959 resultados para Bridge failures.
For many years AASHTO provided no recommendation to state DOT’s on bottom flange confinement reinforcement for their bridge superstructures. The 1996 edition of AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges stated that nominal reinforcement be placed to enclose the prestressing steel from the end of the girder for at least a distance equal to the girder’s height. A few years later the 2004 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification changed the distance over which the confinement was to be distributed from 1.0h to 1.5h, and gave minimum requirements for the amount of steel to be used, No.3 bars, and their maximum spacing, not to exceed 6”. Research was undertaken to study what impact, if any, confinement reinforcement has on the performance of prestressed concrete bridge girders. Of particular interest was the effect confinement had on the transfer length, development length, and vertical shear capacity of the fore mentioned members. First, an analytical investigation was performed on the subject, and then an experimental investigation followed which consisted of designing, fabricating, and testing eight tee-girders and three NU1100 girders with particular attention paid to the amount and distribution of confinement reinforcement placed at the end of each girder. The results of the study show: 1) neither the amount or distribution of confinement reinforcement had a significant effect on the initial or final transfer length of the prestress strands; 2) at the AASHTO calculated development length, no significant impact from confinement was found on either the nominal flexural capacity of bridge girders or bond capacity of the prestressing steel; 3) the effects from varied confinement reinforcement on the shear resistance of girders tested was negligible, however, distribution of confinement did show to have an impact on the prestressed strands’ bond capacity; 4) confinement distribution across the entire girder did increase ductility and reduced cracking under extreme loading conditions.
Cornachione AS, Rassier DE. A non-cross-bridge, static tension is present in permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers after active force inhibition or actin extraction. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302: C566-C574, 2012. First published November 16, 2011; doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00355.2011.-When activated muscle fibers are stretched, there is a long-lasting increase in the force. This phenomenon, referred to as "residual force enhancement," has characteristics similar to those of the " static tension," a long-lasting increase in force observed when muscles are stretched in the presence of Ca2+ but in the absence of myosin-actin interaction. Independent studies have suggested that these two phenomena have a common mechanism and are caused either by 1) a Ca2+-induced stiffening of titin or by 2) promoting titin binding to actin. In this study, we performed two sets of experiments in which activated fibers (pCa(2+) 4.5) treated with the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin were stretched from 2.7 to 2.8 mu m at a speed of 40 L-o/s, first, after partial extraction of TnC, which inhibits myosin-actin interactions, or, second, after treatment with gelsolin, which leads to the depletion of thin (actin) filaments. We observed that the static tension, directly related with the residual force enhancement, was not changed after treatments that inhibit myosin-actin interactions or that deplete fibers from troponin C and actin filaments. The results suggest that the residual force enhancement is caused by a stiffening of titin upon muscle activation but not with titin binding to actin. This finding indicates the existence of a Ca2+-regulated, titin-based stiffness in skeletal muscles.
The pulmonary crackling and the formation of liquid bridges are problems that for centuries have been attracting the attention of scientists. In order to study these phenomena, it was developed a canonical cubic lattice-gas like model to explain the rupture of liquid bridges in lung airways [A. Alencar et al., 2006, PRE]. Here, we further develop this model and add entropy analysis to study thermodynamic properties, such as free energy and force. The simulations were performed using the Monte Carlo method with Metropolis algorithm. The exchange between gas and liquid particles were performed randomly according to the Kawasaki dynamics and weighted by the Boltzmann factor. Each particle, which can be solid (s), liquid (l) or gas (g), has 26 neighbors: 6 + 12 + 8, with distances 1, √2 and √3, respectively. The energy of a lattice's site m is calculated by the following expression: Em = ∑k=126 Ji(m)j(k) in witch (i, j) = g, l or s. Specifically, it was studied the surface free energy of the liquid bridge, trapped between two planes, when its height is changed. For that, was considered two methods. First, just the internal energy was calculated. Then was considered the entropy. It was fond no difference in the surface free energy between this two methods. We calculate the liquid bridge force between the two planes using the numerical surface free energy. This force is strong for small height, and decreases as the distance between the two planes, height, is increased. The liquid-gas system was also characterized studying the variation of internal energy and heat capacity with the temperature. For that, was performed simulation with the same proportion of liquid and gas particle, but different lattice size. The scale of the liquid-gas system was also studied, for low temperature, using different values to the interaction Jij.
