carried out in MARIN project, where a tool based on mobile augmented reality technologies for marine industry is developed. The tool can be used for various inspection and documentation tasks and it is aimed for improving the efficiency in design and construction work by offering the possibility to visualize the newest 3D-CAD model in real environment. Indoor localization is needed to support the system in initialization of the accurate camera pose calculation and auto-matically finding the right location in the 3D-CAD model. The suitability of each indoor localization method to the specific environment and circumstances is evaluated.


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The portfolio as a means of demonstrating personal skills has lately been gaining prominence among technology students. This is partially due to the introduction of electronic portfolios, or e-portfolios. As platforms for e-portfolio management with different approaches have been introduced, the learning cycle, traditional portfolio pedagogy, and learner centricity have sometimes been forgotten, and as a result, the tools have been used for the most part as data depositories. The purpose of this thesis is to show how the construction of e-portfolios of IT students can be supported by institutions through the usage of different tools that relate to study advising, teaching, and learning. The construction process is presented as a cycle based on learning theories. Actions related to the various phases of the e-portfolio construction process are supported by the implementation of software applications. To maximize learner-centricity and minimize the intervention of the institution, the evaluated and controlled actions for these practices can be separated from the e-portfolios, leaving the construction of the e-portfolio to students. The main contributions of this thesis are the implemented applications, which can be considered to support the e-portfolio construction by assisting in planning, organizing, and reflecting activities. Eventually, this supports the students in their construction of better and more extensive e-portfolios. The implemented tools include 1) JobSkillSearcher to help students’ recognition of the demands of the ICT industry regarding skills, 2) WebTUTOR to support students’ personal study planning, 3) Learning Styles to determine students' learning styles, and 4) MyPeerReview to provide a platform on which to carry out anonymous peer review processes in courses. The most visible outcome concerning the e-portfolio is its representation, meaning that one can use it to demonstrate personal achievements at the time of seeking a job and gaining employment. Testing the tools and the selected open-source e-portfolio application indicates that the degree of richness of e-portfolio content can be increased by using the implemented applications.


