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Collaborative efforts between the Neutronics and Target Design Group at the Instituto de Fusión Nuclear and the Molecular Spectroscopy Group at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source date back to 2012 in the context of the ESS-Bilbao project. The rationale for these joint activities was twofold, namely: to assess the realm of applicability of the low-energy neutron source proposed by ESS-Bilbao - for details; and to explore instrument capabilities for pulsed-neutron techniques in the range 0.05-3 ms, a time range where ESS-Bilbao and ISIS could offer a significant degree of synergy and complementarity. As part of this collaboration, J.P. de Vicente has spent a three-month period within the ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group, to gain hands-on experience on the practical aspects of neutron-instrument design and the requisite neutron-transport simulations. To date, these activities have resulted in a joint MEng thesis as well as a number of publications and contributions to national and international conferences. Building upon these previous works, the primary aim of this report is to provide a self-contained discussion of general criteria for instrument selection at ESS-Bilbao, the first accelerator-driven, low-energy neutron source designed in Spain. To this end, Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the current design parameters of the accelerator and target station. Neutron moderation is covered in Chapter 2, where we take a closer look at two possible target-moderator-reflector configurations and pay special attention to the spectral and temporal characteristics of the resulting neutron pulses. This discussion provides a necessary starting point to assess the operation of ESSB in short- and long-pulse modes. These considerations are further explored in Chapter 3, dealing with the primary characteristics of ESS-Bilbao as a short- or long-pulse facility in terms of accessible dynamic range and spectral resolution. Other practical aspects including background suppression and the use of fast choppers are also discussed. The guiding principles introduced in the first three chapters are put to use in Chapter 4 where we analyse in some detail the capabilities of a small-angle scattering instrument, as well as how specific scientific requirements can be mapped onto the optimal use of ESS-Bilbao for condensed-matter research. Part 2 of the report contains additional supporting documentation, including a description of the ESSB McStas component, a detailed characterisation of moderator response and neutron pulses, and estimates ofparameters associated with the design and operation of neutron choppers. In closing this brief foreword, we wish to thank both ESS-Bilbao and ISIS for their continuing encouragement and support along the way.


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Non-destructive measurement of fruit quality has been an important objective through recent years (Abbott, 1999). Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is applicable to the cuantification of chemicals in foods and NIK "laser spectroscopy" can be used to estimate the firmness of fruits. However, die main limitation of current optical techniques that measure light transmission is that they do not account for the coupling between absorption and scattering inside the tissue, when quantifying the intensity o f reemitted light. The solution o f this l i m i t a t i o n was the goal o f the present work.


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Among all the different types of electric wind generators, those that are based on doubly fed induction generators, or DFIG technology, are the most vulnerable to grid faults such as voltage sags. This paper proposes a new control strategy for this type of wind generator, that allows these devices to withstand the effects of a voltage sag while following the new requirements imposed by grid operators. This new control strategy makes the use of complementary devices such as crowbars unnecessary, as it greatly reduces the value of currents originated by the fault. This ensures less costly designs for the rotor systems as well as a more economic sizing of the necessary power electronics. The strategy described here uses an electric generator model based on space-phasor theory that provides a direct control over the position of the rotor magnetic flux. Controlling the rotor magnetic flux has a direct influence on the rest of the electrical variables enabling the machine to evolve to a desired work point during the transient imposed by the grid disturbance. Simulation studies have been carried out, as well as test bench trials, in order to prove the viability and functionality of the proposed control strategy.


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The bandwidth achievable by using voltage mode control or current mode control in switch-mode power supply is limited by the switching frequency. Fast transient response requires high switching frequency, although lower switching frequencies could be more suitable for higher efficiency. This paper proposes the use of hysteretic control of the output capacitor $(C_{out})$ current to improve the dynamic response of the buck converter. An external voltage loop is required to accurately regulate the output voltage. The design of the hysteretic loop and the voltage loop are presented. Besides, it is presented a non-invasive current sensor that allows measuring the current in the capacitor. This strategy has been applied for DVS (dynamic voltage scaling) on a 5 MHz buck converter. Experimental results validate the proposed control technique and show fast transient response from 1.5 V to 2.5 V in 2 $mu{rm s}$.


