1000 resultados para CARBON-DIOXIDE LASER


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A membrane reactor allows for simultaneous separation and reaction, and thus, can play a good role to produce value-added chemicals. In this work, we demonstrated such a membrane reactor based on fluorite oxide samarium-doped ceria (SDC) using an external short-circuit concept for oxygen permeation. The fluorite phase was employed to impart its high structural stability, while its limited electronic conductivity was overcome by the application of an external short circuit to function the SDC membrane for oxygen transport. On one side of the membrane, i.e., feed side, carbon dioxide decomposition into carbon monoxide and oxygen was carried out with the aid of a Pt or Ag catalyst. The resultant oxygen was concurrently depleted on the membrane surface and transported to the other side of the membrane, favorably shifting this equilibrium-limited reaction to the product side. The transported oxygen on the permeate side with the aid of a GdNi/Al2O3 catalyst was then consumed by the reaction with methane to form syngas, i.e., carbon monoxide and hydrogen. As such, the required driving force for gas transport through the membrane can be sustained by coupling two different reactions in one membrane reactor, whose stability to withstand these different gases at high temperatures is attained in this paper. We also examined the effect of the membrane thickness, oxygen ionic transport rate, and CO2 and CH4 flow rates to the membrane reactor performance. More importantly, here, we proved the feasibility of a highly stable membrane reactor based on an external short circuit as evidenced by achieving the constant performance in CO selectivity, CH4 conversion, CO2 conversion, and O2 flux during 100 h of operation and unaltered membrane structure after this operation together with the coking resistance.


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Praseodymium 4-hydroxycinnamate (Pr(4OHCin)3) was investigated as a novel corrosion inhibitor for steel in NaCl solutions, and found to be effective at inhibiting corrosion in both CO2-containing and naturally-aerated systems. Surface analysis results suggest that the corrosion inhibition ability of Pr(4OHCin)3 in the naturally-aerated corrosion system could be attributed to the formation of a continuous protective film. For the CO2-containing system, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of Pr(4OHCin)3 was predominantly because of formation of protective inhibiting deposits at the active electrochemical corrosion sites, in addition to a thinner surface film deposit. © 2013.


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A series of rare earth 4-hydroxycinnamate compounds including Ce(4OHCin)3, La(4OHCin)3, and Pr(4OHCin)3 has been synthesized and evaluated as novel inhibitors for carbon dioxide corrosion of steel in CO2-saturated sodium chloride solutions. Electrochemical measurements and surface analysis have shown that these REM(4OHCin)3 compounds effectively inhibited CO2 corrosion by forming protective inhibiting deposits that shut down the active electrochemical corrosion sites on the steel surface. Inhibition efficiency was found to increase in the order Ce(4OHCin)3 < La(4OHCin)3 < Pr(4OHCin)3 and with increase in inhibitor concentration up to 0.63 mM. Detailed insights into corrosion inhibition mechanism of these compounds in carbon dioxide environment are also provided.


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This paper tests the convergence in per-capita carbon dioxide emissions for a collection of developed and developing countries using data spanning the period 1870-2002. For this purpose, three recently developed panel unit root tests that permit for dependence among the individual countries are employed. The results lend strong support in favor of convergence for the panel as a whole. Estimates of the speed of this convergence is also provided. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Fixation of CO2 is one of the most important priorities of the scientific community dedicated to reduce global warming. In this work, we propose new methods for the fixation of CO2 using the guanidine bases tetramethylguanidine (TMG) and 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]-pyrimidine (TBD). In order to understand the reactions occurring during the CO2 fixation and release processes, we employed several experimental methods, including solution and solid-state NMR, FTIR, and coupled TGA-FTIR. Quantum mechanical NMR calculations were also carried out. Based on the results obtained, we concluded that CO2 fixation with both TMG and TBD guanidines is a kinetically reversible process, and the corresponding fixation products have proved to be useful as transcarboxylating compounds. Afterward, CO2 thermal releasing from this fixation product with TBD was found to be an interesting process for CO2 capture and isolation purposes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Keloids are considered to be benign hyperproliferative growths of dense fibrous tissue and overabundant deposition of disorganized, thick, hyalinized collagen that result from an abnormal tissue response to cutaneous injury. Keloids do not have a specific cause, although genetic predisposition is heavily implicated. We present a case report of a patient with an earlobe keloid that was treated with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with an 0.8-mm focus, 7 W, a power density of 2.5 W/cm(2), in a continuous mode. The patient was seen for follow-up 6 months later. An intact hole for placement of an earring was observed with a very good esthetic and functional result.


