1000 resultados para Cassiano Ricardo
Resumo GONGORA, Gisela Cruz. Melhoria da Atenção ao Pré-natal e Puerpério da Unidade Básica de Saúde Ricardo Monteiro Rola, Acrelândia/AC. 2015. 102f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A morbimortalidade materna e perinatal ainda são incompatíveis com o atual nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico do Brasil. Com o objetivo de diminuir essa morbimortalidade, investe-se na melhoria da atenção ao pré-natal e puerpério. Para tanto, na Unidade Básica de Saúde Ricardo Monteiro Rola, no município de Acrelândia, Estado do Acre, realizou-se uma intervenção nesta ação programática, durante 12 semanas. Ações foram desenvolvidas para ampliar cobertura, qualidade, adesão, registro de informações, detecção de fatores de risco e sinais de alerta, promoção de saúde. Os resultados mostram cadastramento de 36 (97,3% de cobertura) gestantes e nove puérperas (100%), gestantes iniciaram o pré-natal no primeiro trimestre de gestação 29 (80,6%) de 36 cadastradas no programa,16 (44,4%) gestante e quatro (44,4%) puérperas tiveram exame ginecológico, 22 (61,1%) gestantes e seis (66,7%) puérperas tiveram as mamas examinadas. 36(100%) gestantes tiveram solicitação de todos os exames laboratoriais de acordo com o protocolo, 30 (83,3%) gestantes com prescrição de sulfato ferroso e ácido fólico, 28 (82,4%) gestantes com o esquema de vacina antitetânica em dia,29 (80,6%) esquema de vacina contra Hepatite B em dia, seis (16,7%) das gestantes tiveram avaliação de atendimento odontológico, quatro (11,1%) das gestantes tiveram a primeira consulta odontológica,35(97,2%) das gestantes tiveram fichas de acompanhamento/espelho de pré-natal, 32 (88,9%) das gestantes foram avaliadas quanto o risco gestacional,30(88,2%)receberam orientação nutricional, 32 (88,9%) das gestantes receberam orientação sobre aleitamento materno,28 (77,8%) gestantes receberam orientação sobre cuidado do recém-nascido, anticoncepção após o parto e higiene bucal de 36 gestantes cadastradas, 22 (61,1%) das gestantes receberam orientação sobre os riscos do tabagismo e do uso de álcool e drogas na gestação, Os registros foram qualificados por meio do preenchimento de fichas-espelhos. A avaliação de risco gestacional ainda não está com os resultados desejados pela equipe devido à falta de disciplina, sistematização de profissionais, a pesar de estar capacitado não foi feita nas consultas agendadas. As orientações acerca do pré-natal e puerpério aprimorou a promoção em saúde oferecida na Unidade de Saúde, com orientações nutricionais, aleitamento materno, cuidados com o recém-nascido, o resultado foi atingido por as capacitações da equipe. Destaca-se que não houve faltosas às consultas, os motivos foi o monitoramento e cumprimento da periodicidade das consultas prevista no protocolo, alem da informação as gestantes sobre a importância do pré-natal e do acompanhamento regular. A intervenção foi muito importante para equipe e para o serviço porque possibilitou a capacitação dos profissionais acerca desta ação programática, promoveu o trabalho integrado da equipe multiprofissional, impactou em outros programas de saúde e destacou a humanização no atendimento à gestante. Palavras-chave: atenção primária à saúde; saúde da família; saúde da mulher; pré-natal; puerpério; saúde bucal.
A Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e o Diabetes mellitus, constituem-se nas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis mais frequentes no mundo. Em torno de 600 milhões de pessoas são portadores de hipertensão, segundo a Organização mundial da saúde. No caso do diabetes é uma das doenças crônicas que mais avança entre a população mundial, pois a Federação Internacional do Diabetes estima que são cerca de 250 milhões de pessoas com o problema em todo o mundo. Portanto, melhorar a qualidade da atenção aos usuários hipertensos e/ ou diabéticos na atenção primária de saúde é muito importante. Na unidade Dr. Ricardo Barbosa, do Município de Brasileia, Acre, identificava-se uma baixa cobertura do programa, muitos usuários não estavam cadastrados, faltosos e sem controle por diferentes razões. Fatos estes que motivaram a realização de um trabalho de Intervenção. A unidade conta com uma Equipe de saúde da família, localizada na área rural, com uma população de 2.359 usuários cadastrados. Desta forma, o principal objetivo desta intervenção foi a Melhoria da Atenção à saúde das pessoas com hipertensão e / ou diabetes. Para guiar o cuidado foi adotado o protocolo do Ministério da Saúde Atenção a Hipertensão e / ou Diabetes do Ministério da Saúde, Brasil 2013. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizadas ficha espelho específica, bem como planilhas eletrônicas. A intervenção teve a duração de três meses com início em 24 de abril de 2015 e término em 23 de julho de 2015. Vale ressaltar que a unidade de saúde possui uma estimativa segundo o caderno de ações programáticas de 359 hipertensos e 89 diabéticos. Desta forma foi possível obter os seguintes resultados ao longo da intervenção : monitorar a situação de saúde de 275 hipertensos (76,6%) e 72 diabéticos (80,9%) cadastrados, bem como avaliar o risco em 100% deles, ampliação da cobertura de hipertensos e/ou diabéticos, melhoria na qualificação dos atendimentos com a realização de exames clínicos completos, a estratificação do risco para todos os usuários, fornecimento de orientações nutricionais para hábitos saudáveis e prática de atividade física, orientações sobre tabagismo e orientações de saúde bucal. Na organização dos registros e do serviço definimos cada ação a ser realizada o que viabilizou a otimização da agenda parademanda espontânea evitando insatisfação da população além de maior resolutividade. Realizamos através dos grupos de educação em saúde na comunidade a sensibilização da comunidade bem como dos familiares sobre a importância da equipe estar desenvolvendo este trabalho priorizando o cuidado aos portadores de hipertensão e / ou diabetes. A equipe de saúde recebeu uma ótima preparação para o desenvolvimento desta e de outras ações programáticas na unidade, melhorando a qualidade dos atendimentos à população além de incorporarmos a intervenção à rotina do serviço o que repercutiu de forma positiva nos indicadores de saúde da área. Palavras-chave : saúde da família, atenção primária à saúde, doença crônica, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes mellitus.
As doenças cardiovasculares constituem a principal causa de morbimortalidade na população brasileira. Não há uma causa única para estas doenças, mas existem vários fatores de risco que aumentam a probabilidade de sua ocorrência. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e a Diabetes Mellitus representam dois dos principais fatores de risco, contribuindo decisivamente para o agravamento deste cenário em nível nacional. O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo apresentar uma intervenção típica em atenção primária à Saúde na UBS Doutor Ricardo RS, Brasil. A intervenção se desenvolveu em doze semanas, entre os meses de janeiro e maio de 2015 e teve como objetivo melhorar a atenção aos usuários com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes mellitus, sob orientações das proposições do Ministério da Saúde, apoiados nos Protocolos sobre HAS e DM, publicado no ano de 2013. Foram realizadas diversas ações dentro de quatro eixos pedagógicos: qualificação da prática clínica, engajamento público, monitoramento e avaliação e organização da gestão do serviço. Além dos atendimentos clínicos foram realizadas busca ativa de usuários faltosos, atividades de educação em saúde, visita domiciliar, grupo de hipertensos e diabéticos, capacitações e reuniões de equipe. No indicador de cobertura do programa de atenção aos usuários com hipertensão e diabetes alcançamos 225 hipertensos (64,3%) e 51 diabéticos (59,3%). Realizamos exame clínico para 224 hipertensos (99,6%) e 50 diabéticos (98%). Em relação aos exames complementares obtivemos a mesma proporção do indicador acima. Para a meta de prescrição de medicamentos da farmácia popular realizamos para 224 hipertensos (99,6%) e 51 diabéticos (100%). Realizamos busca ativa para todos os usuários hipertensos e diabéticos que faltaram a consulta com o médico. A estratificação de risco cardiovascular foi realizada para 224 hipertensos (99,6%) e 50 diabéticos (98%). As ações de orientação sobre atividade física regular, sobre riscos do tabagismo e sobre saúde bucal foram realizadas para todos os usuários hipertensos e diabéticos. Nas comunidades foram feitas atividades de promoção da saúde relacionadas com as doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis, como a HAS e DM, inclusive divulgadas pela radio local. Os resultados mostraram que os usuários antes da intervenção tinham distanciamento sobre o conhecimento da sua doença de base, o que fragilizava o processo do auto cuidado. Com a intervenção, percebemos uma melhoria significativa, tanto no nível de conhecimento, como aplicação adequada na adoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, cumprimento regular e estável dos tratamentos prescritos, com consequente melhora da qualidade de vida e uma ótima preparação para evitar os riscos e as complicações destas doenças. Ressalta-se os ganhos para a equipe que foi capacitada sobre diversos temas que envolve o cuidado de usuários com hipertensão e diabetes para ofertar um atendimento de qualidade.
