330 resultados para Buddhist temples.


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When 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, many monuments, temples and houses turned into rubbles killing more than 8,000 people and injuring above 21,000. This unfortunate and tragic natural disaster brought international attention to Nepal. But in this time of despair and pain there was a sign of hope that should be acknowledged well, the spirit of community facing the disaster. This paper is about the indigenous community of Kathmandu on how they organized an important traditional festival just four months after the disaster when most the people were still living in the makeshifts, along with the smaller aftershock continuing almost everyday. In the country like Nepal with numerous intangible heritages, which is, still living is not taken seriously by the concerned authorities and mostly been neglected. It is the indigenous community who has been carrying out those heritages, as they are inseparable aspect of the social life. With this paper it tries look at the community involvement and intangible heritage of Kathmandu Valley, which is a part of my PhD research thesis.


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Componentes fabricados de acero AISI/SAE 5160 son usados en la suspensión de automóviles. El procesamiento en planta incluye un tratamiento térmico convencional que consiste en austenizado, seguido de temple en aceite y revenido. Como post-proceso para generar esfuerzo residuales compresivos en la superficie de los muelles se aplica un granallado que genera los esfuerzos compresivos por deformación. Para esta aplicación, esfuerzos residuales compresivos en la superficie de los muelles es importante para incrementar la resistencia a la fatiga de los materiales e incrementar su vida útil. En esta investigación una metodología alterna para generar esfuerzos residuales compresivos en la superficie de muestras de acero 5160 fue usada. Se diseñó y construyó un equipo de laboratorio para ejecutar temples siguiendo la teoría del temple intensivo. Usando agua convencional como medio de temple, enfriamientos por aspersión y en una cámara de alta velocidad se lograron efectuar en laboratorio. Se caracterizó el equipo de temple por medio de curvas de enfriamiento obtenidas en probetas sacrificio de acero inoxidable. Se obtuvieron velocidades de enfriamiento por encima de 400°C/seg en probetas de sección transversal cuadrada (20mm x 20mm). Además se ejecutaron temples cortos con incrementos de 1 segundo(1-8 seg). En algunas condiciones microestructura tipo coraza-núcleo fue observada en el Microscopio Óptico (MO) y el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido (MEB). Difracción de Rayos-X se usó para determinar la magnitud de esfuerzos residuales en la superficie de las muestras. Muestras templadas en la cámara de alta velocidad durante 3, 4 y 5 segundos presentaron esfuerzos residuales compresivos con una magnitud de hasta casi -700MPa a una profundidad de 0.30 mm. Detalles de la investigación y resultados se presentan a continuación.


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"Festschrift zur feier des hundertjährigen bestehens der Gesellschaft für nützliche forschungen in Trier. Hrsg. im auftrag des Provinzialausschusses der Rheinprovinz von der direktion des Provinzialmuseums in Trier."


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Ideas of childhood and citizenship stood at the center of the Soviet Union’s empire-building project during the 1920s and 1930s. After the 1917 Revolution the Bolsheviks were faced with the challenge of establishing a new state structure and governing a vast territory inherited from its tsarist predecessor. In the early years of the Soviet project, new leaders enlisted a cadre of professionals tasked with not only creating the norms of childhood and the everyday, but also implementing policies to modernize habits and values of the empire’s younger citizens. To understand how children became a prime focus of Soviet imperial and ethno-cultural politics, my dissertation employs discourse analysis and compares the ways in which Soviet imperial policies were implemented in two ethnically different regions: the Buddhist Republic of Kalmykia as the colonial case study and Moscow as the Metropole. The current project examines newspapers, treatises, and inspectors’ reports over the span of twenty years. It finds that the Bolsheviks’ initial values and discourses in the realm of children’s education, health, leisure and nutrition, all which were scientifically designed to transform children into ideal Soviet and modern citizens, changed over time as a result of the competing ideologies among local elites and the challenges they faced while intervening in children’s everyday lives. The most significant conclusion in this dissertation reveals that, contrary to previous scholarly arguments, the modernization projects that took place in Moscow and Kalmykia were more similar in the challenges and outcomes that local officials faced when implementing state policies.


