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Background: Rickettsia conorii is the most frequent species of RickettsiaI causing disease in Portugal. In general the disease manifests itself by fever, exanthema, headaches and the presence of an eschar. However atypical forms can be present and physicians should be aware. Aims: Analyse the atypical presentation of rickettsiosis. Material and Methods: Children admitted at the CHLC Hospital from 2000 to 2010 with atypical presentation of rickettsiosis. Clinical diagnosis was confirmed by serology and molecular techniques (PCR). Results: Five cases of children with a median age of 2 years, 1 of which female, were admitted between June and August. The diagnoses were: myositis (1), synovitis (1), cholecystitis (1), orchiepididymitis (1) and meningitis (1). Myositis developped with functional disability, CPK 9600 U/L, lower limbs’ edema, hypoalbuminemia (1,6 g/dL) and arterial hypertension. Synovitis developped with functional disability, synovial fluid increase and CRP 16,2 mg/dL. The child with cholecystitis had abdominal pain, intraabdominal fluid increase, leukopenia (1900/μL), thrombocytopenia (75000/μL) and CRP 15,3 mg/dL. Orchiepididymitis developped with testicle’s inflammatory signs, leukopenia (2900/μL), thrombocytopenia (90000/μL) and CRP 14,45 mg/dL. The patient with meningitis, who had pleocytosis (320 cells/μL), hyperproteinorrachia (284 mg/dL), hypoglicorrachia (36 mg/dL), presented only with fever and headaches. The tache noire and the classical triad were present in 3/5 cases. The clinical course was favourable in all cases. Antibodies against Rickettsia of spotted fever group were detected in 3/5 cases. In one patient Rickettsia conorii Malish strain was identified by PCR and sequencing. Conclusions: Rickettsial infection may present itself unusually. In a country of high prevalence, especially during summer months and in the presence of an inoculation eschar, it is of the uttermost importance to study the atypical presentations for a possible rickettsial infection.


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Ten cases of cryptococcosis due to unusual microscopic forms of Cryptococcus sp. observed over a twenty-eight year period (1981-2009) are presented. The most important clinicopathological and laboratory data are tabulated. The uncommon forms of cryptococcal cells given are: structures resembling germ tube (one case), chains of budding yeasts (one case), pseudohyphae (two cases) and nonencapsulated yeast-like organisms (eight cases). The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings. The causative organism was isolated and identified in seven cases; five were due to C. neoformans, and two to C. gattii. In addition, the importance of using staining histochemical techniques - Grocott's silver stain (GMS), Mayer's mucicarmine stain (MM) and Fontana-Masson stain (FM) - in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is argued.


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The first report to our knowledge, of hyperinfection by Strongyloides stercoralis (HS) and hypereosinophilia, associated to immune suppression by Rituximab (the only drug received for the last one year and 10 months), in a patient with mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL), is presented. The patient has a 3-year history of MCL, and developed two accesses of HS during 2008, including meningitis, pneumonia and presence of larvae of S. stercoralis in the lungs. We had a unique chance to look at cytotoxicity of filariform larvae in the expectoration after Ivermectin treatment, showing immobilization and death of larvae, associated with eosinophils attached to the cuticle of the parasite.


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We present a case of a 16-year-old male patient with sudden-onset, rash, arthritis and meningitis by Neisseria meningitidis one week after an acute upper respiratory infection. On the 10th day of treatment followed by neurological and arthritis clinical improvement, he presented once again a tender and swollen left knee with a moderate effusion, and active and passive range of motion was severely limited secondary to pain, and when he was submitted to surgical drainage and synovial fluid analysis he showed inflammatory characteristics. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug was taken for five days with complete improvement of symptoms. The case is notable for its combination of features of septic and immune-mediated arthritis, which has rarely been reported in the same patient.


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Brain tuberculomas account for 10-20% of space occupying brain lesions in developing countries. Most lesions are observed at time of tuberculosis diagnosis or soon after starting treatment. We herein describe a 32 year-old patient with a 14-month history of headache and progressive visual loss. Her past medical history revealed pulmonary tuberculosis treated eight years before. A brain MRI showed a T1- and T2-weighted isointense contrast-enhancing lesion in the optic chiasm. A presumptive diagnosis of optochiasmatic tuberculoma was made and isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol were started. Despite treatment, the patient evolved to blindness. The prompt recognition of this condition is extremely important since the presence of optochiasmal enhancement is associated with blindness in patients with tuberculosis.


