335 resultados para Communal Womb


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This thesis defends the position that the Eastern Orthodoxy has the potential to develop, on the basis of its core concepts and doctrines, a new political theology that is participatory, personalist and universalist. This participatory political theology, as I name it, endorses modern democracy and the values of civic engagement. It enhances the process of democracy-building and consolidation in the SEE countries through cultivating the ethos of participation and concern with the common good among and the recognition of the dignity and freedom of the person. This political-theological model is developed while analyzing critically the traditional models of church-state relations (the symphonia model corresponding to the medieval empire and the Christian nation model corresponding to the nation-state) as being instrumentalized to serve the political goals of non-democratic regimes. The participatory political-theological model is seen as corresponding to the conditions of the constitutional democratic state. The research is justified by the fact the Eastern Orthodoxy has been a dominant religiouscultural force in the European South East for centuries, thus playing a significant role in the process of creation of the medieval and modern statehood of the SEE countries. The analysis employs comparative constitutional perspectives on democratic transition and consolidation in the SEE region with the theoretical approaches of political theology and Eastern Orthodox theology. The conceptual basis for the political-theological synthesis is found in the concept and doctrines of the Eastern Orthodoxy (theosis and synergy, ecclesia and Eucharist, conciliarity and catholicity, economy and eschatology) which emphasize the participatory, personalist and communal dimensions of the Orthodox faith and practice. The paradigms of revealing the political-theological potential of these concepts are the Eucharistic ecclesiology and the concept of divine-human communion as defining the body of Orthodox theology. The thesis argues that with its ethos of openness and engagement the participatory political theology presupposes political systems that are democratic, inclusive, and participatory, respecting the rights and the dignity of the person. The political theology developed here calls for a transformation and change of democratic systems towards better realization of their personalist and participatory commitments. In the context of the SEE countries the participatory political theology addresses the challenges posed by alternative authoritarian political theologies practiced in neighboring regions.


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Since its origins in the early 1980s, the popular rise of extreme metal throughout the globe has been phenomenal. The emergence of extreme metal's most sonically transgressive subgenres of death metal and grindcore between the mid 1980s and the early 1990s, however, was not an easy one. Indeed, during this period, the only way for globally dispersed extreme metal fans and unsigned extreme metal bands to stay musically connected was via the underground practice of tape-trading. The aim of this study is to illuminate the impact of tape-trading upon the global spread of extreme metal. The study will situate the historical context of extreme metal tape-trading by exploring how it emerged, and why it was necessary in the first place. Utilising the concept of 'extreme metal scene', the study will focus on the central scenic discourse of transgression and explore how this was negotiated into the mundane scenic practice of tape-trading. In relation to this, and utilising the concept of participatory culture, the study will further explore how the music arose and spread throughout the globe via the socially networked practice of both musician and non-musician tape-traders in relation to the tape cassette technology itself. Ethnographic interviews were undertaken with both types of traders in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in question. The research concludes that the tape-traders were able to challenge the status quo of record company gatekeepers, by facilitating the engenderment and global distribution (including the later commercial distribution) of death metal and grindcore. Such powerfully affective music via its continual global spread, offers as it did for the original tape-traders, a pleasurable and empowering communal/personal space for disempowered people throughout the globe. Further research into extreme metal tape-trading would require deeper exploration into other extreme metal subgenres, especially black metal, tape-traders situated outside of North America and Europe, women tape-traders as well as exploration of the phenomenon after the early 1990s.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dar continuidade à pesquisa desenvolvida em minha especialização em História do Rio Grande do Sul, momento em que investiguei sobre as formas de divulgação das leis abolicionistas, Ventre Livre, Sexagenários e Lei Áurea através da imprensa rio-grandina do século XIX representada pelos periódicos Echo do Sul, Artista, Comercial e Diário do Rio Grande. Dando continuidade à investigação, e partindo do pressuposto de que o jornal pode ser utilizado em sala de aula como fonte de pesquisa histórica, busquei verificar como esta fonte pode ser trabalhada com alunos do ensino fundamental de forma a desenvolver sua consciência histórica. A pesquisa foi pautada em investigações na área da Educação Histórica e na teoria da Consciência Histórica de Jörn Rüsen que investiga a caracterização e os fundamentos do conhecimento histórico e sua relação com a vida prática, buscando compreender como crianças e jovens aprendem história. Usei a metodologia de pesquisa-ação privilegiando o trabalho com a interpretação da linguagem dos textos históricos e a construção de narrativas por parte dos aprendizes de uma turma do 8º ano e uma turma de 8ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal da cidade do Rio Grande, nos dois últimos meses de 2013. Constatei que é possível a construção do aprendizado de História a partir da análise de matérias jornalísticas, comparando fontes e buscando a compreensão das possibilidades do discurso dos jornais, bem como este trabalho pode ser realizado através das tecnologias digitais de forma a torná-lo prazeroso para o estudante. Algumas considerações podem ser apontadas, entre elas a necessidade do professor de história oportunizar condições de aprendizagem que propiciem ao aluno sentir-se agente na construção do conhecimento e de um ensino de história significativo, dando-lhe condições de compreender de forma mais profunda a vida humana, bem como a necessidade da utilização, por parte dos professores, da narrativa como forma de ensino-aprendizagem. Seria a utilidade prática da história.


