437 resultados para Buying.


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We interviewed 21 farmers in order to access which sanitary practices adopted in the production systems of beef cattle on farms located in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondonia. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach to the collection of data obtained through questionnaire and personal interview with the landowners. We questioned the attitudes and sanitation procedures in these current production systems such as veterinary assistance, preventive health practices and disease surveillance, knowledge of health hazards for the safe production of food, animal feed, vaccine and immunizations, registration system, measures with newborns, products used in the environment and animals, grace period, employee training, destination of the dead animals, among others. Along with the data found that only 30% of properties had veterinary care, 67% said they meet the expiration dates of the products, although it was not mentioned on the products if there were any. In only 48% of properties were veterinarians who prescribed drugs to animals. Only two of the owners confirmed buying and using expired products in animals and only 48% have received some training on the property. In this setting, it is evident that farmers should be better prepared for insertion of its products in a highly demanding and competitive market. In this context, add value to the product depends mainly on the condition of sanitation of the herds.


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Brazil is the world’s first chicken meat exporter nowadays. The maintenance of this position requires a constant quality attributes evolution. This work evaluated the chicken meat consumer profile in the northwest region of São Paulo state, the most important Brazilian poultry meat consumer market, in order to provide information to the productive sector. The data were collected using 482 interviews and questionnaires that were answered by e-mail. The questionnaires involved questions related to the consumer identification, habits and preferences and their knowledge about food safety, production system, sustainability and animal welfare. Most of the consumers, 62%, were female, with ages ranging from 20 to 50 years. Beef was preferred by the majority of the answerers and chicken and pork meat were together the second choice. Only 2% of the interviewed consumers mentioned not enjoying poultry meat. The main part of consumers, 67%, prefer to buy breast and leg cuts and only 11% are used to buy the whole poultry carcass. More than 60% of the interviewed have already eaten free range chicken meat, but the majority of them, 89%, are used to consume regular industrialized poultry. About 75% of the consumers believe hormones are used to grow the birds. Over 80% of people observe the expiration date before buying the product, but only 55% check if it has the stamp of the official inspection service. Color and appearance of meat are the most important factors that influence the consumer’s choice. The amount of water that drips on the tray is a rejection factor to 88% of answerers. Most of them, 66%, prefer lighter colored meat. Only 27% of them believe that chicken meat causes an environmental impact and 48% do not know the meaning of animal welfare. More than half of the interviewed do not consider animal welfare aspects before consuming any kind of meat. From these results obtained, it is possible to conclude that any effort to improve the product quality, mainly concerned to animal welfare and sustainability aspects, requires prior educational initiatives.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This NebGuide provides a list of various market information sources, each followed by a brief summary of issue schedules and contents. It provides a listing of widely used and readily available market information sources that contain information which may be useful to agricultural producers, lenders and agribusiness firms when making livestock and poultry marketing decisions. Most of the available market information and statistical data comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Many now require an annual subscription fee.


