887 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers


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The uptake of ascorbate by neuroblastoma cells using a ruthenium oxide hexacyanoferrate (RuOHCF)-modified carbon fiber disc (CFD) microelectrode (r = 14.5 mu m) was investigated. By use of the proposed electrochemical sensor the amperometric determination of ascorbate was performed at 0.0 V in minimum essential medium (MEM, pH = 7.2) with a limit of detection of 25 mu mol L(-1). Under the optimum experimental conditions, no interference from MEM constituents and reduced glutathione (used to prevent the oxidation of ascorbate during the experiments) was noticed. The stability of the RuOHCF-modified electrode response was studied by measuring the sensitivity over an extended period of time (120 h), a decrease of around 10% being noticed at the end of the experiment. The rate of ascorbate uptake by control human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, and cells transfected with wild-type Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD WT) or with a mutant typical of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SOD G93A), was in agreement with the level of oxidative stress in these cells. The usefulness of the RuOHCF-modified microelectrode for in vivo monitoring of ascorbate inside neuroblastoma cells was also demonstrated.


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The objective of this work is to present the finite element modeling of laminate composite plates with embedded piezoelectric patches or layers that are then connected to active-passive resonant shunt circuits, composed of resistance, inductance and voltage source. Applications to passive vibration control and active control authority enhancement are also presented and discussed. The finite element model is based on an equivalent single layer theory combined with a third-order shear deformation theory. A stress-voltage electromechanical model is considered for the piezoelectric materials fully coupled to the electrical circuits. To this end, the electrical circuit equations are also included in the variational formulation. Hence, conservation of charge and full electromechanical coupling are guaranteed. The formulation results in a coupled finite element model with mechanical (displacements) and electrical (charges at electrodes) degrees of freedom. For a Graphite-Epoxy (Carbon-Fibre Reinforced) laminate composite plate, a parametric analysis is performed to evaluate optimal locations along the plate plane (xy) and thickness (z) that maximize the effective modal electromechanical coupling coefficient. Then, the passive vibration control performance is evaluated for a network of optimally located shunted piezoelectric patches embedded in the plate, through the design of resistance and inductance values of each circuit, to reduce the vibration amplitude of the first four vibration modes. A vibration amplitude reduction of at least 10 dB for all vibration modes was observed. Then, an analysis of the control authority enhancement due to the resonant shunt circuit, when the piezoelectric patches are used as actuators, is performed. It is shown that the control authority can indeed be improved near a selected resonance even with multiple pairs of piezoelectric patches and active-passive circuits acting simultaneously. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A unidirectional fiber composite is considered here, the fibers of which are empty cylindrical holes periodically distributed in a transversely isotropic piezoelectric matrix, The empty-fiber cross-section is circular and the periodicity is the same in two directions at an angle pi/2 or pi/3. Closed-form formulae for all electromechanical effective properties of these 3-1 longitudinally periodic porous piezoelectric materials are presented. The derivation of such expressions is based on the asymptotic homogenization method as a limit of the effective properties of two-phase transversely isotropic parallel fiber-reinforced composites when the fibers properties tend to zero. The plane effective coefficients satisfy the corresponding Schulgasser-Benveniste-Dvorak universal type of relations, A new relation among the antiplane effective constants from the solutions of two antiplane strains and potential local problems is found. This relation is valid for arbitrary shapes of the empty-fiber cross-sections. Based on such a relation, and using recent numerical results for isotropic conductive composites, the antiplane effective properties are computed for different geometrical shapes of the empty-fiber cross-section. Comparisons with other analytical and numerical theories are presented. (c) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This communication proposes a simple way to introduce fibers into finite element modelling. This is a promising formulation to deal with fiber-reinforced composites by the finite element method (FEM), as it allows the consideration of short or long fibers placed arbitrarily inside a continuum domain (matrix). The most important feature of the formulation is that no additional degree of freedom is introduced into the pre-existent finite element numerical system to consider any distribution of fiber inclusions. In other words, the size of the system of equations used to solve a non-reinforced medium is the same as the one used to solve the reinforced counterpart. Another important characteristic is the reduced work required by the user to introduce fibers, avoiding `rebar` elements, node-by-node geometrical definitions or even complex mesh generation. An additional characteristic of the technique is the possibility of representing unbounded stresses at the end of fibers using a finite number of degrees of freedom. Further studies are required for non-linear applications in which localization may occur. Along the text the linear formulation is presented and the bounded connection between fibers and continuum is considered. Four examples are presented, including non-linear analysis, to validate and show the capabilities of the formulation. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The study of the early age concrete properties is becoming more important, as the thermal effects and the shrinkage, even in the first hours, could generate cracks, increasing the permeability of the structure and being able to induce problems of durability and functionality in the same ones. The detailed study of the stresses development during the construction process can be decisive to keep low the cracking levels. In this work a computational model, based on the finite element method, was implemented to simulate the early age concrete behavior and, specially, the evaluation of the cracking risk. The finite element analysis encloses the computational modeling of the following phenomena: chemical, thermal, moisture diffusion and mechanical which occur at the first days after the concrete cast. The developed software results were compared with experimental values found in the literature, demonstrating an excellent approach for all the implemented analysis.


