411 resultados para CCS


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Agroindustrial residues are materials often rich in cellulose and hemicellulose. The use of these substrates for the microbial production of enzymes of industrial interest is mainly due to their high availability associated with their low cost. In this work, corncob (CCs) particles decomposed to soluble compounds (liquor) were incorporated in the microbial growth medium through autohydrolysis, as a strategy to increase and undervalue xylanase and beta-xylosidase production by Aspergillus terricola and Aspergillus ochraceus. The CCs autohydrolysis liquor produced at 200 A degrees C for 5, 15, 30 or 50 min was used as the sole carbon source or associated with untreated CC. The best condition for enzyme synthesis was observed with CCs submitted to 30 min of autohydrolysis. The enzymatic production with untreated CCs plus CC liquor was higher than with birchwood xylan for both microorganisms. A. terricola produced 750 total U of xylanase (144 h cultivation) and 30 total U of beta-xylosidase (96-168 h) with 0.75% untreated CCs and 6% CCs liquor, against 650 total U of xylanase and 2 total U of beta-xylosidase in xylan; A. ochraceus produced 605 total U of xylanase and 56 total U of beta-xylosidase (168 h cultivation) with 1% untreated CCs and 10% CCs liquor against 400 total U of xylanase and 38 total U of beta-xylosidase in xylan. These results indicate that the treatment of agroindustrial wastes through autohydrolysis can be a viable strategy in the production of high levels of xylanolytic enzymes.


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To detect expression of bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) in oocytes, and their receptor type 2 receptor for BMPs (BMPR2) in cumulus cells in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), and determine if BMPR2, BMP15, and GDF9 expression correlate with hyperandrogenism in FF of PCOS patients. Prospective case-control study. Eighteen MII-oocytes and their respective cumulus cells were obtained from 18 patients with PCOS, and 48 MII-oocytes and cumulus cells (CCs) from 35 controls, both subjected to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH), and follicular fluid (FF) was collected from small (10-14 mm) and large (> 18 mm) follicles. RNeasy Micro Kit (Qiagen(A (R))) was used for RNA extraction and gene expression was quantified in each oocyte individually and in microdissected cumulus cells from cumulus-oocyte complexes retrieved from preovulatory follicles using qRT-PCR. Chemiluminescence and RIA assays were used for hormone assays. BMP15 and GDF9 expression per oocyte was higher among women with PCOS than the control group. A positive correlation was found between BMPR2 transcripts and hyperandrogenism in FF of PCOS patients. Progesterone values in FF were lower in the PCOS group. We inferred that BMP15 and GDF9 transcript levels increase in mature PCOS oocytes after COH, and might inhibit the progesterone secretion by follicular cells in PCOS follicles, preventing premature luteinization in cumulus cells. BMPR2 expression in PCOS cumulus cells might be regulated by androgens.


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade celular, a capacidade de fagocitose e espraiamento pelos fagócitos mononucleares, e a liberação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) por leucócitos oriundos de glândulas mamárias bovinas sadias e infectadas. Deste modo, 94 amostras foram divididas de acordo com os resultados da cultura bacteriológica e da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). O presente estudo não encontrou diferenças na viabilidade celular, e nos índices de fagocitose e espraiamento entre os diferentes grupos. No entanto, a liberação de H2O2 oriundos dos quartos mamários infectados, infectados por Streptococcus spp. ou Corynebacterium spp. foi menor do que nas amostras de leite provenientes dos quartos mamários sadios. Ao estimar a concentração de H2O2 mL-1 leite observou-se que as amostras de quartos mamários positivos no exame bacteriológico, infectados por Staphylococcus spp. e negativos no exame bacteriológico com alta celularidade foram maiores que aquelas provenientes de quartos mamários sadios. Observou-se também correlação positiva entre a CCS e a viabilidade celular e os índices de fagocitose e espraiamento; e correlação negativa entre a liberação de H2O2 e a CCS e a viabilidade celular. Conclui-se que a CCS, assim como a sua viabilidade e função, são conceitos intimamente relacionados com a saúde da glândula mamária.


