997 resultados para Castro, Claudia


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Long-haul drivers work in irregular schedules due to load delivery demands. In general, driving and sleeping occur at irregular times and, consequently, partial sleep deprivation and/or circadian misalignment may emerge and result in sleepiness at the wheel. In this way, the aim of this study was to verify changes in the postural control parameters of professional drivers after one-night working. Eight male truck drivers working at night - night drivers (ND) and nine day drivers (DD) volunteered to participate in this study. The night drivers' postural stability was assessed immediately before and after an approximately 430 km journey by two identical force platforms at departure and arrival sites. The DD group was measured before and after a day's work. An interaction effect of time of day and type of shift in both conditions: eyes open (p < 0.01) and eyes closed (p < 0.001) for amplitude of mediolateral movements was observed. Postural stability, measured by force platform, is affected by a night of work, suggesting that it could be an effect of circadian and homeostatic influences over postural control.


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A number of studies to better understand the complex physiological mechanism involved in regulating body weight have been conducted. More specifically, the hormones related to appetite, leptin and ghrelin, and their association to obesity have been a focus of investigation. Circadian patterns of these hormones are a new target of research. The behaviour of these hormones in individuals subject to atypical working times such as shiftwork remains unclear. Shiftwork is characterized by changes in biological rhythms and cumulative circadian phase changes, being associated with high rates of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Truck drivers, who work irregular shifts, frequently present a high prevalence of obesity, which might be associated with work-related factors and/or lifestyle. In this context, the aim of this paper was to discuss the relationship of body mass index, appetite-related hormones and sleep characteristics in truck drivers who work irregular shifts compared with day workers.


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This was a cross-sectional study which analyzed the prevalence and the clinical and immunological spectrum of canine Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi infection in a cohort of 320 mongrel dogs living in an endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis in the Amazonian Brazil by using, mainly, the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT-IgG) and the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), and the parasite research by the popliteal lymph node aspiration. The IFAT and DTH reactivity recognized three different immune response profiles: (1) IFAT((+))/DTH(-) (107 dogs), (2) IFAT((-))/DTH(+) (18 dogs), and (3) IFAT((+))/DTH(+) (13 dogs), providing an overall prevalence of infection of 43 % (138/320). Thus, the specific prevalence of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) 33.4 % (107/320) was higher than those of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) 5.6 % (18/320) and IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) 4.0 % (13/320). Moreover, the frequency of these profiles among 138 infected dogs showed that the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) rate of 77.5 % (107/138) was also higher than those of 13.0 % (18/138) of IFAT ((-)) /DTH ((+)) and 9.5 % (13/138) of IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((+)) rates. The frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105) was higher than those of symptomatic (16.6 %-23) and oligosymptomatic ones (7.4 %-10). A total of 16 (11.6 %) L. (L.) i. chagasi isolates were obtained from infected dogs, all from the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile: 41 % (9/22) from symptomatic, 33.3 % (3/9) from oligosymptomatic, and 5.2 % (4/76) from asymptomatic dogs. These findings strongly suggested that despite the higher frequency of asymptomatic dogs (76 %-105), the majority (72.4 %-76) was characterized by the IFAT ((+)) /DTH ((-)) profile with a doubtful immunogenetic resistance against infection.


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Introduction: Work organization patterns and working conditions experienced by nursing personnel in the hospital settings may be associated to increased morbidity among these health workers. Aim: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with self-reported diseases among nursing personnel at the emergency hospital in Rio Branco/ State of Acre, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 272 participants who answered a questionnaire including sociodemographic characteristics, working conditions, lifestyles, work ability, and a fatigue perception scale. The self-reported diseases in the 12 months prior to data collection were considered the dependent variable. Results: A total of 85.7% of the participants reported one or more diseases in the past 12 months. Most prevalent diseases were: musculoskeletal diseases (37.1%), digestive diseases (28.7%), mental disorders (28.3%), work injuries (27.9%), and respiratory diseases (26.8%). The following significant variables remained in the final model: high work demands (OR 2.69), reported fatigue (OR 3.59), night work (OR 6.55) and being a technician or nursing assistant (OR 4.23). Conclusions: Variables related to working conditions and work organization were associated with the occurrence of reported diseases among nursing professionals. Health promotion measures at work require a comprehensive approach including the working conditions and the work organization.