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This thesis presents a study of the role of western lamas within Tibetan Buddhism in America, arguing that the role of the lama is as an influential and central aspect in the development and transformation of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in the west. This thesis argues how western lamas holding a position of authority act as a catalyst of change within their group and in the overall process of change and adaptation of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in America, creating what may become ‘American Tibetan Buddhism.’ Three relevant areas regarding the role of the lama within the transforming tradition are identified: 1) the basis of authority of the lama, or how authority is obtained; 2) the use of such authority as a tool for change; and 3) transmission of the teachings and lineage.


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This thesis is devoted to studying two historical philosophical events that happened in the West and the East. A metaphysical crisis stimulated Kant’s writings during his late critical period towards the notion of the supersensible. It further motivated a methodological shift and his coining of reflective judgment, which eventually brought about a systemic unfolding of his critical philosophy via Kantian moral teleology. Zhu Xi and his Neo-Confucian contemporaries confronted a transformed intellectual landscape resulting from the Neo-Daoist and Buddhist discourses of “what is beyond the form”. The revival of Confucianism required a method in order to relocate the formless Dao back into daily life and to reconstruct a meta-ethical foundation within a social context. This led to the Neo-Confucian recasting of “investigation of things” from The Great Learning via complex hermeneutic operations. By the respective investigation on, as well as the comparative analysis of the two events, I reveal the convergence and incommensurability between the two distinct cultural traditions concerning the metaphysical quests, the mechanism of intellectual development, and moral teleology, so as to capture the intrinsic characteristics of philosophical research in general.


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Hur kan lärare på bästa sätt möta elever med religiös positionering i religionskunskapsklassrummet?  Hur kan undervisningen utformas för att ge religiösa traditioner en framställning som elever med religiös positionering kan acceptera, relatera till och kanske också lära nytt av? Den här religionsdidaktiska studien handlar om hur elever som positionerar sig inom muslimsk, kristen, buddhistisk och judisk tradition talar om skolans religionskunskapsundervisning. Studien berör tre teman. För det första undersöks mötet mellan undervisningsinnehåll och elevernas erfarenheter av sin egen religiösa tradition och tro. För det andra riktas uppmärksamheten mot hur eleverna talar om sina erfarenheter av att vara eller att förväntas vara representant för sin egen tradition i undervisningen. Ett tredje tema handlar om hur eleverna beskriver ramar och förutsättningar för religionskunskapsundervisningen. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys. Resultaten visar bland annat att eleverna har svårt att känna igen och relatera till sin egen tradition i undervisningen. De befarar att undervisningen snarare förstärker än dekonstruerar stereotypa föreställningar om religion och religiöst liv. 


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This paper provides rationale for considering precepts for an engaged knowledge organization based on a Buddhist conception of intentional action. Casting knowledge organization work as craft, this paper employs Žižek’s conception of vio- lence in language as a call to action. The paper closes with a listing of precepts for an engaged knowledge organization.