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A apoptose de leucócitos polimorfonucleares (PMN) é um evento central no processo de resolução da inflamação. Sendo a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) um indicador da situação imunológica da glândula mamária, o presente estudo buscou esclarecer a influência que esses fatores têm um sobre o outro e sobre a evolução do processo inflamatório. Marcaram-se as amostras de leite com anexina-V, iodeto de propídeo (PI), anticorpo anti-CH138A. Encontrou-se correlação negativa entre apoptose de PMN e CCS, além de diferença estatística entre um grupo de alta CCS e um grupo de baixa CCS quanto à taxa de PMN viáveis, em apoptose, em necrose e em necrose e/ou apoptose. De modo geral, o grupo de alta celularidade apresentou menos CH138+ em apoptose e mais células em necrose ou viáveis do que o grupo de baixa celularidade. Conclui-se que apoptose de PMN e CCS estão relacionados, e que em mamas com CCS elevada este evento está diminuído. Apesar de haver maior disponibilidade de fagócitos para a defesa nessa situação, os efeitos anti-inflamatórios da apoptose também estão diminuídos, enquanto os efeitos pró-inflamatórios da necrose estão aumentados, o que pode colaborar com a cronificação da inflamação.


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Avaliou-se neste estudo o efeito do estresse, via administração de ACTH (hormônio adrenocorticotrófico), sobre a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido e a indicação de estresse pela alteração no nível de cortisol. Assim, 12 cabras lactantes foram distribuídas em dois grupos: seis animais receberam aplicação de 0,06 UI de ACTH/kg de PV (desafiadas) e seis receberam solução placebo (controle), todas via intravenosa. O desafio ocorreu ao longo da lactação, com aplicação do protocolo aos 30, 60, 120 e 180 dias do início da lactação, avaliando-se em cada data os níveis de cortisol 30 minutos antes, no ato da aplicação, 60, 120 e 300 minutos depois. A produção leiteira foi mensurada diariamente durante 270 dias e, a cada 20 dias, o leite foi colhido para contagem de células somáticas (CCS) pelo método direto. Os teores de cortisol mensurados em -30 e 0 minuto antes da aplicação de ACTH foram baixos e semelhantes entre os grupos. Entretanto, a partir de 60 minutos, constatou-se efeito da aplicação de ACTH, com teor de cortisol de 61,37±6,65 versus 5,47±1,21 ng/mL e de 51,17±10,21 versus 4,67±1,21 ng/mL aos 120 minutos. Aos 300 minutos, o cortisol retornou ao nível basal. Não houve diferença na produção de leite, no teor de proteína e de gordura do leite, cujos valores nos grupos ACTH e Placebo foram 1,37±0,59 e 1,38±0,63 kg de leite, respectivamente. A contagem de células somáticas não foi influenciada pelo estresse e apresentou valores situados na faixa indicada para animais sadios. Constatou-se estresse pontual em decorrência da aplicação de ACTH, porém sem alterações de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa do leite produzido, e isso indica que atividades de manejo que estressam os animais pontualmente não trazem prejuízos ao sistema produtivo.


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The aim of this thesis is to go through different approaches for proving expressiveness properties in several concurrent languages. We analyse four different calculi exploiting for each one a different technique. We begin with the analysis of a synchronous language, we explore the expressiveness of a fragment of CCS! (a variant of Milner's CCS where replication is considered instead of recursion) w.r.t. the existence of faithful encodings (i.e. encodings that respect the behaviour of the encoded model without introducing unnecessary computations) of models of computability strictly less expressive than Turing Machines. Namely, grammars of types 1,2 and 3 in the Chomsky Hierarchy. We then move to asynchronous languages and we study full abstraction for two Linda-like languages. Linda can be considered as the asynchronous version of CCS plus a shared memory (a multiset of elements) that is used for storing messages. After having defined a denotational semantics based on traces, we obtain fully abstract semantics for both languages by using suitable abstractions in order to identify different traces which do not correspond to different behaviours. Since the ability of one of the two variants considered of recognising multiple occurrences of messages in the store (which accounts for an increase of expressiveness) reflects in a less complex abstraction, we then study other languages where multiplicity plays a fundamental role. We consider the language CHR (Constraint Handling Rules) a language which uses multi-headed (guarded) rules. We prove that multiple heads augment the expressive power of the language. Indeed we show that if we restrict to rules where the head contains at most n atoms we could generate a hierarchy of languages with increasing expressiveness (i.e. the CHR language allowing at most n atoms in the heads is more expressive than the language allowing at most m atoms, with m