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Objective: Obesity and renin angiotensin system (RAS) hyperactivity are profoundly involved in cardiovascular diseases, however aerobic exercise training (EXT) can prevent obesity and cardiac RAS activation. The study hypothesis was to investigate whether obesity and its association with EXT alter the systemic and cardiac RAS components in an obese Zucker rat strain. Methods: The rats were divided into the following groups: Lean Zucker rats (LZR); lean Zucker rats plus EXT (LZR+EXT); obese Zucker rats (OZR) and obese Zucker rats plus EXT (OZR+EXT). EXT consisted of 10 weeks of 60-min swimming sessions, 5 days/week. At the end of the training protocol heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), cardiac hypertrophy (CH) and function, local and systemic components of RAS were evaluated. Also, systemic glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and its LDL and HDL fractions were measured. Results: The resting HR decreased (, 12%) for both LZR+EXT and OZR+EXT. However, only the LZR+EXT reached significance (p, 0.05), while a tendency was found for OZR versus OZR+EXT (p = 0.07). In addition, exercise reduced (57%) triglycerides and (61%) LDL in the OZR+EXT. The systemic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) activity did not differ regardless of obesity and EXT, however, the OZR and OZR+EXT showed (66%) and (42%), respectively, less angiotensin II (Ang II) plasma concentration when compared with LZR. Furthermore, the results showed that EXT in the OZR prevented increase in CH, cardiac ACE activity, Ang II and AT2 receptor caused by obesity. In addition, exercise augmented cardiac ACE2 in both training groups. Conclusion: Despite the unchanged ACE and lower systemic Ang II levels in obesity, the cardiac RAS was increased in OZR and EXT in obese Zucker rats reduced some of the cardiac RAS components and prevented obesity-related CH. These results show that EXT prevented the heart RAS hyperactivity and cardiac maladaptive morphological alterations in obese Zucker rats.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the blood gas profile of experimentally copper-poisoned sheep (in the pre-hemolytic, hemolytic and post-hemolytic phases) that have been treated or not treated with ammonium tetrathiomolybdate. Ten lambs of the Santa Ines breed were divided into two groups: control and ATTM (treated (ammonium tetrathiomolibydate). The animals were submitted to increasing doses of copper sulfate until macroscopic hemoglobinuria was detected. All of the control animals from died within four days of hemolytic crisis, and one sheep from ATTM died during the treatment. There was no difference in blood gas parameters between experimental groups. Higher values of pCO(2) were observed during the hemolytic crisis (HC) in both groups. The control group had higher mean values of hCO(3) in the times HC and 2 days after hemolytic crisis (dA) when compared with the time 15 before hemolytic crises (dB). The sheep that were treated with ATTM presented lower values of hCO(3) at 7dB and higher levels at the HC. The control and ATTM groups exhibited higher values of BE during the HC. Poisoning resulted in disorder in the acid-base equilibrium, characterized by metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis. Treatment with ATTM was able to reverse the changes in acid-base balance in copper poisoning sheep.


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It is the aim of the present study to assess factors associated with time spent in class among working college students. Eighty-two working students from 21 to 26 years old participated in this study. They were enrolled in an evening course of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants answered a questionnaire on living and working conditions. During seven consecutive days, they wore an actigraph, filled out daily activity diaries (including time spent in classes) and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale every three hours from waking until bedtime. Linear regression analyses were performed in order to assess the variables associated with time spent in classes. The results showed that gender, sleep length, excessive sleepiness, alcoholic beverage consumption (during workdays) and working hours were associated factors with time spent in class. Thus, those who spent less time in class were males, slept longer hours, reported excessive sleepiness on Saturdays, worked longer hours, and reported alcohol consumption. The combined effects of long work hours (>40 h/week) and reduced sleep length may affect lifestyles and academic performance. Future studies should aim to look at adverse health effects induced by reduced sleep duration, even among working students who spent more time attending evening classes.


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Abstract Background The Brazilian Study on the Practice of Diabetes Care main objective was to provide an epidemiological profile of individuals with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in Brazil, concerning therapy and adherence to international guidelines in the medical practice. Methods This observational, cross-sectional, multicenter study collected and analyzed data from individuals with type 1 and 2 DM attending public or private clinics in Brazil. Each investigator included the first 10 patients with type 2 DM who visited his/her office, and the first 5 patients with type 1 DM. Results A total of 1,358 patients were analyzed; 375 (27.6%) had type 1 and 983 (72.4%) had type 2 DM. Most individuals were women, Caucasian, and private health care users. High prevalence rates of hypertension, dyslipidemia and central obesity were observed, particularly in type 2 DM. Only 7.3% and 5.1% of the individuals with types 1 and 2 DM, respectively, had optimal control of blood pressure, plasma glucose and lipids. The absence of hypertension and female sex were associated with better control of type 1 DM and other cardiovascular risk factors. In type 2 DM, older age was also associated with better control. Conclusions Female sex, older age, and absence of hypertension were associated with better metabolic control. An optimal control of plasma glucose and other cardiovascular risk factors are obtained only in a minority of individuals with diabetes. Local numbers, compared to those from other countries are worse.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer os aspectos profissionais relacionados à Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros das equipes saúde da família da Macrorregião de Saúde do Triângulo Sul. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e transversal. Os 90 enfermeiros sujeitos da pesquisa responderam a um questionário contendo as variáveis profissionais e o instrumento para avaliação da Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL-100. Os resultados mostram o impacto negativo do número de vínculos, do vínculo empregatício inseguro, da excessiva carga horária de trabalho e da insatisfação com o trabalho nos domínios da Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros. Considera-se necessária a (re)definição de políticas públicas voltadas para as condições de trabalho desses profissionais. Ações que contribuam no desenvolvimento da Qualidade de Vida dos enfermeiros são importantes considerando sua forte influência na qualidade da assistência prestada.


