950 resultados para Class E Vacuolar Protein Sorting


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Gibberellins (GAs) are a major class of plant hormones that control many developmental processes, including seed development and germination, flower and fruit development, and flowering time. Genetic studies with Arabidopsis thaliana have identified two genes involved in GA perception or signal transduction. A semidominant mutation at the GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE (GAI) locus results in plants resembling GA-deficient mutants but exhibiting reduced sensitivity to GA. Recessive mutations at the SPINDLY (SPY) locus cause a phenotype that is consistent with constitutive activation of GA signal transduction. Here we show that a strong allele of spy is completely epistatic to gai, indicating that SPY acts downstream of GAI. We have cloned the SPY gene and shown that it encodes a new type of signal transduction protein, which contains a tetratricopeptide repeat region, likely serving as a protein interaction domain, and a novel C-terminal region. Mutations in both domains increase GA signal transduction. The presence of a similar gene in Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that SPY represents a class of signal transduction proteins that is present throughout the eukaryotes.


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Anacardic acids, a class of secondary compounds derived from fatty acids, are found in a variety of dicotyledonous families. Pest resistance (e.g., spider mites and aphids) in Pelargonium xhortorum (geranium) is associated with high levels (approximately 81%) of unsaturated 22:1 omega 5 and 24:1 omega 5 anacardic acids in the glandular trichome exudate. A single dominant locus controls the production of these omega 5 anacardic acids, which arise from novel 16:1 delta 11 and 18:1 delta 13 fatty acids. We describe the isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a unique delta 9 14:0-acyl carrier protein fatty acid desaturase. Several lines of evidence indicated that expression of this desaturase leads to the production of the omega 5 anacardic acids involved in pest resistance. First, its expression was found in pest-resistant, but not suspectible, plants and its expression followed the production of the omega 5 anacardic acids in segregating populations. Second, its expression and the occurrence of the novel 16:1 delta 11 and 18:1 delta 13 fatty acids and the omega 5 anacardic acids were specific to tall glandular trichomes. Third, assays of the recombinant protein demonstrated that this desaturase produced the 14:1 delta 9 fatty acid precursor to the novel 16:1 delta 11 and 18:1 delta 13 fatty acids. Based on our genetic and biochemical studies, we conclude that expression of this delta 9 14:0-ACP desaturase gene is required for the production of omega 5 anacardic acids that have been shown to be necessary for pest resistance in geranium.


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Natural killer (NK) cells expressing specific p58 NK receptors are inhibited from lysing target cells that express human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. To investigate the interaction between p58 NK receptors and HLA-Cw4, the extracellular domain of the p58 NK receptor specific for HLA-Cw4 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and refolded from purified inclusion bodies. The refolded NK receptor is a monomer in solution. It interacts specifically with HLA-Cw4, blocking the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein to HLA-Cw4-expressing cells, but does not block the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein specific for HLA-Cw3 to HLA-Cw3-expressing cells. The bacterially expressed extracellular domain of HLA-Cw4 heavy chain and beta2-microglobulin were refolded in the presence of a HLA-Cw4-specific peptide. Direct binding between the soluble p58 NK receptor and the soluble HLA-Cw4-peptide complex was observed by native gel electrophoresis. Titration binding assays show that soluble monomeric receptor forms a 1:1 complex with HLA-Cw4, independent of the presence of Zn2+. The formation of complexes between soluble, recombinant molecules indicates that HLA-Cw4 is sufficient for specific ligation by the NK receptor and that neither glycoprotein requires carbohydrate for the interaction.