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A very recent and exciting new area of research is the application of Concurrency Theory tools to formalize and analyze biological systems and one of the most promising approach comes from the process algebras (process calculi). A process calculus is a formal language that allows to describe concurrent systems and comes with well-established techniques for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Biological systems can be regarded as concurrent systems and therefore modeled by means of process calculi. In this thesis we focus on the process calculi approach to the modeling of biological systems and investigate, mostly from a theoretical point of view, several promising bio-inspired formalisms: Brane Calculi and k-calculus family. We provide several expressiveness results mostly by means of comparisons between calculi. We provide a lower bound to the computational power of the non Turing complete MDB Brane Calculi by showing an encoding of a simple P-System into MDB. We address the issue of local implementation within the k-calculus family: whether n-way rewrites can be simulated by binary interactions only. A solution introducing divergence is provided and we prove a deterministic solution preserving the termination property is not possible. We use the symmetric leader election problem to test synchronization capabilities within the k-calculus family. Several fragments of the original k-calculus are considered and we prove an impossibility result about encoding n-way synchronization into (n-1)-way synchronization. A similar impossibility result is obtained in a pure computer science context. We introduce CCSn, an extension of CCS with multiple input prefixes and show, using the dining philosophers problem, that there is no reasonable encoding of CCS(n+1) into CCSn.


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The main objective of my thesis was the technical-economic feasibility of a system of electricity generation integrated with CCS. The policy framework for development processing is part of the recent attention that at the political level has been directed towards the use of CCS technologies with the aim of addressing the problems of actual climate change. Several technological options have been proposed to stabilize and reduce the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) among which, the most promising for IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)are the CCS technologies (Carbon Capture and Storage & Carbon Capture and Sequestration). The remedy proposed for large stationary CO2 sources as thermoelectric power plants is to separate the flue gas capturing CO2 and to store it into deep subsurface geological formations (more than 800 meters of depth). In order to support the identification of potential CO2 storage reservoirs in Italy and in Europe by Geo Capacity(an European database) new studies are developing. From the various literature data analyzed shows that most of the CO2 emitted from large stationary sources comes from the processes of electricity generation (78% of total emissions) and from (about 60%) those using coal especially. The CCS have the objective of return "to the sender" , the ground, the carbon in oxidized form (CO2) after it has been burned by man starting from its reduced form (CH4, oil and coal), then the carbon dioxide is not a "pollutant" if injected into the subsurface, CO2 is an acid reagent that interacts with the rock, with underground fluid and the characteristics of the host rock. The results showed that the CCS technology are very urgent, because unfortunately there are too many industrial sources of CO2 in assets (power plants, refineries, cement plants, steel mills) in the world who are carrying too quickly the CO2 atmospheric concentration levels to values that aren't acceptable for our dear planet.


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With advances in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, the population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased. In the current era, there are more adults with CHD than children. This population has many unique issues and needs. They have distinctive forms of heart failure and their cardiac disease can be associated with pulmonary hypertension, thromboemboli, complex arrhythmias and sudden death. Medical aspects that need to be considered relate to the long-term and multisystemic effects of single ventricle physiology, cyanosis, systemic right ventricles, complex intracardiac baffles and failing subpulmonary right ventricles. Since the 2001 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Consensus Conference report on the management of adults with CHD, there have been significant advances in the field of adult CHD. Therefore, new clinical guidelines have been written by Canadian adult CHD physicians in collaboration with an international panel of experts in the field. Part III of the guidelines includes recommendations for the care of patients with complete transposition of the great arteries, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, Fontan operations and single ventricles, Eisenmenger's syndrome, and cyanotic heart disease. Topics addressed include genetics, clinical outcomes, recommended diagnostic workup, surgical and interventional options, treatment of arrhythmias, assessment of pregnancy risk and follow-up requirements. The complete document consists of four manuscripts, which are published online in the present issue of The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. The complete document and references can also be found at www.ccs.ca or www.cachnet.org.


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With advances in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, the population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased. In the current era, there are more adults with CHD than children. This population has many unique issues and needs. They have distinctive forms of heart failure, and their cardiac disease can be associated with pulmonary hypertension, thromboemboli, complex arrhythmias and sudden death.Medical aspects that need to be considered relate to the long-term and multisystemic effects of single-ventricle physiology, cyanosis, systemic right ventricles, complex intracardiac baffles and failing subpulmonary right ventricles. Since the 2001 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Consensus Conference report on the management of adults with CHD, there have been significant advances in the understanding of the late outcomes, genetics, medical therapy and interventional approaches in the field of adult CHD. Therefore, new clinical guidelines have been written by Canadian adult CHD physicians in collaboration with an international panel of experts in the field. The present executive summary is a brief overview of the new guidelines and includes the recommendations for interventions. The complete document consists of four manuscripts that are published online in the present issue of The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, including sections on genetics, clinical outcomes, recommended diagnostic workup, surgical and interventional options, treatment of arrhythmias, assessment of pregnancy and contraception risks, and follow-up requirements. The complete document and references can also be found at www.ccs.ca or www.cachnet.org.