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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma criança com doença falciforme, internada por choque séptico com meningite e pneumonia a Streptococcus pneumoniae. No decurso do internamento surgiu amaurose súbita à esquerda e herpes mucocutâ- neo labial. O exame oftalmológico foi sugestivo de oclusão arterial no olho esquerdo e de necrose retiniana viral à direita, pelo que foi instituída terapêutica antiviral e anticoagulante. A evolução clínica e imagiológica foi compatível com necrose retiniana aguda. Verificou-se ligeira melhoria da acuidade visual à direita (6/10) mas persistiu um défice grave da acuidade visual à esquerda (< 1/10). A necrose retiniana aguda é um evento raro em idade pediátrica, cujo diagnóstico diferencial inclui outras causas de amaurose súbita.


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Moyamoya disease is an idiopathic progressive steno-occlusive disorder of the intracranial arteries located at the base of the brain. It is associated with the development of compensatory extensive network of fine collaterals. Moyamoya disease is considered syndromic when certain genetic or acquired disorders such as polycystic kidney disease, neurofibromatosis, or meningitis are also present. Although the genetic contribution in moyamoya is indisputable, its cause and pathogenesis remain under discussion. Herein, we report a rare occurrence of moyamoya syndrome in two European Caucasian siblings in association with unusual multisystemic malformations (polycystic kidney disease in one, and intestinal duplication cyst in the other). The karyotype was normal. No mutation in the RFN213 gene was found, and none of the HLA types linked to moyamoya disease or described in similar familial cases were identified. By describing these multisystemic associations, polycystic kidney disease for the second time, and intestinal malformation for the first time in the literature, our report expands the phenotypic variability of moyamoya syndrome. The coexistence of disparate malformations among close relatives suggests an underlying common genetic background predisposing to structural or physiological abnormalities in different tissues and organs.


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SUMMARYTherapy of coccidioidomycosis continues to evolve. For primary pulmonary disease, antifungal therapy is frequently not required while prolonged courses of antifungals are generally needed for those in whom extrathoracic disseminated has occurred. Intravenous amphotericin B should be reserved for those with severe disease. Oral triazole antifungals have had a great impact on the management of coccidioidomycosis. Both fluconazole and itraconazole at 400 mg daily have been effective for various forms of coccidioidomycosis, including meningitis, although relapse after therapy is discontinued is a problem. Individuals with suppressed cellular immunity are at increased risk for symptomatic coccidioidomycosis and they include those with HIV infection, those on immunosuppressive medications, and those who have received a solid organ transplant. Pregnant women and African-American men have been identified as two other groups who are at an increased risk for symptomatic and severe infection.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology


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We present a case of ocular syphilis after a renal transplantation involving progressive vision loss without clinically identifiable ocular disease. Electroretinography showed signs of ischemia, especially in the internal retina. A serological test was positive for syphilis. Lumbar puncture revealed lymphocytic meningitis and a positive serologic test for syphilis in the cerebrospinal fluid. The patient was treated with penicillin, and had a quick vision improvement. In the case of transplant recipients, clinicians should always consider the diagnosis of ocular syphilis in cases with unexplained visual acuity decrement, as this condition may cause serious complications if not treated.


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Aseptic meningitis can be an adverse drug reaction to intravenous immunoglobulin. We describe a previously healthy 4-yearold boy, admitted for idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura. He received two infusions of intravenous immunoglobulin. Four hours after the last administration the patient developed a meningeal syndrome. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid revealed 500 cells/μl (predominantly neutrophils) and normal biochemistry. Bacteriological and virological tests were negative. After 48h he was asymptomatic. Given the absence of other aetiological factors and the temporal relationship between the administration of immunoglobulin and the development of symptoms, we believe the patient had an aseptic meningitis related to intravenous immunoglobulin. This therapy may cause headache, fever and vomiting; however, lumbar puncture is not usually performed, so this complication may be underdiagnosed.


