923 resultados para Cervix uteri--Cancer--Diagnosis


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Objetivou-se conhecer como a pessoa com estomia vivência o processo de transição da dependência de cuidados ao autocuidado à luz da Teoria das Transições de Meleis. Pesquisa exploratória, descritiva com abordagem qualitativa no Serviço de Estomaterapia do Hospital Universitário Dr Miguel Riet Corrêa Jr do Rio Grande/ RS/ Brasil com 27 pessoas com estomias definitivas por câncer. Os dados foram coletados nos mês de janeiro e fevereiro de 2014 por meio de entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado e submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo apoiada nas ideias da Teoria das Transições de Afaf I. Meleis. Constatou-se que a natureza da transição situou-se no processo tipo saúde/doença. A entrada no processo de transição deu-se a partir da consciência desencadeada pelo diagnóstico de câncer, reforçado pela cirurgia de estomização. O empenhamento surge ao dedicarem-se a construção do conhecimento para o autocuidado frente às mudanças na sua vida e na sua nova relação com seu corpo, mudando a visão de si, do mundo e dos outros. Destacou-se o espaço temporal como algo dinâmico e variavelmente indeterminável, sendo fundamental para que se organizem e reflitam acerca do seu novo viver, fortalecendo-se para que a transição progrida. Verificaram-se como fatores facilitadores do autocuidado a construção de um significado positivo à estomização, o preparo dessa experiência ainda no pré-operatório, a estabilidade emocional, a fé e a religiosidade e a sensação de normalidade adquirida a partir de uma imagem próxima da anterior. Referiram-se, ainda, ao fornecimento de forma gratuita pelo governo das bolsas coletoras, adjuvantes e acessórios e ao atendimento da equipe multiprofissional. Como fatores inibidores do processo de transição encontraram-se a visão distorcida de seu corpo, o despreparo para viver com a estomia, a instabilidade emocional, a desmotivação com afastamento de atividades prazerosas, o cuidado excessivo e/ou estendido e até mesmo a superproteção da família, as complicações como hérnias e prolapsos, a falta de atitudes positivas quanto à vida, a negação da bolsa coletora, as tentativas frustradas de omitir o uso da bolsa coletora, a falta do domínio do manuseio dos equipamentos, o afastamento do trabalho e as dificuldades financeiras. Além destas, o abandono do parceiro, atitudes negativas e estigmatizantes por parte da família e a baixa qualidade dos materiais fornecidos pelo governo. Como indicadores de resultados identificaram-se a confiança para realizar atividades anteriores, aceitação de sua situação, uma visão positiva de sua vida e da capacidade de compartilhar o seu cuidado com sua família. Considera-se a saída da transição quando este for capaz de dominar novas competências tanto para o cuidado físico ao realizar a troca da bolsa coletora quanto readequando sua imagem e autoconceito. Concluiu-se que o processo de transição da dependência de cuidados ao autocuidado da pessoa com estomia é complexo e carregado de subjetividades. É necessário que o enfermeiro estabeleça ações terapêuticas de enfermagem eficazes e eficientes, contribuindo para a promoção e reabilitação da saúde deste, auxiliando-o na aquisição de sua autonomia e independência, subsidiando seu autocuidado e bem-estar.