During the previous 10 years, global R&D expenditure in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector has steadily increased, without a corresponding increase in output of new medicines. To address this situation, the biopharmaceutical industry's greatest need is to predict the failures at the earliest possible stage of the drug development process. A major key to reducing failures in drug screenings is the development and use of preclinical models that are more predictive of efficacy and safety in clinical trials. Further, relevant animal models are needed to allow a wider testing of novel hypotheses. Key to this is the developing, refining, and validating of complex animal models that directly link therapeutic targets to the phenotype of disease, allowing earlier prediction of human response to medicines and identification of safety biomarkers. Morehover, well-designed animal studies are essential to bridge the gap between test in cell cultures and people. Zebrafish is emerging, complementary to other models, as a powerful system for cancer studies and drugs discovery. We aim to investigate this research area designing a new preclinical cancer model based on the in vivo imaging of zebrafish embryogenesis. Technological advances in imaging have made it feasible to acquire nondestructive in vivo images of fluorescently labeled structures, such as cell nuclei and membranes, throughout early Zebrafishsh embryogenesis. This In vivo image-based investigation provides measurements for a large number of features at cellular level and events including nuclei movements, cells counting, and mitosis detection, thereby enabling the estimation of more significant parameters such as proliferation rate, highly relevant for investigating anticancer drug effects. In this work, we designed a standardized procedure for accessing drug activity at the cellular level in live zebrafish embryos. The procedure includes methodologies and tools that combine imaging and fully automated measurements of embryonic cell proliferation rate. We achieved proliferation rate estimation through the automatic classification and density measurement of epithelial enveloping layer and deep layer cells. Automatic embryonic cells classification provides the bases to measure the variability of relevant parameters, such as cell density, in different classes of cells and is finalized to the estimation of efficacy and selectivity of anticancer drugs. Through these methodologies we were able to evaluate and to measure in vivo the therapeutic potential and overall toxicity of Dbait and Irinotecan anticancer molecules. Results achieved on these anticancer molecules are presented and discussed; furthermore, extensive accuracy measurements are provided to investigate the robustness of the proposed procedure. Altogether, these observations indicate that zebrafish embryo can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models for the preclinical test of anticancer drugs and it might also provides, in the near future, opportunities to accelerate the process of drug discovery.
The work for the present thesis started in California, during my semester as an exchange student overseas. California is known worldwide for its seismicity and its effort in the earthquake engineering research field. For this reason, I immediately found interesting the Structural Dynamics Professor, Maria Q. Feng's proposal, to work on a pushover analysis of the existing Jamboree Road Overcrossing bridge. Concrete is a popular building material in California, and for the most part, it serves its functions well. However, concrete is inherently brittle and performs poorly during earthquakes if not reinforced properly. The San Fernando Earthquake of 1971 dramatically demonstrated this characteristic. Shortly thereafter, code writers revised the design provisions for new concrete buildings so to provide adequate ductility to resist strong ground shaking. There remain, nonetheless, millions of square feet of non-ductile concrete buildings in California. The purpose of this work is to perform a Pushover Analysis and compare the results with those of a Nonlinear Time-History Analysis of an existing bridge, located in Southern California. The analyses have been executed through the software OpenSees, the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. The bridge Jamboree Road Overcrossing is classified as a Standard Ordinary Bridge. In fact, the JRO is a typical three-span continuous cast-in-place prestressed post-tension box-girder. The total length of the bridge is 366 ft., and the height of the two bents are respectively 26,41 ft. and 28,41 ft.. Both the Pushover Analysis and the Nonlinear Time-History Analysis require the use of a model that takes into account for the nonlinearities of the system. In fact, in order to execute nonlinear analyses of highway bridges it is essential to incorporate an accurate model of the material behavior. It has been observed that, after the occurrence of destructive earthquakes, one of the most damaged elements on highway bridges is a column. To evaluate the performance of bridge columns during seismic events an adequate model of the column must be incorporated. Part of the work of the present thesis is, in fact, dedicated to the modeling of bents. Different types of nonlinear element have been studied and modeled, with emphasis on the plasticity zone length determination and location. Furthermore, different models for concrete and steel materials have been considered, and the selection of the parameters that define the constitutive laws of the different materials have been accurate. The work is structured into four chapters, to follow a brief overview of the content. The first chapter introduces the concepts related to capacity design, as the actual philosophy of seismic design. Furthermore, nonlinear analyses both static, pushover, and dynamic, time-history, are presented. The final paragraph concludes with a short description on how to determine the seismic demand at a specific site, according to the latest design criteria in California. The second chapter deals with the formulation of force-based finite elements and the issues regarding the objectivity of the response in nonlinear field. Both concentrated and distributed plasticity elements are discussed into detail. The third chapter presents the existing structure, the software used OpenSees, and the modeling assumptions and issues. The creation of the nonlinear model represents a central part in this work. Nonlinear material constitutive laws, for concrete and reinforcing steel, are discussed into detail; as well as the different scenarios employed in the columns modeling. Finally, the results of the pushover analysis are presented in chapter four. Capacity curves are examined for the different model scenarios used, and failure modes of concrete and steel are discussed. Capacity curve is converted into capacity spectrum and intersected with the design spectrum. In the last paragraph, the results of nonlinear time-history analyses are compared to those of pushover analysis.