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GaN y AlN son materiales semiconductores piezoeléctricos del grupo III-V. La heterounión AlGaN/GaN presenta una elevada carga de polarización tanto piezoeléctrica como espontánea en la intercara, lo que genera en su cercanía un 2DEG de grandes concentración y movilidad. Este 2DEG produce una muy alta potencia de salida, que a su vez genera una elevada temperatura de red. Las tensiones de puerta y drenador provocan un stress piezoeléctrico inverso, que puede afectar a la carga de polarización piezoeléctrica y así influir la densidad 2DEG y las características de salida. Por tanto, la física del dispositivo es relevante para todos sus aspectos eléctricos, térmicos y mecánicos. En esta tesis se utiliza el software comercial COMSOL, basado en el método de elementos finitos (FEM), para simular el comportamiento integral electro-térmico, electro-mecánico y electro-térmico-mecánico de los HEMTs de GaN. Las partes de acoplamiento incluyen el modelo de deriva y difusión para el transporte electrónico, la conducción térmica y el efecto piezoeléctrico. Mediante simulaciones y algunas caracterizaciones experimentales de los dispositivos, hemos analizado los efectos térmicos, de deformación y de trampas. Se ha estudiado el impacto de la geometría del dispositivo en su auto-calentamiento mediante simulaciones electro-térmicas y algunas caracterizaciones eléctricas. Entre los resultados más sobresalientes, encontramos que para la misma potencia de salida la distancia entre los contactos de puerta y drenador influye en generación de calor en el canal, y así en su temperatura. El diamante posee une elevada conductividad térmica. Integrando el diamante en el dispositivo se puede dispersar el calor producido y así reducir el auto-calentamiento, al respecto de lo cual se han realizado diversas simulaciones electro-térmicas. Si la integración del diamante es en la parte superior del transistor, los factores determinantes para la capacidad disipadora son el espesor de la capa de diamante, su conductividad térmica y su distancia a la fuente de calor. Este procedimiento de disipación superior también puede reducir el impacto de la barrera térmica de intercara entre la capa adaptadora (buffer) y el substrato. La muy reducida conductividad eléctrica del diamante permite que pueda contactar directamente el metal de puerta (muy cercano a la fuente de calor), lo que resulta muy conveniente para reducir el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo con polarización pulsada. Por otra parte se simuló el dispositivo con diamante depositado en surcos atacados sobre el sustrato como caminos de disipación de calor (disipador posterior). Aquí aparece una competencia de factores que influyen en la capacidad de disipación, a saber, el surco atacado contribuye a aumentar la temperatura del dispositivo debido al pequeño tamaño del disipador, mientras que el diamante disminuiría esa temperatura gracias a su elevada conductividad térmica. Por tanto, se precisan capas de diamante relativamente gruesas para reducer ele efecto de auto-calentamiento. Se comparó la simulación de la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado cercano al drenador con estructuras de puerta estándar y con field plate, que podrían ser muy relevantes respecto a fallos mecánicos del dispositivo. Otras simulaciones se enfocaron al efecto de la deformación intrínseca de la capa de diamante en el comportamiento eléctrico del dispositivo. Se han comparado los resultados de las simulaciones de la deformación y las características eléctricas de salida con datos experimentales obtenidos por espectroscopía micro-Raman y medidas eléctricas, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran el stress intrínseco en la capa producido por la distribución no uniforme del 2DEG en el canal y la región de acceso. Además de aumentar la potencia de salida del dispositivo, la deformación intrínseca en la capa de diamante podría mejorar la fiabilidad del dispositivo modulando la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado del drenador. Finalmente, también se han simulado en este trabajo los efectos de trampas localizados en la superficie, el buffer y la barrera. Las medidas pulsadas muestran que tanto las puertas largas como las grandes separaciones entre los contactos de puerta y drenador aumentan el cociente entre la corriente pulsada frente a la corriente continua (lag ratio), es decir, disminuir el colapse de corriente (current collapse). Este efecto ha sido explicado mediante las simulaciones de los efectos de trampa de superficie. Por su parte, las referidas a trampas en el buffer se enfocaron en los efectos de atrapamiento dinámico, y su impacto en el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo. Se presenta también un modelo que describe el atrapamiento y liberación de trampas en la barrera: mientras que el atrapamiento se debe a un túnel directo del electrón desde el metal de puerta, el desatrapamiento consiste en la emisión del electrón en la banda de