942 resultados para Classification of sciences


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This paper aims to automatically extract and classify self-consumable sport video highlights. For this purpose, we will emphasize the benefits of using play-break sequences as the effective inputs for HMMbased classifier. HMM is used to model the stochastic pattern of high-level states during specific sport highlights which correspond to the sequence of generic audio-visual measurements extracted from raw video data. This paper uses soccer as the domain study, focusing on the extraction and classification of goal, shot and foul highlights. The experiment work which uses183 play-break sequences from 6 soccer matches will be presented to demonstrate the performance of our proposed scheme.


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Researchers worldwide have been actively seeking for the most robust and powerful solutions to detect and classify key events (or highlights) in various sports domains. Most approaches have employed manual heuristics that model the typical pattern of audio-visual features within particular sport events To avoid manual observation and knowledge, machine-learning can be used as an alternative approach. To bridge the gaps between these two alternatives, an attempt is made to integrate statistics into heuristic models during highlight detection in our investigation. The models can be designed with a modest amount of domain-knowledge, making them less subjective and more robust for different sports. We have also successfully used a universal scope of detection and a standard set of features that can be applied for different sports that include soccer, basketball and Australian football. An experiment on a large dataset of sport videos, with a total of around 15 hours, has demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of our


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A major challenge facing freshwater ecologists and managers is the development of models that link stream ecological condition to catchment scale effects, such as land use. Previous attempts to make such models have followed two general approaches. The bottom-up approach employs mechanistic models, which can quickly become too complex to be useful. The top-down approach employs empirical models derived from large data sets, and has often suffered from large amounts of unexplained variation in stream condition.

We believe that the lack of success of both modelling approaches may be at least partly explained by scientists considering too wide a breadth of catchment type. Thus, we believe that by stratifying large sets of catchments into groups of similar types prior to modelling, both types of models may be improved. This paper describes preliminary work using a Bayesian classification software package, ‘Autoclass’ (Cheeseman and Stutz 1996) to create classes of catchments within the Murray Darling Basin based on physiographic data.

Autoclass uses a model-based classification method that employs finite mixture modelling and trades off model fit versus complexity, leading to a parsimonious solution. The software provides information on the posterior probability that the classification is ‘correct’ and also probabilities for alternative classifications. The importance of each attribute in defining the individual classes is calculated and presented, assisting description of the classes. Each case is ‘assigned’ to a class based on membership probability, but the probability of membership of other classes is also provided. This feature deals very well with cases that do not fit neatly into a larger class. Lastly, Autoclass requires the user to specify the measurement error of continuous variables.

Catchments were derived from the Australian digital elevation model. Physiographic data werederived from national spatial data sets. There was very little information on measurement errors for the spatial data, and so a conservative error of 5% of data range was adopted for all continuous attributes. The incorporation of uncertainty into spatial data sets remains a research challenge.

The results of the classification were very encouraging. The software found nine classes of catchments in the Murray Darling Basin. The classes grouped together geographically, and followed altitude and latitude gradients, despite the fact that these variables were not included in the classification. Descriptions of the classes reveal very different physiographic environments, ranging from dry and flat catchments (i.e. lowlands), through to wet and hilly catchments (i.e. mountainous areas). Rainfall and slope were two important discriminators between classes. These two attributes, in particular, will affect the ways in which the stream interacts with the catchment, and can thus be expected to modify the effects of land use change on ecological condition. Thus, realistic models of the effects of land use change on streams would differ between the different types of catchments, and sound management practices will differ.

A small number of catchments were assigned to their primary class with relatively low probability. These catchments lie on the boundaries of groups of catchments, with the second most likely class being an adjacent group. The locations of these ‘uncertain’ catchments show that the Bayesian classification dealt well with cases that do not fit neatly into larger classes.

Although the results are intuitive, we cannot yet assess whether the classifications described in this paper would assist the modelling of catchment scale effects on stream ecological condition. It is most likely that catchment classification and modelling will be an iterative process, where the needs of the model are used to guide classification, and the results of classifications used to suggest further refinements to models.


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There has been an increasing interest in face recognition in recent years. Many recognition methods have been developed so far, some very encouraging. A key remaining issue is the existence of variations in the input face image. Today, methods exist that can handle specific image variations. But we are yet to see methods that can be used more effectively in unconstrained situations. This paper presents a method that can handle partial translation, rotation, or scale variations in the input face image. The principal is to automatically identify objects within images using their partial self-similarities. The paper presents two recognition methods which can be used to recognise objects within images. A face recognition system is then presented that is insensitive to limited translation, rotation, or scale variations in the input face image. The performance of the system is evaluated through four experiments. The results show that the system achieves higher recognition rates than those of a number of existing approaches.