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This paper proposes a dual conception of work in knowledge organization. The first part is a conception of work as liminal, set apart from everyday work. The second is integrated, without separation. This talk is the beginning of a larger project where we will characterize work in knowledge organization, both as it is set out in our literature (Šauperl, 2004; Hjørland 2003 Wilson, 1968), and in a philosophical argument for its fundamental importance in the activities of society (Shera, 1972; Zandonade, 2004).But in order to do this, we will co-opt the conception of liminality from the anthropology of religion (Turner, 1967), and Zen Buddhist conceptions of moral action, intention, and integration (Harvey, 2000 and cf., Harada, S., 2008).The goal for this talk is to identify the acts repeated (form) and the purpose of those acts (intention), in knowledge organization, with specific regard to thresholds (liminal points) of intention present in those acts.We can then ask the questions: Where is intention in knowledge organization liminal and where is it integrated? What are the limits of knowledge organization work when considered at a foundational level of the intention labor practices? Answering such questions, in this context, allows us to reconsider the assumptions we have about knowledge organization work and its increasingly important role in society. As a consequence, we can consider the limits of classification research if we see the foundations of knowledge organization work when we see forms and intentions. I must also say that incorporating Zen Buddhist philosophy into knowledge organization research seems like it fits well with ethics and ethical responses the practice of knowledge organization. This is because 20th Century Western interpretations of Zen are often rooted in ethical considerations. This translates easily to work.


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In reflecting on the practice of knowledge organization, we tacitly or explicitly root our conceptions of work and its value in some epistemic and ontological foundation. Zen Buddhist philosophy offers a unique set of conceptions vis-à-vis organizing, indexing, and describing documents.When we engage in knowledge organization, we are setting our mind to work with an intention. We intend to make some sort of intervention. We then create a form a realization of an abstraction (like classes or terms) [1], we do this from a foundation of some set of beliefs (epistemology, ontology, and ethics), and because we have to make decisions about what to privilege, we need to decide what is foremost in our minds. We must ask what is the most important thing?Form, foundation, and the ethos of foremost require evoke in our reflection on work number of ethical, epistemic, and ontological concerns that ripple throughout our conceptions of space, “good work”, aesthetics, and moral mandate [2,3]. We reflect on this.


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La Revolución Espiritual promovida por el Dalai Lama plantea una unión entre espiritualidad y política. El proyecto de una ética universal, que se inscribe dentro de dicha Revolución, busca impactar la manera en que las relaciones internacionales se desarrollan, dándole prevalencia a los valores humanos. Sin embargo, esa proposición se encuentra ligada al contexto de exilio en el marco del conflicto sino-tibetano que afecta al continente asiático. Por esto, en la presente monografía, haciendo uso de los conceptos de marco de acción colectiva e identidad inscritos en la corriente de los movimientos sociales en la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales, se pretende determinar la relación entre identidad tibetana, marco de acción colectiva y la propuesta de una ética universal. Para ello se recurre, metodológicamente, a textos y a trabajo de campo en Bogotá. Así, se pretende establecer la relación entre espiritualidad y política como propuesta tibetana atravesada por el conflicto sino-tibetano.


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como principal objetivo el de analizar la manera como las características sociopolíticas de los Estados del Mekong, específicamente en el caso de Camboya y Myanmar, dificultan la implementación de las normas enunciadas en el Protocolo de las Naciones Unidas para Prevenir, Reprimir y Sancionar la Trata de Personas, Especialmente Mujeres y Niños, también conocido como el Protocolo de Palermo. En este sentido, se parte de las características principales del Protocolo y de la manera como el tráfico de personas se presenta en el Mekong para posteriormente analizar la forma como la corrupción, la impunidad y la desigualdad de género representan retos sociopolíticos que obstruyen la implementación de los mandatos internacionales enmarcados en este instrumento


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El Reino de Bután es el único Estado de la cordillera del Himalaya cuya población es en su mayoría practicante del Budismo Mahayana Tántrico y cuyo desempeño tanto en la arena internacional como en su administración interna está estrechamente vinculado con los valores y principios budistas de reciprocidad, felicidad, solidaridad, vida familiar, cooperación, entre otros. Ejemplo de esto es la creación del Índice de Felicidad Nacional Bruta y la iniciativa del Nuevo Paradigma de Desarrollo. El presente artículo analiza los factores nacionales fundamentales que han permitido el desarrollo de la nación hacia las mencionadas políticas; y explica la influencia del Budismo en la formación de la Nación butanesa, para lo cual se hace un análisis cualitativo de fuentes, biografías, documentos oficiales y encuestas nacionales. Lo anterior permitirá explicar la estrecha relación ente el budismo y la nación butanesa actual, así como la importancia del Nuevo Paradigma del Desarrollo.