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The steel industry produces, besides steel, also solid mineral by-products or slags, while it emits large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Slags consist of various silicates and oxides which are formed in chemical reactions between the iron ore and the fluxing agents during the high temperature processing at the steel plant. Currently, these materials are recycled in the ironmaking processes, used as aggregates in construction, or landfilled as waste. The utilization rate of the steel slags can be increased by selectively extracting components from the mineral matrix. As an example, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts such as ammonium acetate, chloride and nitrate extract calcium quite selectively already at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. After the residual solids have been separated from the solution, calcium carbonate can be precipitated by feeding a CO2 flow through the solution. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used in different applications as a filler material. Its largest consumer is the papermaking industry, which utilizes PCC because it enhances the optical properties of paper at a relatively low cost. Traditionally, PCC is manufactured from limestone, which is first calcined to calcium oxide, then slaked with water to calcium hydroxide and finally carbonated to PCC. This process emits large amounts of CO2, mainly because of the energy-intensive calcination step. This thesis presents research work on the scale-up of the above-mentioned ammonium salt based calcium extraction and carbonation method, named Slag2PCC. Extending the scope of the earlier studies, it is now shown that the parameters which mainly affect the calcium utilization efficiency are the solid-to-liquid ratio of steel slag and the ammonium salt solvent solution during extraction, the mean diameter of the slag particles, and the slag composition, especially the fractions of total calcium, silicon, vanadium and iron as well as the fraction of free calcium oxide. Regarding extraction kinetics, slag particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and molar concentration of the solvent solution have the largest effect on the reaction rate. Solvent solution concentrations above 1 mol/L NH4Cl cause leaching of other elements besides calcium. Some of these such as iron and manganese result in solution coloring, which can be disadvantageous for the quality of the PCC product. Based on chemical composition analysis of the produced PCC samples, however, the product quality is mainly similar as in commercial products. Increasing the novelty of the work, other important parameters related to assessment of the PCC quality, such as particle size distribution and crystal morphology are studied as well. As in traditional PCC precipitation process, the ratio of calcium and carbonate ions controls the particle shape; a higher value for [Ca2+]/[CO32-] prefers precipitation of calcite polymorph, while vaterite forms when carbon species are present in excess. The third main polymorph, aragonite, is only formed at elevated temperatures, above 40-50 °C. In general, longer precipitation times cause transformation of vaterite to calcite or aragonite, but also result in particle agglomeration. The chemical equilibrium of ammonium and calcium ions and dissolved ammonia controlling the solution pH affects the particle sizes, too. Initial pH of 12-13 during the carbonation favors nonagglomerated particles with a diameter of 1 μm and smaller, while pH values of 9-10 generate more agglomerates of 10-20 μm. As a part of the research work, these findings are implemented in demonstrationscale experimental process setups. For the first time, the Slag2PCC technology is tested in scale of ~70 liters instead of laboratory scale only. Additionally, design of a setup of several hundreds of liters is discussed. For these purposes various process units such as inclined settlers and filters for solids separation, pumps and stirrers for material transfer and mixing as well as gas feeding equipment are dimensioned and developed. Overall emissions reduction of the current industrial processes and good product quality as the main targets, based on the performed partial life cycle assessment (LCA), it is most beneficial to utilize low concentration ammonium salt solutions for the Slag2PCC process. In this manner the post-treatment of the products does not require extensive use of washing and drying equipment, otherwise increasing the CO2 emissions of the process. The low solvent concentration Slag2PCC process causes negative CO2 emissions; thus, it can be seen as a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) method, which actually reduces the anthropogenic CO2 emissions compared to the alternative of not using the technology. Even if the amount of steel slag is too small for any substantial mitigation of global warming, the process can have both financial and environmental significance for individual steel manufacturers as a means to reduce the amounts of emitted CO2 and landfilled steel slag. Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the carbon dioxide directly into the mixture of steel slag and ammonium salt solution. The process would generate a 60-75% pure calcium carbonate mixture, the remaining 25-40% consisting of the residual steel slag. This calcium-rich material could be re-used in ironmaking as a fluxing agent instead of natural limestone. Even though this process option would require less process equipment compared to the Slag2PCC process, it still needs further studies regarding the practical usefulness of the products. Nevertheless, compared to several other CO2 emission reduction methods studied around the world, the within this thesis developed and studied processes have the advantage of existing markets for the produced materials, thus giving also a financial incentive for applying the technology in practice.


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This thesis was carried out as a case study of a company YIT in order to clarify the sev-erest risks for the company and to build a method for project portfolio evaluation. The target organization creates new living environment by constructing residential buildings, business premises, infrastructure and entire areas worth for EUR 1.9 billion in the year 2013. Company has noted project portfolio management needs more information about the structure of project portfolio and possible influences of market shock situation. With interviews have been evaluated risks with biggest influence and most appropriate metrics to examine. The major risks for the company were evaluated by interviewing the executive staff. At the same time, the most appropriate risk metrics were considered. At the moment sales risk was estimated to have biggest impact on company‟s business. Therefore project port-folio evaluation model was created and three different scenarios for company‟s future were created in order to identify the scale of possible market shock situation. The created model is tested with public and descriptive figures of YIT in a one-year-long market shock and the impact on different metrics was evaluated. Study was conducted using con-structive research methodology. Results indicate that company has notable sales risk in certain sections of business portfolio.


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Waste incineration is becoming increasingly widespread method of waste disposal in China. Incineration plants mostly use grate and circular fluidized bed (CFB) technology. Waste combustion in cement production is also beginning to gradually increase. However, Chinese waste composition is causing problems for the energy utilization. Mechanical waste pre-treatment optimizes the combustion process and facilitates the energy recovery. The objective of this study is to identify how Western waste pre-treatment manufacturer could operate in Chinese markets. Chinese waste management industry is reviewed via PESTEL analysis. The current state and future predictions of grate and CFB incineration as well as cement manufacturing are monitored. Grate combustion, which requires lesser waste pre-treatment, is becoming more common at the expense of CFB incineration in China. The most promising future for waste treatment is in cement production industry. Waste treatment equipment manufacturer should try to create pilot projects with biggest cement producers with a view of growing co-operation in the future.