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Although traditionally obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and impulse control disorders (ICD) have represented opposing ends of a continuum, recent research has demonstrated a frequent co-occurrence of impulsive and compulsive behaviours, which may contribute to a worse clinical picture of some psychiatric disorders. We hypothesize that individuals with 'impulsive' OCD as characterized by poor insight, low resistance, and reduced control towards their compulsions will have a deteriorative course, greater severity of hoarding and/or symmetry/ordering symptoms, and comorbid ICD and/or substance use disorders (SUD). The sample consisted of 869 individuals with a minimum score of 16 on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Of these, 65 had poor insight, low resistance, and reduced control towards compulsions ('poor IRC') and 444 had preserved insight, greater resistance and better control over compulsions ('good IRC'). These two groups were compared on a number of clinical and demographic variables. Individuals with poor IRC were significantly more likely to have a deteriorative course (p < 0.001), longer duration of obsessions (p = 0.017), greater severity of symmetry/ordering (p < 0.001), contamination/cleaning (p < 0.001) and hoarding (p = 0.002) symptoms, and comorbid intermittent explosive disorder (p = 0.026), trichotillomania (p = 0.014) and compulsive buying (p = 0.040). Regression analysis revealed that duration of obsessions (p = 0.037) and hoarding severity (p = 0.005) were significant predictors of poor IRC. In the absence of specific measures for impulsivity in OCD, the study highlights the utility of simple measures such as insight, resistance and control over compulsions as a phenotypic marker of a subgroup of OCD with impulsive features demonstrating poor clinical outcome. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Factor analyses indicate that hoarding symptoms constitute a distinctive dimension of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), usually associated with higher severity and limited insight. The aim was to compare demographic and clinical features of OCD patients with and without hoarding symptoms. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted with 1001 DSM-IV OCD patients from the Brazilian Research Consortium of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (CTOC), using several instruments. The presence and severity of hoarding symptoms were determined using the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Statistical univariate analyses comparing factors possibly associated with hoarding symptoms were conducted, followed by logistic regression to adjust the results for possible confounders. Results: Approximately half of the sample (52.7%, n = 528) presented hoarding symptoms, but only four patients presented solely the hoarding dimension. Hoarding was the least severe dimension in the total sample (mean score: 3.89). The most common lifetime hoarding symptom was the obsessive thought of needing to collect and keep things for the future (44.0%, n = 440). After logistic regression, the following variables remained independently associated with hoarding symptoms: being older, living alone, earlier age of symptoms onset, insidious onset of obsessions, higher anxiety scores, poorer insight and higher frequency of the symmetry-ordering symptom dimension. Concerning comorbidities, major depressive, posttraumatic stress and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, compulsive buying and tic disorders remained associated with the hoarding dimension. Conclusion: OCD hoarding patients are more likely to present certain clinical features, but further studies are needed to determine whether OCD patients with hoarding symptoms constitute an etiologically discrete subgroup. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Compulsive buying (CB) is currently classified as an impulse control disorder (ICD) not otherwise classified. Compulsive buying prevalence is estimated at around 5% of the general population. There is controversy about whether CB should be classified as an ICD, a subsyndromal bipolar disorder (BD), or an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) akin to a hoarding syndrome. To further investigate the appropriate classification of CB, we compared patients with CB, BD, and OCD for impulsivity, affective instability, hoarding, and other OCD symptoms. Method: Eighty outpatients (24 CB, 21 BD, and 35 OCD) who were neither manic nor hypomanic were asked to fill out self-report questionnaires. Results: Compulsive buying patients scored significantly higher on all impulsivity measures and on acquisition but not on the hoarding subdimensions of clutter and "difficulty discarding." Patients with BD scored higher on the mania dimension from the Structured Clinical Interview for Mood Spectrum scale. Patients with OCD scored higher on obsessive-compulsive symptoms and, particularly, higher on the contamination/washing and checking dimensions from the Padua Inventory; however, they did not score higher on any hoarding dimension. A discriminant model built with these variables correctly classified patients with CB (79%), BD (71%), and OCD (77%). Conclusion: Patients with CB came out as impulsive acquirers, resembling ICD- rather than BD- or OCD-related disorders. Manic symptoms were distinctive of patients with BD. Hoarding symptoms other than acquisition were not particularly associated with any diagnostic group. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We evaluated whether traumatic events are associated with a distinctive pattern of socio-demographic and clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We compared socio-demographic and clinical features of 106 patients developing OCD after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; termed post-traumatic OCD), 41 patients developing OCD before PTSD (pre-traumatic OCD), and 810 OCD patients without any history of PTSD (non-traumatic OCD) using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A later age at onset of OCD, self-mutilation disorder, history of suicide plans, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and compulsive buying disorder were independently related to post-traumatic OCD. In contrast, earlier age at OCD onset, alcohol-related disorders, contamination-washing symptoms, and self-mutilation disorder were all independently associated with pre-traumatic OCD. In addition, patients with post-traumatic OCD without a previous history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) showed lower educational levels, greater rates of contamination-washing symptoms, and more severe miscellaneous symptoms as compared to post-traumatic OCD patients with a history of OCS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La ricerca si pone come obbiettivo principale quello di individuare gli strumenti in grado di controllare la qualità di una progettazione specifica che risponde alle forti richieste della domanda turistica di un territorio. Parte dalle più semplici teorie che inquadrano una costante condizione dell’uomo, “il VIAGGIARE”. La ricerca si pone come primo interrogativo quello definire una “dimensione” in cui le persone viaggiano, dove il concetto fisico di spazio dedicato alla vita si è spostato come e quanto si sposta la gente. Esiste una sorta di macroluogo (destinazione) che comprende tutti gli spazi dove la gente arriva e da cui spesso riparte. Pensare all'architettura dell’ospitalità significa indagare e comprendere come la casa non è più il solo luogo dove la gente abita. La ricerca affonda le proprie tesi sull’importanza dei “luoghi” appartenenti ad un territorio e come essi debbano riappropriarsi, attraverso un percorso progettuale, della loro più stretta vocazione attrattiva. Così come si sviluppa un’architettura dello stare, si manifesta un’architettura dello spostarsi e tali architetture si confondono e si integrano ad un territorio che per sua natura è esso stesso attrattivo. L’origine terminologica di nomadismo è passaggio necessario per la comprensione di una nuova dimensione architettonica legata a concetti quali mobilità e abitare. Si indaga pertanto all’interno della letteratura “diasporica”, in cui compaiono le prime configurazioni legate alla provvisorietà e alle costruzioni “erranti”. In sintesi, dopo aver posizionato e classificato il fenomeno turistico come nuova forma dell’abitare, senza il quale non si potrebbe svolgere una completa programmazione territoriale in quanto fenomeno oramai imprescindibile, la ricerca procede con l’individuazione di un ambito inteso come strumento di indagine sulle relazioni tra le diverse categorie e “tipologie” turistiche. La Riviera Romagnola è sicuramente molto famosa per la sua ospitalità e per le imponenti infrastrutture turistiche ma a livello industriale non è meno famosa per il porto di Ravenna che costituisce un punto di riferimento logistico per lo scambio di merci e materie prime via mare, oltre che essere, in tutta la sua estensione, caso di eccellenza. La provincia di Ravenna mette insieme tutti i fattori che servono a soddisfare le Total Leisure Experience, cioè esperienze di totale appagamento durante la vacanza. Quello che emerge dalle considerazioni svolte sul territorio ravennate è che il turista moderno non va più in cerca di una vacanza monotematica, in cui stare solo in spiaggia o occuparsi esclusivamente di monumenti e cultura. La richiesta è quella di un piacere procurato da una molteplicità di elementi. Pensiamo ad un distretto turistico dove l’offerta, oltre alla spiaggia o gli itinerari culturali, è anche occasione per fare sport o fitness, per rilassarsi in luoghi sereni, per gustare o acquistare cibi tipici e, allo stesso tempo, godere degli stessi servizi che una persona può avere a disposizione nella propria casa. Il percorso, finalizzato a definire un metodo di progettazione dell’ospitalità, parte dalla acquisizione delle esperienze nazionali ed internazionali avvenute negli ultimi dieci anni. La suddetta fase di ricerca “tipologica” si è conclusa in una valutazione critica che mette in evidenza punti di forza e punti di debolezza delle esperienze prese in esame. La conclusione di questa esplorazione ha prodotto una prima stesura degli “obbiettivi concettuali” legati alla elaborazione di un modello architettonico. Il progetto di ricerca in oggetto converge sul percorso tracciato dai Fiumi Uniti in Ravenna. Tale scelta consente di prendere in considerazione un parametro che mostri fattori di continuità tra costa e città, tra turismo balneare e turismo culturale, considerato quindi come potenziale strumento di connessione tra realtà spesso omologhe o complementari, in vista di una implementazione turistica che il progetto di ricerca ha come primo tra i suoi obiettivi. Il tema dell’architettura dell’ospitalità, che in questo caso si concretizza nell’idea di sperimentare l’ALBERGO DIFFUSO, è quello che permette di evidenziare al meglio la forma specifica della cultura locale, salvandone la vocazione universale. La proposta progettuale si articola in uno studio consequenziale ed organico in grado di promuovere una riflessione originale sul tema del modulo “abitativo” nei luoghi di prossimità delle emergenze territoriali di specifico interesse, attorno alle quali la crescente affluenza di un’utenza fortemente differenziata evidenzia la necessità di nodi singolari che si prestino a soddisfare una molteplicità di usi in contesti di grande pregio.


