402 resultados para Concentrados plaquetários
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
This work aims to talk about some considerations arisen from the process of elaboration of a special dictionary composed of chromatic phrases found in Botanic and Zoology domains, as well as to present its macrostructure and microstructure. Our efforts are concentrated on creating a simple and complete structure, which may be the most adequate for the audience, i.e., for specialists and students connected to the Environment area.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by accumulation of lipid and fibrous components in arterial vessels, giving rise to atheromas. Development of Atheromatou plaques leads to arterial steatosis, triggering ischemic events. Atherotrombosis has a strong correlation with atherosclerosis, where rupture of atheromatous plaques cause release of vessel wall's pro-thrombotic components, activating platelet aggregation and thromosis. Due to the major role played by platelets on thrombus-embolic conditions, drugs that inhibit platelet aggregation demonstrate great relevance for atherothrombosis prevention, reducing patient mortality. Currently, there are a variety of drugs acting on several different targets, preventing platelet activation. However, these therapies demosntrate side effects such as thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, hemorrhage and low oral availability. Thus, the application of molecular modifications such as hybridization can produce novel, more efficient antiplatelet aggregation inhibitors. In this project we describe the synthesis and characterization of novel N-acilhydrazone compounds, acting through multiple mechanisms such as platelet calcium chelation and nitric oxide donation by furoxanic subunits. Furthermore, we demonstrate that such compounds exhibit biological activity in in vivo bleeding time, in vitro antiplatelet aggregation and in vivo antinociceptive assays. Therefore, novel N-acilhydrazone compounds demonstrate potential as antiplatelet drugs for atherothrombosis prevention.
Since bleaching has become a popular procedure, the effect of peroxides on dental hard tissues is of great interest in research. Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to perform a qualitative analysis of the human enamel after the application of in-office bleaching agents, using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods: Twenty intact human third molars extracted for orthodontic reasons were randomly divided into four groups (n=5) treated as follows: G1- storage in artificial saliva (control group); G2- four 30-minute applications of 35% carbamide peroxide (total exposure: 2h); G3- four 2-hour exposures to 35% carbamide peroxide (total exposure: 8h); G4- two applications of 35% hydrogen peroxide, which was light-activated with halogen lamp at 700mW/cm2 during 7min and remained in contact with enamel for 20min (total exposure: 40min). All bleaching treatments adopted in this study followed the application protocols advised by manufacturers. Evaluation of groups submitted to 35% carbamide peroxide was carried out after two time intervals (30 minutes and 2 hours per session), following the extreme situations recommended by the manufacturer. Specimens were prepared for SEM analysis performing gold sputter coating under vacuum and were examined using 15kV at 500x and 2000x magnification. Results: Morphological alterations on the enamel surface were similarly detected after bleaching with either 35% carbamide peroxide or 35% hydrogen peroxide. Surface porosities were characteristic of an erosive process that took place on human enamel. Depression areas, including the formation of craters, and exposure of enamel rods could also be detected. Conclusion: Bleaching effects on enamel morphology were randomly distributed throughout enamel surface and various degrees of enamel damage could be noticed. Clinical significance: In-office bleaching materials may adversely affect enamel morphology and therefore should be used with caution.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
O cobre (Cu) é um microelemento essencial aos mamíferos, entretanto, quando ingerido em altas quantidades, num período curto ou prolongado, pode provocar uma intoxicação severa. A habilidade de acumular Cu nos tecidos varia de acordo com as espécies e com as raças dentro da própria espécie, dentre as espécies acometidas, destacam-se a ovina, e em menor escala, canina, suína e bovina. A intoxicação aguda em ovinos é pouco frequente e pode ser decorrente da ingestão oral ou da administração parenteral de cobre. A intoxicação crônica é a principal forma de ocorrência desta enfermidade nesta espécie. A maioria dos ovinos acometidos é proveniente de manejo intensivo, os quais recebem dietas ricas em concentrados energéticos, e a ocorrência mais comum se dá quando estes animais ingerem misturas minerais destinadas a bovinos. A forma crônica caracteriza-se por três fases distintas: pré-hemolítica, hemolítica e pós-hemolítica. O resultado, tanto da forma crônica, como da aguda será a hemólise intravascular. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio do histórico, exame clínico e laboratorial e achados de necropsia. Entre os sinais clínicos destacam-se a icterícia e a hemoglobinúria. A terapia pode ser eficiente se for iniciada precocemente no decorrer do 1º ao 2º dia após o início da hemoglobinúria, sendo utilizado antídoto específico à base de tetratiomolibdato (TTM). O controle em rebanhos ovinos deve ser feito com rígidas medidas dietéticas, evitando-se oferecer rações concentradas em concomitância com sais minerais que contenham altos teores de cobre.
The oral anticoagulants (AOC) and platelet antiagregants are drugs used for the prevention of thromboembolic phenomena, such as pulmonary embolism in patients with atrial fribrilation heart valves, thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. For patients who are undergoing surgical procedures-dentistry were asked to discontinue the use of anticoagulants until the value of the INR remained = 2.0, that in order to avoid trans and hemorrhages in the postoperative period. However, the AOC can cause the formation of a clot, leading to obstruction of blood pathways. Thus, it became doubtful the medicine for surgery, in which local hemostatic measures would be sufficient to promote hemostasis. Thus, the objective of the review was to evaluate the risk of bleeding in patients AOC users that are subjected to surgical procedures, through a bibliographical survey carried out in relevant clinical studies published between 1990 and 2012, by the MedlinePubMed data. In this review of literature was concluded that the benefit of thromboembolism prevention overcomes the risk hemorrhage, therefore, it is recommended to keep the dose of anticoagulant therapy unchanged for patients undergoing oral surgery and implant dentistry, using appropriate INR levels with the assistance of local hemostatic. In addition, a refined surgical technique should be performed in these patients. With respect to the most invasive oral surgery, with a risk of bleeding, treatment may be necessary in conjunction with the medical staff.
The Knowledge Management represents a new vision of management of organizations, since information and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness, today, of individuals, organizations and nations. The university plays a key role alongside with government and industry in the generation of technological innovations that can help the society progress, and the University Library is an important disseminator of scientific information. The main challenges of organizations involved in Knowledge Management are concentrated in the management of cultural and behavioral changes of its human resources and in creating an environment conducive to create, use and share information and knowledge. Within this context the question arises: How do University Libraries in Brazil and Portugal employ people management and knowledge management in order to improve the quality of its services and the productivity of their institutions? To answer it we developed a descriptive-analytic research, using the method of comparative study, analyzing 69 organizations. According to the survey results, the people management issues were the worst assessed in relation to other aspects of Knowledge Management, showing a weak dissemination of these practices in the University Libraries of Brazil and Portugal and the great need for initiatives to help develop them.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)