876 resultados para Birds -- Catalonia -- Montgrí Mountain
The results of the examinations taken by graduated high school studentswho want to enrol at a Catalan university are here studied. To do so,the authors address several issues related to the equity of the system:reliability of grading, difficulty and discrimination power of the exams.The general emphasis is put upon the concurrent research and empiricalevidence about the properties of the examination items and scores. Aftera discussion about the limitations of the exams' format and appropriatenessof the instruments used in the study, the article concludes with somesuggestions to improve such examinations.
This paper presents the assessment and mapping of the Ribeira Seca catchment, an insular Sahelian mountain region sensitive to desertification, located on the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde. Desertification is a threat to the global environment, representing a serious ecological problemin Cabo Verde. To successfully combat desertification, an evaluation of desertification consequences is required and the building of cartography of the sensitivity for arid and semi-arid ecosystems is required as a first step. The MEDALUS model was the basis for this study in which six quality indicators were used: climate, soil, vegetation, land management, erosion and social factors. Several parameters were defined for each indicator with weights varying between 1 (very low) and 2 (very high). The geometric mean of each of the six quality indicators was employed to produce a map of areas sensitive to desertification. The results of this study show that more than 50% of the watershed show clear evidence of becoming a desertified area.
A major challenge in community ecology is a thorough understanding of the processes that govern the assembly and composition of communities in time and space. The growing threat of climate change to the vascular plant biodiversity of fragile ecosystems such as mountains has made it equally imperative to develop comprehensive methodologies to provide insights into how communities are assembled. In this perspective, the primary objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of community ecology, by proposing new solutions to better detect the ecological and evolutionary processes that govern community assembly. As phylogenetic trees provide by far, the most advanced tools to integrate the spatial, ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant communities, they represent the cornerstone on which this work was based. In this thesis, I proposed new solutions to: (i) reveal trends in community assembly on phylogenies, depicted by the transition of signals at the nodes of the different species and lineages responsible for community assembly, (ii) contribute to evidence the importance of evolutionarily labile traits in the distribution of mountain plant species. More precisely, I demonstrated that phylogenetic and functional compositional turnover in plant communities was driven by climate and human land use gradients mostly influenced by evolutionarily labile traits, (iii) predict and spatially project the phylogenetic structure of communities using species distribution models, to identify the potential distribution of phylogenetic diversity, as well as areas of high evolutionary potential along elevation. The altitudinal setting of the Diablerets mountains (Switzerland) provided an appropriate model for this study. The elevation gradient served as a compression of large latitudinal variations similar to a collection of islands within a single area, and allowed investigations on a large number of plant communities. Overall, this thesis highlights that stochastic and deterministic environmental filtering processes mainly influence the phylogenetic structure of plant communities in mountainous areas. Negative density-dependent processes implied through patterns of phylogenetic overdispersion were only detected at the local scale, whereas environmental filtering implied through phylogenetic clustering was observed at both the regional and local scale. Finally, the integration of indices of phylogenetic community ecology with species distribution models revealed the prospects of providing novel and insightful explanations on the potential distribution of phylogenetic biodiversity in high mountain areas. These results generally demonstrate the usefulness of phylogenies in inferring assembly processes, and are worth considering in the theoretical and methodological development of tools to better understand phylogenetic community structure.