Purpose. To determine the mechanisms predisposing penile fracture as well as the rate of long-term penile deformity and erectile and voiding functions. Methods. All fractures were repaired on an emergency basis via subcoronal incision and absorbable suture with simultaneous repair of eventual urethral lesion. Patients' status before fracture and voiding and erectile functions at long term were assessed by periodic follow-up and phone call. Detailed history included cause, symptoms, and single-question self-report of erectile and voiding functions. Results. Among the 44 suspicious cases, 42 (95.4%) were confirmed, mean age was 34.5 years (range: 18-60), mean follow-up 59.3 months (range 9-155). Half presented the classical triad of audible crack, detumescence, and pain. Heterosexual intercourse was the most common cause (28 patients, 66.7%), followed by penile manipulation (6 patients, 14.3%), and homosexual intercourse (4 patients, 9.5%). Woman on top was the most common heterosexual position (n = 14, 50%), followed by doggy style (n = 8, 28.6%). Four patients (9.5%) maintained the cause unclear. Six (14.3%) patients had urethral injury and two (4.8%) had erectile dysfunction, treated by penile prosthesis and PDE-5i. No patient showed urethral fistula, voiding deterioration, penile nodule/curve or pain. Conclusions. Woman on top was the potentially riskiest sexual position (50%). Immediate surgical treatment warrants long-term very low morbidity.
Amphibians have been declining worldwide and the comprehension of the threats that they face could be improved by using mark-recapture models to estimate vital rates of natural populations. Recently, the consequences of marking amphibians have been under discussion and the effects of toe clipping on survival are debatable, although it is still the most common technique for individually identifying amphibians. The passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) is an alternative technique, but comparisons among marking techniques in free-ranging populations are still lacking. We compared these two marking techniques using mark-recapture models to estimate apparent survival and recapture probability of a neotropical population of the blacksmith tree frog, Hypsiboas faber. We tested the effects of marking technique and number of toe pads removed while controlling for sex. Survival was similar among groups, although slightly decreased from individuals with one toe pad removed, to individuals with two and three toe pads removed, and finally to PIT-tagged individuals. No sex differences were detected. Recapture probability slightly increased with the number of toe pads removed and was the lowest for PIT-tagged individuals. Sex was an important predictor for recapture probability, with males being nearly five times more likely to be recaptured. Potential negative effects of both techniques may include reduced locomotion and high stress levels. We recommend the use of covariates in models to better understand the effects of marking techniques on frogs. Accounting for the effect of the technique on the results should be considered, because most techniques may reduce survival. Based on our results, but also on logistical and cost issues associated with PIT tagging, we suggest the use of toe clipping with anurans like the blacksmith tree frog.
