652 resultados para Celebes (Indonesia)
This paper reports the results of a study which investigates the market for professional services in Indonesia, a country which has not been investigated in the by audit fee literature prior. A well-developed research model used in the prior literature has also been applied in this study, and the empirical findings suggest broad similarities in the pricing of professional services in Indonesia and other countries previously studied. In addition to extending the results of prior research to a country not previously studied, this paper examines whether the large auditors fee premium documented in other countries exists in Indonesia, especially after the major Asian financial crisis of 1997/98, since then almost all companies in this geographical area exercise tight budget controls. The results suggest that no audit fee premium is accrued to Indonesian Big 5 auditors, in contrast to the large audit firm fee premium documented in many other countries.
Indonesia's long stability of over three decades came to a sudden end after the regional economic crisis of 1997–1998. The economic crisis not only shattered the Indonesian economy but also resulted in political turmoil. The national leadership has changed three times over the last five years. In such conditions, the confidence of foreign investors is very low. The present government has initiated a number of steps to restore political stability and economic recovery. This article provides useful information on the complex business environment, aimed to help foreign investors to develop a good understanding on key background knowledge for being successful in Indonesia. It reviews Indonesian historical development, political structure and climate, regional relations, and economy and foreign trade. Indonesia's infrastructure, legal framework, sociocultural setup, as well as market structure and potential, are also analyzed.
Mapping and sediment sampling in reefs of the Pulau Seribu group (southwest Java Sea) shows the existence of ten physiographic zones and subzones represented by seven lithofacies. Reefs in the northern part of the archipelago are smaller, more closely spaced and morphologically sim pler than those in the south. This pattern is attributed to differences in subsidence rate. A th reedimensional model is proposed for the evo lution of these reefs but borehole data are requi red to test this model. Miocene limestones are described in detail from hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Batu Raja Formation of the same area. Brief comparisons a re made with surface outcrops of approximately coeval carbonate developments. The lithofacies developed within these limestones reflect variations in hydrodynam ic regime and basement topography . Ele\le.n diagenetic processes affected the Batu Raja limestones and the dist ribution of these is primarily related to sealevel fluctuations. Early diagenesis was marine and characterised by micritisation and preCipitation of fibrous and bladed cements. Dolomitisat ion occurred in the mixed- water zone and its variable intensity is attributed to the configuration of the carbonate body relative to this zone. Subsequently the limestones were subjected to freshwater phreatic zone diagenesis resulting in dissolution and cementation, and a t a late stage underwent burial compaction. Secondary porosity, which \ar9e1.y determines the suitability of these limestones as hydrocarbon reserVOirs, is a function of the variable intensity of dissolution and cementation, burial compaction, dolomitisation and possibly micrite neomorphism. The sedimentary processes that generated the Batu Raja buildups are inferred f rom comparisons with the Pulau Seribu and other Recent analogues. The contrasting pinnacle form of the Pulau Seribu patch reefs compared with the low relief of the Batu Raja buUdups results from differences in the initial substrate topography and subsequent subsidence rate
This article examines the relationship between financial liberalization and stock market volatility in Indonesia. By looking at the time series properties of the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) we identify breaks in stock market volatility which coincide with the timing of major policy events. Our main findings are (i) a significant decrease in volatility after the 'official' opening of the stock market to foreign participation; (ii) a significant increase in volatility in the year before market opening following reforms that eased entry requirements and the issuance of brokerage licenses and (iii) a significant increase in volatility at the time of the Asian crisis followed by a significant decrease in the second and sixth years after the crisis.
Our research examines a key aspect of the extensive bureaucratic reform program that was applied to the Indonesian public sector following the Asian Economic crisis. The organisation we focus on is the Indonesian Directorate of Tax. The reforms moved the case organisation towards more bureaucratic organisational arrangements. The most notable elements of the reforms related to the organisational efficiency and changes in administrative style and culture. An ethnographic approach was adopted, in which the researcher was immersed in the life of the selected case organisation over an extended period of time. This research extends a thin literature on the topic of management control and culture in the Indonesian context. Also, this paper fills a gap in the theoretic approaches for studying bureaucracy, which is dominated by western conceptualisations. This paper provides a reminder to policy makers (including organisation such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund) of the consequences of neglecting cultural influences when conducting bureaucratic reform.
This paper develops an approach to the analysis of cross-listing that brings together the financial and non-financial benefits of the phenomenon. We employ the real options framework, which offers a detailed characterisation of the strategic issues associated with cross-listing, in the context of internationalisation of emerging market firms. The associated hypotheses are tested using firm-level data from four large emerging market economies with different profiles in terms of institutional quality and financial development. This allows us to extend the existing literature by isolating the relative importance of institutional quality and financial development for the benefits of cross-listing.
Transgendered Indonesians live in the fourth most populated nation in the world with more Muslims than any other country. This thesis summarizes an ethnography conducted on one religiously oriented male-to-female transgender community known in the city of Yogyakarta as the waria. This study analyzes the waria’s gender and religious identities from an emic and etic perspective, focusing on how individuals comport themselves inside the world’s first transgender mosque-like institution called a pesantren waria. The waria take their name from the Indonesian words wanita (woman) and pria (man). I will chart how this male-to-female population create spaces of spiritual belonging and physical security within a territory that has experienced geo-religio-political insecurity: natural disasters, fundamentalist movements, and toppling dictatorships. This work illuminates how the waria see themselves as biologically male, not men. Anatomy is not what gives the waria their gender, their feminine expression and sexual attraction does. Although the waria self-identity as women/waria, in a religious context they perform as men, not women.
Perna viridis from the Bay of Jakarta was exposed to different concentrations (0, 21.6, 216 and 2160 mg/l) of PVC microplastic particles for 91 days in a controlled laboratory experiment. Particles were negatively buoyant, but were regularly resuspended from the sediment, mimicking tidal events. The particles were contaminated with the organic pollutant fluoranthene, except for one control group, which was exposed to the highest plastic concentration (2160 mg/l) but with clean particles. Within the 91 days survival was monitored. After 40 - 44 days of the exposure, physiological responses of all mussel individuals were measured. Respiration rates were measured as the decrease of oxygen in a sealed container in 20 minutes. Clearance rates were determined by measuring the depletion of algal cells in the water in 30 minutes. Byssus production was assessed by counting the number of newly formed byssus discs within 24 hours.