855 resultados para Conservation of forage
Freshwater mussel (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) populations are one of the most endangered faunistic groups. Mussels play an important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, because they are responsible for the filtration and purification of water. They have a complex life cycle, with a parasitic larvae and usually limited host fish species. The real status of these populations is still poorly understood worldwide. The objectives of the present work were the study of bioecology of duck mussel (Anodonta anatina L.) populations of Tua Basin (NE Portugal). It was made the characterization of the ecological status of Rabaçal, Tuela and Tua Rivers, selecting 15 sampling sites, equally distributed by the three rivers. Samplings were made in the winter of 2016, and several physico-chemical water parameters measured and two habitat quality indexes calculated (GQC and QBR indexes). Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were sampled based on the protocols established by the Water Framework Directive. Host fish populations for duck mussel were determined in laboratorial conditions, testing several native and exotic fish species. The results showed that several water quality variables (e.g. dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, and nutrients) can be used for the classification of river typology. Other responsive metrics were also determined to identify environmental degradation. For instances, hydromorphological conditions (GQC and QBR indexes) and biota related metrics (e.g. composition, distribution, abundance, diversity of invertebrate communities) contributed to the evaluation of the ecological integrity. The upper zones of Rabaçal and Tuela rivers were classified with excellent and good ecological integrity, while less quality was found in downstream zones. The host fish tests showed that only native species are effective hosts, essential for the conservation purposes of this mussel species. Threats, like pollution, sedimentation and river regularization (3 big dams are in construction or in filling phase), are the main cause of habitat loss for native mussel and fish populations in the future. Rehabilitation and mitigation measures are essential for these lotic ecosystems in order to preserve the prioritary habitats and the native species heavily threatened.
Repeatability of behavioural and physiological traits is increasingly a focus for animal researchers, for which fish have become important models. Almost all of this work has been done in the context of evolutionary ecology, with few explicit attempts to apply repeatability and context dependency of trait variation toward understanding conservation-related issues. Here, we review work examining the degree to which repeatability of traits (such as boldness, swimming performance, metabolic rate and stress responsiveness) is context dependent. We review methods for quantifying repeatability (distinguishing between within-context and across-context repeatability) and confounding factors that may be especially problematic when attempting to measure repeatability in wild fish. Environmental factors such temperature, food availability, oxygen availability, hypercapnia, flow regime and pollutants all appear to alter trait repeatability in fishes. This suggests that anthropogenic environmental change could alter evolutionary trajectories by changing which individuals achieve the greatest fitness in a given set of conditions. Gaining a greater understanding of these effects will be crucial for our ability to forecast the effects of gradual environmental change, such as climate change and ocean acidification, the study of which is currently limited by our ability to examine trait changes over relatively short time scales. Also discussed are situations in which recent advances in technologies associated with electronic tags (biotelemetry and biologging) and respirometry will help to facilitate increased quantification of repeatability for physiological and integrative traits, which so far lag behind measures of repeatability of behavioural traits.
Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
The collection and conservation of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil happened in so dispersed institutions, an assessment of the storage conditions and the genetic diversity is needed, making it possible to identify new priorities for the genus. This work constitutes diagnosis of geographical distribution, storage conditions in situ and ex situ and on genetic diversity of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil. Research was done in herbariums, databases, literature and in situ (expeditions to rural areas and (markets) to map the areas of occurrence of the species. During these expeditions, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the property and genus Cucurbita. Questionnaires were sent to 173 Brazilian institutions regarding the preservation conditions ex situ. A genetic variability of the Cucurbita genus was found in traditional Brazilian agriculture. Collections must be prioritized in the northern and southern regions (all states); the southeastern region, all states, except Minas Gerais; central-west, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso; the northeastern region, the states of Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Sergipe. Currently 5.545 entries are being conserved in the Germplasm banks, however, C. pepo, C. ficifolia, C. argyrosperma and wild species are poorly represented. The characterization level of conserved entries is low in the ex situcollections. Participative research projects must be financed as a way to stimulate the farmers to continue planting their local varieties. A coleta e conservação do gênero Cucurbita no Brasil aconteceu de forma dispersa pelas instituições, sendo necessário um diagnóstico sobre as condições de conservação e sobre a diversidade genética, tornando possível identificar novas prioridades para o gênero. Este trabalho realizou diagnóstico sobre distribuição geográfica, condições de conservação in situ e ex situ e sobre diversidade genética do gênro Cucurbita no Brasil. Para mapear as áreas de ocorrência das espécies, foram realizados levantamentos de informações em herbários, banco de dados, literatura e levantamentos in situ (expedições para áreas rurais, feiras livres e CEASAs). Nessas expedições foram aplicados questionários, buscando informações sobre a propriedade e o gênero Cucurbita. Em relação as condições de conservação ex situ, foram enviados questionários para 173 instituições brasileiras. Foi constatado que existe variabilidade genética do gênero Cucurbita na agricultura tradicional brasileira. Devem ser priorizadas coletas nas regiões Norte e Sul (todos os estados); região Sudeste, todos os estados, exceto Minas Gerais; região Centro-Oeste, no Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso; região Nordeste, os estados de Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Sergipe. Atualmente estão sendo conservados nos Bancos de Germoplasma 5.545 acessos, no entanto C. pepo, C ficifolia, C. argyrosperma e espécies silvestres estão pouco representadas. É baixa a taxa de caracterização dos acessos conservados nas coleções ex situ. Devem ser financiados projetos de pesquisa participativa como uma forma de estimular e dar condições aos agricultores de continuarem cultivado suas variedades locais.
