1000 resultados para Carbon acquisition
The increasing use of Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) laminates in high responsibility applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. The availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The availability of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour is also essential for the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive tests. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional (3D) adhesively-bonded scarf repairs in CFRP structures, using a ductile adhesive. The Finite Element (FE) analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM’s) was used for the simulation of damage in the adhesive layer. A parametric study was performed on two geometric parameters. The use of overlaminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing CFRP structures.
The present paper shows preliminary results of an ongoing project which one of the goals is to investigate the viability of using waste FCC catalyst (wFCC), originated from Portuguese oil refinery, to produce low carbon blended cements. For this purpose, four blended cements were produced by substituting cement CEM I 42.5R up to 20% (w/w) by waste FCC catalyst. Initial and final setting times, consistency of standard paste, soundness and compressive strengths after 2, 7 and 28 days were measured. It was observed that the wFCC blended cements developed similar strength, at 28 days, compared to the reference cement, CEM I 42.5R. Moreover, cements with waste FCC catalyst incorporation up to 15% w/w meet European Standard EN 197-1 specifications for CEM II/A type cement, in the 42.5R strength class.
An overview of the studies carried out in our laboratories on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of volatile oils from seven aromatic plants: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), savory (Satureja fruticosa Beguinot), winter savory (Satureja montana L.), cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparisus) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), is presented. A flow apparatus with a 1 L extractor and two 0.27 L separators was built to perform studies at temperatures ranging from 298 to 353 K and pressures up to 30.0 MPa. The best compromise between yield and composition compared with hydrodistillation (HD) was achieved selecting the optimum experimental conditions of extraction and fractionation. The major differences between HD and SFE oils is the presence of a small percentage of cuticular waxes and the relative amount of thymoquinone, an oxygenated monoterpene with important biological properties, which is present in the oils from thyme and winter savory. On the other hand, the modeling of our data on supercritical extraction of volatile oil from pennyroyal is discussed using Sovova's models. These models have been applied successfully to the other volatile oil extractions. Furthermore, other experimental studies involving supercritical CO2 carried out in our laboratories are also mentioned.
The activity and selectivity of bi-functional carbon-supported platinum catalysts for the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes have been studied. The influence of the properties of the carbon support on the performance of the catalysts were investigated by incorporating the metallic function on a series of carbons with varied porosity (microporous: GL-50 from Norit, and mesoporous: CMK-3) and surface chemistry (modified by wet oxidation). The characterization results achieved with H-2 chemisorption and TEM showed differences in surface metal concentrations and metal-support interactions depending on the support composition. The highest metal dispersion was achieved after oxidation of the carbon matrix in concentrated nitric acid, suggesting that the presence of surface functional sites distributed in inner and outer surface favors a homogeneous metal distribution. On the other hand, the higher hydrogenating activity of the catalysts prepared with the mesoporous carbon pointed out that a fast molecular traffic inside the pores plays an important role in the catalysts performance. For n-decane hydroisomerization of long chain n-alkanes, higher activities were obtained for the catalysts with an optimized acidity and metal dispersion along with adequate porosity, pointing out the importance of the support properties in the performance of the catalysts.
Drilling of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates is usually carried out using standard drills. However, it is necessary to adapt the processes and/or tooling as the risk of delamination, or other damages, is high. These problems can affect mechanical properties of produced parts, therefore, lower reliability. In this paper, four different drills – three commercial and a special step (prototype) – are compared in terms of thrust force during drilling and delamination. In order to evaluate damage, enhanced radiography is applied. The resulting images were then computational processed using a previously developed image processing and analysis platform. Results show that the prototype drill had encouraging results in terms of maximum thrust force and delamination reduction. Furthermore, it is possible to state that a correct choice of drill geometry, particularly the use of a pilot hole, a conservative cutting speed – 53 m/min – and a low feed rate – 0.025 mm/rev – can help to prevent delamination.
The mode III interlaminar fracture of carbon/epoxy laminates was evaluated with the edge crack torsion (ECT) test. Three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed in order to select two specimen geometries and an experimental data reduction scheme. Test results showed considerable non-linearity before the maximum load point and a significant R-curve effect. These features prevented an accurate definition of the initiation point. Nevertheless, analyses of non-linearity zones showed two likely initiation points corresponding to GIIIc values between 850 and 1100 J/m2 for both specimen geometries. Although any of these values is realistic, the range is too broad, thus showing the limitations of the ECT test and the need for further research.
The use of composite laminates in complex structures has increased significantly. However, there are still some issues when considering their use, mainly related with machining, leading to some difficulties and lack of acceptance. In this work, a methodology to evaluate drill geometry and feed rate based on thrust force and delamination extension is presented.
