963 resultados para Coal tar pitch
v. I : Uzkurtz gayak
Ed. bilingüe: euskera-español
2. irarkaldija
Ejemp. falto por el final
The study addresses the need to manage the risk of the purchase price of coal in a power company by changing the management model of the purchasing department. It eliminates the risk of price reduces the cost of buying coal and optimizing the performance of all electricity generation plants belonging to the company. You get more flexibility and optionallity to gain additional benefits both economic and efficiency in the supply to our generation fleet. The tools to achieve the above purpose will be financial derivatives that will be used as elements of management and not as mere speculation in the markets.
The self-ignition of all kind of powdery substances is a topic studied over the years, especially if the dusty substance is coal or substances related with coal because it may be a cause of energetic materials and human losses. But it is important to note that this is not the only risk in industrial plants that generate or store solid substances. Every combustible powders are potentially explosive and they may cause serious consequences if all the necessary factors are developed. Due to this potentially risk, it is essential a good characterization and knowledge of all the parameters involved in those processes.
Sterile coal is a low-value residue associated to the coal extraction and mining activity. According to the type and origin of the coal bed configuration, sterile coal production can mainly vary on quantity, calorific value and presence of sulphur compounds. In addition, the potential availability of sterile coal within Spain is apparently high and its contribution to the local power generation would be of interest playing a significant role. The proposed study evaluates the availability and deployment of gasification technologies to drive clean electricity generation from waste coal and sterile rock coal, incorporating greenhouse gas emission mitigation systems, like CO2, H2S and NOx removal systems. It establishes the target facility and its conceptual basic design proposal. The syngas obtained after the gasification of sterile coal is processed through specific conditioning units before entering into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. Flue gas leaving the gas turbine is ducted to a heat recovery steam generation boiler; the steam produced within the boilerdrives a steam turbine. The target facility resembles a singular Integrated Gasification in Combined Cycle (IGCC) power station. The evaluation of the conceptual basic design according to the power output set for a maximum sterile contribution, established that rates over 95% H2S and 90% CO2 removal can be achieved. Noticeable decrease of NOx compounds can be also achieved by the use of commercial technology. A techno-economic approach of the conceptual basic design is made evaluating the integration of potential unitsand their implementation within the target facility aiming toachieve clean power generation. The criterion to be compliant with the most restrictive regulation regarding environmental emissions is setting to carry out this analysis.