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The aim of this thesis was to develop the category planning process in the case company operating in construction industry. As the interest in the field of research has just recently started to emerge towards the benefits of category management and planning, the theoretical background was derived from literature of subjects with a relation to category planning i.e. procurement strategy, purchasing portfolio model, information flow management and cost analysis. The background for the development of category planning process was derived from retail industry, to where the category planning is more researched. The empirical study was executed with mixed method approach: quantitative data of the categories was analyzed and qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interview and discussions within the case company. As a result, the category planning process was critically analyzed and development proposals addressed for improving the process description. Additionally a tool was developed based on the empirical study to support the category planning process of the case company.


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The fundamental purpose of this research is to emphasise a founding entrepreneur’s own role in the construction of a successful business story, with the focus being on the analysis of the entrepreneur’s activities. The theoretical section sheds light on the heterogeneous nature of existing performance research and, thereby, opens the way for the behavioural approach research of entrepreneurs in the field of new venture performance research. This research can be seen to be in line with the latest trends in entrepreneurship research, which question the applicability of different organisational theories in entrepreneurship research. For this reason, the founding entrepreneur has been chosen, instead of the company, to be the unit of analysis in this research in order to lighten the link in question while developing and refining new knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. The empirical section of this research focuses on the entrepreneur’s own actions or behaviours that can be seen to be associated with the company’s success. Although some of these actions may resemble the strategic actions of a company as defined in strategic management literature, these actions taken by the entrepreneur themselves must be distinguished from the different organisational actions. Usually, an entrepreneur makes decisions rather independently, mainly on basis of their own intuition and prevailing market conditions, whereas organisational actions are very systematic, and each decision involves many different people. For this reason, an entrepreneur’s actions must be distinguished from organisational actions. In additional to different action paths, the empirical data collected for this research also offers almost unambiguous proof that the actions taken by an entrepreneur at the different stages of a company’s development do play a crucial role in the success of the companies studied in this research. In this way, it is possible to identify a significant link between the behavioural approach research of entrepreneurs and new venture performance research. Due to a lack of behavioural research into founding entrepreneurs, this research has utilised a qualitative (hermeneutic) research approach. The researcher strove to establish a particularly close connection with the entrepreneurs that were studied here and, thus, understand the actions taken at the different stages of their companies’ development as well as the motives and fundamental purposes of these actions. It would not have been possible to manage such profound data that focuses on causalities by using quantitative methods. In addition to interviews, this research used corporate histories of the companies for collecting some of the research data. These corporate histories can be considered excellent tools for the researcher to obtain a preliminary understanding and can, thereby, be seen to have laid the ground for more in-depth and diverse analyses.


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The growth of the food packaging industry has raised more interest in bio-based fibre packing. The use of petroleum based packages is unfriendly to the environment while bio-based is a sustainable option for food packing. In this Master Thesis the aim was to discover how the press forming machineries runnability is affected by parameters of the press and how it also affects formability of paperboard trays. Familiarisation of the working operation parameters was done with the KAMA ST 75 flat-bed die cutting machine and the VP3-70 mould press. Some small test runs of moulding trays where done to get acquainted to the adjustment parameters of the machines. Literature study was done on how paperboards physical properties react to the forces applied during press forming. The study of what kind of defects to the paperboard tray might occur during forming process and the causes for these defects. Also how the parameters of the press forming machine affects formability of the tray. Maintenance procedures was done to the press forming machine to enhance the reliably of production process. Tool alignment measurement was done to determine proper alignment. Laboratory test of the physical properties of the test material was done to find any connection to how the test material performs in press forming. An evaluation criterion was made to evaluate the dimensions and defects of the tray. From the test result a conclusion can be drawn on how the parameters of the press forming process affect the paperboard material. Based on the results the adjustment the parameters of moulding machines to the mechanical properties of paperboard it is possible to produce high quality fibre passed trays for the food packaging industry.