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Objectivo — Conhecer a epidemiologia da meningite bacteriana em recém-nascidos admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Doentes e métodos — Foi feita a revisão dos processos de recém-nascidos admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais do Hospital de Dona Estefânia de Janeiro de 1985 a Dezembro de 1996 — 12 anos, provenientes da maternidade do Hospital ou do exterior. Foram excluídas as infecções congénitas e as crianças com idade superior a 28 dias. Definiu-se como precoce a infecção com início nas primeiras 72 horas de vida. Resultados — Houve 36 casos de meningite bacteriana correspondendo a 1,1% das admissões. A incidência de meningite bacteriana precoce na Maternidade do Hospital foi 0,13 por mil nados-vivos. Vinte e quatro crianças eram do sexo masculino (66,7%), 7 eram pré-termo, 4 de baixo peso e 1 de muito baixo peso. Dez recém-nascidos tiveram meningite precoce (27,8%) e 26 (72,2%) meningite tardia. Houve isolamento do agente bacteriano no líquido cefalorraquidiano em 27 crianças (77,1%): E. coli (n=7); Streptococcus do grupo B(SGB) (n=6); Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=3); Proteus mirabilis (n=2), Listeria monocytogenes (n=1), Streptococcus bovis (n=1), Staphylococcus aureus (n=1), Neisseria meningitidis (n=2) e Salmonella tiphy (n=1). Houve ainda o isolamento de 3 Gram negativos não identificados. A hemocultura foi positiva em 19 de 32 colheitas (59,4%). Na ausência de terapêutica antibiótica, em 6 casos a cultura do líquor foi positiva e a hemocultura negativa e noutros 2 ambas as culturas foram negativas. Durante o internamento faleceram 9 recém-nascidos — mortalidade de 25% e em 11 foram detectadas sequelas. Conclusão — Houve um predomínio de casos de meningite tardia, em recém-nascidos de termo e do sexo masculino. Os agentes mais frequentemente encontrados foram a E. coli e a Streptococcus do grupo B.


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Millions of children are infected by enteroviruses each year, usually exhibiting only mild symptoms. Nevertheless, these viruses are also associated with severe and life-threatening infections, such as meningitis and encephalitis. We describe a 32-month-old patient with enteroviral encephalitis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid, with unfavorable clinical course with marked developmental regression, autistic features, persistent stereotypes and aphasia. She experienced slow clinical improvement, with mild residual neurologic and developmental deficits at follow-up. Viral central nervous system infections in early childhood have been associated with autism spectrum disorders but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. This case report is significant in presenting a case of developmental regression with autistic features and loss of language improving on follow-up. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of enterovirus encephalitis leading to an autism spectrum disorder.


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The frequency of myocarditis associated with meningococcal disease in children was reported only in two autopsied series (United States and South Africa). Here we report the frequency of associated myocarditis in 31 children who died of meningoccal infection at Hospital Infantil N.S. da Glória in Vitória, Espirito Santo State, Brazil. The diagnosis was confirmed by isolation of Neisseria meningitidis . At least three sections of fragments of both atria and ventricles were studied using the Dallas Criteria for the morphologic diagnosis of myocarditis. The mean age was 47.6 ± 39.8 months and the mean survival time after the onset of symptoms was 46.1 ± 26.5h (12-112h). Myocarditis was present in 13 (41.9%) patients, being of minimal severity in 11 cases and of moderate severity in 2 cases. There were no cases with severe diffuse myocarditis. The frequency of myocarditis was not influenced by sex, presence of meningitis, survival time after the onset of symptoms or use of vasoactive drugs. The frequency of myocarditis reported here was intermediate between the values reported in the only two case series published in the literature (57% in the United States and 27% in South Africa). Although our data confirm the high frequency of myocaditis in meningoccal disease, further investigations are necessary to elucidate the contribution of myocarditis to myocardial dysfunction observed in cases of meningococcal infection in children.


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Fluids in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis are seldom found, such as pleural and cerebrospinal liquids, are good candidates to be studied using PCR techniques. We detail our experience with a PCR assay applied to pleural and cerebrospinal fluids using the primer MPB64. Seventy three specimens were analyzed: 30 pleural fluids (PF), 26 pleural biopsies (PB) and 17 cerebrospinal fluids (CSF). The gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was the positive culture for M. tuberculosis in CSF. Tuberculous pleural effusion was diagnosed when cultures of PF and/or PB were positive for M. tuberculosis, or the PB histology showed granulomas. Our results, compared to the gold standards employed, showed a sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 88%, positive predictive value of 82% and negative predictive value of 80%. The high specificity of the MPB64 fragment while still retaining a good sensitivity makes it very well suited for pleural and cerebrospinal tuberculosis diagnosis.