Até 2020, a Europa terá de reduzir 20% das suas emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, 20% da produção de energia terá de ser proveniente de fontes renováveis e a eficiência energética deverá aumentar 20%. Estas são as metas apresentadas pela União Europeia, que ficaram conhecidas por 20/20/20 [1]. A Refinaria de Matosinhosé um complexo industrial que opera no sector da refinação e que apresenta preocupações ao nível da eficiência energética e dos aspectos ambientais subjacentes. No âmbito da racionalização energética das refinarias, a Galp Energia tem vindo a implementar um conjunto de medidas, adoptando as melhores tecnologias disponíveis com o objectivo de diminuir os consumos de energia, promover a eficiência energética e reduzir as emissões de dióxido de carbono. Para ir de encontro a estas medidas foi elaborado um estudo comparativo que permitiu à empresa definir as medidas consideradas prioritárias. Uma solução encontrada visa a execução de projectos que não requerem investimento e que têm acções imediatas, tais como o aumento da eficiência energética das fornalhas [1]. Este trabalho realizado na Galp Energia S.A. teve como objectivo principal a optimização energética da Unidade de Desalfatação do Propano da Fábrica de Óleos Base. Esta optimização baseou-se no aproveitamento energético da corrente de fundo da coluna de rectificação T2003C com uma potência calorífica de 2,79 Gcal/h. Após levantamento de todas as variáveis do processo relativas a esta unidade, especialmente a potência calorífica das correntes envolvidas chegou-se á conclusão que a fornalha H2101 poderá ser substituída por dois permutadores, reduzindo desta forma os consumos energéticos. Pois a corrente de fundo da coluna T2003 com uma potência calorífica 2,79 Gcal/h poderá permutar calor com a corrente da mistura asfalto com propano, fazendo com que esta atinja temperatura superior à obtida com a fornalha em funcionamento. A análise económica ao consumo e respectivo custo do fuelóleo na fornalha para o período de um ano foi realizada, sendo o seu custo de combustível de 611.396,00 €. O valor da aquisição dos permutadores é 86.355,97€, sendo rentável a alteração proposta neste projecto.
The distinctive characteristics of carbon fibre reinforced plastics, like low weight or high specific strength, had broadened their use to new fields. Due to the need of assembly to structures, machining operations like drilling are frequent. In result of composites inhomogeneity, this operation can lead to different damages that reduce mechanical strength of the parts in the connection area. From these damages, delamination is the most severe. A proper choice of tool and cutting parameters can reduce delamination substantially. In this work the results obtained with five different tool geometries are compared. Conclusions show that the choice of an adequate drill can reduce thrust forces, thus delamination damage.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Beyond the classical statistical approaches (determination of basic statistics, regression analysis, ANOVA, etc.) a new set of applications of different statistical techniques has increasingly gained relevance in the analysis, processing and interpretation of data concerning the characteristics of forest soils. This is possible to be seen in some of the recent publications in the context of Multivariate Statistics. These new methods require additional care that is not always included or refered in some approaches. In the particular case of geostatistical data applications it is necessary, besides to geo-reference all the data acquisition, to collect the samples in regular grids and in sufficient quantity so that the variograms can reflect the spatial distribution of soil properties in a representative manner. In the case of the great majority of Multivariate Statistics techniques (Principal Component Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis, etc.) despite the fact they do not require in most cases the assumption of normal distribution, they however need a proper and rigorous strategy for its utilization. In this work, some reflections about these methodologies and, in particular, about the main constraints that often occur during the information collecting process and about the various linking possibilities of these different techniques will be presented. At the end, illustrations of some particular cases of the applications of these statistical methods will also be presented.
Controlled fires in forest areas are frequently used in most Mediterranean countries as a preventive technique to avoid severe wildfires in summer season. In Portugal, this forest management method of fuel mass availability is also used and has shown to be beneficial as annual statistical reports confirm that the decrease of wildfires occurrence have a direct relationship with the controlled fire practice. However prescribed fire can have serious side effects in some forest soil properties. This work shows the changes that occurred in some forest soils properties after a prescribed fire action. The experiments were carried out in soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, Portugal, that had not been burn for four years. The composed soil samples were collected from five plots at three different layers (0-3cm, 3-6cm and 6-18cm) during a three-year monitoring period after the prescribed burning. Principal Component Analysis was used to reach the presented conclusions.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn
In this work, alpha-Co(OH)(2) is electrodeposited onto carbon nanofoam forming a composite electrode operating in a potential window of 2 V in aqueous medium. Prior to electrodeposition, the carbon nanofoam substrate is subjected to a functionalization process, which leads to an increase of about 40% in its specific capacitance value. Formation of cobalt hydroxide clusters onto the functionalized carbon nanofoam by pulse electrodeposition further enhances the specific capacitance of the electrode. The combination of these factors with an enlarged working potential window, results in a material with specific capacitance close to 300 F g(-1) at current density of 1 A g(-1), considering the total mass loading of the composite. This suggests the potential application of the prepared composites in high energy density electrochemical supercapacitors. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel sensitive electrochemical sensor was developed by electropolymerization of pyrrole(PY)and molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)which was synthesized onto a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) in aqueous solution using cyclic voltammetry in the presence of Trimethoprim (TMP) as template molecules. Furthermore,a previous electrode modification was performed by deposition of a suspension of graphene on the electrode's surface. The performance of the imprinted and non-imprinted (NIP) films was evaluated by impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) of a ferric solution. The molecularly imprinted film exhibited a high selectivity and sensitivity toward TMP. The sensor presented a linear range, between peak current intensity and logarithm of TMP concentration between 1.0x10-6 and 1.0x10-4 M. The results were accurate (with recoveries higher than 94%), precise (with standard deviations less than 5%) and the detection limit was 1.3x10-7 M. The new sensor is selective, simple to construct and easy to operate. The MIP sensor was successfully applied to quantify TMP in urinesamples.