891 resultados para Confinamento magnético
This work aims at obtaining nanoparticles of iron oxide, the magnetite one (Fe3O4), via synthesis by thermal decomposition through polyol. Thus, two routes were evaluated: a simple decomposition route assisted by reflux and a hydrothermal route both without synthetic air atmosphere using a synthesis temperature of 260ºC. In this work observed the influence of the observe of surfactants which are generally applied in the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles decreasing cluster areas. Further, was observed pure magnetite phase without secondary phases generally found in the iron oxide synthesis, a better control of crystallite size, morphology, crystal structure and magnetic behavior. Finally, the introduction of hydroxyl groups on the nanoparticles surface was analyzed besides its employment in the polymer production with OH radicals. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD, DLS, VSM, TEM, TG and DSC analyses. The results for the magnetite obtainment with a particle size greater than 5 nm and smaller than 11 nm, well defined morphology and good magnetic properties with superparamagnetic behavior. The reflux synthesis was more efficient in the deposition of the hydroxyl groups on the nanoparticles surface
In the present work it was developed originals alternatives of enveronmentally safe and economically viable destination of thermoset plastic residue from a button factory, which at presnte stores such residue tempor and in a way that is inconvenient to the atmosphere, a waiting safe solutions. As the residue is not recycleab and its burning leberates strongly aggressive gases, safe alternatives were researched. Inicially, ghe residue in incineration was performed in cement ovens with precise control ofe emission of gases, but it was proved inviable due to its low calorific power, as well as the liberation of free lead in the ashes. An original and feasible option was the residue confinemente in soil-ciment blocks, lohich resulted in blocks highly resistant to simple compression with structural block, and also a significant increase in thermal resistence. Was got up other options of original and important composites as: making of blocks for pré-moulded flagstone, internal coating of walls with plaster being obtained good texture results, replenish of ceramic blocks and blocks with cement, also implying in increase of thermal resistance. Besides these original and scientific contributions, the it was technologically contribution of defreadation with suggestions of the material using torch of thermal plasm; for this was projected, built, characterized and tested a torch to it shapes it being obtained exciting results for the development of this technology come back for ending destruction from all the types of inconvenient garbage to the atmosphere
In the artificial lift method by Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP), the energy is transmitted for the well´s deep through a flat electric handle, where it is converted into mechanical energy through an engine of sub-surface, which is connected to a centrifugal pump. This transmits energy to the fluid under the pressure form, bringing it to the surface In this method the subsurface equipment is basically divided into: pump, seal and motor. The main function of the seal is the protect the motor, avoiding the motor´s oil be contaminated by oil production and the consequent burning of it. Over time, the seal will be wearing and initiates a contamination of motor oil, causing it to lose its insulating characteristics. This work presents a design of a magnetic sensor capable of detecting contamination of insulating oil used in the artificial lift method of oil-type Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP). The objective of this sensor is to generate alarm signal just the moment when the contamination in the isolated oil is present, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance. The prototype was designed to work in harsh conditions to reach a depth of 2000m and temperatures up to 150°C. It was used a simulator software to defined the mechanical and electromagnetic variables. Results of field experiments were performed to validate the prototype. The final results performed in an ESP system with a 62HP motor showed a good reliability and fast response of the prototype.
This work aimed to develop a suitable magnetic system for administration by the oral route. In addition to that, it was intended to review the current uses of magnetic systems and the safety related to magnetic field exposure. Methods: Coprecipitation and emulsification/crosslinking were carried out in order to synthesize magnetite particles and to coat them, respectively. Results: According to literature review, it was found that magnetic particles present several properties such as magnetophoresis in magnetic field gradient, production of a surrounding magnetic field, and heat generation in alternated magnetic field. When the human organism is exposed to magnetic fields, several interaction mechanisms come into play. However, biological tissues present low magnetic susceptibility. As a result, the effects are not so remarkable. Concerning the development of a magnetic system for oral route, uncoated magnetite particles did undergo significant dissolution at gastric pH. On the other hand, such process was inhibited in the xylan-coated particles. Conclusions: Due to their different properties, magnetic systems have been widely used in biosciences. However, the consequent increased human exposure to magnetic fields has been considered relatively safe. Concerning the experimental work, it was developed a polymer-coated magnetic system. It may be very promising for administration by the oral route for therapy and diagnostic applications as dissolution at gastric pH hardly took place
Desenvolvimento de sistemas magnéticos com potencialidades terapêuticas para vetorização de fármacos