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Honeycomb structures have been used in different engineering fields. In civil engineering, honeycomb fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures have been used as bridge decks to rehabilitate highway bridges in the United States. In this work, a simplified finite-element modeling technique for honeycomb FRP bridge decks is presented. The motivation is the combination of the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP decks and computational limits, which may prevent modeling of these decks in detail. The results from static and modal analyses indicate that the proposed modeling technique provides a viable tool for modeling the complex geometry of honeycomb FRP bridge decks. The modeling of other bridge components (e.g., steel girders, steel guardrails, deck-to-girder connections, and pier supports) is also presented in this work.


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Objectives. To analyze the microhardness of four dual-cure resin cements used for cementing fiber-reinforced posts under the following conditions: after 7 days of storage in water, after additional 24 h of immersion in 75% ethanol, and after 3 months of storage in water. Hardness measurements were taken at the cervical, middle and apical thirds along the cement line. Methods. Root canals of 40 bovine incisors were prepared for post space. Fibrekor (R) glass fiber-reinforced posts (Jeneric/Pentron) of 1 mm in diameter were cemented using Panavia F 2.0 (Kuraray), Variolink (Ivoclar-Vivadent), Rely X Unicem (3M ESPE) or Duolink (Bisco) (N = 10). After 7 days of water storage at 37 degrees C, half the sample (N = 5) was longitudinally sectioned and the initial microhardness measured along the cement line from cervical to apex. These same samples were further immersed in 75% ethanol for 24 h and reassessed. The remaining half (N = 5) was kept unsectioned in deionized water at 37 degrees C for 3 months, followed by sectioning and measuring. Data were analyzed by a series of two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests at alpha = 5%. Results. Statistically significant differences were identified among the cements, thirds and conditions. Significant interactions were also observed between cements and thirds and between cements and conditions. Panavia F exhibited significantly higher initial microhardness than the other three cements, which showed no statistical difference among themselves. Variolink and Duolink showed significantly higher microhardness values in the cervical third, without significant difference among the thirds for the other cements. Immersion in ethanol significantly reduced the hardness values for all cements, regardless of the thirds. Storage in water for 3 months had no influence on the hardness of most of the cements, with the exception of Unicem that showed a significant increase in the hardness values after this period. Results showed heterogeneity in the microhardness of the cements inside the canal. All cements presented some degree of softening after ethanol treatment, which suggests instability of the polymer. The quality of curing of resin cements in the root canal environment seems unpredictable and highly material dependent. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fluoropolymers are known as chemically inert materials with good high temperature resistance, so they are often the materials of choice for harsh chemical environments. These properties arise because the carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest of all bonds between other elements and carbon, and, because of their large size, fluorine atoms can protect the carbon backbone of polymers such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene), PTFE, from chemical attack. However, while the carbon-fluorine bond is much stronger than the carbon hydrogen bond, the G values for radical formation on high energy radiolysis of fluoropolymers are roughly comparable to those of their protonated counterparts. Thus, efficient high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers is practical, and this process can be used to modify either the surface or bulk properties of a fluoropolymer. Indeed, radiation grafted fluoropolymers are currently being used as separation membranes for fuel cells, hydrophilic filtration membranes and matrix substrate materials for use in combinatorial chemistry. Herein we present a review of recent studies of the high energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers and of the analytical methods available to characterize the grafts. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo efetuar a análise comparativa de soluções adotadas de reabilitação de pavimentos flexíveis que integram a rede rodoviária nacional. No âmbito desta análise apresenta-se o estado da arte respeitante à reabilitação de pavimentos flexíveis, nomeadamente: mecanismos de degradação, famílias de degradações, avaliação da capacidade de carga dos pavimentos, metodologia utilizada no dimensionamento do reforço de pavimentos, sendo também efetuada uma análise comparativa de técnicas de reforço de pavimentos e dos tratamentos antifendas. Neste contexto, apresenta-se um caso de estudo no qual é efetuada uma análise de três soluções possíveis para a reabilitação estrutural do pavimento do IC 20 entre Almada e a Costa de Caparica. É feita a descrição da solução projetada pela EP, SA patenteada em concurso público lançado em 2007, a qual é de certa forma inovadora ao nível do tratamento retardador da reflexão de fendas. Aquela solução técnica é constituída pela aplicação de grelhas de fibra de vidro e grelhas de fibra de carbono, seguidas da colocação de uma camada de desgaste em mistura betuminosa rugosa com betume modificado com baixa percentagem de borracha reciclada de pneus usados (BBr - BBB). Complementarmente, é efetuada a análise da solução do projeto de reabilitação do IC 20, patenteado pela Subconcessionária do Baixo Tejo, que contemplou a aplicação de misturas betuminosas rugosas com betume modificado com média percentagem de borracha reciclada de pneus usados (BBr - BBM). Para além da solução patenteada pela subconcessionária, é analisada a solução do projeto de alterações (variante) apresentado pelo agrupamento de empresas construtoras, que foi adotado na execução da obra realizada no IC 20. A intervenção de reabilitação estrutural contemplou a utilização de uma camada de ligação em AC 16 10/20 (MBAM) e uma camada de desgaste em mistura betuminosa rugosa com betume modificado com média percentagem de borracha reciclada de pneus usados (BBr - BBM). Adicionalmente à caracterização de diferentes soluções de reabilitação de pavimentos flexíveis adotados em Portugal, é efetuada uma análise comparativa dos custos de ciclo de vida (construção, manutenção e conservação) de cada tipo de solução de reabilitação.