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Cancer is a major disease burden worldwide resulting in high morbidity and mortality. It is the leading cause of mortality in developed countries and is one of the three leading causes of death for adults in developing countries. Pathological examination of tissue biopsies with histological confirmation of a correct cancer diagnosis is central to cancer care. Without an accurate and specific pathologic diagnosis, effective treatment cannot be planned or delivered. In addition, there are marked geographical variations in incidence of cancer overall, and of the specific cancers seen. Much of the published literature on cancer incidence in developing countries reflects gross estimates and may not reflect reality. Performing baseline studies to understand these distributions lays the groundwork for further research in this area of cancer epidemiology. Our current study surveys and ranks cancer diagnoses by individual anatomical site at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) which is the largest teaching and referral hospital in Malawi. A retrospective study was conducted reviewing available pathology reports over a period of one full year from January 2010 to December 2010 for biopsies from patients suspected clinically of having cancer. There were 544 biopsies of suspected cancer, taken from 96 anatomical sites. The oesophagus was the most common biopsied site followed by breast, bladder, bone, prostate, bowel, and cervical lymph node. Malignancies were found in biopsies of the oesophagus biopsies (squamous cell carcinoma, 65.1%; adenocarcinoma, 11.6%), breast (57.5%), bladder (squamous cell carcinoma, 53.1%) and stomach (37.6%). Our study demonstrates that the yield of biopsy for clinically suspected malignancy was greater than 50% for the 11 most common sites and provides a current survey of cancer types by site present in the population reporting to our hospital.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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O cancro é um dos principais causadores de milhões de mortes em todo o mundo e sendo o cancro oral, especificamente, a sexta neoplasia mais frequente a nível mundial. Todos os anos são diagnosticados mais de 500 mil novos casos, sendo que as altas taxas de mortalidade e mortalidade não se têm alterado ao longo dos anos. A maior incidência de cancro oral encontra-se na Ásia e na Europa do Sul. Em Portugal, mais precisamente em 2012, foram diagnosticados cerca de 1924 novos casos de cancro oral, dos quais 967 ocorreram em homens. O carcinoma espinocelular é o tipo histológico mais comum, sendo que 90% dos casos de cancro oral são deste tipo. Sabe-se também que esta variante é mais frequente no sexo masculino entre a 5ª e 6 ª década de vida apesar de, a incidência no sexo feminino, ter vindo a aumentar, devido à contínua exposição ao tabaco, álcool e a outros factores de risco. Como foi dito anteriormente, o cancro oral tem uma alta taxa de mortalidade e de morbilidade e, apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico, no tratamento e no conhecimento de quais os factores de risco desta patologia, a taxa de sobrevivência ainda é inferior a 50% o que revela que, o grande problema, passa pelo diagnóstico do cancro em estádios avançados. Assume-se então que, grande parte dos casos de cancro oral, poderiam ter sido evitados se houvesse maior conhecimento e grau de alerta sobre a doença o que tendencialmente, levaria a diagnósticos mais precoces. Neste sentido, este estudo tem como propósito a avaliação do nível de conhecimento geral e do grau de alerta de uma população do interior do país, mais precisamente do Nordeste Transmontano, bem como, efectuar o registo da percepção dos inquiridos relativamente a esta patologia, passando pelo reconhecimento da doença, pelo conhecimento epidemiológico e etiológico, e pela melhor percepção a nível de sinais e sintomas clínicos próprios desta patologia.


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We report a case of a 33-year-old woman with emergency admission due to dyspnoea and fever. History included squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in complete remission. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scanning of the chest, which was indicated to rule out pneumonia, revealed an infiltrative cardiac mass. Further assessment of the tumour by echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed transmural infiltration of the apical interventricular septum with a mass extending into the left and right ventricle cavities. The mass was highly suspicious for a cardiac metastasis. Cardiac metastases from cervical cancer are extremely rare. Recurrence of cervical carcinoma involving the heart should be considered even after a curative therapy approach. Non-invasive imaging plays a paramount role in investigating cardiac masses. Echocardiography, CT and MRI are complementary imaging modalities for complete work-up of intracardiac lesions.


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Background: This study examined the quality of life (QOL), measured by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) questionnaire, among urban (n=277) and non-urban (n=323) breast cancer survivors and women from the general population (n=1140) in Queensland, Australia. ---------- Methods: Population-based samples of breast cancer survivors aged <75 years who were 12 months post-diagnosis and similarly-aged women from the general population were recruited between 2002 and 2007. ---------- Results: Age-adjusted QOL among urban and non-urban breast cancer survivors was similar, although QOL related to breast cancer concerns was the weakest domain and was lower among non-urban survivors than their urban counterparts (36.8 versus 40.4, P<0.01). Irrespective of residence, breast cancer survivors, on average, reported comparable scores on most QOL scales as their general population peers, although physical well-being was significantly lower among non-urban survivors (versus the general population, P<0.01). Overall, around 20%-33% of survivors experienced lower QOL than peers without the disease. The odds of reporting QOL below normative levels were increased more than two-fold for those who experienced complications following surgery, reported upper-body problems, had higher perceived stress levels and/or a poor perception of handling stress (P<0.01 for all). ---------- Conclusions: Results can be used to identify subgroups of women at risk of low QOL and to inform components of tailored recovery interventions to optimize QOL for these women following cancer treatment.


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The findings presented in this paper are part of a research project designed to provide a preliminary indication of the support needs of postdiagnosis women with breast cancer in remote and isolated areas in Queensland. This discussion will present data that focuses on the women’s expressed personal concerns. For participants in this research a diagnosis of breast cancer involves a confrontation with their own mortality and the possibility of a reduced life span. This is a definite life crisis, creating shock and needing considerable adjustment. Along with these generic issues the participants also articulated significant issues in relation to their experience as women in a rural setting. These concerns centred around worries about how their partner and families cope during their absences for treatment, the additional burden on the family of having to cope with running the property or farm during the participant’s absence or illness, added financial strain brought about by the cost of travel for treatment, maintenance of properties during absences, and problems created by time off from properties or self-employment. These findings accord with other reports of health and welfare services for rural Australian and the generic literature on psycho-oncology studies of breast cancer.