Magnetic targeting is being investigated as a means of local delivery of drugs, combining precision, minimal surgical intervention, and satisfactory concentration of the drug in the target region. In view of these advantages, it is a promising strategy for improving the pharmacological response. Magnetic particles are attracted by a magnetic field gradient, and drugs bound to them can be driven to their site of action by means of the selective application of magnetic field on the desired area. Helicobacter pylori is the commonest chronic bacterial infection. The treatment of choice has commonly been based upon a triple therapy combining two antibiotics and an anti-secretory agent. Furthermore, an extended-release profile is of utmost importance for these formulations. The aim of this work was to develop a magnetic system containing the antibiotic amoxicillin for oral magnetic drug targeting. First, magnetic particles were produced by coprecipitation of iron salts in alkaline medium. The second step was coating the particles and amoxicillin with Eudragit® S-100 by spray-drying technique. The system obtained demonstrated through the characterization studies carried out a possible oral drug delivery system, consisting in magnetite microparticles and amoxicillin, coated with a polymer acid resistant. This system can be used to deliver drugs to the stomach for treatment of infections in this organ. Another important finding in this work is that it opens new prospects to coat magnetic microparticles by the technique of spray-drying.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The drug targeting has been the subject of extensive studies in order to develop site-specific treatments that minimize side effects and become more effective anticancer therapy. Despite considerable interest in this class, drugs like antibiotics also have limitations, and have been neglected. Using new pharmaceutical technologies, the use of magnetic vectors appear as promising candidate for drug delivery systems in several studies. Small magnetic particles bound to the drug of interest can be modulated according to the orientation of a magnet outside the body, locating and holding in a specific site. In this work, we propose the use of High Energy Milling (HEM) for synthesis of a magnetic vector with characteristics suitable for biomedical applications by intravenous administration, and for the formation of an oxacillin-carrier complex to obtain a system for treating infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The results of the variation of milling time showed that the size and structural properties of the formed material change with increasing milling time, and in 60 hours we found the sample closest to the ideal conditions of the material. The vector-drug system was studied in terms of structural stability and antimicrobial activity after the milling process, which revealed the integrity of the oxacillin molecule and its bactericidal action on cultures of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
O efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rBST) no desempenho de novilhos alimentados com rações com diferentes volumosos foi avaliado. Quarenta novilhos cruzados e castrados, com 360,2 kg PV médio e 30 meses de idade, foram usados. Os animais foram alimentados com rações contendo diferentes volumosos (silagem de milho, cana-de-açúcar, silagem de milho + cana-de-açúcar e bagaço de cana hidrolisado) e receberam aplicação de 320 mg rBST a cada 28 dias e foram pesados a cada 14 dias durante um periodo experimental de 84 dias. Ganho de peso, consumo de matéria seca e proteína bruta por kg de ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, foram avaliados. Não houve diferença no ganho de peso entre os animais que receberam (1,210 kg/cab dia) ou não (1,062 kg/cab dia) rBST, apesar de os animais que receberam rBST terem apresentado maior ganho de peso nos períodos após a segunda e terceira aplicação. Não houve, também, diferença entre as rações contendo silagem de milho (1,100 kg/cab dia), cana-de-açúcar (1,240 kg/cab dia), cana+silagem (1,064 kg/cab dia) e bagaço hidrolisado (1,138 kg/cab dia). A conversão alimentar foi 9,43 e 9,69 kg MS/kg de ganho de peso para os animais que receberam ou não rBST, respectivamente. O consumo de proteína bruta reduziu com a aplicação de rBST e foi mais expressivo na ração contendo cana-de-açúcar. Não houve interação entre a aplicação do hormônio e o tipo de volumoso.
Dois eqüinos da raça Brasileira de Hipismo, machos, quatro anos de idade, apresentando sinais de poliúria-polidipsia, foram submetidos a completa avaliação clínica e a exames de sangue e urina. Não foram observadas alterações clínicas, hematológicas ou bioquímicas, a não ser um decréscimo na gravidade específica da urina de ambos os animais (1,009 e 1,008). Realizou-se um teste de privação de água de 24 horas e durante esse período a gravidade especifica da urina subiu gradualmente até atingir a normalidade (1,028 e 1,026, respectivamente). O comportamento anormal ocorreu por confinamento excessivo. Os resultados clínicos e de laboratório e o teste de privação de água indicam o diagnóstico de polidipsia psicogênica.
Objetivou-se com este estudo identificar possíveis alterações na composição e no processo de biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos produzidos por bovinos Canchim e Nelore em diferentes períodos do confinamento e alimentados com diferentes proporções de volumoso e concentrado. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com parcela subdividida no tempo. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro tratamentos: dejetos provenientes de duas dietas (40% de volumoso e 60% de concentrado e 60% de volumoso e 40% de concentrado) e dois genótipos (Canchim e Nelore) e as subparcelas pelos três períodos de colheita dos resíduos (início, meio e final). A eficiência do processo de biodigestão foi avaliada pelas reduções de sólidos totais (ST), sólidos voláteis (SV), número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, demanda química e bioquímica de oxigênio, além da produção e dos potenciais de produção de biogás e metano. Não houve efeito do genótipo nem do período sobre a composição dos dejetos, no entanto o aumento da proporção de volumoso na dieta levou a menor eficiência do processo, pois foi observado aumento de 26,31% no volume de metano produzido na dieta com 60% de concentrado com relação à dieta com 40%, de concentrado. Também foram observadas importantes reduções no NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes ao final do processo, independentemente do tratamento testado.