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Os desafios à engenharia moderna são cada vez maiores, pretendendo-se quase sempre obter estruturas mais leves, com propriedades mecânicas atrativas e muitas vezes com geometrias complexas. Com tais requisitos, um dos materiais que tem vindo a ter uma crescente aplicação é o material compósito. Contudo, no que toca ao cálculo estrutural destes materiais, tudo se torna mais complexo, já que são materiais que geralmente são formados por empilhamento de várias camadas de material heterogéneo, podendo estas encontrarem-se dispostas segundo diferentes orientações. Assim, a utilização de um software que permita a previsão das propriedades mecânicas de uma estrutura em material compósito através da micromecânica, a aplicação da Teoria Clássica dos Laminados e de um critério de rotura, como por exemplo o de Tsai-Hill, é fundamental para agilizar o processo de estudo da estrutura a fabricar. Para dar uma resposta a tal necessidade foi desenvolvida uma aplicação, em MATLAB® GUI, denominada CAFE – Composite Analysis For Engineers, com ambiente gráfico apelativo, que permite determinar todas as variáveis importantes no estudo de estruturas em material compósito. Esta aplicação visa suportar e agilizar a aprendizagem desta área do conhecimento, permitindo também o acesso ao código de cálculo por parte do utilizador, de modo a conhecerem-se as equações utilizadas e, eventualmente, ser alvo de futuros desenvolvimentos. O programa desenvolvido foi alvo de validação, recorrendo-se para tal, a uma comparação dos resultados obtidos entre o respetivo programa e por um outro programa de grande fiabilidade. Assim sendo, concluiu-se que o software CAFE apresenta resultados válidos, encontrando-se apto a ser utilizado.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both the cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and the complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, polymer matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Hence, to date, most of the thermoset based GFRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and additional costs to producers and suppliers. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, the effect of the incorporation of mechanically recycled GFRP pultrusion wastes on flexural and compressive behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%, w/w), with distinct size grades (coarse fibrous mixture and fine powdered mixture), were incorporated into polyester PM as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Experimental results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars show improved mechanical behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse as raw material in concrete-polymer composites.


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In this study, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates, between 4% up to 12% in weight, were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the addition of a silane coupling agent to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers as well as non-conform products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process are landfilled, with additional costs to producers and suppliers. Hence, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as partial replacement of aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties of resultant mortars with regards to waste-free formulations.


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In the last decades TiAlN coatings deposited by PVD techniques have been extensively investigated but, nowadays, their potential development for tribological applications is relatively low. However, new coatings are emerging based on them, trying to improve wear behavior. TiAlSiN thin coatings are now investigated, analyzing if Si introduction increases the wear resistance of PVD films. Attending to the application, several wear test configurations has been recently used by some researchers. In this work, TiAlSiN thin coatings were produced by PVD Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering technique and they were conveniently characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) provided with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA), Micro Hardness (MH) and Scratch Test Analysis. Properties as morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and film adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Concerning to wear characterization, two very different ways were chosen: micro-abrasion with ball-on-flat configuration and industrial non-standardized tests based on samples inserted in a feed channel of a selected plastic injection mould working with 30% (wt.) glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. TiAlSiN coatings with a small amount of about 5% (wt.) Si showed a similar wear behavior when compared with TiAlN reported performances, denoting that Si addition does not improve the wear performance of the TiAlN coatings in these wear test conditions.


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“Drilling of polymeric matrix composites structures”