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Film sequels are a pervasive part of film consumption practices and have become an important part of the decision making process for Hollywood studios and producers. This thesis indicates that sequels are not homogenous groups of films, as they are often considered, but offer a variety of story construction and utilize a variety of production methods. Three types of blockbuster sequel sets are identified and discussed in this thesis. The Traditional Blockbuster Sequel Set, as exemplified by Back to the Future (1985, 1989, 1990) films, is the most conventional type of sequel set and capitalizes on the winning formula of the first film in the franchise. The MultiMedia Sequel Set, such as The Matrix (1999,2003) trilogy, allows the user/viewer to experience and consume the story as well as the world of the film through many different media. The Lord a/ the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003) set of films is an illustration of The Saga Sequel Set where plot lines are continuous over the entire franchise thus allowing the viewer to see the entire set as a unified work. The thesis also demonstrates how the blockbuster sequel sets, such as the Pirates a/ the Caribbean (2003, 2006, 2007) franchise, restructure the production process of the Hollywood film industry.


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La sous-traitance est une pratique constante dans le domaine de la construction, en raison de ses atouts économiques et techniques. Par cette pratique, les sous-traitants effectuent des travaux sans être, sur le plan juridique, liés contractuellement au maître de l’ouvrage. Comment assurer le paiement de leurs créances, eu égard au risque de défaillance de l'entrepreneur. Le législateur a prévu un régime légal de protection et la pratique a élaboré des mécanismes. Le régime légal, bien qu’il assure efficacement la protection des créances des sous-traitants, comporte certaines faiblesses dans son application qui peuvent causer des inconvénients aux sous-traitants et au propriétaire. L’assurance de titres et des retenues de fonds par l’institution financière ou le notaire peuvent pallier ces difficultés pour le propriétaire. Les mécanismes de protection élaborés par la pratique, tels que le cautionnement et les garanties monétaires, accroissent la protection des sous-traitants lorsqu’ils sont utilisés parallèlement au régime légal et profitent au propriétaire.


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L’introduction du développement durable apporte de nouvelles préoccupations environnementales au niveau de la construction et de la rénovation résidentielles, une industrie qui représente un marché économique important au Canada. En plus d’engendrer plusieurs impacts sur l’environnement, la conception actuelle ne permet pas d’accommoder le changement initié par l’évolution des pratiques, les avancées technologiques, mais également par l’évolution des patrons de vie des occupants. Dans un premier temps, la revue de littérature dresse le portrait de l’industrie de la construction, rénovation et démolition (CRD) au Canada, ainsi que le profil de gestion des débris de CRD. Ensuite, une analyse documentaire traite de différents outils de conception développés pour améliorer la performance du secteur : 3RV-E, écoconception, écoconstruction et LEED®. De plus, la recension des écrits permet également de cerner les concepts d’adaptabilité et de flexibilité au niveau du bâtiment et dans les approches et mouvements émergents en architecture. Cette démarche nous amène à établir l’hypothèse que l’intégration des critères d’adaptabilité et de flexibilité au niveau du logement aurait pour effet d’améliorer l’adéquation entre les besoins évolutifs des occupants et les nouvelles considérations environnementales. Au niveau méthodologique, l’analyse du cycle de vie simplifiée par l’Eco-indicator99 encadre l’analyse environnementale de l’ossature de trois types de construction de cloison. De cette évaluation, on conclut que c’est la construction traditionnelle à ossature de bois qui produit le moins d’impacts. Dans l’ordre suivant la proposition de construction de cloison à ossature d’aluminium, plus adaptable et flexible, et finalement la construction à ossature d’acier qui est le système le plus dommageable. Par contre, en intégrant le facteur temporel, cette analyse démontre que l’intégration de l’adaptabilité et de la flexibilité procure plusieurs cycles de vie et de rénovation au produit et à ses composantes. Finalement, ces concepts offrent également le potentiel de diminuer les impacts générés par la construction et la rénovation, un constat qui mériterait d’être abordé dans une approche plus systémique.


