971 resultados para Carter, Ângela, 1940-1992
This document contains a discussion of the reasons why the project did not succeed. A detailed discussion of the steps taken by the Iowa Department of Transportation to make the experiment work are contained in this document, along with recommendations for future projects.
En el presente artículo se realiza un balance, desde la perspectiva que otorgan los cinco años de su implantación, de los aspectos tanto positivos como negativos que han comportado los nuevos pianes de estudio de los seis títulos de magisterio. Se pone de relieve una serie de problemas que inciden tanto en el diseño de los planes como en su aplicación práctica, tales como la indefinición del perfil de maestro de cada título, el desequilibrio en algunos itinerarios curriculares, la infrautilización de la libre elección, la concentración de la demanda en las optativas, etc. También se destaca los aspectos positivos que se ha podido apreciar. Entre otros, se constata una mayor adecuación a las salidas profesionales, el nuevo diseño del Practicum y el gran potencial que la optatividad y la libre elección suponen para el alumnado que sepa utilizar los recursos que se ofrecen en este sentido.
Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/24663
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of 1973 and 1979 are compared to those of 1986 and 1990 in the Raccoon River basin, west-central Iowa. The profiles illustrate the 1979 and 1986 floods on the Raccoon, South Raccoon, and Middle Raccoon Rivers, the 1973 and 1986 floods on Walnut Creek, and the 1986 flood on Willow Creek and Mosquito Creek. The 1986 flood is the largest on record at U.S. Geological Survey streamflowgaging stations on the Middle Raccoon River tributary at Carroll, Middle Raccoon River near Bayard, Middle Raccoon River at Panora, and Walnut Creek at Des Moines. The 1990 flood discharge is the largest on record at U.S. Geological Survey crest-stage gaging stations on Hardin Creek near Farlin and on East Fork Hardin Creek near Churdan. The flood history given in this report describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1986 and 1990. Discharge for the 1990 flood on East Fork Hardin Creek near Churdan was 1.01 times larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is evaluating the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. There were four projects completed during 1991 and another one constructed in 1992. This project is located on IA 140 north of Kingsley in Plymouth County. The project contains one section with reacted asphalt rubber cement (ARC) used in both binder and surface courses, one with reacted ARC used in the surface course and a conventional binder course, and a conventional mix control section. The reacted rubber binder course was placed on October 17, 1991 and the reacted rubber surface course was placed on October 17, 18, and 19. Inclement weather caused a slight delay in placing or constructing the surface. There was a minor problem with shoving and cracking of the binder course. The construction went well otherwise. Information included in this report consists of test results, construction reports, and cost comparisons.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is evaluating the use of discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. There have been five projects completed in Iowa. This project is located on US 151 north of Cascade to US 61 in Dubuque. One section consists of an asphalt rubber cement surface and a conventional binder and two sections contain both asphalt rubber cement surface and binder. The control section of conventional asphalt was completed this spring. Information included in this report consists of test results, construction reports, and cost comparisons.
The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.
In Iowa it is normal procedure to either use partial or full-depth patching to repair deteriorated areas of pavement prior to resurfacing. The Owens/Corning Corporation introduced a repair system to replace the patching process. Their Roadglas repair system was used in this research project on US 30 in Story County. It was installed in 1985 and has been observed annually since that time. There were some construction problems with slippage as the roller crossed the abundant Roadglas binder. It appears the Roadglas system has helped to control reflective cracking in the research areas. Since the time when this project was completed it has been reported that Owens/Corning has discontinued production of the Roadglas system.
Thin overlays, diamond grinding, longitudinal grooving, transverse grooving, and milling have been successful techniques for restoring frictional properties on portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Shotblasting offers a lower cost alternative if successful. Five test sections of shotblasting were placed on IA 9 from Decorah east to the Winneshiek County line (milepost 260.0 to 270.0). Both smooth tire and ribbed tire friction testing (ASTM E274) was performed. The conclusions and recommendations are: Based on the study, friction enhancement by shotblasting has a relatively short service life when measured by the ribbed tire test. However, when measured by the smooth tire test, the friction enhancement is longer lasting. Consideration of shotblasting for friction enhancement may be warranted to gain additional information, particularly when smooth tire friction properties are at issue.
Aquest article té com a objecte establir la relació existent entre les formes materials que adopta el creixement urbi i les caracteristiques del mercat del sòl i del m rcat immobiliari. La proposició inicial de la qual es parteix és l'afirmació e la dependència de les primeres respecte al grau de desenvolupament del mercat; i això en dos aspectes: primer, en l'origen d'una determinada forma urbaba; segon, en la seva posterior evolució. El cas analitzat, el procés de creixement urbà de Lleida en uns anys de gran creixement econòmic -canvi agrícola basat en l'especialització fruitera i en la difusió de les granges d'estabulació ramadera- i demogràfic -41.464 habitants el 1940, 106.814 habitants el 1981- pretén servir per treure unes remarques qenerals, formulades en el present treball com a hipòtesis, que poden orientar aquelles recerques que busquen en les característiques d'una formació social la variable independent que ha de permetre la comprensió d'unes morfologies. El marc eneral de referència és la teoria sobre la "producció de l'espai", encara que matisada i acotada a aquells aspectes que poden ser més rellevants en la comprensió del sorgiment de les formes materials urbanes.
Durante los años veinte, tras una profunda reorganización de los servicios cartográficos del Estado, la dictadura de Primo de Rivera encargó al Depósito de la Guerra la formación de un mapa topográfico del Protectorado español de Marruecos a escala 1:50. 000. El levantamiento de la carta marroquí se realizó simultáneamente a otras operaciones cartográficas en las islas Canarias, el norte de África y la Península. Este artículo estudia la formación del mapa de Marruecos, prestando especial atención a su contexto geopolítico e institucional. La carta marroquí abrió una nueva etapa en la militarización de la cartografía topográfica española. La consulta de fuentes archivísticas ha permitido reconstruir la trayectoria profesional de sus artífices.
Reflective cracking of asphalt resurfacing has been a concern for a long time. Years ago wire mesh was used to control widening cracks. More recently it has been fabrics or fiberglass. In 1986, part of the proposed fabric was deleted from projects in different parts of Iowa with various histories and designs. These projects were monitored in 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1992 with only the thin (3 inch) overlays on newly widened pavements showing a significantly greater percentage of cracks in the areas where the fabric was deleted.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, south-central Iowa, are presented in this report. The profiles illustrate the 1992 floods along the Thompson, Weldon, Chariton, and South Fork Chariton Rivers and along Elk Creek in the south-central Iowa counties of Adair, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Madison, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne. Water-surface-elevation profiles for the floods of July 4, 1981, along the Chariton River in Lucas County and along the South Fork Chariton River in Wayne County also are included in the report for comparative purposes. The September 15-16, 1992, floods are the largest known peak discharges at gaging stations Thompson River at Davis City (station number 06898000) 57,000 cubic feet per second, Weldon River near Leon (station number 06898400) 76,200 cubic feet per second, Chariton River near Chariton (station number 06903400) 37,700 cubic feet per second, and South Fork Chariton River near Promise City (station number 06903700) 70,600 cubic feet per second. The peak discharges were, respectively, 1.7, 2.6, 1.4, and 2.1 times larger than calculated 100-year recurrence-interval discharges. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow-gaging stations in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins using flood information collected through 1995. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Thompson and Weldon River Basins during 1994-95, and in the Chariton River Basin during 1983-84 and 1994-95, also is included in the report. A flood history summarizes rainfall conditions and damages for floods that occurred during 1947, 1959, 1981, 1992, and 1993.