850 resultados para Construção civil - Controle de qualidade


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian construction is with high production which resulted in many service industries and also for businesses that work in conjunction with it. For the furniture industries would not be different, since they are intimately involved with the construction. To meet the demand for furnishings in Brazil, some clusters of industries have developed in recent years, as in the case of Uba (MG), Arapongas (PR) and Bento Gonçalves (RS). For industries sector can always increase its production combining quality and customer satisfaction, is necessary for their production procedures are studied and improved every day. The aim of this research is to propose a solution for simple information system involving the issue of tracking parts of the furniture produced in an industry custom furniture that depend on outsourced services. The research occurred during four months of the year 2013 for the observation of the production of the industry, where possible observing interference could be carried out with the aim of obtaining improvements in the production line. It is concluded that control of the finished product in a custom furniture industry is a very complex work, because the information system must transmit information faithful, which has not happened formerly, but after the implementation of the identification system was significant improvement the transfer of information between sectors mounts internal and external furniture


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The civil construction sector has been stimulated to industrialize itself by the adoption of Lean Construction practices in its constructive process. Given this fact, this research verify and identify Lean Tools and the level of application of these Tools in construction companies in the State of São Paulo, in order to be able to notice which Lean Concepts generate the highest benefits to these companies. The research method used was a survey applied only between construction companies that have some type of quality certificate. From the results, a data analysis was made in order to note the constructor's situation in relation to Lean Construction and, based on this analysis, verify the impact of the Lean Principles on the competitiveness of these companies and on the business performance. This way, it was possible to note a high level of application the Lean Tools by the responding companies. It also became clear, by means of this work: the strong influence of the concepts of Flow, of Continuous Improvement and of methods of prevention and resolutions of problems on the overall companies performance


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The presented work aimed to present the Modular Construction scenario, relating it to the fundamentals assumptions on the Modular Coordination Theory. The presentation of this theory, its historical development, its scope and tools, were conceived to further, show how the applicability on the conceptual and design phases is done. Also, studies cases are shown, in order to illustrate didactically how this process occurs. Basing on these studies, considerations are made about the use of modulation in projects in Brazil, at the expense of what happens on the international scenario, to highlight the importance of Modular Coordination for raising the standards of construction quality and rationality in the country


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The civil construction sector has been stimulated to industrialize itself by the adoption of Lean Construction practices in its constructive process. Given this fact, this research verify and identify Lean Tools and the level of application of these Tools in construction companies in the State of São Paulo, in order to be able to notice which Lean Concepts generate the highest benefits to these companies. The research method used was a survey applied only between construction companies that have some type of quality certificate. From the results, a data analysis was made in order to note the constructor's situation in relation to Lean Construction and, based on this analysis, verify the impact of the Lean Principles on the competitiveness of these companies and on the business performance. This way, it was possible to note a high level of application the Lean Tools by the responding companies. It also became clear, by means of this work: the strong influence of the concepts of Flow, of Continuous Improvement and of methods of prevention and resolutions of problems on the overall companies performance


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The presented work aimed to present the Modular Construction scenario, relating it to the fundamentals assumptions on the Modular Coordination Theory. The presentation of this theory, its historical development, its scope and tools, were conceived to further, show how the applicability on the conceptual and design phases is done. Also, studies cases are shown, in order to illustrate didactically how this process occurs. Basing on these studies, considerations are made about the use of modulation in projects in Brazil, at the expense of what happens on the international scenario, to highlight the importance of Modular Coordination for raising the standards of construction quality and rationality in the country