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La collusion est une pratique anticoncurrentielle qui a pour but la coopération de personnes morales afin d’atteindre un but commun tel que le profit. Cette méthode se retrouve dans le milieu de la construction notamment par la rotation de contrat, par la fixation de prix ou le débalancement de bordereaux. Bien que la collusion dans la construction soit souvent associée au crime organisé, cette étude propose l’hypothèse d’un contrôle du marché par le crime organisant et non le crime organisé. Ainsi, l’industrie de la construction serait influencée par une organisation en mouvance et en développement constant pouvant s’organiser tout en organisant d’autres noyaux. En analysant le marché de l’industrie de la construction, cette étude a pu relever qu’il était possible à l’aide d’outils quantitatifs tels que l’analyse de classification d’identifier des irrégularités au sein du marché, au fil des années. Des entrevues passées auprès d’acteurs du domaine de la construction sont venues confirmer l’hypothèse d’un contrôle du marché par le crime organisant et non le crime organisé. L’analyse qualitative se penchait ainsi sur les motivations des acteurs à entreprendre des pratiques anticoncurrentielles et sur la compréhension de l’émergence de la collusion dans la construction. La discussion identifie les opportunités criminelles, de même que les problématiques survenant dans le milieu de la construction et pouvant influencer l’émergence de la collusion. Ces problématiques concernent les contributions aux partis politiques, le truquage des devis et bordereaux par les firmes de consultants, l’impunité des autorités, l’historicité des entrepreneurs, l’idéologie de marché et les problématiques liées au cautionnement. Enfin, des solutions adaptées à la réalité de l’industrie de la construction en tenant compte des facteurs de risque ont été identifiées.


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Chapter 1 presents a brief note on the state at which the construction industry stands at present, bringing into focus the significance of the critical study. Relevance of the study, area of investigation and objectives of the study are outlined in this chapter. The 2nd chapter presents a review of the literature on the relevant areas. In the third chapter an analysis on time and cost overrun in construction highlighting the major factors responsible for it has been done. A couple of case studies to estimate loss to the nation on account of delay in construction have been presented in the chapter. The need for an appropriate estimate and a competent contractor has been emphasised for improving effectiveness in the project implementation. Certain useful equations and thoughts have been formulated on this area in this chapter that can be followed in State PWD and other Govt. organisations. Case studies on project implementation of major projects undertaken by Government sponsored/supported organizations in Kerala have been dealt with in Chapter 4. A detailed description of the project of Kerala Legislature Complex with a critical analysis has been given in this chapter. A detailed account of the investigations carried out on the construction of International Stadium, a sports project of Greater Cochin Development Authority is included here. The project details of Cochin International Airport at Nedumbassery, its promoters and contractors are also discussed in Chapter 4. Various aspects of implementation which led the above projects successful have been discussed in chapter 5. The data collected were analysed through discussion and perceptions to arrive at certain conclusions. The emergence of front-loaded contract and its impact on economics of the project execution are dealt with in this chapter. Analysis of delays in respect of the various project narrated in chapter 3 has been done here. The root causes of the project time and overrun and its remedial measures are also enlisted in this chapter. Study of cost and time overrun of any construction project IS a part of construction management. Under the present environment of heavy investment on construction activities in India, the consequences of mismanagement many a time lead to excessive expenditure which are not be avoidable. Cost consciousness, therefore has to be keener than ever before. Optimization in investment can be achieved by improved dynamism in construction management. The successful completion of coristruction projects within the specified programme, optimizing three major attributes of the process - quality, schedule and costs - has become the most valuable and challenging task for the engineer - managers to perform. So, the various aspects of construction management such as cost control, schedule control, quality assurance, management techniques etc. have also been discussed in this fifth chapter. Chapter 6 summarises the conclusions drawn from the above criticalr1 of rhajor construction projects in Kerala.