The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse areas in the world and considered a hotspot. Several actions are needed for its preservation, among them the implementation of the Biodiversity Corridors. The Atlantic Forest has three biodiversity corridors and the Rio de Janeiro State, which harbors huge species diversity, is in the Serra do Mar Corridor. We developed socioeconomic, political and environmental indicators to present conservation strategies supported by a wide database. These indicators complemented the previous surveys of priority areas which emphasized biotic elements, and their integration allowed the elaboration of strategies for the conservation and management, regionally directed, to support actions to be implemented by the Government. The analysis was done considering three subjects: Anthropic Pressure, Physical and Biotic State, and Present Ability of Response. Data analysis followed a synthesis-aggregation schedule and the resulting database was taken to a workshop, where specialists proposed strategies and actions for the conservation. These strategies were discussed considering vegetation remnant distribution, biological relevance, environmental vulnerability, kind of anthropic pressure in the region and potential for success of the actions proposed, based on the ability of response. Rio de Janeiro State is very diverse in biotic, physical, political, socioeconomic and cultural aspects which demand specific actions for each region. So, depending on the present situation of the natural and anthropic environments and on the present and future sources of degradation, regionally directed actions are applicable. This specificity in conservation actions will enable that the State remnants will be more successfully protected.
The collection and conservation of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil happened in so dispersed institutions, an assessment of the storage conditions and the genetic diversity is needed, making it possible to identify new priorities for the genus. This work constitutes diagnosis of geographical distribution, storage conditions in situ and ex situ and on genetic diversity of the Cucurbita genus in Brazil. Research was done in herbariums, databases, literature and in situ (expeditions to rural areas and (markets) to map the areas of occurrence of the species. During these expeditions, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the property and genus Cucurbita. Questionnaires were sent to 173 Brazilian institutions regarding the preservation conditions ex situ. A genetic variability of the Cucurbita genus was found in traditional Brazilian agriculture. Collections must be prioritized in the northern and southern regions (all states); the southeastern region, all states, except Minas Gerais; central-west, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso; the northeastern region, the states of Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Sergipe. Currently 5.545 entries are being conserved in the Germplasm banks, however, C. pepo, C. ficifolia, C. argyrosperma and wild species are poorly represented. The characterization level of conserved entries is low in the ex situcollections. Participative research projects must be financed as a way to stimulate the farmers to continue planting their local varieties. A coleta e conservação do gênero Cucurbita no Brasil aconteceu de forma dispersa pelas instituições, sendo necessário um diagnóstico sobre as condições de conservação e sobre a diversidade genética, tornando possível identificar novas prioridades para o gênero. Este trabalho realizou diagnóstico sobre distribuição geográfica, condições de conservação in situ e ex situ e sobre diversidade genética do gênro Cucurbita no Brasil. Para mapear as áreas de ocorrência das espécies, foram realizados levantamentos de informações em herbários, banco de dados, literatura e levantamentos in situ (expedições para áreas rurais, feiras livres e CEASAs). Nessas expedições foram aplicados questionários, buscando informações sobre a propriedade e o gênero Cucurbita. Em relação as condições de conservação ex situ, foram enviados questionários para 173 instituições brasileiras. Foi constatado que existe variabilidade genética do gênero Cucurbita na agricultura tradicional brasileira. Devem ser priorizadas coletas nas regiões Norte e Sul (todos os estados); região Sudeste, todos os estados, exceto Minas Gerais; região Centro-Oeste, no Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso; região Nordeste, os estados de Alagoas, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Sergipe. Atualmente estão sendo conservados nos Bancos de Germoplasma 5.545 acessos, no entanto C. pepo, C ficifolia, C. argyrosperma e espécies silvestres estão pouco representadas. É baixa a taxa de caracterização dos acessos conservados nas coleções ex situ. Devem ser financiados projetos de pesquisa participativa como uma forma de estimular e dar condições aos agricultores de continuarem cultivado suas variedades locais.