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OBJECTIVE: The oxidative stress in 20 sickle cell anemia patients taking hydroxyurea and 13 sickle cell anemia patients who did not take hydroxyurea was compared with a control group of 96 individuals without any hemoglobinopathy. METHODS: Oxidative stress was assessed by thiobarbituric acid reactive species production, the Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity and plasma glutathione levels. RESULTS: Thiobarbituric acid reactive species values were higher in patients without specific medication, followed by patients taking hydroxyurea and the Control Group (p < 0.0001). The antioxidant capacity was higher in patients taking hydroxyurea and lower in the Control Group (p = 0.0002 for Trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity and p < 0.0292 for plasma glutathione). Thiobarbituric acid reactive species levels were correlated with higher hemoglobin S levels (r = 0.55; p = 0.0040) and lower hemoglobin F concentrations(r = -0.52; p = 0.0067). On the other hand, plasma glutathione levels were negatively correlated with hemoglobin S levels (r = -0.49; p = 0.0111) and positively associated with hemoglobin F values (r = 0.56; p = 0.0031). CONCLUSION: Sickle cell anemia patients have high oxidative stress and, conversely, increased antioxidant activity. The increase in hemoglobin F levels provided by hydroxyurea and its antioxidant action may explain the reduction in lipid peroxidation and increased antioxidant defenses in these individuals.


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Modelos de apreçamento de ativos têm sido um tema sob constante investigação em finanças. Desde o capital asset pricing model (CAPM) proposto por Sharpe (1964), tais modelos relacionam, geralmente de maneira linear, a taxa de retorno esperada de um ativo ou carteira de ativos com fatores de risco sistêmico. Esta pesquisa apresenta um teste de um modelo de apreçamento, com dados brasileiros, introduzindo em sua formulação fatores de risco baseados em comomentos estatísticos. O modelo proposto é uma extensão do CAPM original acrescido da coassimetria e da cocurtose entre as taxas de retorno das ações das empresas que compõem a amostra e as taxas de retorno da carteira de mercado. Os efeitos de outras variáveis, como o valor de mercado sobre valor contábil, a alavancagem financeira e um índice de negociabilidade em bolsa, serviram de variáveis de controle. A amostra foi composta de 179 empresas brasileiras não financeiras negociadas na BM&FBovespa e com dados disponíveis entre os anos de 2003 a 2007. A metodologia consistiu em calcular os momentos sistêmicos anuais a partir de taxas de retornos semanais e em seguida testá-los em um modelo de apreçamento, a fim de verificar se há um prêmio pelo risco associado a cada uma dessas medidas de risco. Foi empregada a técnica de análise de dados em painel, estimada pelo método dos momentos generalizado (GMM). O emprego do GMM visa lidar com potenciais problemas de determinação simultânea e endogeneidade nos dados, evitando a ocorrência de viés nas estimações. Os resultados das estimações mostram que a relação das taxas de retorno dos ativos com a covariância e a cocurtose são estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados se mostraram robustos a especificações alternativas do modelo. O artigo contribui para a literatura por apresentar evidências empíricas brasileiras de que há um prêmio pelo risco associado aos momentos sistêmicos.


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[ES] Se presenta el análisis morfológico de un sector del replano RIOOO' El sector escogido está colgado por encima de la red fluvial actual. Este hecho permite atribuir a los cursos que drenan el replano un carácter semi funcional. Se han identificado once niveles de terrazas erosivas, que corresponden al desmantelamiento del replano inicial. La geometría de la red permite suponer que la organización actual se alcanzó mediante sucesivas capturas. Por otra parte, se han distinguido dos trazados de la red (centrípeta y en bayoneta); la red centrípeta define una superficie hueca y la red en bayoneta una superficie en rampas escalonadas. Se propone que ambas morfologías corresponderían a diferentes estadios de un mismo proceso: el vaciado del RIOOO' Por último, se propone la hipótesis de un descabalamiento tectónico del Rgoo para el origen de los Llanos.