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Strong evidence suggests that the climate is changing and that these changes are largely caused by human activities. A consensus exists among researchers that human activity is causing global warming and that actions to mitigate global warming need to be taken swiftly. The transportation sector, which relies heavily on fossil fuel burning and primarily oil, is one of the big contributors to air pollution problems at local, regional and global levels. It is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and is estimated to be responsible for nearly a quarter of global energyrelated carbon dioxide emissions. Car sharing is a mobility solution encouraging its users to decrease private car usage in favour of communal transit and environmental goals. The idea of car sharing originates from the aspiration to decrease personal car ownership and to reduce vehicle distance travelled. This thesis seeks to complement the understanding of Finnish car sharing users and their usage through better categorization. Through better categorization and segmentation of Finnish car sharing users the thesis seeks to provide information for improved marketing insight. Research is done on the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing users and they are compared with international findings about the characteristics of International car sharing users. The main research problem is Are Finnish car sharing users similar to international ones? A theoretical research framework on the determinants of individual car sharing usage is built based on international research about demographic and behaviouristic characteristics. After this a quantitative survey is performed to the customers of a Finnish car sharing organization. The data analysed in the thesis consist out of 532 answers received from the car sharing organizations customers. The data is analysed with descriptive and other exploratory methods, which create an understanding of Finnish car sharing users. At the end of the analysis the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing users are compared with international ones. The research findings of the thesis indicate that the demographic and behavioural characteristics of Finnish car sharing usage largely follow those of their international counterparts. Thanks to the thesis results the car sharing organization is able to better target their customers through improved marketing insight.


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The California sea otter population is gradually expanding in size and geographic range and is consequently invading new feeding grounds, including bays and estuaries that are home to extensive populations of bivalve prey. One such area is the Elkhorn Slough, where otters have apparently established a spring and summer communal feeding and resting area. In anticipation of future otter foraging in the slough, an extensive baseline database on bivalve densities, size distributions, biomasses, and burrow depths has been established for three potential bivalve prey species, Saxidomus nuttalli, Tresus nutallii, and Zirphaea pilsbryi. In 1986, the Elkhorn Slough otters were foraging predominately at two areas immediately east and west of the Highway 1 bridge (Skipper's and the PG&E Outfall). Extensive subtidal populations of Saxidomus nuttalli and Tresus nuttallii occur in these areas. Shell records collected at these study areas indicated that sea otters were foraging selectively on Saxidomus over Tresus. The reason for this apparent preference was not clear. At the Skipper's study site, 51% of the shell record was composed of Saxidomus, yet this species accounted for only 16% of the in situ biomass, and only 39% of the available clams. Tresus represented 49% of the shell record at Skipper's, yet this species accounted for 84% of the in situ biomass and 61% of the available clams. There was no difference in mean burrow depth between the two species at this site so availability does not explain the disparity in consumption. At the PG&E Outfall, Saxidomus represents 66% of the in situ biomass and 81% of the available clams, while Tresus accounts for 34% of the in situ biomass and 19% of the available clams. Saxidomus accounts for 96% of the shell record at this site vs. 4% for Tresus, again indicating that the otters were preying on Saxidomus out of proportion to their density or biomass. High densities and biomasses of a third species, Zirphaea pilsbryi, occur in areas where sea otters were observed to be foraging, yet no cast-off Zirphaea shells were found. Although it is possible this species was not represented in the shell record because the otters were simply chewing up the shells, it is more likely this species is avoided by sea otters. There were relatively few sea otters in the Elkhorn Slough in 1986 compared to the previous two years. This, coupled with high bivalve densities, precluded any quantitative comparison of bivalve densities before and after the 1986 sea otter occupation. Qualitative observations made during the course of this study, and quantitative observations from previous studies indicate that, after 3 years, sea otters are not yet significantly affecting bivalve densities in the Elkhorn Slough.