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A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with a disrupted yeast cadmium resistance factor (YCF1) gene (DTY168) is hypersensitive to cadmium. YCF1 resembles the human multidrug resistance-associated protein MRP (63% amino acid similarity), which confers resistance to various cytotoxic drugs by lowering the intracellular drug concentration. Whereas the mechanism of action of YCF1 is not known, MRP was recently found to transport glutathione S-conjugates across membranes. Here we show that expression of the human MRP cDNA in yeast mutant DTY168 cells restores cadmium resistance to the wild-type level. Transport of S-(2,4-dinitrobenzene)-glutathione into isolated yeast microsomal vesicles is strongly reduced in the DTY168 mutant and this transport is restored to wild-type level in mutant cells expressing MRP cDNA. We find in cell fractionation experiments that YCF1 is mainly localized in the vacuolar membrane in yeast, whereas MRP is associated both with the vacuolar membrane and with other internal membranes in the transformed yeast cells. Our results indicate that yeast YCF1 is a glutathione S-conjugate pump, like MRP, and they raise the possibility that the cadmium resistance in yeast involves cotransport of cadmium with glutathione derivatives.


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Stage specific activator protein (SSAP) is a member of a newly discovered class of transcription factors that contain motifs more commonly found in RNA-binding proteins. Previously, we have shown that SSAP specifically binds to its recognition sequence in both the double strand and the single strand form and that this DNA-binding activity is localized to the N-terminal RNA recognition motif domain. Three copies of this recognition sequence constitute an enhancer element that is directly responsible for directing the transcriptional activation of the sea urchin late histone H1 gene at the midblastula stage of embryogenesis. Here we show that the remainder of the SSAP polypeptide constitutes an extremely potent bipartite transcription activation domain that can function in a variety of mammalian cell lines. This activity is as much as 3 to 5 times stronger than VP16 at activating transcription and requires a large stretch of amino acids that contain glutamine-glycine rich and serine-threonine-basic amino acid rich regions. We present evidence that SSAP's activation domain shares targets that are also necessary for activation by E1a and VP16. Finally, SSAP's activation domain is found to participate in specific interactions in vitro with the basal transcription factors TATA-binding protein, TFIIB, TFIIF74, and dTAF(II) 110.


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Heat shock protein gp96 primes class I restricted cytotoxic T cells against antigens present in the cells from which it was isolated. Moreover, gp96 derived from certain tumors functions as an effective vaccine, causing complete tumor regressions in in vivo tumor challenge protocols. Because tumor-derived gp96 did not differ from gp96 isolated from normal tissues, a role for gp96 as a peptide carrier has been proposed. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed whether such an association of antigenic peptides with gp96 occurs in a well-defined viral model system. Here we present the full characterization of an antigenic peptide that endogenously associates with the stress protein gp96 in cells infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This peptide is identical to the immunodominant peptide of VSV, which is also naturally presented by H-2Kb major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. This peptide associates with gp96 in VSV-infected cells regardless of the major histocompatibility com- plex haplotype of the cell. Our observations provide a biochemical basis for the vaccine function of gp96.


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A novel vegetative insecticidal gene, vip3A(a), whose gene product shows activity against lepidopteran insect larvae including black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua), tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens), and corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) has been isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis strain AB88. VIP3-insecticidal gene homologues have been detected in approximately 15% of Bacillus strains analyzed. The sequence of the vip3A(b) gene, a homologue of vip3A(a) isolated from B. thuringiensis strain AB424 is also reported. Vip3A(a) and (b) proteins confer upon Escherichia coli insecticidal activity against the lepidopteran insect larvae mentioned above. The sequence of the gene predicts a 791-amino acid (88.5 kDa) protein that contains no homology with known proteins. Vip3A insecticidal proteins are secreted without N-terminal processing. Unlike the B. thuringiensis 5-endotoxins, whose expression is restricted to sporulation, Vip3A insecticidal proteins are expressed in the vegetative stage of growth starting at mid-log phase as well as during sporulation. Vip3A represents a novel class of proteins insecticidal to lepidopteran insect larvae.


