612 resultados para Borlänge


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In this project, two broad facets in the design of a methodology for performance optimization of indexable carbide inserts were examined. They were physical destructive testing and software simulation.For the physical testing, statistical research techniques were used for the design of the methodology. A five step method which began with Problem definition, through System identification, Statistical model formation, Data collection and Statistical analyses and results was indepthly elaborated upon. Set-up and execution of an experiment with a compression machine together with roadblocks and possible solution to curb road blocks to quality data collection were examined. 2k factorial design was illustrated and recommended for process improvement. Instances of first-order and second-order response surface analyses were encountered. In the case of curvature, test for curvature significance with center point analysis was recommended. Process optimization with method of steepest ascent and central composite design or process robustness studies of response surface analyses were also recommended.For the simulation test, AdvantEdge program was identified as the most used software for tool development. Challenges to the efficient application of this software were identified and possible solutions proposed. In conclusion, software simulation and physical testing were recommended to meet the objective of the project.


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The main purpose of this thesis project is to prediction of symptom severity and cause in data from test battery of the Parkinson’s disease patient, which is based on data mining. The collection of the data is from test battery on a hand in computer. We use the Chi-Square method and check which variables are important and which are not important. Then we apply different data mining techniques on our normalize data and check which technique or method gives good results.The implementation of this thesis is in WEKA. We normalize our data and then apply different methods on this data. The methods which we used are Naïve Bayes, CART and KNN. We draw the Bland Altman and Spearman’s Correlation for checking the final results and prediction of data. The Bland Altman tells how the percentage of our confident level in this data is correct and Spearman’s Correlation tells us our relationship is strong. On the basis of results and analysis we see all three methods give nearly same results. But if we see our CART (J48 Decision Tree) it gives good result of under predicted and over predicted values that’s lies between -2 to +2. The correlation between the Actual and Predicted values is 0,794in CART. Cause gives the better percentage classification result then disability because it can use two classes.


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This Thesis project is a part of the all-round automation of production of concentrating solar PV/T systems Absolicon X10. ABSOLICON Solar Concentrator AB has been invented and started production of the prospective solar concentrated system Absolicon X10. The aims of this Thesis project are designing, assembling, calibrating and putting in operation the automatic measurement system intended to evaluate the shape of concentrating parabolic reflectors.On the basis of the requirements of the company administration and needs of real production process the operation conditions for the Laser testing rig were formulated. The basic concept to use laser radiation was defined.At the first step, the complex design of the whole system was made and division on the parts was defined. After the preliminary conducted simulations the function and operation conditions of the all parts were formulated.At the next steps, the detailed design of all the parts was conducted. Most components were ordered from respective companies. Some of the mechanical components were made in the workshop of the company. All parts of the Laser-testing rig were assembled and tested. Software part, which controls the Laser-testing rig work, was created on the LabVIEW basis. To tune and test software part the special simulator was designed and assembled.When all parts were assembled in the complete system, the Laser-testing rig was tested, calibrated and tuned.In the workshop of Absolicon AB, the trial measurements were conducted and Laser-testing rig was installed in the production line at the plant in Soleftea.


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Syftet är att undersöka hur pedagogernas faktiska arbetssituation ser ut under den pedagogiskamåltiden i förskolan då Falu Kommun ser den pedagogiska måltiden som en kostnadsfrågamedan Borlänge Kommun ser pedagogerna som viktiga förebilder för barnen under måltiden.Vilken är pedagogernas arbetssituation i samband med den pedagogiska måltiden? Vilka direktivföljer pedagogerna i arbetssituationen under måltiden?Resultatet visar, genom observationer och intervjuer, att den faktiska måltidssituationen är enkomplex arbetssituation för pedagogerna då den både innebär pedagogiska moment somspråkutveckling, socialisering och hur man för sig vid matbordet samt praktiska moment somberör vård och omsorg. Dessutom ska pedagogerna äta själva och se till att de får i sig mat på ettsådant sätt att de orkar arbeta resten av dagen. Direktiven som följs är vaga. Den pedagogiskadelen hämtar pedagogerna från förskolans styrdokument Läroplanen för förskolan, Lpfö98, mende praktiska förväntas ske av sig själv.Genom analys av resultatet drar vi slutsatsen att den pedagogiska måltiden förvisso är en förmånom man enbart ser till att pedagogerna får mat att äta utan att behöva betala för den men det ärinte någon mat eller någon måltidsituation som på något sett gynnar dem personligen. Denpedagogiska måltiden är ett redskap för pedagogerna som innebär att de kan genomföra enpedagogisk verksamhet i förskolan under hela dagen.