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This thesis identifies and defines the new African sovereignty. It establishes a modern sovereignty in Africa hatched from the changing nature of sovereignty in which countries come together at various levels or grades of partial surrender of national sovereignty in order to work closer together for their mutual advantage and benefit. To this end, the narrative zooms in on the central issues within the realms of money matters whereby a new model of monetary sovereignty and monetary solutions is designed in an attempt to ease the recurring tensions and challenges of modern national sovereignty in the continent of Africa. As such, this discussion will offer a historical journey through the constitution of sovereignty, to the birth of the nation state and international public law. It develops the theory of the changing nature of sovereignty within the modern state and opens new lines of inquiry for Africa. In this regard, it draws from juxtaposing and mixing elements of regional and global financial integration as well as retaining national financial sovereignty features to form this new design which I dub continental sovereignty. At its core, the thesis will deal with the legal aspects that stem from the co-mingling of legal systems of nation states and communities at the regional and global levels within the context of financial integration. The argument is that the rule of law remains sacrosanct in monetary management. Effective financial integration is the result of properly structured and managed legal frameworks with robust laws and institutions whether at a national, regional or global level. However, the thesis reveals that in order to avoid undermining the progress of Africa’s financial integration project, any solution for Africa must be immersed within a broader global solution where development issues are addressed and resolved and Africa can form a more central part in all relevant international discussion fora. The work will expound these issues by applying them within a regional and global context, with the state of affairs in Africa forming the nucleus. This application consequently presents the six key themes of the thesis which will be considered therein. They are: a.) regional advantage: which exploits the possibilities of deeper and further financial integration between smaller communal arrangements; b.) regional risk and exposure: the extent to which this deeper form of financial integration can spiral out of control if effected too quickly and too ambitiously; c.) global advantage: which considers the merits of global financial integration and the influence exerted by financial laws on the global financial architecture; d.) global risk and exposure: which considers the challenges of global financial integration especially within the background of the Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008; e.) African challenge: which considers the extent to which this analysis impacts the African economic and financial integration agenda; and f.) development challenge: which examines the extent to which global development issues impact the African solution (continental sovereignty) and the need for any solution for the continent to be roped into a broader global solution within which Africa can form an important part. Even though the thesis requests an optimistic undertone on the progress made so far, it unearths the African problem of multiple national sovereignty and multiple overlapping regional sovereignty constituted as the ‘spaghetti bowl’ dilemma. As such, the unique contribution to knowledge on financial integration in Africa can be echoed in these words: Africa‘s financial integration agenda has had little success in authenticating a systematic and dependable legal framework for monetary management. Efforts made have been incomplete, substandard, and not carefully followed through particularly reflected in the impuissant nature of the judicial enforcement mechanisms. Thus, the thesis argues that, any meaningful answer to the problems dogging the continent is inter alia deeply entrenched within a new form of cooperative monetary sovereignty. In other words, the thesis does not prescribe the creation of new laws; rather it advocates the effective enforcement of existing laws.