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Ca2+ influx controls multiple neuronal functions including neurotransmitter release, protein phosphorylation, gene expression, and synaptic plasticity. Brain L-type Ca2+ channels, which contain either alpha 1C or alpha 1D as their pore-forming subunits, are an important source of calcium entry into neurons. Alpha 1C exists in long and short forms, which are differentially phosphorylated, and C-terminal truncation of alpha 1C increases its activity approximately 4-fold in heterologous expression systems. Although most L-type calcium channels in brain are localized in the cell body and proximal dendrites, alpha 1C subunits in the hippocampus are also present in clusters along the dendrites of neurons. Examination by electron microscopy shows that these clusters of alpha 1C are localized in the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses, which are known to contain glutamate receptors. Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-specific glutamate receptors induced the conversion of the long form of alpha 1C into the short form by proteolytic removal of the C terminus. Other classes of Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits were unaffected. This proteolytic processing reaction required extracellular calcium and was blocked by inhibitors of the calcium-activated protease calpain, indicating that calcium entry through NMDA receptors activated proteolysis of alpha1C by calpain. Purified calpain catalyzed conversion of the long form of immunopurified alpha 1C to the short form in vitro, consistent with the hypothesis that calpain is responsible for processing of alpha 1C in hippocampal neurons. Our results suggest that NMDA receptor-induced processing of the postsynaptic class C L-type Ca2+ channel may persistently increase Ca2+ influx following intense synaptic activity and may influence Ca2+-dependent processes such as protein phosphorylation, synaptic plasticity, and gene expression.


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C factor, an intercellular signaling protein, is required for aggregation and sporulation of the social bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus. We report that C factor, which normally is associated with the cell surface, provides input to the Frz signal transduction cascade. Elements of this cascade have sequence homology to bacterial chemotaxis systems and are known to control the frequency of gliding reversal. Exposure of developing cells of a C-factor-less mutant (csgA) to purified C factor increases the ratio of methylated to nonmethylated FrzCD protein, the Frz homolog of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. Methylation depends on the cognate methyltransferase FrzF, and its extent increases with the concentration of C factor. C-factor-induced methylation also depends on the product of a gene, called class II, which is necessary in vivo for all known responses to C factor. A model for aggregation is proposed in which C factor stimulates the Frz cascade and thereby decreases cell reversals in a way that preferentially leads cells into an aggregate.


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The mechanism(s) that regulates invasion of trophoblasts through the uterine epithelium during embryo implantation and nidation in hemochorial placental mammals is poorly understood. While limited trophoblast invasion is essential for the establishment of normal pregnancy, dysregulation of this process may contribute to the pathogenesis of choriocarcinoma, a highly invasive and lethal form of cancer arising from the trophoblasts. We have previously demonstrated that rabbit uteroglobin (UG), a cytokine-like, antiinflammatory protein, produced by the endometrial epithelium during pregnancy, has a potent antichemotactic effect on neutrophils and monocytes in vitro. Here, we report that recombinant human UG (hUG) dramatically suppresses invasion of human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells through an artificial basement membrane (Matrigel) in vitro but has no effect on that of human choriocarcinoma cells. We identified a previously unreported high-affinity, high molecular weight (approximately 190 kDa), nonglycosylated hUG-binding protein, readily detectable on human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells but totally lacking on choriocarcinoma cells. Taken together, these results raise the possibility that (i) hUG plays a critical role in regulating cellular invasiveness, at least in part, via its previously unrecognized cell surface binding site, and (ii) some of the numerous biological activities of proteins of the UG family, reported so far, may be mediated via this binding site.


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During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.


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The Drosophila CF2II protein, which contains zinc fingers of the Cys2His2 type and recognizes an A+T-rich sequence, behaves in cell culture as an activator of a reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. This activity depends on C-terminal but not N-terminal zinc fingers, as does in vitro DNA binding. By site-specific mutagenesis and binding site selection, we define the critical amino acid-base interactions. Mutations of single amino acid residues at the leading edge of the recognition helix are rarely neutral: many result in a slight change in affinity for the ideal DNA target site; some cause major loss of affinity; and others change specificity for as many as two bases in the target site. Compared to zinc fingers that recognize G+C-rich DNA, CF2II fingers appear to bind to A+T-rich DNA in a generally similar manner, but with additional flexibility and amino acid-base interactions. The results illustrate how zinc fingers may be evolving to recognize an unusually diverse set of DNA sequences.