conducción mediante túnel asistido por fonones. El modelo también simula la corriente de puerta, debida a la emisión electrónica dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. Además, también se ilustra la corriente de drenador dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. ABSTRACT GaN and AlN are group III-V piezoelectric semiconductor materials. The AlGaN/GaN heterojunction presents large piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization charge at the interface, leading to high 2DEG density close to the interface. A high power output would be obtained due to the high 2DEG density and mobility, which leads to elevated lattice temperature. The gate and drain biases induce converse piezoelectric stress that can influence the piezoelectric polarization charge and further influence the 2DEG density and output characteristics. Therefore, the device physics is relevant to all the electrical, thermal, and mechanical aspects. In this dissertation, by using the commercial finite-element-method (FEM) software COMSOL, we achieved the GaN HEMTs simulation with electro-thermal, electro-mechanical, and electro-thermo-mechanical full coupling. The coupling parts include the drift-diffusion model for the electron transport, the thermal conduction, and the piezoelectric effect. By simulations and some experimental characterizations, we have studied the device thermal, stress, and traps effects described in the following. The device geometry impact on the self-heating was studied by electro-thermal simulations and electrical characterizations. Among the obtained interesting results, we found that, for same power output, the distance between the gate and drain contact can influence distribution of the heat generation in the channel and thus influence the channel temperature. Diamond possesses high thermal conductivity. Integrated diamond with the device can spread the generated heat and thus potentially reduce the device self-heating effect. Electro-thermal simulations on this topic were performed. For the diamond integration on top of the device (top-side heat spreading), the determinant factors for the heat spreading ability are the diamond thickness, its thermal conductivity, and its distance to the heat source. The top-side heat spreading can also reduce the impact of thermal boundary resistance between the buffer and the substrate on the device thermal behavior. The very low electrical conductivity of diamond allows that it can directly contact the gate metal (which is very close to the heat source), being quite convenient to reduce the self-heating for the device under pulsed bias. Also, the diamond coated in vias etched in the substrate as heat spreading path (back-side heat spreading) was simulated. A competing mechanism influences the heat spreading ability, i.e., the etched vias would increase the device temperature due to the reduced heat sink while the coated diamond would decrease the device temperature due to its higher thermal conductivity. Therefore, relative thick coated diamond is needed in order to reduce the self-heating effect. The simulated local stress at the gate edge of the drain side for the device with standard and field plate gate structure were compared, which would be relevant to the device mechanical failure. Other stress simulations focused on the intrinsic stress in the diamond capping layer impact on the device electrical behaviors. The simulated stress and electrical output characteristics were compared to experimental data obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy and electrical characterization, respectively. Results showed that the intrinsic stress in the capping layer caused the non-uniform distribution of 2DEG in the channel and the access region. Besides the enhancement of the device power output, intrinsic stress in the capping layer can potentially improve the device reliability by modulating the local stress at the gate edge of the drain side. Finally, the surface, buffer, and barrier traps effects were simulated in this work. Pulsed measurements showed that long gates and distances between gate and drain contact can increase the gate lag ratio (decrease the current collapse). This was explained by simulations on the surface traps effect. The simulations on buffer traps effects focused on illustrating the dynamic trapping/detrapping in the buffer and the self-heating impact on the device transient drain current. A model was presented to describe the trapping and detrapping in the barrier. The trapping was the electron direct tunneling from the gate metal while the detrapping was the electron emission into the conduction band described by phonon-assisted tunneling. The reverse gate current was simulated based on this model, whose mechanism can be attributed to the temperature and electric field dependent electron emission in the barrier. Furthermore, the mechanism of the device bias via the self-heating and electric field impact on the electron emission and the transient drain current were also illustrated.