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OBJECTIVE: Assessment of postoperative quality of life in patients over 80 years after cardiac surgery including coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), aortic valve replacement (AVR) and combined procedures. METHODS: Quality of life of n=136 patients over 80 years at operation (82.3+/-2.1 years), undergoing isolated CABG in 61 patients (45%), isolated AVR in 34 patients (25%) and a combination of CABG and AVR in 41 patients (30%) between January 1999 and December 2003 was reviewed. Preoperatively 66.2% presented in NYHA-class III/IV or CCS-class III/IV. Mean ejection fraction (EF) was 59.5%+/-14.0 (range 25-90%). Quality of life assessment was performed via a Seattle Angina Questionnaire. Follow-up was 100% complete for a total of 890 days (69-1853 days). RESULTS: Five-year survival was 70% for the CABG group, 75% for the AVR group and 65% for the CABG/AVR group. Quality of life was remarkable in all of the three groups after surgery. Overall 97 patients (81%) were not or little disabled in their daily activity. One hundred and twelve patients (93%) were free or considerably less symptomatic. Seventy-eight patients or 65% reported to be very satisfied with their current quality of life and 112 patients (93%) felt very reassured to have continuous full access to medical treatment despite of their advanced age. CONCLUSIONS: A remarkable quality of life and important improvement in the functional status after cardiac surgery in patients over 80 paired with a satisfactory medium-term survival justify early intervention for heart disease in this age group. Therefore, referral practice for patients over 80 years for heart surgery should be handled liberally.


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The novel approach to carbon capture and storage (CCS) described in this dissertation is a significant departure from the conventional approach to CCS. The novel approach uses a sodium carbonate solution to first capture CO2 from post combustion flue gas streams. The captured CO2 is then reacted with an alkaline industrial waste material, at ambient conditions, to regenerate the carbonate solution and permanently store the CO2 in the form of an added value carbonate mineral. Conventional CCS makes use of a hazardous amine solution for CO2 capture, a costly thermal regeneration stage, and the underground storage of supercritical CO2. The objective of the present dissertation was to examine each individual stage (capture and storage) of the proposed approach to CCS. Study of the capture stage found that a 2% w/w sodium carbonate solution was optimal for CO2 absorption in the present system. The 2% solution yielded the best tradeoff between the CO2 absorption rate and the CO2 absorption capacity of the solutions tested. Examination of CO2 absorption in the presence of flue gas impurities (NOx and SOx) found that carbonate solutions possess a significant advantage over amine solutions, that they could be used for multi-pollutant capture. All the NOx and SOx fed to the carbonate solution was able to be captured. Optimization studies found that it was possible to increase the absorption rate of CO2 into the carbonate solution by adding a surfactant to the solution to chemically alter the gas bubble size. The absorption rate of CO2 was increased by as much as 14%. Three coal combustion fly ash materials were chosen as the alkaline industrial waste materials to study the storage CO2 and regeneration the absorbent. X-ray diffraction analysis on reacted fly ash samples confirmed that the captured CO2 reacts with the fly ash materials to form a carbonate mineral, specifically calcite. Studies found that after a five day reaction time, 75% utilization of the waste material for CO2 storage could be achieved, while regenerating the absorbent. The regenerated absorbent exhibited a nearly identical CO2 absorption capacity and CO2 absorption rate as a fresh Na2CO3 solution.