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Os solos agrícolas podem atuar como dreno ou fonte de C atmosférico, dependendo do sistema de manejo adotado. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em experimento de longa duração (22 anos), durante o período de 30 dias do outono, com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de sistemas de preparo de solo (preparo convencional-PC e plantio direto-PD) nas emissões de C-CO2 de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, em Cruz Alta, RS. As emissões de C-CO2 do solo foram avaliadas com câmaras dinâmica (Flux Chamber 6400-09, Licor) e estática (com captação em solução alcalina), imediatamente após a colheita da soja. A temperatura e a umidade do solo foram registradas, concomitantemente com as emissões de C-CO2, por meio de sensor de temperatura e TDR manual, respectivamente, integrantes do Licor-6400. Estimou-se que, em 30 dias, uma quantidade equivalente a menos de 30 % do C aportado pelos resíduos de soja foi emitida na forma de C-CO2. As emissões de C-CO2 no solo em PD foram similares às emissões do solo em PC, independentemente do tipo de câmara utilizada. Diferenças entre sistemas de preparo quanto à emissão de C-CO2, avaliadas com a câmara dinâmica, foram verificadas somente a curto prazo (leituras diárias), com o PD apresentando maiores emissões do que o PC no início do período experimental e menores no final. A câmara dinâmica foi mais eficiente do que a estática em captar as alterações das emissões de C-CO2 em função da variação da temperatura e a porosidade preenchida por água (PPA) no solo em PD, as quais explicaram 83 e 62 % das emissões de C-CO2, respectivamente. O fator Q10, que avalia a sensibilidade da emissão de C-CO2 à temperatura do solo, foi estimado em 3,93, indicando alta sensibilidade da atividade microbiana à temperatura do solo durante o outono. As emissões de C-CO2 registradas no solo em PD com a câmara estática foram correlacionadas às da câmara dinâmica, porém com valores subestimados em relação àquela notadamente nos maiores valores de fluxo. em condições de baixa temperatura e PPA, o preparo de solo induziu limitado incremento de emissão de C-CO2.


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In this work the relationship between CO2 emissions and the soil properties of a tropical Brazilian bare soil was investigated. Carbon dioxide emissions were measured on three different days at different soil temperature and the soil moisture conditions, and the soil properties were investigated at the same points that emissions were measured. The soil CO2 emissions were correlated to carbon content, cation exchange capacity and free iron content at the 65 points studied in an area of 100 x 100 m located in southern Brazil. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soil tillage may influence CO2 emissions in agricultural systems. Agricultural soils are managed in several ways in Brazil, ranging from no tillage to intensive land preparation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of common soil tillage treatments (disk harrow, reversible disk plow, rotary tiller and chisel plow tillage systems) on the intermediate CO2 emissions of a dark red latosol, located in southern Brazil. Different tillage systems produced significant differences in the CO2 emissions, and the results indicate that the chisel plow produced the highest soil carbon loss during the 15 days period after tillage treatments were performed. Emissions to the atmosphere increased as much as 74 g CO2 m(-2), at the end of a 2-week period, in the plot where the chisel plow treatment was applied, in comparison to the non-disturbed plot. The results indicate that the total increase on the intermediate term soil CO2 emissions due to tillage treatments in southern Brazil is comparable to that reported for the more humid and cooler regions. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.


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Methane and carbon dioxide seasonal cycles during years 1998 and 1999 at two Brazilian urban and inland sites are presented. The mixing ratio averages over the studied period of time were 1.80 ppm CH4 and 384.7 ppm CO2. A comparison is made between continental averages and the averages of the three nearest global network background sites of NOAA-CMDL comprising Ascension Island, Namibia and Easter Island. Inland sites had 0.08 ppm or 4.9% more CH4 and 19.0 ppm or 4.9% more CO2 than background over the same time span. The CH4 summer minimum observed in remote sites was also detected inland. During the month of October 98 and 99 inland mixing ratios were frequently similar to background.