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It is a central premise of the advertising campaigns for nearly all digital communication devices that buying them augments the user: they give us a larger, better memory; make us more “creative” and “productive”; and/or empower us to access whatever information we desire from wherever we happen to be. This study is about how recent popular cinema represents the failure of these technological devices to inspire the enchantment that they once did and opens the question of what is causing this failure. Using examples from the James Bond films, the essay analyzes the ways in which human users are frequently represented as the media connecting and augmenting digital devices and NOT the reverse. It makes use of the debates about the ways in which our subjectivity is itself a networked phenomenon and the extended mind debate from the philosophy of mind. It will prove (1) that this represents an important counter-narrative to the technophilic optimism about augmentation that pervades contemporary advertising, consumer culture, and educational debates; and (2) that this particular discourse of augmentation is really about technological advances and not advances in human capacity.


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The new knowledge environments of the digital age are oen described as places where we are all closely read, with our buying habits, location, and identities available to advertisers, online merchants, the government, and others through our use of the Internet. This is represented as a loss of privacy in which these entities learn about our activities and desires, using means that were unavailable in the pre-digital era. This article argues that the reciprocal nature of digital networks means 1) that the privacy issues that we face online are not radically different from those of the pre-Internet era, and 2) that we need to reconceive of close reading as an activity of which both humans and computer algorithms are capable.


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The sudden independence of Kyrgyzstan from the Soviet Union in 1991 led to a total rupture of industrial and agricultural production. Based on empirical data, this study seeks to identify key land use transformation processes since the late 1980s, their impact on people's livelihoods and the implication for natural resources in the communes of Tosh Bulak and Saz, located in the Sokuluk River Basin on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Range. Using the concept of the sustainable livelihood approach as an analytical framework, three different livelihood strategies were identified: (1) An accumulation strategy applied by wealthy households where renting and/or buying of land is a key element; they are the only household category capable of venturing into rain fed agriculture. (2) A preserving strategy involving mainly intermediate households who are not able to buy or rent additional agricultural land; very often they are forced to return their land to the commune or sell it to wealthier households. (3) A coping strategy including mainly poor households consisting of elderly pensioners or headed by single mothers; due to their limited labour and economic power, agricultural production is very low and hardly covers subsistence needs; pensions and social allowances form the backbone of these livelihoods. Ecological assessments have shown that the forage productivity of remote high mountain pastures has increased from 5 to 22 per cent since 1978. At the same time forage productivity on pre-mountain and mountain pastures close to villages has generally decreased from 1 to 34 per cent. It seems that the main avenues for livelihoods to increase their wealth are to be found in the agricultural sector by controlling more and mainly irrigated land as well as by increasing livestock. The losers in this process are thus those households unable to keep or exploit their arable land or to benefit from new agricultural land. Ensuring access to land for the poor is therefore imperative in order to combat rural poverty and socio-economic disparities in rural Kyrgyzstan.