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Nöjeslivet är ett viktigt område när det gäller att göra en stad attraktiv för dess invånare och besökare. Efter en besöksundersökning av centrumföreningen Centrala Stadsrum visade det sig att det finns invånare och besökare som inte är helt nöjda med dagens nöjesliv i Falun. Utifrån detta och en nyfikenhet från vår sida valde vi att göra en kartläggning av Faluns nöjesliv och undersöka nöjesverksamheternas profilering. Utifrån vår definition av nöje, ”en upplevelse där en individ gör ett tidsfördriv utan praktiskt syfte och då känner tillfredsställelse, vällust och/eller glädje”, genomfördes en teoretisk litteraturstudie av Faluns historia, attraktiva städer och våra utvalda nöjeslivsområden: mat & fika, bar & klubb, handel, kultur, sport och evenemang. Slutligen gjordes en enkätundersökning av nöjesverksamheterna som ligger i Faluns stadskärna, denna ligger till grund för kartläggningen och undersökningen av nöjesverksamheternas profilering. Resultaten av vår enkätundersökning visar att många av de tillfrågade respondenterna varken marknadsför sin nöjesverksamhet och inte heller har någon tydlig marknadsprofilering.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att ge en bild av eventuella skillnader mellan fyra länder vad det gäller bonus till VD. Företagen som undersöks är ifrån Sverige, Storbritannien, USA och Norge. I uppsatsen redovisas teorier kring ersättningar och regelverk. Teorierna leder fram till tre stycken hypoteser som testas.Antal bolag från varje land som undersöks är 10 stycken, totalt 40 stycken. Bolagen har valts ut ifrån börslistor där de största bolagen från varje land finns med.Metoden som valts för undersökningen är en kvantitativ metod. Årsredovisningar och Proxy Statements undersöktes för att generera data.Undersökningen resulterar i att de två första hypoteserna styrks och den tredje kan inte få något stöd utifrån de material som undersöks. Som avslutning så ges förslag till vidare forskning inom ämnet.


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Globalization has developed more and more within the business world as well as private life during the last decades. Globalization has influenced the way companies are conducting business and their approach towards the consumers which can have an influence on their way of purchasing. Consumers nowadays have more than ever the possibility to get involved and gather experiences from abroad, as well as companies are taking advantage of this globalization. Within this thesis the following question will be discussed: Do consumers see the value companies try to create for them with an identical offer the same way in different markets? This idea is based on Theodore Levitt’s theory of globalization which comprises standardization of an offer since consumer needs are homogenizing globally. Douglas & Wind instead state that segmentation with adaptations is necessary to fulfill all consumer needs. Within this elaboration the question whether standardization is accepted and liked by the consumers is discussed and analyzed by including an empirical research. This research is based on Zeithaml’s model of the Perceived Quality Components, which was the fundamental base behind formulating the survey questions. These were submitted in Germany, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden to be able to discuss and visualize how the consumers of these different markets perceive different aspects of a company’s offer. One particular company, which is seen as doing business globally, was chosen as a test object. Based on the test object Lidl - which consumers were questioned about in the survey - it was possible to conduct a comparison of consumers’ general expectations against components of Lidl’s offer such as price, weekly specials, product range, etc. where differences and similarities between the three countries of Lidl’s fulfillment of these expectations were achieved. They were analyzed to discover to which extent globalization is present. Resulting from the comparison it was concluded that nowadays segmentation is important but developing with time globalization seems to increase in significance. Recommendations for further research about topics which were omitted due to limited resources are presented.


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The main idea of this research to solve the problem of inventory management for the paper industry SPM PVT limited. The aim of this research was to find a methodology by which the inventory of raw material could be kept at minimum level by means of buffer stock level.The main objective then lies in finding the minimum level of buffer stock according to daily consumption of raw material, finding the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) reorders point and how much order will be placed in a year to control the shortage of raw material.In this project, we discuss continuous review model (Deterministic EOQ models) that includes the probabilistic demand directly in the formulation. According to the formula, we see the reorder point and the order up to model. The problem was tackled mathematically as well as simulation modeling was used where mathematically tractable solution was not possible.The simulation modeling was done by Awesim software for developing the simulation network. This simulation network has the ability to predict the buffer stock level based on variable consumption of raw material and lead-time. The data collection for this simulation network is taken from the industrial engineering personnel and the departmental studies of the concerned factory. At the end, we find the optimum level of order quantity, reorder point and order days.


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The government appointed in 2004 a special investigator with the objective to investigate the possibility of introducing a new law concerning implementation of obligatory cash registers with certain certification. This resulted in SOU 2005:35 ”Krav på kassaregister - Effektivare utredning av skattebrott” (Proposition 2006/07: 105). Following advice received from the respondents, the government has drafted a bill submitted to parliament in March 2007. Government bill 2006/07: 105 proposals for new law on cash registers, and submitted to parliament 2007th Act (2007:592) on the cash register was adopted by parliament in March that year and came into force on 1 January 2010. Earlier great opportunities for tax cheating has been available by various methods so as to simply not punch in a sale at the checkout, use the training function type, use receipt copies, manipulate register functions on its program level, using alternative programming etc. These opportunities are eliminated in the certified cash registers. Respondent traders believed the most part has not changed the competition or that the change will be relatively small. They also thought it was too early to see any change at this time. A tendency among traders we have asked is that they feel negatively for the costs it imposes, with the new registry and that they are skeptical about the expected impact of the law, among others due to the scarce resources spent on follow-up. The Swedish tax agency is responsible for control and the new systems make it easier for Tax control, but actual physical on-scene control must be performed to detect irregularities.