In this study, we investigated the effect of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) deficiency on gap junctional connexin 36 (Cx36) islet content and on the functional and growth response of pancreatic beta-cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. After 60 days on regular or HF diet, the metabolic state and morphometric islet parameters of wild-type (WT) and LDLr-/- mice were assessed. HF diet-fed WT animals became obese and hypercholesterolaemic as well as hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as prediabetic. Also they showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. Overall, LDLr-/- mice displayed greater susceptibility to HF diet as judged by their marked cholesterolaemia, intolerance to glucose and pronounced decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. HF diet induced similarly in WT and LDLr-/- mice, a significant decrease in Cx36 beta-cell content as revealed by immunoblotting. Prediabetic WT mice displayed marked increase in beta-cell mass mainly due to beta-cell hypertrophy/replication. Nevertheless, HF diet-fed LDLr-/- mice showed no significant changes in beta-cell mass, but lower islet-duct association (neogenesis) and higher beta-cell apoptosis index were seen as compared to controls. The higher metabolic susceptibility to HF diet of LDLr-/- mice may be explained by a deficiency in insulin secretory response to glucose associated with lack of compensatory beta-cell expansion.
The aim of this investigation was to compare the skeletal stability of three different rigid fixation methods after mandibular advancement. Fifty-five class II malocclusion patients treated with the use of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and mandibular advancement were selected for this retrospective study. Group 1 (n = 17) had miniplates with monocortical screws, Group 2 (n = 16) had bicortical screws and Group 3 (n = 22) had the osteotomy fixed by means of the hybrid technique. Cephalograms were taken preoperatively, 1 week within the postoperative care period, and 6 months after the orthognathic surgery. Linear and angular changes of the cephalometric landmarks of the chin region were measured at each period, and the changes at each cephalometric landmark were determined for the time gaps. Postoperative changes in the mandibular shape were analyzed to determine the stability of fixation methods. There was minimum difference in the relapse of the mandibular advancement among the three groups. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in postoperative stability. However, a positive correlation between the amount of advancement and the amount of postoperative relapse was demonstrated by the linear multiple regression test (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that all techniques can be used to obtain stable postoperative results in mandibular advancement after 6 months.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oral carcinogenesis will yield important advances in diagnostics, prognostics, effective treatment, and outcome of oral cancer. Hence, in this study we have investigated the proteomic and peptidomic profiles by combining an orthotopic murine model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), mass spectrometry-based proteomics and biological network analysis. Our results indicated the up-regulation of proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell junction assembly events and their expression was validated in human OSCC tissues. In addition, the functional relevance of talin-1 in OSCC adhesion, migration and invasion was demonstrated. Taken together, this study identified specific processes deregulated in oral cancer and provided novel refined OSCC-targeting molecules.
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are a class of drugs used to treat osteoporosis and malignant bone metastasis. BPs show high binding capacity to the bone matrix, especially in sites of active bone metabolism. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research defines BRONJ as an area of exposed bone in the maxillofacial region that has not healed within 8 weeks after identification by a healthcare provider in a patient who is receiving or has been exposed to a bisphosphonate and has not had radiation therapy to the craniofacial region. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) can adversely affect quality of life, as it may produce significant morbidity. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) considers as vitally important that information on BRONJ be disseminated to other dental and medical specialties. The purpose of this work is to offer a perspective on how dentists should manage patients on BPs, to show the benefits of accurately diagnosing BRONJ, and to present diagnostic aids and treatments strategies for the condition.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis that is endemic to certain countries in Latin America. This study aimed to describe the histological features of liver involvement in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis aged <16 years of age who were treated between 1980 and 2010, with a diagnosis that was confirmed by detection of the fungus by pathological examination. Liver tissue was obtained from one necropsy and 12 biopsies. Throughout 2007, biopsies were taken from patients with persistent jaundice or portal hypertension, after which biopsies became indicated due to elevated aminotransferase and low albumin levels. Using haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Masson's trichrome and immunohistochemical (CK7 and CK19) staining, we noted degenerative alterations in bile duct cells and inflammatory injury to the bile ducts in 10 biopsies. Using immunohistochemistry for CK7 and CK19, we observed ductal proliferation in all 12 samples. Bile duct injuries by inflammatory cells might explain the predominant increase in canalicular enzymes; immunohistochemistry is more sensitive in demonstrating ductular reactions and might show changes that are not apparent on H&E staining.