Stable isotopes of carbonates (delta(13)C(carb), delta(18)O(carb)), organic matter (delta(13)C(org), delta(15)N(org)) and major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of marine carbonate rocks of Late Permian to Early Triassic age were used to establish the position of the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) at two continuous sections in the Velebit Mountain, Croatia. The chosen sections - Rizvanusa and Brezimenjaca - are composed of two lithostratigraphic units, the Upper Permian Transitional Dolomite and the overlying Sandy Dolomite. The contact between these units, characterized by the erosional features and sudden occurrence of ooids and siliciclastic grains, was previously considered as the chronostratigraphic PTB. The Sandy Dolomite is characterized by high content of non-carbonate material (up to similar to 30 wt.% insoluble residue), originated from erosion of the uplifted hinterland. A relatively rich assemblage of Permian fossils (including Geinitzina, Globivalvulina, Hemigordius, bioclasts of gastropods, ostracods and brachiopods) was found for the first time in Sandy Dolomite, 5 m above the lithologic boundary in the Rizvanusa section. A rather abrupt negative delta(13)C(carb) excursion in both sections appears in rocks showing no recognizable facies change within the Sandy Dolomite, -2 parts per thousand at Rizvanusa and -1.2 parts per thousand at Brezimenjaca, 11 m and 0.2 m above the lithologic contact, respectively. This level within the lower part of the Sandy Dolomite is proposed as the chemostratigraphic PTB. In the Rizvanusa section, the delta(13)C(org) values decline gradually from similar to-25 parts per thousand in the Upper Permian to similar to-29 parts per thousand in the Lower Triassic. The first negative delta(13)C(org) excursion occurs above the lithologic contact, within the uppermost Permian deposits, and appears to be related to the input of terrigenous material. The release of isotopically light microbial soil-biomass into the shallow-marine water may explain this sudden decrease of delta(13)C(org) values below the PTB. This would support the hypothesis that in the western Tethyan realm the land extinction, triggering a sudden drop of woody vegetation and related land erosion, preceded the marine extinction. The relatively low delta(15)N(org) values at the Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) transition level, close to approximate to 0 parts per thousand, and a secondary negative delta(13)C(org) excursion of -0.5 parts per thousand point to significant terrestrial input and primary contribution of cyanobacteria. The profiles of the concentrations of redox-sensitive elements (Ce, Mn, Fe, V), biogenic or biogenic-scavenged elements (P, Ba, Zn, V), Ce/Ce* values, and normalized trace elements, including Ba/Al, Ba/Fe, Ti/Al, Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) and Mn/Ti show clear excursions at the Transitional Dolomite-Sandy Dolomite lithologic boundary and the chemostratigraphic P-Tr boundary. The stratigraphic variations indicate a major regression phase marking the lithologic boundary, transgressive phases in the latest Permian and a gradual change into shallow/stagnant anoxic marine environment towards the P-Tr boundary level and during the earliest Triassic. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Este artículo es una aproximación a los métodos utilizados para analizar, cuantificar y valorar los cambios en los usos y cubiertas del suelo en estos dos valles que forman parte del espacio natural protegido de la Alta Garrotxa. La dinámica vivida en este territorio es un claro ejemplo de los procesos acaecidos a lo largo del siglo XX en buena parte de las áreas de montaña mediterránea. Una dinámica caracterizada fundamentalmentepor un incremento de la superficie forestal en detrimento del espacio agrario. Así mismo se proponen pautas metodológicas para su adecuada cartografía, así como para determinar las áreas potencialmente recuperables de espacio agrario con el objetivo de mantener la diversidad paisajística, biológica y el patrimonio cultural con la ayuda de los SIG y la Ecología del Paisaje
L'arpella vulgar, un rapinyaire de zones humides, més abundant al nord que al sud d'Europa, es pot veure durant tot l'any al Baix Ter
INTRODUCTION: Musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs)are extremely common and one of the major causes of disease burden around the world. The original Global Burden of Disease Study was commisioned by the World Bank in 1991 and established the DALY(Disability Ajusted Life Years) as an indicator of disease burden. The DALY calculation allows an assessment of not only mortality but also disability, in terms of time lived in health states worse than perfect health.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Catalonia in 2010, through calculation of the DALY index.
Descripció litològica i morfològica del Massís de les Gavarres
Mitochondria have a fundamental role in the transduction of energy from food into ATP. The coupling between food oxidation and ATP production is never perfect, but may nevertheless be of evolutionary significance. The 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis suggests that 'mild' mitochondrial uncoupling evolved as a protective mechanism against the excessive production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). Because resource allocation and ROS production are thought to shape animal life histories, alternative life-history trajectories might be driven by individual variation in the degree of mitochondrial uncoupling. We tested this hypothesis in a small bird species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), by treating adults with the artificial mitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) over a 32-month period. In agreement with our expectations, the uncoupling treatment increased metabolic rate. However, we found no evidence that treated birds enjoyed lower oxidative stress levels or greater survival rates, in contrast to previous results in other taxa. In vitro experiments revealed lower sensitivity of ROS production to DNP in mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscles of zebra finch than mouse. In addition, we found significant reductions in the number of eggs laid and in the inflammatory immune response in treated birds. Altogether, our data suggest that the 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis may not be applicable for zebra finches, presumably because of lower effects of mitochondrial uncoupling on mitochondrial ROS production in birds than in mammals. Nevertheless, mitochondrial uncoupling appeared to be a potential life-history regulator of traits such as fecundity and immunity at adulthood, even with food supplied ad libitum.