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Several disulfide benzamides have been shown to possess wide-spectrum antiretroviral activity in cell culture at low micromolar to submicromolar concentrations, inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 (HIV-1) clinical and drug-resistant strains along with HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus [Rice, W. G., Supko, J. G., Malspeis, L., Buckheit, R. W., Jr., Clanton, D., Bu, M., Graham, L., Schaeffer, C. A., Turpin, J. A., Domagala, J., Gogliotti, R., Bader, J. P., Halliday, S. M., Coren, L., Sowder, R. C., II, Arthur, L. O. & Henderson, L. E. (1995) Science 270, 1194-1197]. Rice and coworkers have proposed that the compounds act by "attacking" the two zinc fingers of HIV nucleocapsid protein. Shown here is evidence that low micromolar concentrations of the anti-HIV disulfide benzamides eject zinc from HIV nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) in vitro, as monitored by the zinc-specific fluorescent probe N-(6-methoxy-8-quinoyl)-p-toluenesulfonamide (TSQ). Structurally similar disulfide benzamides that do not inhibit HIV-1 in culture do not eject zinc, nor do analogs of the antiviral compounds with the disulfide replaced with a methylene sulfide. The kinetics of NCp7 zinc ejection by disulfide benzamides were found to be nonsaturable and biexponential, with the rate of ejection from the C-terminal zinc finger 7-fold faster than that from the N-terminal. The antiviral compounds were found to inhibit the zinc-dependent binding of NCp7 to HIV psi RNA, as studied by gel-shift assays, and the data correlated well with the zinc ejection data. Anti-HIV disulfide benzamides specifically eject NCp7 zinc and abolish the protein's ability to bind psi RNA in vitro, providing evidence for a possible antiretroviral mechanism of action of these compounds. Congeners of this class are under advanced preclinical evaluation as a potential chemotherapy for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


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ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and are active in the GTP-bound state and inactive with GDP bound. ARF-GTP has a critical role in vesicular transport in several cellular compartments. Conversion of ARF-GDP to ARF-GTP is promoted by a guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP). We earlier reported the isolation from bovine brain cytosol of a 700-kDa protein complex containing GEP activity that was inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA). Partial purification yielded an approximately 60-kDa BFA-insensitive GEP that enhanced binding of ARF1 and ARF3 to Golgi membranes. GEP has now been purified extensively from rat spleen cytosol in a BFA-insensitive, approximately 55-kDa form. It activated class I ARFs (ARFs 1 and 3) that were N-terminally myristoylated, but not nonmyristoylated ARFs from class-I, II, or III. GEP activity required MgCl2. In the presence of 0.6-0.8 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM EDTA, binding of guanosine 5'-[gamma[35S]thio]triphosphate ([35S]GTP gamma S) by ARF1 and ARF3 was equally high without and with GEP. At higher Mg2+ concentrations, binding without GEP was much lower; with 2-5 mM MgCl2, GEP-stimulated binding was maximal. The rate of GDP binding was much less than that of GTP gamma S with and without GEP. Phospholipids were necessary for GEP activity; phosphatidylinositol was more effective than phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid was less so. Other phospholipids tested were ineffective. Maximal effects required approximately 200 microM phospholipid, with half-maximal activation at 15-20 microM. Release of bound [35S]GTP gamma S from ARF3 required the presence of both GEP and unlabeled GTP or GTP gamma S; GDP was much less effective. This characterization of the striking effects of Mg2+ concentration and specific phospholipids on the purified BFA-insensitive ARF GEP should facilitate experiments to define its function in vesicular transport.


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Invariant chain (Ii) is a trimeric membrane protein which binds and stabilizes major histocompatibility complex class II heterodimers in the endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal compartments of antigen-presenting cells. In concert with an intracellular class II-like molecule, HLA-DM, Ii seems to facilitate loading of conventional class II molecules with peptides before transport of the class II-peptide complex to the cell surface for recognition by T cells. The interaction of Ii with class II molecules is thought to be mediated in large part through a region of 24 amino acids (the class II-associated Ii peptide, CLIP) which binds as a cleaved moiety in the antigenic peptide-binding groove of class II molecules in HLA-DM-deficient cell lines. Here we use nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to demonstrate that a soluble recombinant Ii ectodomain contains significant disordered regions which probably include CLIP.