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Transient A-type K+ channels (IA) in neurons have been implicated in the delay of the spike onset and the decrease in the firing frequency. Here we have characterized biophysically and pharmacologically an IA current in lamprey locomotor network neurons that is activated by suprathreshold depolarization and is specifically blocked by catechol at 100 μM. The biophysical properties of this current are similar to the mammalian Kv3.4 channel. The role of the IA current both in single neuron firing and in locomotor pattern generation was analyzed. The IA current facilitates Na+ channel recovery from inactivation and thus sustains repetitive firing. The role of the IA current in motor pattern generation was examined by applying catechol during fictive locomotion induced by N-methyl-d-aspartate. Blockade of this current increased the locomotor burst frequency and decreased the firing of motoneurons. Although an alternating motor pattern could still be generated, the cycle duration was less regular, with ventral roots bursts failing on some cycles. Our results thus provide insights into the contribution of a high-voltage-activated IA current to the regulation of firing properties and motor coordination in the lamprey spinal cord.


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We report the long-term modulation of K+ channels by cAMP in cultured murine colliculi neurons. A short (1-2 s) application of 8-Br-cAMP induced a long-lasting broadening of the action potential, a loss of after-hyperpolarization, and a reduction in spike accommodation. In agreement with these changes, 8-Br-cAMP produced a long-lasting (2 hr) inhibition of a K+ current. These effects were also observed after a short activation of the pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide, beta-adrenergic, and 5-hydroxytryptamine type 4 (5-HT4) receptors, all known to increase cAMP. A transient activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and a long-lasting inhibition of phosphatases (up to 2 hr) were detected. The blockade of the K+ current resulting from a brief application of 8-Br-cAMP or 5-hydroxytryptamine was prolonged from 2 to 4 hr when protein-serine/threonine phosphatases 1 and 2A were inhibited with 10 nM okadaic acid. The critical steps following the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation and resulting in a long-term blockade of phosphatases are discussed in this report.


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Experimental evidence for proton transfer via a hydrogen-bonded network in a membrane protein is presented. Bacteriorhodopsin's proton transfer mechanism on the proton uptake pathway between Asp-96 and the Schiff base in the M-to-N transition was determined. The slowdown of this transfer by removal of the proton donor in the Asp-96-->Asn mutant can be accelerated again by addition of small weak acid anions such as azide. Fourier-transform infrared experiments show in the Asp-96-->Asn mutant a transient protonation of azide bound to the protein in the M-to-N transition and, due to the addition of azide, restoration of the IR continuum band changes as seen in wild-type bR during proton pumping. The continuum band changes indicate fast proton transfer on the uptake pathway in a hydrogen-bonded network for wild-type bR and the Asp-96-->Asn mutant with azide. Since azide is able to catalyze proton transfer steps also in several kinetically defective bR mutants and in other membrane proteins, our finding might point to a general element of proton transfer mechanisms in proteins.


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Recent results have demonstrated that the spin trapping agent N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) reduces infarct size due to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), even when given after ischemia. The objective of the present study was to explore whether PBN influences recovery of energy metabolism. MCAO of 2-hr duration was induced in rats by an intraluminal filament technique. Brains were frozen in situ at the end of ischemia and after 1, 2, and 4 hr of recirculation. PBN was given 1 hr after recirculation. Neocortical focal and perifocal ("penumbra") areas were sampled for analyses of phosphocreatine (PCr), creatine, ATP, ADP, AMP, glycogen, glucose, and lactate. The penumbra showed a moderate-to-marked decrease and the focus showed a marked decrease in PCr and ATP concentrations, a decline in the sum of adenine nucleotides, near-depletion of glycogen, and an increase in lactate concentration after 2 hr of ischemia. Recirculation for 1 hr led to only a partial recovery of energy state, with little further improvement after 2 hr and signs of secondary deterioration after 4 hr, particularly in the focus. After 4 hr of recirculation, PBN-treated animals showed pronounced recovery of energy state, with ATP and lactate contents in both focus and penumbra approaching normal values. Although an effect of PBN on mitochondria cannot be excluded, the results suggest that PBN acts by preventing a gradual compromise of microcirculation. The results justify a reevaluation of current views on the pathophysiology of focal ischemic damage and suggest that a therapeutic window of many hours exists in stroke.


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The aging myopathy manifests itself with diastolic dysfunction and preserved ejection fraction. However, the difficulty in defining myocardial aging and the mechanisms involved complicates the recognition of the cellular processes underlying impaired diastolic relaxation. We raised the possibility that, in a mouse model of physiological aging, defects in the electromechanical properties of cardiomyocytes are important determinants of the diastolic properties of the myocardium, independently from changes in the structural composition of the muscle and collagen framework. Here we show that an increase in the late Na+ current (INaL) in aging cardiomyocytes prolongs the action potential (AP) and influences the temporal kinetics of Ca2+ cycling and cell shortening. These alterations increase force development and passive tension. Inhibition of INaL shortens the AP and corrects the dynamics of Ca2+ transient, cell contraction and relaxation. Similarly, repolarization and diastolic tension of the senescent myocardium are partly restored. INaL offers inotropic support, but negatively interferes with cellular and ventricular compliance, providing a new perspective of the biology of myocardial aging and the etiology of the defective cardiac performance in the elderly.