This study aimed to estimate heritability coefficients and genotypic correlations of mineral macronutrients in forage peanut.
Abstract. This study aimed to describe the sustainability of forage system in the small holder dairy cattle in the plateau in East Java, in particular related to the nutrient content. The method used was survey (interviews, questionnaires, field observations and sampling) at the cooperation unit, farmers, livestock and farming location in one of the areas of dairy cattle cooperation in the plateau (Cooperation of SAE Pujon-Malang). The data obtained were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistics. The results showed that forage system dominantly given during dry and rainy seasons are elephant grass and corn stalks. Linear regression equation for the nutrient content of elephant grass is TDN= 40.516 + 1.404 CP, while corn trees is TDN= 56.212 + 0.740 CP. The conclusion showed that the dependent variable is largely influenced by external factors (environment). Improved continuity of availability of forage can be done by increasing the feeding system in the region (plateau) as well as the support from outside the region. Key words: plateau, dairy cattle, forage  Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan keberlanjutan sistem pakan hijauan pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat di wilayah dataran tinggi di Jawa Timur, khususnya tentang kandungan nutrisi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei (wawancara, pengisian angket/kuesioner, observasi, dan pengambilan sampel) di koperasi, petani ternak dan lokasi peternakan di salah satu wilayah koperasi persusuan di dataran tinggi (Koperasi SAE Pujon-Malang). Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan regresi dan statistik diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan hijaun yang dominan di musim kemarau dan hujan adalah rumput gajah dan tebon jagung. Persamaan regresi linier untuk kandungan nutrisi rumput gajah adalah TDN= 40,516 + 1,404 PK, sedangkan tebon jagung adalah TDN= 56,212 + 0,740 PK. Kesimpulannya adalah variabel dependen sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh faktor luar (lingkungan). Peningkatan kontinuitas ketersediaan pakan hijauan dapat dilakukan dengan peningkatan sistem pakan di wilayah (dataran tinggi) dan dukungan sistem pakan dari luar wilayah. Kata kunci: dataran tinggi, sapi perah, pakan hijauan
The objective of this present experiment was to determine intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, nitrogen (NB) and water balances (WB) of sheep fed with buffel grass silages. The buffel grass cultivars used were Tanzania, Buchuma and Biloela. 21 male, castrated, crossbred Santa Ines x Non defined genotype sheep, with initial body weight of 31.8±3.16kg were used, kept in metabolic cages. The experimental design was completely randomized with seven replicates. No differences were observed in dry matter intake in g/day (919.2) and % of body weight (2.9). In general, digestibility coefficients of dry matter varied from 37.7% to 60.0%. The NB and WB were positive, with higher NB values in sheep fed with Tanzania (5.1g/day) and Biloela (3.9g/day) and higher WB in animals fed with Buchuma (1.38kg/animal/day) and Biloela (1.42kg/animal/day). All cultivars of buffel grass evaluated (Tanzania, Buchuma and Biloela) presented adequate chemical composition, where the silage of buffel grass used corresponded to 60% of the total daily water intake by sheep.
It was aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of grass silage-mombasa associated with different additives in four times of opening the silo. The experiment was conducted in UFGD. After harvesting the forage, biomass in natura crushed, was taken to the lab, homogenized and enriched on the basis of natural mass, with the following additives: 5% wheat bran, 5% of waste (broken grain and soy ice cream cone) of soybean, 5% urea in natural matter and the witness (without additive). The silos were opened after (unprocessed material), 15, 30 and 45 days, for the analysis of chemical composition. The data obtained were analyzed through the statistical programme SISVAR and averages were compared to 5% of probability, by Skott-Knot. The grass silage-mombasa without additive presented major (P<0.05) dry matter content compared to other treatments at time 0 and 30 days of silage and did not differ (P>0.05) of grass silage- mombasa associated with 5 of urea in 15 days and 45 of silage. The grass silage-mombasa with 5% urea showed the highest crude protein content at time 0 and differed from other treatments. The silage of mombasa associated with 5% urea provided greater in vitro digestibility of dry matter to 15 days of silage.
