428 resultados para Boring sponges
The ROV operations had three objectives: (1) to check, whether the "Cherokee" system is suited for advanced benthological work in the high latitude Antarctic shelf areas; (2) to support the disturbance experiment, providing immediate visual Information; (3) to continue ecological work that started in 1989 at the hilltop situated at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank off the 4-Seasons Inlet (Weddell Sea). The "Cherokee" is was equipped with 3 video cameras, 2 of which support the operation. A high resolution Tritech Typhoon camera is used for scientific observations to be recorded. In addition, the ROV has a manipulator, a still camera, lights and strobe, compass, 2 lasers, a Posidonia transponder and an obstacle avoidance Sonar. The size of the vehicle is 160 X 90 X 90cm. In the present configuration without TMS (tether management system) the deployment has to start with paying out the full cable length, lay it in loops on deck and connect the glass fibres at the tether's spool winch. After a final technical check the vehicle is deployed into the water, actively driven perpendicular to the ship's axis and floatings are fixed to the tether. At a cable length of approx. 50 m, the tether is tightened to the depressor by several cable ties and both components are lowered towards the sea floor, the vehicle by the thruster's propulsion and the depressor by the ship's winch. At 5 m intervals the tether has to be tied to the single conductor cable. In good weather conditions the instruments supporting the navigation of the ROV, especially the Posidonia system, allow an operation mode to follow the ship's course if the ship's speed is slow. Together with the lasers which act as a scale in the images they also allow a reproducible scientific analysis since the transect can be plotted in a GIS system. Consequently, the area observed can be easily calculated. An operation as a predominantly drifting system, especially in areas with bottom near currents, is also possible, however, the connection of the tether at the rear of the vehicle is unsuitable for such conditions. The recovery of the system corresponds to that of the deployment. Most important is to reach the surface of the sea at a safe distance perpendicular to the ship's axis in order not to interfere with the ship's propellers. During this phase the Posidonia transponder system is of high relevance although it has to be switched off at a water depth of approx. 40 m. The minimum personal needed is 4 persons to handle the tether on deck, one person to operate the ship's winch, one pilot and one additional technician for the ROV's operation itself, one scientist, and one person on the ship's bridge in addition to one on deck for whale watching when the Posidonia system is in use. The time for the deployment of the ROV until it reaches the sea floor depends on the water depth and consequently on the length of the cable to be paid out beforehand and to be tightened to the single conductor cable. Deployment and recovery at intermediate water depths can last up to 2 hours each. A reasonable time for benthological observations close to the sea floor is 1 to 3 hours but can be extended if scientifically justified. Preliminary results: after a first test station, the ROV was deployed 3 times for observations related to the disturbance experiment. A first attempt to Cross the hilltop at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank close to the 4- Seasons Inlet was successful only for the first hundreds of metres transect length. The benthic community was dominated in biomass by the demosponge Cinachyra barbata. Due to the strong current of approx. 1 nm/h, the design of the system, and an expected more difficult current regime between grounded icebergs and the top of the hilltop the operation was stopped before the hilltop was reached. In a second attempt the hilltop was successfully crossed because the current and wind situation was much more suitable. In contrast to earlier expeditions with the "sprint" ROV it was the first time that both slopes, the smoother in the northeast and the steeper in the southwest were continuously observed during one cast. A coarse classification of the hilltop fauna shows patches dominated by single taxa: cnidarians, hydrozoans, holothurians, sea urchins and stalked sponges. Approximately 20 % of the north-eastern slope was devastated by grounding icebergs. Here the sediments consisted of large boulders, gravel or blocks of finer sediment looking like an irregularly ploughed field. On the Norsel Bank the Cinachyra concentrations were locally associated with high abundances of sea anemones. Total observation time amounted to 11.5 hours corresponding to almost 6-9 km transect length.
The silicon isotope composition (d30Si) of biogenic opal provides a view of the silica cycle at times in the past. Reconstructions require the knowledge of silicon isotope fractionation during opal biomineralization. The d30Si of specimens of hexactinellid sponges and demosponges growing in the modern ocean ranged from -1.2 per mil to -3.7 per mil (n = 6), corresponding to the production of opal that has a d30Si value 3.8 per mil +/- 0.8 per mil more negative than seawater silicic acid and a fractionation factor (a) of 0.9964. This is three times the fractionation observed during opal formation by marine diatoms and terrestrial plants and is the largest fractionation of silicon isotopes observed for any natural process on Earth. The d30Si values of sponge spicules across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary at Ocean Drilling Program Site 689 on Maud Rise range from -1.1 per mil to -3.0 per mil, overlapping the range observed for sponges growing in modern seawater.
In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process-biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion- has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges' bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.
Coral reefs are under threat, exerted by a number of interacting effects inherent to the present climate change, including ocean acidification and global warming. Bioerosion drives reef degradation by recycling carbonate skeletal material and is an important but understudied factor in this context. Twelve different combinations of pCO2 and temperature were applied to elucidate the consequences of ocean acidification and global warming on the physiological response and bioerosion rates of the zooxanthellate sponge Cliona orientalis-one of the most abundant and effective bioeroders on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Our results confirm a significant amplification of the sponges' bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2, which is expressed by more carbonate being chemically dissolved by etching. The health of the sponges and their photosymbionts was not affected by changes in pCO2, in contrast to temperature, which had significant negative impacts at higher levels. However, we could not conclusively explain the relationship between temperature and bioerosion rates, which were slightly reduced at both colder as well as warmer temperatures than ambient. The present findings on the effects of ocean acidification on chemical bioerosion, however, will have significant implications for predicting future reef carbonate budgets, as sponges often contribute the lion's share of internal bioerosion on coral reefs.
Here, we report the draft genome sequences of three actinobacterial isolates, Micromonospora sp. RV43, Rubrobacter sp. RV113, and Nocardiopsis sp. RV163 that had previously been isolated from Mediterranean sponges. The draft genomes were analyzed for the presence of gene clusters indicative of secondary metabolism using antiSMASH 3.0 and NapDos pipelines. Our findings demonstrated the chemical richness of sponge-associated actinomycetes and the efficacy of genome mining in exploring the genomic potential of sponge-derived actinomycetes.
In many marine biogeographic realms, bioeroding sponges dominate the internal bioerosion of calcareous substrates such as mollusc beds and coral reef framework. They biochemically dissolve part of the carbonate and liberate so-called sponge chips, a process that is expected to be facilitated and accelerated in a more acidic environment inherent to the present global change. The bioerosion capacity of the demosponge Cliona celata Grant, 1826 in subfossil oyster shells was assessed via alkalinity anomaly technique based on 4 days of experimental exposure to three different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) at ambient temperature in the cold-temperate waters of Helgoland Island, North Sea. The rate of chemical bioerosion at present-day pCO2 was quantified with 0.08-0.1 kg/m**2/year. Chemical bioerosion was positively correlated with increasing pCO2, with rates more than doubling at carbon dioxide levels predicted for the end of the twenty-first century, clearly confirming that C. celata bioerosion can be expected to be enhanced with progressing ocean acidification (OA). Together with previously published experimental evidence, the present results suggest that OA accelerates sponge bioerosion (1) across latitudes and biogeographic areas, (2) independent of sponge growth form, and (3) for species with or without photosymbionts alike. A general increase in sponge bioerosion with advancing OA can be expected to have a significant impact on global carbonate (re)cycling and may result in widespread negative effects, e.g. on the stability of wild and farmed shellfish populations, as well as calcareous framework builders in tropical and cold-water coral reef ecosystems.