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Os fenómenos migratórios têm contribuído para a configuração de uma realidade sociocultural diversa que marca as sociedades do século XXI. Portugal não é exceção, sendo um dos países onde mais aumentou proporcionalmente a imigração legal permanente, fenómeno coexistente com a emigração da sua população. Neste contexto de migrações reconfiguram-se identidades, não apenas para os migrantes mas também para os autóctones, cuja (re)construção balança entre a semelhança e a diferença. Sem esta relação, a identidade fica comprometida, pois ela existe fundamentalmente pelo reconhecimento dos outros. A liberdade cultural e linguística é também uma dimensão do desenvolvimento humano, pelo que tem vindo a ganhar proeminência a promoção da diversidade linguística e cultural, e a consequente educação intercultural, que se assume como espaço privilegiado de reflexão e ação. Defende-se que a verdadeira integração dos imigrantes terá de ser multilingue e não pode ser realizada apagando as suas diferenças, nem obrigando-os a abandonar as suas línguas nativas e culturas. O domínio da Língua Portuguesa é uma das vias mais poderosas para a integração dos estrangeiros a residir em Portugal, tanto como garantia da autonomia individual que faculta o exercício de uma cidadania ativa, como de harmonia social ao nível coletivo. A escola portuguesa, atenta a este facto, vê reconhecida, por parte do Ministério da Educação, a Língua Portuguesa como fator de integração. Todavia, esse reconhecimento contrasta com a indiferença perante as línguas maternas dos alunos estrangeiros, ignorando-se, assim, um importante elemento das suas pertenças identitárias. Neste âmbito, alguns autores afirmam que a escola portuguesa nem sempre tem praticado uma verdadeira educação intercultural, adotando, pelo contrário, parte das características hegemónicas da cultura dominante, o que se traduz, por conseguinte, no esmagamento simbólico (coletivo) das culturas minoritárias. O nosso estudo usa as Representações Sociais como formas de conhecimento prático que permitem a compreensão do mundo e a comunicação, proporcionando coerência às dinâmicas sociais. Procurámos fazer, através delas, uma leitura da valorização da diversidade linguística e cultural na escola, uma vez que as Representações Sociais que se têm do Outro justificam a forma como se interage com ele e imprimem direção às relações intra e intergrupais. A investigação que aqui apresentamos procura dar primazia à “voz” do aluno como fonte de conhecimento, aos fenómenos, a partir das experiências interindividuais e intergrupais, e à forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social que constroem interativamente. Para esse efeito, recolhemos dados através de entrevistas semidiretivas individuais junto de dez alunos autóctones e dez alunosestrangeiros de uma mesma escola. Complementarmente, realizámos entrevistas aos Encarregados de Educação de oito dos alunos entrevistados, quatro de cada grupo, aos cinco Diretores de Turma desses alunos e ao Diretor da escola. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, relacionada com um paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo – os fenómenos humanos e educativos apresentam-se, na sua complexidade, intimamente relacionados e a sua compreensão exige a reconciliação entre a epistemologia e o compromisso ético. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos, e à semelhança de alguns estudos, a nossa investigação demonstra que, ao não se promover proativamente uma educação intercultural – designadamente a sua função de crítica cultural e o combate a estereótipos e preconceitos que essencializam as diferenças do Outro culturalmente diverso –, a escola não prepara os alunos para a sociedade contemporânea, culturalmente diversa, dinâmica e com um elevado nível de incerteza, nem para uma abordagem positiva e frontal dos conflitos em toda a sua complexidade. À escola impõem-se ainda muitos desafios relativos às muitas diversidades que acolhe no seu seio, de forma a que todos aqueles que constituem a comunidade escolar – designadamente os alunos, sejam eles estrangeiros ou autóctones – se sintam parte integrante dela, respeitados tanto pelas suas raízes, como pelas múltiplas pertenças dinamicamente em (re)construção, como, ainda, pelos seus projetos de futuro. A informação, por si só, não promove a ação. Revela-se necessária a adoção de estratégias de intervenção que concretizem a informação nas práticas escolares quotidianas, que promovam encontros positivamente significativos, que favoreçam a igualdade social e o reconhecimento das diferenças e, ainda, que previnam atitudes discriminatórias. Para essas estratégias de intervenção serem uma constante no quotidiano das nossas escolas, a didática intercultural deve ser incentivada e operacionalizada, tanto na prática pedagógica como na formação inicial e contínua dos professores.


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Since its origins in the early 1980s, the popular rise of extreme metal throughout the globe has been phenomenal. The emergence of extreme metal's most sonically transgressive subgenres of death metal and grindcore between the mid 1980s and the early 1990s, however, was not an easy one. Indeed, during this period, the only way for globally dispersed extreme metal fans and unsigned extreme metal bands to stay musically connected was via the underground practice of tape-trading. The aim of this study is to illuminate the impact of tape-trading upon the global spread of extreme metal. The study will situate the historical context of extreme metal tape-trading by exploring how it emerged, and why it was necessary in the first place. Utilising the concept of 'extreme metal scene', the study will focus on the central scenic discourse of transgression and explore how this was negotiated into the mundane scenic practice of tape-trading. In relation to this, and utilising the concept of participatory culture, the study will further explore how the music arose and spread throughout the globe via the socially networked practice of both musician and non-musician tape-traders in relation to the tape cassette technology itself. Ethnographic interviews were undertaken with both types of traders in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in question. The research concludes that the tape-traders were able to challenge the status quo of record company gatekeepers, by facilitating the engenderment and global distribution (including the later commercial distribution) of death metal and grindcore. Such powerfully affective music via its continual global spread, offers as it did for the original tape-traders, a pleasurable and empowering communal/personal space for disempowered people throughout the globe. Further research into extreme metal tape-trading would require deeper exploration into other extreme metal subgenres, especially black metal, tape-traders situated outside of North America and Europe, women tape-traders as well as exploration of the phenomenon after the early 1990s.