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Nowadays lives up in an era of tight credit caused by the global financial crisis, as occurred in the past, it is the responsibility of various sectors and segments of society find ways to reinvent itself. In this context, Lean Construction presents itself as a strong alternative production management for companies in the construction segment. Arising out of lean thinking that originated in Japan in the postwar period and has spread around the world in times of extreme scarcity with the oil crisis. In practice the Lean Construction is a philosophy that seeks to improve the process of production management, maximizing the value of the flow from the customer's perspective through the elimination of losses. And thrives in environments and cultures that consider the scarcity of resources like something natural, applying both the macroeconomic crisis as in times of prosperity. The Planning and Production Control - PCP presents itself as a fundamental building block for companies to protect themselves in the face of economic fluctuations, seeking for their survival and success in the competitive market. Motivated by the lack of discussion of the topic in the local academy, and for the identification of 93.33% of construction companies that do not make use of methodological tools for PCP in the state, this dissertation aims to study and propose the implementation of lean construction in methodology of planning projects implemented on construction sites. This characterized the management system, of the production of a construction company, pointing out the main causes of ineffectiveness related to consequent low performance of one of his ventures. In sequence, the PCP was implemented with the use of tools to serve the principles of lean construction. This being monitored through indicators that provided managers managerial view of process of actions control and production of protective mechanisms. All implementation guidelines and application of this management model, were exposed in a simplified way, practical and efficient, in order to break the resistance of new practices and old paradigms in the industry.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar de que maneira os princípios da Construção Enxuta estão sendo empregados em empresa de pequeno porte do segmento de Construção Civil. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, sendo o estudo de caso realizado em uma construtora de pequeno porte de edifícios verticais com o apoio do Sindicato das Empresas de Compra, Venda, Locação e Administração de Imóveis Residenciais e Comerciais de São Paulo - SECOVI. Observou-se grande interesse na implantação, sendo um ponto negativo a necessidade de mudança de cultura, visto que muitas atividades tidas como ”vícios” devem ser eliminadas, frente a novo conhecimento. Motivada pelos gestores e alta direção, a filosofia será bem vinda, assim como outras ferramentas de Produção Enxuta, tais como o kanban, housekeeping, 5S, Just in Time e melhorias nos canteiros de obra e processos logísticos. Concluiu-se nesta pesquisa que os princípios da Construção Enxuta são pouco conhecidos pelos profissionais, na prática sendo voltados para gestão da qualidade e produtividade. Constatou-se que, ao mencionar os princípios, estes são de pouco conhecimento, e tem-se uma aceitação imediata quando se fala em redução de tempo e aumento da produtividade com eliminação de tarefas consideradas como de não agregação de valor.


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O presente trabalho faz um enlace de teorias propostas por dois trabalhos: Transformação de valores crisp em valores fuzzy e construção de gráfico de controle fuzzy. O resultado desse enlace é um gráfico de controle fuzzy que foi aplicado em um processo de produção de iogurte, onde as variáveis analisadas foram: Cor, Aroma, Consistência, Sabor e Acidez. São características que dependem da percepção dos indivíduos, então a forma utilizada para coletar informações a respeito de tais característica foi a análise sensorial. Nas analises um grupo denominado de juízes, atribuía individualmente notas para cada amostra de iogurte em uma escala de 0 a 10. Esses valores crisp, notas atribuídas pelos juízes, foram então, transformados em valores fuzzy, na forma de número fuzzy triangular. Com os números fuzzy, foram construídos os gráficos de controle fuzzy de média e amplitude. Com os valores crisp foram construídos gráficos de controle de Shewhart para média e amplitude, já consolidados pela literatura. Por fim, os resultados encontrados nos gráficos tradicionais foram comparados aos encontrados nos gráficos de controle fuzzy. O que pode-se observar é que o gráfico de controle fuzzy, parece satisfazer de forma significativa a realidade do processo, pois na construção do número fuzzy é considerada a variabilidade do processo. Além disso, caracteriza o processo de produção em alguns níveis, onde nem sempre o processo estará totalmente em controle ou totalmente fora de controle. O que vai ao encontro da teoria fuzzy: se não é possível prever com exatidão determinados resultados é melhor ter uma margem de aceitação, o que implicará na redução de erros.