While only about 1-200 species are used intensively in commercial floriculture (e.g. carnations, chrysanthemums, gerbera, narcissus, orchids, tulips, lilies, roses, pansies and violas, saintpaulias, etc.) and 4-500 as house plants, several thousand species of herbs, shrubs and trees are traded commercially by nurseries and garden centres as ornamentals or amenity species. Most of these have been introduced from the wild with little selection or breeding. In Europe alone, 12 000 species are found in cultivation in general garden collections (i.e. excluding specialist collections and botanic gardens). In addition, specialist collections (often very large) of many other species and/or cultivars of groups such as orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, primulas, rhododendrons, conifers and cycads are maintained in several centres such as botanic gardens and specialist nurseries, as are 'national collections' of cultivated species and cultivars in some countries. Specialist growers, both professional and amateur, also maintain collections of plants for cultivation, including, increasingly, native plants. The trade in ornamental and amenity horticulture cannot be fully estimated but runs into many billions of dollars annually and there is considerable potential for further development and the introduction of many new species into the trade. Despite this, most of the collections are ad hoc and no co-ordinated efforts have been made to ensure that adequate germplasm samples of these species are maintained for conservation purposes and few of them are represented at all adequately in seed banks. Few countries have paid much attention to germplasm needs of ornamentals and the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center in conjunction with the USDA National Plant Germplasm System at The Ohio State University is an exception. Generally there is a serious gap in national and international germplasm strategies, which have tended to focus primarily on food plants and some forage and industrial crops. Adequate arrangements need to be put in place to ensure the long- and medium-term conservation of representative samples of the genetic diversity of ornamental species. The problems of achieving this will be discussed. In addition, a policy for the conservation of old cultivars or 'heritage' varieties of ornamentals needs to be formulated. The considerable potential for introduction of new ornamental species needs to be assessed. Consideration needs to be given to setting up a co-ordinating structure with overall responsibility for the conservation of germplasm of ornamental and amenity plants.
This paper examines empirically the relative influence of the degree of endangerment of wildlife species and their stated likeability on individuals' allocation of funds for their conservation. To do this, it utilises data obtained from the IUCN Red List, and likeability and fund allocation data obtained from two serial surveys of a sample of the Australian public who were requested to assess 24 Australian wildlife species from three animal classes: mammals, birds and reptiles. Between the first and second survey, respondents were provided with extra information about the focal species. This information resulted in the dominance of endangerment as the major influence on the allocation of funding of respondents for the conservation of the focal wildlife species. Our results throw doubts on the proposition in the literature that the likeability of species is the dominant influence on willingness to pay for conservation of wildlife species. Furthermore, because the public's allocation of fund for conserving wildlife species seems to be more sensitive to information about the conservation status of species than to factors influencing their likeability, greater attention to providing accurate information about the former than the latter seems justified. Keywords: Conservation of wildlife species; Contingent valuation; Endangerment of species; Likeability of species; Willingness to pay
Key resource areas (KRAs), defined as dry season foraging zones for herbivores, were studied relative to the more extensive outlying rangeland areas (non-KRAs) in Kenya. Field surveys with pastoralists, ranchers, scientists and government officials delineated KRAs on the ground. Identified KRAs were mapped based on global positioning and local experts' information on KRAs accessibility and ecological attributes. Using the map of known KRAs and non-KRAs, we examined characteristics of soils, climate, topography, land use/cover attributes at KRAs relative to non-KRAs. How and why do some areas (KRAs) support herbivores during droughts when forage is scarce in other areas of the landscape? We hypothesized that KRAs have fundamental ecological and socially determined attributes that enable them to provide forage during critical times and we sought to characterize some of those attributes in this study. At the landscape level, KRAs took different forms based on forage availability during the dry season but generally occurred in locations of the landscape with aseasonal water availability and/or difficult to access areas during wet season forage abundance. Greenness trends for KRAs versus non-KRAs were evaluated with a 22-year dataset of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Field surveys of KRAs provided qualitative information on KRAs as dry season foraging zones. At the scale of the study, soil attributes did not significantly differ for KRAs compared to non-KRAs. Slopes of KRA were generally steeper compared to non-KRAs and elevation was higher at KRAs. Field survey respondents indicated that animals and humans generally avoid difficult to access hilly areas using them only when all other easily accessible rangeland is depleted of forage during droughts. Understanding the nature of KRAs will support identification, protection and restoration of critical forage hotspots for herbivores by strengthening rangeland inventory, monitoring, policy formulation, and conservation efforts to improve habitats and human welfare. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.