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This article presents the results of a research project that studied leadership from the standpoint of the personal conceptions that influence the behavior of local government leaders, as well as those conceptions desired to generate the social transformation processes required in communities. Qualitative methodology was used. Categories of analysis were created based on Pearson’s (1992) model of psychological archetypes. A relevant finding was the limited advance shown by interviewees regarding self-knowledge and a fragmented vision between the observer and the observee, which hinders their ability to take on the challenges that current reality demands from them.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2016.


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No pós-guerra iniciou-se um processo de internalização política dos direitos fundamentais das mulheres com base na Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem, (10 de dezembro de 1948), onde são enaltecidos direitos e valores como a Liberdade e a Igualdade. A adoção da Declaração por parte de países democráticos, como o caso de Portugal, conduziu ao exercício de cidadania plena, independentemente do género, da raça e da religião. Assim, a não discriminação tornou-se um princípio a aplicar nas esferas familiares, públicas e laborais. Tal significa, por exemplo, partilha de tarefas domésticas entre homens e mulheres, participação na vida comunitária e iguais oportunidades laborais. Mas foram superadas as discriminações? Que se passa a nível laboral? A presente dissertação resulta de uma investigação sobre a situação laboral das mulheres em serviços onde constitucionalmente usufruem dos mesmos direitos que os seus colegas homens. Incide sobre os serviços públicos, privados e empresas de Ponte de Sor e tem por referencial o III Plano Nacional para a Igualdade de Cidadania e Género (2007/2010), cuja principal linha orientadora é "o aprofundamento de atividade política e de realidade social (gendermainstreaming)" (2007, p.l5). Com a realização deste estudo concretizámos um trabalho constituído por 3 capítulos, onde se constata que “No Caminho da Cidadania..." é um processo lento. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se abordar a origem histórica do conceito de cidadania e no capítulo segundo tratou­ se da relação da mulher com o trabalho e o poder. O terceiro capítulo, e último, dá conta dos resultados de questionários realizados em Ponte de Sor, nos serviços públicos e privados, e empresas. A conclusão revela a perplexidade causada pela quase indiferença em relação às questões de género nos Serviços questionados em Ponte de Sor. SUMMARY: After World War I began a process of political antinationalization of the women fundamental rights based on the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, (1Oth December 1948), where rights and values like liberty and equality are exalted. The adoption of the Declaration by the democratically countries, like Portugal, leaded to the execution of full citizenship, independently of gender, race and religion. Therefore, nondiscrimination became a principle to apply in the family, public and labor spheres. This means, for example, share of domestic tasks between men and women, participation in the communal life, and equal opportunities of labor. But were the discriminations surpassed? What is going on the labor level This dissertation results from an inquiry about the labor situation of women in service where constitutionally make uses of the same rights as their colleague’s men. It reflects on the public, private and companies of Ponte de Sor which has for yardstick the III National Plan for Equality of Citizenship and Gender (2007/2010), whose mainline adviser is "the political activity and the social reality deepening (gender mainstreaming)" (2007, p.15). Through this study we fixed a work constituted by three chapters, where it established that "On the Path of Citizenship ..." is a slow process. ln the first chapter tried to broach the historical origin of the concept of citizenship and in the second paragraph was approached the relation of women with labor and power. The third, and last, chapter tries to show the results of questionnaires carried out in Ponte de Sor, in the public, private services and companies. The conclusion reveals the perplexity caused by the barely indifference regarding the questions of genre in the Services questioned in Ponte de Sor.