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An automatic road sign recognition system first locates road signs within images captured by an imaging sensor on-board of a vehicle, and then identifies the detected road signs. This paper presents an automatic neural-network-based road sign recognition system. First, a study of the existing road sign recognition research is presented. In this study, the issues associated with automatic road sign recognition are described, the existing methods developed to tackle the road sign recognition problem are reviewed, and a comparison of the features of these methods is given. Second, the developed road sign recognition system is described. The system is capable of analysing live colour road scene images, detecting multiple road signs within each image, and classifying the type of road signs detected. The system consists of two modules: detection and classification. The detection module segments the input image in the hue-saturation-intensity colour space, and then detects road signs using a Multi-layer Perceptron neural-network. The classification module determines the type of detected road signs using a series of one to one architectural Multi-layer Perceptron neural networks. Two sets of classifiers are trained using the Resillient-Backpropagation and Scaled-Conjugate-Gradient algorithms. The two modules of the system are evaluated individually first. Then the system is tested as a whole. The experimental results demonstrate that the system is capable of achieving an average recognition hit-rate of 95.96% using the scaled-conjugate-gradient trained classifiers.


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This research examined the corporate branding approaches and strategies adopted by six prominent Australian arts and cultural organisations. The aim of this exploration was to identify patterns in branding across different arts and cultural organisations, and attempt to provide an initial classification for understanding how these organisations approach branding strategy. We found that three factors influenced branding strategy in the surveyed organisations, viz., the focus of branding process, the degree of consistency in branding communication, and the required level of customers’ involvement in the branded products. The organisations studied were then plotted on a continuum that considered each of these factors.


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This paper introduces a new technique in the investigation of object classification and illustrates the potential use of this technique for the analysis of a range of biological data, using avian morphometric data as an example. The nascent variable precision rough sets (VPRS) model is introduced and compared with the decision tree method ID3 (through a ‘leave n out’ approach), using the same dataset of morphometric measures of European barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) and assessing the accuracy of gender classification based on these measures. The results demonstrate that the VPRS model, allied with the use of a modern method of discretization of data, is comparable with the more traditional non-parametric ID3 decision tree method. We show that, particularly in small samples, the VPRS model can improve classification and to a lesser extent prediction aspects over ID3. Furthermore, through the ‘leave n out’ approach, some indication can be produced of the relative importance of the different morphometric measures used in this problem. In this case we suggest that VPRS has advantages over ID3, as it intelligently uses more of the morphometric data available for the data classification, whilst placing less emphasis on variables with low reliability. In biological terms, the results suggest that the gender of swallows can be determined with reasonable accuracy from morphometric data and highlight the most important variables in this process. We suggest that both analysis techniques are potentially useful for the analysis of a range of different types of biological datasets, and that VPRS in particular has potential for application to a range of biological circumstances.


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Automated classification of lung nodules is challenging because of the variation in shape and size of lung nodules, as well as their associated differences in their images. Ensemble based learners have demonstrated the potentialof good performance. Random forests are employed for pulmonary nodule classification where each tree in the forest produces a classification decision, and an integrated output is calculated. A classification aided by clustering approach is proposed to improve the lung nodule classification performance. Three experiments are performed using the LIDC lung image database of 32 cases. The classification performance and execution times are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents an innovative fusion based multi-classifier email classification on a ubiquitous multi-core architecture. Many approaches use text-based single classifiers or multiple weakly trained classifiers to identify spam messages from a large email corpus. We build upon our previous work on multi-core by apply our ubiquitous multi-core framework to run our fusion based multi-classifier architecture. By running each classifier process in parallel within their dedicated core, we greatly improve the performance of our proposed multi-classifier based filtering system. Our proposed architecture also provides a safeguard of user mailbox from different malicious attacks. Our experimental results show that we achieved an average of 30% speedup at the average cost of 1.4 ms. We also reduced the instance of false positive, which is one of the key challenges in spam filtering system, and increases email classification accuracy substantially compared with single classification techniques.


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It has been an important and challenging task to classify and evaluate the contents in wool blends. Quantitative characterisation of animal fibre scale patterns has attracted considerable attention, since it is the major evidence for identification and subsequent classification purpose. Although techniques such as imaging processing and linear demarcation functions have been used to identify unknown fibre type with some success, a more comprehensive approach is required to perform this task. In this paper, a new approach is presented, which employs non-linear demarcation functions by using an artificial neural network (ANN). Based on scale pattern features extracted by using image processing techniques the artificial neural network (ANN) model is to classify mohair and merino fibres. It is observed that the techniques developed in this work are very effective and have the potential to be applied to other animal fibres.


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This paper presents a dual-random ensemble multi-label classification method for classification of multi-label data. The method is formed by integrating and extending the concepts of feature subspace method and random k-label set ensemble multi-label classification method. Experiemental results show that the developed method outperforms the exisiting multi-lable classification methods on three different multi-lable datasets including the biological yeast and genbase datasets.