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This work aims at combining the Chaos theory postulates and Artificial Neural Networks classification and predictive capability, in the field of financial time series prediction. Chaos theory, provides valuable qualitative and quantitative tools to decide on the predictability of a chaotic system. Quantitative measurements based on Chaos theory, are used, to decide a-priori whether a time series, or a portion of a time series is predictable, while Chaos theory based qualitative tools are used to provide further observations and analysis on the predictability, in cases where measurements provide negative answers. Phase space reconstruction is achieved by time delay embedding resulting in multiple embedded vectors. The cognitive approach suggested, is inspired by the capability of some chartists to predict the direction of an index by looking at the price time series. Thus, in this work, the calculation of the embedding dimension and the separation, in Takens‘ embedding theorem for phase space reconstruction, is not limited to False Nearest Neighbor, Differential Entropy or other specific method, rather, this work is interested in all embedding dimensions and separations that are regarded as different ways of looking at a time series by different chartists, based on their expectations. Prior to the prediction, the embedded vectors of the phase space are classified with Fuzzy-ART, then, for each class a back propagation Neural Network is trained to predict the last element of each vector, whereas all previous elements of a vector are used as features.


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Syftet med detta arbete som utförts på Kvarnsvedens pappersbruk i Borlänge har varit att framställa ett operatörsverktyg. Ett operatörsverktyg som ska åskådliggöra processens rörliga kostnader, som kan benämnas en produktkalkyl för stunden. Verktyget skall senare möjliggöra förbättrade utsikter för kontroll, styrning och uppföljning av rörliga kostnader inom företaget samt öka möjligheterna till att minska de rörliga kostnaderna som är kopplade till processen. Massafabriken på Kvarnsvedens pappersbruk och pappersmaskin 11 har utgjort arbetets grundläggande måltavlor för operatörsverktyget. Arbetet innefattade kartläggning och granskning av pappersprocessen för att skapa en så heltäckande bild av uppdragsbeskrivningen som möjligt. När processen studerats och processflöden kartlagts mer ingående påbörjades utvecklandet av operatörsverktyget. Vidare utfördes en litteraturundersökning för att urskilja potentiella handlingsalternativ vid utformningen av operatörsverktyget samt för en ökad förståelse för verksamheten och ämnesområdet. I dagsläget saknas direkt återkoppling, i realtid, för den kontinuerliga utvecklingen av de rörliga kostnaderna eftersom nuvarande uppföljning är baserad på månadsrapporter. Operatörsverktyget som arbetet utmynnade i kommer med hög sannolikhet vara av betydelse för utvecklingen av verksamheten på företaget. Operatörsverktyget kommer även att understödja både styrningen och kontrollen av processens rörliga kostnader. Förhoppningen är att verktyget skall fungera som ett hjälpmedel i arbetet med att optimera arbetet och processen. Några av de fördelar som operatörsverktyget förväntas ge är bland annat att operativa prestationer omedelbart kan kopplas till företagets resultat, ett snabbt synliggörande av exempelvis resultat vilket öppnar för faktabaserad beslutsstrategi samt att viktig information inte behöver gå förlorad. Operatörsverktyget kan framöver anpassas och utnyttjas på fler av verksamhetens pappersmaskiner.


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The aim of this work is to investigate Ant Colony Algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Ants of the artificial colony are able to generate successively shorter feasible tours by using information accumulated in the form of a pheromone trail deposited on the edges of the TSP graph. This paper is based on the ideas of ant colony algorithm and analysis the main parameters of the ant colony algorithm. Experimental results for solving TSP problems with ant colony algorithm show great effectiveness.


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In this paper, we study the influence of the National Telecom Business Volume by the data in 2008 that have been published in China Statistical Yearbook of Statistics. We illustrate the procedure of modeling “National Telecom Business Volume” on the following eight variables, GDP, Consumption Levels, Retail Sales of Social Consumer Goods Total Renovation Investment, the Local Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Phone End Users, and the Local Telephone End Users. The testing of heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity for model evaluation is included. We also consider AIC and BIC criterion to select independent variables, and conclude the result of the factors which are the optimal regression model for the amount of telecommunications business and the relation between independent variables and dependent variable. Based on the final results, we propose several recommendations about how to improve telecommunication services and promote the economic development.