980 resultados para College stories, American.
In the quark model of the nucleon, the Fermi statistics of the elementary constituents can influence significantly the properties of multinucleon bound systems. In the Skyrme model, on the other hand, the basic quanta are bosons, so that qualitatively different statistics effects can be expected a priori. In order to illustrate this point, we construct schematic one-dimensional quark and soliton models which yield fermionic nucleons with identical baryon densities. We then compare the baryon densities of a two-nucleon bound state in both models. Whereas in the quark model the Pauli principle for quarks leads to a depletion of the density in the central region of the nucleus, the soliton model predicts a slight increase of the density in that region, due to the bosonic statistics of the meson-field quanta.
We argue that the minimal chiral background for the two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction has nowadays a rather firm conceptual basis, which entitles it to become a standard ingredient of any modern potential. In order to facilitate applications, we present a parametrized version of a configuration space potential derived previously. We than use it to assess the phenomenological contents of some existing NN potentials.
An intense and broad visible photoluminescence (PL) band was observed at room temperature in structurally disordered PbWO4 thin films. The scheelite lead tungstate (PbWO4) films prepared by the polymeric precursor method and annealed at different temperatures were structurally characterized by means of x-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy analysis. Quantum-mechanical calculations showed that the local disorder of the network modifier (Pb) has a very important role in the charge transfer involved in the green PL emission. The experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement, both indicating that the generation of the intense visible PL band is related to simultaneous structural order and disorder in the scheelite PbWO4 lattice.
In the present work we study an anisotropic layered superconducting film of finite thickness. The film surfaces are considered parallel to the be face of the crystal. The vortex lines are oriented perpendicular to the film surfaces and parallel to the superconducting planes. We calculate the local field and the London free energy for this geometry. Our calculation is a generalization of previous works where the sample is taken as a semi-infinite superconductor. As an application of this theory we investigate the flux spreading at the super conducting surface.
We study the transport properties of the charge-density-wave system Fe3O2BO3. ac conductivity measurements for different frequencies are presented for temperatures above and below the structural transition. dc conductivity, as a function of temperature and pressure, yields the variation of the transition temperature with external pressure. Below this transition the conductivity is thermally activated in a wide range of temperature and the gap obtained is strongly pressure dependent. The ac conductivity at sufficiently low temperatures below the transition is ascribed to the excitation of local defects associated with domain walls and which are characteristic of the one-dimensional nature of the Fe3O2BO3 system.
We present a different class of quantum-mechanical potentials. These are midway between the exactly solvable potentials and the quasiexactly ones. Their fundamental feature is that one can find the entire s-wave spectrum of a given potential, provided that some of its parameters are conveniently fixed. © 1993 The American Physical Society.
A collective Hamiltonian for a two alpha particles aggregate, which describes the 8Be nucleus, encompassing a collective potential and an inertia function of that system, is obtained and analyzed through the use of a technique - derived from an approach of the generator coordinate method (GCM) - which allows for the extraction of collective information. The nucleon-nucleon interaction considered here is the one proposed by Volkov plus the Coulomb repulsion. It is shown that nonlocal effects appear in those collective functions describing the spontaneously occurring breakup process. Furthermore, the result for the inertia function stands for a microscopically generated evidence supporting a double-folding-based model of the real part of the nucleus-nucleus nonlocal interaction recently proposed.
Spin incommensurability (IC) has been recently experimentally discovered in the hole-doped Ni-oxide chain compound Y2-xCaxBaNiO5 [G. Xu et al., Science 289, 419 (2000)]. Here a two orbital model for this material is studied using computational techniques. Spin IC is observed in a wide range of densities and couplings. The phenomenon originates in antiferromagnetic correlations across holes dynamically generated to improve hole movement, as it occurs in the one-dimensional Hubbard model and in recent studies of the two-dimensional extended t-J model. The close proximity of ferromagnetic and phase-separated states in parameter space is also discussed.
We analyze the premises of recent propositions to test local realism via the Bell inequalities using neutral kaons from φ resonance decays as entangled Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs. We pay special attention to the derivation of the Bell inequalities, or related expressions, for unstable and oscillating kaon quasispin states and to the possibility of the actual identification of these states through their associated decay modes. We discuss an indirect method to extract probabilities to find these states by combining experimental information with theoretical input. However, we still find inconsistencies in previous derivations of the Bell inequalities. We show that the identification of the quasispin states via their associated decay mode does not allow the free choice to perform different tests on them, a property which is crucial to establish the validity of any Bell inequality in the context of local realism. In view of this we propose a different kind of Bell inequality in which the free choice or adjustability of the experimental setup is guaranteed. We also show that the proposed inequalities are violated by quantum mechanics. ©1999 The American Physical Society.
We analyze the capability of the next generation of linear electron-positron colliders to unravel the spin and couplings of excited leptons predicted by composite models. Assuming that these machines will be able to operate both in the e+e- and e-γ modes, we study the effects of the excited electrons of spin 1/2 and 3/2 in the reactions e-γ → e-γ and e+e- → γγ. We show how the use of polarized beams is able not only to increase the reach of these machines, but also to determine the spin and couplings of the excited states.
We point out that the usual experimental upper bounds on the ''tau-neutrino mass'' do not apply if neutrino mixing is considered. The suppression of the population of the tau decay spectrum near the end point, caused by mixing, may be compensated by an enhancement because of a resonant mechanism of hadronization. It is necessary therefore to analyze the whole spectrum to infer some limit to the '' tau-neutrino mass.'' We argue that, consequently, neutrino mixing evades the objection to interpret the KARMEN anomaly as a heavy sequential neutrino.
We compute the tree level cross section for gluon-gluon elastic scattering taking into account a dynamical gluon mass, and show that this mass scale is a natural regulator for this subprocess cross section. Using an eikonal approach in order to examine the relationship between this gluon-gluon scattering and the elastic pp and (p) over barp channels, we found that the dynamical gluon mass is of the same order of magnitude as the ad hoc infrared mass scale m(0) underlying eikonalized QCD-inspired models. We argue that this correspondence is not an accidental result, and that this dynamical scale indeed represents the onset of nonperturbative contributions to the elastic hadron-hadron scattering. We apply the eikonal model with a dynamical infrared mass scale to obtain predictions for sigma(tot)(pp,(p) over barp), rho(pp,(p) over barp), slope B-pp,B-(p) over barp, and differential elastic scattering cross section d sigma((p) over barp)/dt at Tevatron and CERN-LHC energies.
Events with one lepton, one photon, and missing energy are the subject of recent searches at the Fermilab Tevatron. We compute possible contributions to these types of events from the process pp ->gamma l nu(l)nu(tau)nu(tau), where l=e, mu in the context of a low scale technicolor model. We find that with somewhat tighter cuts than the ones used in the CDF search, it could be possible to either confirm or exclude this model in a small region of its parameter space.
We study the potential effects of anomalous couplings of the third generation quarks to gauge bosons in rare B decays. We focus on the constraints from flavor changing neutral current processes such as b→sγ and b →sl+l-. We consider both dimension-four and dimension-five operators and show that the latter can give large deviations from the standard model in the still unobserved dilepton modes, even after the bounds from b→sγ and precision electroweak observables are taken into account. ©2000 The American Physical Society.