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Recent years have seen increased attention given to examining the phenomenon of hope in patients with metastatic cancer One of the results of this activity has been a greater appreciation of the significance of hope for the dying patient However, there are many questions about the experience of hope and its impact on the lives of patients with cancer which remain to be answered This paper discusses how hope is currently conceptualized in the nursing literature, and considers the implications that this conceptualization has for how we care for cancer patients Some alternative ways of looking at the experience and the impact of hope are also discussed


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The recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer have been helpful in addressing issues in diagnosis, prognosis and management. The study of ovarian tumours by novel techniques such as immunohistochemistry, fluorescent in situ hybridisation, comparative genomic hybridisation, polymerase chain reaction and new tumour markers have aided the evaluation and application of new concepts into clinical practice. The correlation of novel surrogate tumour specific features with response to treatment and outcome in patients has defined prognostic factors which may allow the future design of tailored therapy based on a molecular profile of the tumour. These have also been used to design new approaches to therapy such as antibody targeting and gene therapy. The delineation of roles of c-erbB2, c-fms and other novel receptor kinases in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer has led initially to the development of anti-c-erbB2 monoclonal antibody therapy. The discovery of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes will have an impact in the diagnosis and the prevention of familial ovarian cancer. The important role played by recessive genes such as p53 in cancer has raised the possibility of restoration of gene function by gene therapy. Although the pathological diagnosis of ovarian cancer is still confirmed principally on morphological features, addition of newer investigations will increasingly be useful in addressing difficult diagnostic problems. The increasingly rapid pace of discovery of genes important in disease, makes it imperative that the evaluation of their contribution in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer is undertaken swiftly, thus improving the overall management of patients and their outcome.


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OBJECTIVES: To provide an overview of 1) traditional methods of skin cancer early detection, 2) current technologies for skin cancer detection, and 3) evolving practice models of early detection. DATA SOURCES: Peer-reviewed databased articles and reviews, scholarly texts, and Web-based resources. CONCLUSION: Early detection of skin cancer through established methods or newer technologies is critical for reducing both skin cancer mortality and the overall skin cancer burden. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: A basic knowledge of recommended skin examination guidelines and risk factors for skin cancer, traditional methods to further examine lesions that are suspicious for skin cancer and evolving detection technologies can guide patient education and skin inspection decisions.


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To complement the existing treatment guidelines for all tumour types, ESMO organises consensus conferences to focus on specific issues in each type of tumour. The 2nd ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer was held on 11-12 May 2013 in Lugano. A total of 35 experts met to address several questions on non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in each of four areas: pathology and molecular biomarkers, first-line/second and further lines in advanced disease, earlystage disease and locally advanced disease. For each question, recommendations were made including reference to the grade of recommendation and level of evidence. This consensus paper focuses on early-stage disease. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved.


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Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence, sociodemographic and clinical predictors, and physical and psychosocial correlates of unmet needs among women 3–5 years following treatment for endometrial cancer. Methods Women with endometrial cancer completed a survey around the time of diagnosis and again 3–5 years later. The follow-up survey asked women about their physical and psychosocial functioning and supportive care needs (CaSUN). Multivariable-adjusted logistic regression identified the predictors and correlates of women’s unmet needs 3–5 years after diagnosis. Results Of the 629 women who completed the cancer survivors’ unmet needs measure (CaSUN), 24 % (n = 153) women reported one or more unmet supportive care needs in the last month. Unmet needs at 3–5 years post-diagnosis were predicted by younger age (OR = 4.47; 95 % CI: 2.09–9.56) and advanced disease stage at diagnosis (OR = 2.47; 95 % CI: 1.38–4.45) and correlated with greater cancer symptoms (OR = 1.78; 95 % CI: 1.05–3.02), lower limb swelling (OR = 2.50; 95 % CI: 1.51–4.15), symptoms of anxiety (OR = 2.21; 95 % CI: 1.31–3.72), and less availability of social support (OR = 3.42; 95 % CI: 1.92–6.11). Women with a history of comorbidities (OR = 0.47; 95 % CI: 0.27–0.82) and those living in a rural area at the time of diagnosis (OR = 0.56; 95 % CI: 0.34–0.92) were less likely to report unmet needs. Conclusions Sociodemographic, health, and psychosocial factors seem important for identifying women who will or will not have unmet needs several years following endometrial cancer. Longitudinal assessments of people’s needs over the course of their cancer trajectory may be an effective way to identify areas that should receive further attention by health providers.