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BACKGROUND: Polymer as carrier substance for drugeluting stents (DES) has been accused of inducing inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions leading to restenosis and stent thrombosis. Thus, a new paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) with aminoparylene as a carrier substance is tested in the present study. METHODS: In 10 pigs, stents were implanted in the epicardial coronary arteries: 1) bare-metal stents (BMS, control stent); 2) cobalt-chromium stents (CCS); and 3) PES. Stent length was 15 mm, and diameter was 3 mm. The animals were restudied after 6 weeks. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed at baseline and follow up. Minimum luminal diameter (MLD) and late loss were calculated in all animals. Histologic vessel lumen, intimal proliferation and restenosis were determined by morphometry. Disruption of the lamina elastica interna (LEI) and inflammatory reactions were assessed by histology. RESULTS: The MLD at baseline was 2.83 +/- 0.28 mm, and at follow up it was 2.29 +/- 0.44 (p < 0.05; n = 30). Late loss and angiographic restenosis were smallest in the CCS and largest in the PES (ns). Neointimal proliferation was similar for all 3 stents, ranging between 1.38 and 1.64 mm(2) (ns). There was a significant correlation between disruption of the LEI and inflammatory reactions. CONCLUSIONS: PTs with aminoparylene as a carrier substance show similar late loss and angiographic restenosis to that of BM and CCS. The incidence of inflammatory reactions (35% of all histologic sections) is similar in all stents, but highest in PES. The mechanism of this reaction is unclear, but may be either due to the drug itself, the disruption of the LEI or to a hypersensitivity reaction.


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Rationale: Focal onset epileptic seizures are due to abnormal interactions between distributed brain areas. By estimating the cross-correlation matrix of multi-site intra-cerebral EEG recordings (iEEG), one can quantify these interactions. To assess the topology of the underlying functional network, the binary connectivity matrix has to be derived from the cross-correlation matrix by use of a threshold. Classically, a unique threshold is used that constrains the topology [1]. Our method aims to set the threshold in a data-driven way by separating genuine from random cross-correlation. We compare our approach to the fixed threshold method and study the dynamics of the functional topology. Methods: We investigate the iEEG of patients suffering from focal onset seizures who underwent evaluation for the possibility of surgery. The equal-time cross-correlation matrices are evaluated using a sliding time window. We then compare 3 approaches assessing the corresponding binary networks. For each time window: * Our parameter-free method derives from the cross-correlation strength matrix (CCS)[2]. It aims at disentangling genuine from random correlations (due to finite length and varying frequency content of the signals). In practice, a threshold is evaluated for each pair of channels independently, in a data-driven way. * The fixed mean degree (FMD) uses a unique threshold on the whole connectivity matrix so as to ensure a user defined mean degree. * The varying mean degree (VMD) uses the mean degree of the CCS network to set a unique threshold for the entire connectivity matrix. * Finally, the connectivity (c), connectedness (given by k, the number of disconnected sub-networks), mean global and local efficiencies (Eg, El, resp.) are computed from FMD, CCS, VMD, and their corresponding random and lattice networks. Results: Compared to FMD and VMD, CCS networks present: *topologies that are different in terms of c, k, Eg and El. *from the pre-ictal to the ictal and then post-ictal period, topological features time courses that are more stable within a period, and more contrasted from one period to the next. For CCS, pre-ictal connectivity is low, increases to a high level during the seizure, then decreases at offset. k shows a ‘‘U-curve’’ underlining the synchronization of all electrodes during the seizure. Eg and El time courses fluctuate between the corresponding random and lattice networks values in a reproducible manner. Conclusions: The definition of a data-driven threshold provides new insights into the topology of the epileptic functional networks.


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Background: Life partnerships other than marriage are rarely studied in childhood cancer survivors (CCS). We aimed (1) to describe life partnership and marriage in CCS and compare them to life partnerships in siblings and the general population; and (2) to identify socio-demographic and cancer-related factors associated with life partnership and marriage. Methods: As part of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS), a questionnaire was sent to all CCS (aged 20–40 years) registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR), aged <16 years at diagnosis, who had survived ≥5 years. The proportion with life partner or married was compared between CSS and siblings and participants in the Swiss Health Survey (SHS). Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with life partnership or marriage. Results: We included 1,096 CCS of the SCCSS, 500 siblings and 5,593 participants of the SHS. Fewer CCS (47%) than siblings (61%, P < 0.001) had life partners, and fewer CCS were married (16%) than among the SHS population (26%, P > 0.001). Older (OR = 1.14, P < 0.001) and female CCS (OR = 1.85, <0.001) were more likely to have life partners. CCS who had undergone radiotherapy, bone marrow transplants (global PTreatment = 0.018) or who had a CNS diagnosis (global PDiagnosis < 0.001) were less likely to have life partners. Conclusion: CCS are less likely to have life partners than their peers. Most CCS with a life partner were not married. Future research should focus on the effect of these disparities on the quality of life of CCS.