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We discuss Fermi-edge singularity effects on the linear and nonlinear transient response of an electron gas in a doped semiconductor. We use a bosonization scheme to describe the low-energy excitations, which allows us to compute the time and temperature dependence of the response functions. Coherent control of the energy absorption at resonance is analyzed in the linear regime. It is shown that a phase shift appears in the coherent control oscillations, which is not present in the excitonic case. The nonlinear response is calculated analytically and used to predict that four wave-mixing experiments would present a Fermi-edge singularity when the exciting energy is varied. A new dephasing mechanism is predicted in doped samples that depends linearly on temperature and is produced by the low-energy bosonic excitations in the conduction band.


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Paper submitted to the XVI Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 7-11 June 1999.


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Context. The current generation of X-ray satellites has discovered many new X-ray sources that are difficult to classify within the well-described subclasses. The hard X-ray source IGR J11215−5952 is a peculiar transient, displaying very short X-ray outbursts every 165 days. Aims. To characterise the source, we obtained high-resolution spectra of the optical counterpart, HD 306414, at different epochs, spanning a total of three months, before and around the 2007 February outburst with the combined aims of deriving its astrophysical parameters and searching for orbital modulation. Methods. We fit model atmospheres generated with the fastwind code to the spectrum, and used the interstellar lines in the spectrum to estimate its distance. We also cross-correlated each individual spectrum to the best-fit model to derive radial velocities. Results. From its spectral features, we classify HD 306414 as B0.5 Ia. From the model fit, we find Teff ≈ 24 700 K and log g ≈ 2.7, in good agreement with the morphological classification. Using the interstellar lines in its spectrum, we estimate a distance to HD 306414 d ≳ 7 kpc. Assuming this distance, we derive R∗ ≈ 40 R⊙ and Mspect ≈ 30 M⊙ (consistent, within errors, with Mevol ≈ 38 M⊙, and in good agreement with calibrations for the spectral type). Analysis of the radial velocity curve reveals that radial velocity changes are not dominated by the orbital motion, and provide an upper limit on the semi-amplitude for the optical component Kopt ≲ 11 ± 6 km   s-1. Large variations in the depth and shape of photospheric lines suggest the presence of strong pulsations, which may be the main cause of the radial velocity changes. Very significant variations, uncorrelated with those of the photospheric lines are seen in the shape and position of the Hα emission feature around the time of the X-ray outburst, but large excursions are also observed at other times. Conclusions. HD 306414 is a normal B0.5 Ia supergiant. Its radial velocity curve is dominated by an effect that is different from binary motion, and is most likely stellar pulsations. The data available suggest that the X-ray outbursts are caused by the close passage of the neutron star in a very eccentric orbit, perhaps leading to localised mass outflow.


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We present a long-term phase-coherent timing analysis and pulse-phase resolved spectroscopy for the two outbursts observed from the transient anomalous X-ray pulsar CXOU J164710.2−455216. For the first outburst we used 11 Chandra and XMM–Newton observations between 2006 September and 2009 August, the longest baseline yet for this source. We obtain a coherent timing solution with P = 10.61065583(4) s, Ṗ = 9.72(1) × 10−13 s s−1 and P̈ = –1.05(5) × 10−20 s s−2. Under the standard assumptions this implies a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼1014 G, confirming this source as a standard B magnetar. We also study the evolution of the pulse profile (shape, intensity and pulsed fraction) as a function of time and energy. Using the phase-coherent timing solution we perform a phase-resolved spectroscopy analysis, following the spectral evolution of pulse-phase features, which hints at the physical processes taking place on the star. The results are discussed from the perspective of magnetothermal evolution models and the untwisting magnetosphere model. Finally, we present similar analysis for the second, less intense, 2011 outburst. For the timing analysis we used Swift data together with 2 XMM–Newton and Chandra pointings. The results inferred for both outbursts are compared and briefly discussed in a more general framework.


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This paper evaluates a new, low-frequency finite-difference time-domain method applied to the problem of induced E-fields/eddy currents in the human body resulting from the pulsed magnetic field gradients in MRI. In this algorithm, a distributed equivalent magnetic current is proposed as the electromagnetic source and is obtained by quasistatic calculation of the empty coil's vector potential or measurements therein. This technique circumvents the discretization of complicated gradient coil geometries into a mesh of Yee cells, and thereby enables any type of gradient coil modelling or other complex low frequency sources. The proposed method has been verified against an example with an analytical solution. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields in a multi-layered spherical phantom model and a complete body model. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.