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Este trabajo es una revisión de literatura que abarca una selección de artículos disponibles en bases de datos especializadas y publicados en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2006 a 2016 para artículos científicos y entre los años 2000 a 2016 para libros. En total se revisaron: 1 tesis doctoral, 1 tesis magistral, 111 artículos y 9 libros o capítulos de libros. Se presentan diversas definiciones de mindfulness y formas de conceptualizarla, sus mecanismos de acción, sus enfoques psicoterapéuticos predominantes, los efectos de su práctica estable, sus principales campos de acción y la importancia de la formación de los docentes que imparten la práctica. Finalmente se presentan algunas conclusiones acerca del diálogo entre la literatura psicológica sobre mindfulness y algunas de las concepciones de la tradición budista en torno a la meditación.


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A cidade de Kanchipuram, no Estado de Tamilnadu, sul da Índia, é sinónimo de templos hindus, mas também do sari em seda. A migração de comunidades de tecelão para esta cidade começou durante o reinado da Dinastia Chola nos Séculos 8-13 d. C. Anteriormente, o pano de seda foi considerado como tecido dos Deuses e os tecelões satisfizeram as necessidades religiosas do templo da cidade. Paulatinamente, um tecido de seda torna-se, tanto um tecido dos "mortais", como dos Deuses, e houve um aumento da procura dos têxteis em seda, especialmente, do sari em seda. A particularidade dos tecelões de Kanchipuram reside na sua técnica complicada de tecelagem e nos ricos motivos que são uma expressão da paixão do tecelão. Nosso trabalho de investigação centra-se nas técnicas de tecelagem e no seu produto final - o sari - para destacar a sua singularidade. Neste contexto, quero propor um projecto de documentação dos motivos do sari, para ilustrar um dos principais meios de valorização desta tradição de tecelagem que remonta a vários séculos. RÉSUMÉ: La ville de Kanchipuram, située dans l'état du Tamilnadu, dans le sud de l'Inde, fait souvent écho aux temples hindous mais également au sari en soie. Les tisserands ont migré à l'époque Chola (850- 1279 ap.J.C.) pour répondre aux besoins religieux de la ville car au départ, la soie était un tissu destiné à I 'usage des dieux. Au fur et à mesure, la soie est devenue aussi bien un tissu destiné aux 'mortels' qu'aux dieux. Ces tisserands ont connu par la suite, une forte demande, plus particulierement, pour les saris en soie. La particularité des tisserands de la ville de Kanchipuram réside dans sa technique laborieuse de tissage et dans les motifs élaborés parle billet desquels s'exprime la passion du tisserand dans sa tâche. Le présent mémoire s'attache à la technique de tissage et à son produit final - le sari - pour mettre en valeur son unicité. Dans ce cadre, je propose un projet de documentation des motifs des saris pour illustrer un des vecteurs clés de valorisation de cette tradition de tissage qui remonte à plusieurs siecles. ABSTRACT: The city of Kanchipuram, located in the State of Tamilnadu in southern India, is synonymous with Hindu temples and silk saris. The migration of weaver communities to the city started during the Chola reign (81 131 centuries A.D). Early on, silk was considered the cloth of the gods and these weavers met the needs of the temple city by producing silk textiles for religious use. Gradually, silk became a cloth as much for the 'mortais' as for the gods and demand increased for silk textiles, especially saris. The importance of Kanchipuram weaving lies in its complex techniques and rich motifs as expressions of the. weaver’s passion. This text examines the weaving techniques popularly known as the korvai technique, as well as the saris produced using this technique. ln addition, it attempts to catalogue certain motifs woven into the saris as a first step in promoting and valorizing the cultural richness of an art dating back several centuries.