The present paper describes a novel, simple and reliable differential pulse voltammetric method for determining amitriptyline (AMT) in pharmaceutical formulations. It has been described for many authors that this antidepressant is electrochemically inactive at carbon electrodes. However, the procedure proposed herein consisted in electrochemically oxidizing AMT at an unmodified carbon nanotube paste electrode in the presence of 0.1 mol L(-1) sulfuric acid used as electrolyte. At such concentration, the acid facilitated the AMT electroxidation through one-electron transfer at 1.33 V vs. Ag/AgCl, as observed by the augmentation of peak current. Concerning optimized conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 90 mV s(-1), and pulse amplitude 120 mV) a linear calibration curve was constructed in the range of 0.0-30.0 μmol L(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9991 and a limit of detection of 1.61 μmol L(-1). The procedure was successfully validated for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy. Moreover, its feasibility was assessed through analysis of commercial pharmaceutical formulations and it has been compared to the UV-vis spectrophotometric method used as standard analytical technique recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.
Hybrid bioisoster derivatives from N-acylhydrazones and furoxan groups were designed with the objective of obtaining at least a dual mechanism of action: cruzain inhibition and nitric oxide (NO) releasing activity. Fifteen designed compounds were synthesized varying the substitution in N-acylhydrazone and in furoxan group as well. They had its anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity in amastigotes forms, NO releasing potential and inhibitory cruzain activity evaluated. The two most active compounds (6, 14) both in the parasite amastigotes and in the enzyme contain the nitro group in para position of the aromatic ring. The permeability screening in Caco-2 cell and cytotoxicity assay in human cells were performed for those most active compounds and both showed to be less cytotoxic than the reference drug, benznidazole. Compound 6 was the most promising, since besides activity it showed good permeability and selectivity index, higher than the reference drug. Thereby the compound 6 was considered as a possible candidate for additional studies.
The present study investigated the effects of running at 0.8 or 1.2 km/h on inflammatory proteins (i.e., protein levels of TNF- α , IL-1 β , and NF- κ B) and metabolic proteins (i.e., protein levels of SIRT-1 and PGC-1 α , and AMPK phosphorylation) in quadriceps of rats. Male Wistar rats at 3 (young) and 18 months (middle-aged rats) of age were divided into nonexercised (NE) and exercised at 0.8 or 1.2 km/h. The rats were trained on treadmill, 50 min per day, 5 days per week, during 8 weeks. Forty-eight hours after the last training session, muscles were removed, homogenized, and analyzed using biochemical and western blot techniques. Our results showed that: (a) running at 0.8 km/h decreased the inflammatory proteins and increased the metabolic proteins compared with NE rats; (b) these responses were lower for the inflammatory proteins and higher for the metabolic proteins in young rats compared with middle-aged rats; (c) running at 1.2 km/h decreased the inflammatory proteins and increased the metabolic proteins compared with 0.8 km/h; (d) these responses were similar between young and middle-aged rats when trained at 1.2 km. In summary, the age-related increases in inflammatory proteins, and the age-related declines in metabolic proteins can be reversed and largely improved by treadmill training.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the peripheral effect of 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) in albumin-induced arthritis in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of rats. Antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was generated in rats with methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) diluted in complete Freund׳s adjuvant. Pretreatment with an intra-articular injection of 15d-PGJ2 (100 ng/TMJ) before mBSA intra-articular injection (10 µg/TMJ) (challenge) in immunized rats significantly reduced the albumin-induced arthritis inflammation. The results demonstrated that 15d-PGJ2 was able to inhibit plasma extravasation, leukocyte migration and the release of inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-12, IL-18 and the chemokine CINC-1 in the TMJ tissues. In addition, 15d-PGJ2 was able to increase the expression of the anti-adhesive molecule CD55 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Taken together, it is possible to suggest that 15d-PGJ2 inhibit leukocyte infiltration and subsequently inflammatory process, through a shift in the balance of the pro- and anti-adhesive properties. Thus, 15d-PGJ2 might be used as a potential anti-inflammatory drug to treat arthritis-induced inflammation of the temporomandibular joint.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.