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La novela Yo, el Supremo del escritor paraguayo Augusto Roa Bastos* se basa en una figura histórica controversial y en los acontecimientos que rodearon a ese personaje. Aunque conocer los hechos más trascendentes de esa época no es indispensable para comprender el texto de la obra, la referencialidad histórica juega un papel importante en la narrativa del Supremo, pues en el proceso de desarrollo argumental de la obra él se nutre de ella para expresar ciertas ideas relacionadas, entre otras, con el concepto comunitario paraguayo. El personaje se mueve dentro de una macro-temporalidad. No obstante, hay una sistemática referencia a una época determinada que sobresale en su discurso. La referencialidad histórica está así funcionando como un marcador temporal y, al mismo tiempo, señala que el discurso de el Supremo es portador de ciertos valores correspondientes a esa época. Los conceptos socio-políticos que maneja el personaje no son abstractos sino que se identifican con el ser paraguayo del siglo XIX.AbstractThe novel Yo, el Supremo, by Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos, is based on a historical and controversial character and on the facts that surrounded this character. Even though it is not important to know the most important events of that time to understand the text, the historical references play an important role in the narrative of the Supremo because in the process of the argumentative development he is nourished from those references in order to express some ideas related, among others, with the communal Paraguayan concept. The character moves inside a macro-temporal level. However, there is systematic reference to a specific epoch that is highlighted in his discourse. The historical references thus works as a temporal marker and, at the same time, reveals that the discourse of the Supremo contains some values that correspond to that time. The socio-political concepts that the character works with are not abstract but rather show the Paraguayan identity of the XX century.


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Dentro de la presente investigación, se realiza un análisis de la situación actual de los centros de desarrollo infantil privados en donde se detalla el plan de mejora. El desarrollo de este trabajo de titulación pretende demostrar la viabilidad del Plan de Mejora en cuanto a fortalecer las debilidades encontradas en cada institución para ofrecerles cuidados y educación de calidad, una infraestructura adecuada, espacios lúdicos con seguridad, involucramiento de los padres en el proceso educativo y resolución de los conflictos con los niños. Esta idea surge de la necesidad de concientizar a las instituciones para un adecuado manejo de las actividades en el desarrollo del aprendizaje, encaminadas alcanzar una enseñanza de excelencia no solo a nivel académico sino en todos los aspectos que rodean al niño; a partir de la matriz del plan de mejora y de encuestas ejecutadas a directoras y docentes de cada centro, como propósito de este trabajo, se hace un análisis con los problemas más sobresalientes y con las acciones que toman para obtener resultados favorables, la factibilidad de la investigación se determinó mediante un enfoque cualitativo por medio del cual se pudo evidenciar la falta de resultados frente a las acciones tomadas dentro de los CDI, con tablas de frecuencia que demuestran claramente esto y a su vez que tanto las directoras como docentes difieren en los tipos de problemas que fueron tratados en cada establecimiento. El plan de mejora de los centros de desarrollo infantil privados consolida a una educación de calidad, siempre y cuando se trabaje conjuntamente entre directivos, docentes y padres de familia para alcanzar un nivel de educación de primera y desarrollar en el niño un rendimiento escolar de acuerdo a la reforma curricular actual.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of the wild edible weed tasba (Senna obtusifolia) in Sanguéré Paul, Cameroon by examining how households use and manage the plant. This study found that local management of tasba is minimal compared to other traditional vegetables. Tasba was collected most frequently from en brousse or the communal, fallowed land which is often too degraded for traditional field crops to grow. Women subsistence farmers were closely involved with tasba as they are the ones responsible for food production within the family. Socioeconomic differences between women affects how they manage tasba and other vegetables to form a livelihood strategy to achieve food security within the family. Modifications and changes in management and use of tasba are influenced by time, proximity and income based on her perspective, preferences and resources available. Overall, tasba is an integral part of the traditional food system in Sanguéré Paul, and can play a role in the uncertain ecological and social setting of northern Cameroon.


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Loose Ends is a collection of lyric and narrative poems that explores the multiple terrains of identity—individual, cultural, and historical. The poems embrace the essential incoherence of the self, resisting monolithic identity in favor of a multi-faceted, historically complex, imagistic rendering of the inner life. At its heart, the collection seeks to grapple with the gravitas of living: the continual assault of history and nature on human agency, the staggering context of the universe as a backdrop for communal and individual struggle. While single poems may only touch briefly or incompletely on these themes, the collection as a whole presents an admittedly inchoate picture of contemporary American identity.