The great importance of cockroaches as household pest have been on their ability to spread microorganisms harmful to humans and animals. Rest during the day in dark, humid and hot as sewerage. At night go into stores and kitchens or places to deposit and manipulation of food as bakeries, restaurants, hospitals and homes wich requires clinig operations. This work aimed to evaluate mortality of B. germanica ( L., 1767) ( Blattodea: Blattellidae) under different periods and exposure area treated by insecticides in laboratory. The tests were carried out at Department of Fitossanidade at UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil. The insecticides were applied by Potter's tower sprayer on Petri dishes. Three times of exposure (2, 8 and 32 min) and four exposure areas ( 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and volume of 0,5 ml for the second experiment were tested. It was used the insecticides Pyrethroids gammacyalothrine, deltamethrine, lambdacialothrine, alfacipermethrine, cipermethrine and carbamates bendiocarb, in the dosages recommended by the manufacturers, and I was used control without application. Five adult cockroaches was confined in the dishes for both experiments. The mortality evaluation was done 0, 1, 2, 4, 24, 48 and 72 hours after of the confinement on the treated surface. It was concluded that for exposure duration experiment all the insecticides have a good efficiency. The exposure area experiment the insecticide cipermethrine was what the one which had the higher mortality. Regarding to the effect of exposure duration on the accumulated mortality every duration times had a high mortality. In relation to the exposure area the highest mortality reached to 100% of treated area.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de transmissão do vírus do mosaico das nervuras, por ninfas e adultos de Aphis gossypii Glov., em duas cultivares de algodoeiro e registrar a evolução dos sintomas da doença. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal (SP). Ninfas e adultos ápteros criados em plantas infectadas da cultivar CNPTA ITA 90 foram transferidos para as plantas de algodoeiro das cultivares Coodetec 402 e CNPA ITA 90, com dois pares de folhas verdadeiras, onde permaneceram por 96 e 48 horas respectivamente. Para verificar a evolução da doença nas plantas, os sintomas foram avaliados até 60 dias após o confinamento dos afídeos, baseando-se numa escala de notas visuais. Os sintomas da doença foram inicialmente observados 25 dias após a inoculação pelos afídeos e se intensificaram com o desenvolvimento das plantas. A transmissão do vírus foi realizada mais eficientemente pelos adultos ápteros, do que pelas ninfas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram avaliados os seguintes componentes da perna dos animais: peso total e comprimento, peso total de músculos, peso dos músculos bíceps femural + semimembranoso + semitendinoso + quadríceps femural + adutor, peso total de ossos, peso do fêmur e das gorduras subcutânea, intermuscular e total, porcentagens de todos estes pesos em relação ao peso total da perna, comprimento e circunferência do fêmur e calculados a relação músculo:osso e o índice de musculosidade. Foram utilizados 20 cordeiros inteiros Ile de France x Ideal (F1) com peso vivo médio ao início do experimento de 18,2 ± 0,74 kg e idade média de 83 ± 10 dias. As relações volumoso (V):concentrado (C) utilizadas no experimento foram 50V:50C ou 30V:70C, com base na matéria seca (MS), sendo as rações isoprotéicas (18% de proteína bruta na MS) e isoenergéticas (10,92 MJ de energia metabolizável/kg MS). Os animais foram abatidos aos 30 ou 34 kg de peso vivo. Os abatidos mais pesados apresentaram perna, total de músculos, músculos bíceps femural + semimembranoso + semitendinoso + quadríceps femural + adutor, total de ossos, fêmur e gorduras subcutânea e total mais pesados, além de maior circunferência do fêmur. Os animais que receberam a ração com relação 30V:70C apresentaram menores relação músculo:osso e índice de musculosidade e maior porcentagem de gordura intermuscular em relação ao peso total da perna.
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os pesos e porcentagens de órgãos em relação ao peso vivo ao abate (PVA), ao peso de corpo vazio (PCV) e ao peso total dos órgãos (PTO) de cordeiros inteiros 1/2 Ile de France 1/2 Ideal confinados, recebendo dietas com relações volumoso:concentrado de 50:50 e 30:70 e abatidos aos 30 ou 34 kg. Os parâmetros mensurados foram: língua, pulmões com traquéia, coração, fígado, pâncreas, timo, tireóide, adrenal, rins, testículos, baço, diafragma, bexiga, pênis e glândulas anexas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram diferenças entre os pesos ao abate nas porcentagens de língua, coração, pulmões com traquéia, diafragma, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PVA; nas porcentagens de língua, pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PCV e nas porcentagens de pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PTO. Dietas com diferentes relações volumoso:concentrado afetaram apenas as porcentagens de pâncreas em relação ao PVA, ao PCV e ao PTO. Verificaram-se interações entre relação volumoso:concentrado e peso vivo ao abate nos pesos dos pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide e glândulas anexas.