OBJECTIVE: Although a history of previous acute mountain sickness (AMS) is commonly used for providing advice and recommending its prophylaxis during subsequent exposure, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS during repeated high-altitude exposure has never been examined in a prospective controlled study.METHODS: In 27 nonacclimatized children and 29 adults, AMS was assessed during the first 48 hours after rapid ascent to 3450 m on 2 consecutive occasions 9 to 12 months apart.RESULTS: During the first exposure, 18 adults (62%) and 6 children (22%) suffered from AMS; during the second exposure, 14 adults (48%) and 4 children (15%) suffered from this problem (adults versus children, P <= .01). Most importantly, the intraindividual reproducibility of AMS was very different (P < .001) between children and adults. None of the 6 children having suffered from AMS during the first exposure suffered from AMS during the second exposure, but 4 children with no AMS during the first exposure did experience this problem during the second exposure. In contrast, 14 of the 18 adults who suffered from AMS on the first occasion also presented with this problem during the second exposure, and no new case developed in those who had not experienced AMS on the first occasion.CONCLUSIONS: In adults, a history of AMS is highly predictable of the disease on subsequent exposure, whereas in children it has no predictive value. A history of AMS should not prompt practitioners to advise against reexposure to high altitude or to prescribe drugs for its prophylaxis in children. Pediatrics 2011;127:e1445-e1448
Nota breu sobre la descripció de Botrychium matricariifolium A. Br. ex Koch al massís del Montseny
El estudio de las variables relacionadas con la adquisición de las lenguas escolares en contextos bilingües y multilingües ha resurgido a raíz de la incorporación de alumnado extranjero al sistema educativo español. En este sentido, y gracias a su peculiar situación sociolingüística, Cataluña se ha convertido en un observatorio perfecto para estudiar el proceso de adquisición de lenguas del alumnado extranjero. En este artículo presentamos una parte de los datos obtenidos en la evaluación del conocimiento de catalán y del castellano de 668 alumnos extranjeros de sexto de Primaria escolarizados en 57 centros de Cataluña. Con ello pretendemos estudiar los efectos de la presencia y del uso social de las lenguas escolares en el conocimiento lingüístico de este alumnado. La hipótesis principal es que el desarrollo de buenos niveles de conocimiento escrito de las lenguas escolares por parte de los alumnos extranjeros depende, en buena medida, de las oportunidades que haya en el entorno social para que ellos puedan utilizar estas lenguas en los intercambios comunicativos informales con sus compañeros o con otros adultos. Las conclusiones del trabajo señalan las relaciones existentes entre el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas conversacionales y el de habilidades lingüísticas cognitivo-académicas (Cummins, 1979b), en el sentido de que tanto el conocimiento escrito de catalán como el de castellano que tiene el alumnado extranjero están condicionados por el nivel de desarrollo conversacional previo en ambas lenguas. Además, apuntan a que la transferencia de habilidades lingüísticas cognitivo-académicas no se produce directamente entre el catalán y el castellano, sino que depende fundamentalmente de la presencia social que tengan estas lenguas y de sus usos informales. Así, en la medida en que un buen número de estudiantes extranjeros no desarrolla suficiente competencia lingüística conversacional ni en catalán ni en castellano, el proceso de adquisición de las lenguas escolares se alarga más allá de los seis años
La infancia extranjera se escolariza en Cataluña en un programa de cambio de lengua del hogar a la escuela. Las investigaciones afirman que este alumnado tarda un mínimo de seis años en equiparar sus habilidades lingüístico-cognitivas con sus pares autóctonos, no así las habilidades conversacionales, las cuales se adquieren antes de los dos años de residencia. Sin embargo, no existen estudios sobre los efectos de la escolarización en el parvulario del alumnado alófono, así como de su lengua familiar, en relación con la adquisición de la lengua escolar. El artículo es un estudio comparativo de la adquisición del catalán de 567 autóctonos y 434 alófonos, al final del parvulario, en 50 escuelas de Cataluña que escolarizan a alumnado de origen extranjero. Las lenguas del alumnado autóctono son el catalán, el castellano y el bilingüismo catalán-castellano y las lenguas del alumnado alófono son el árabe, el soninké y el castellano. Los factores utilizados más relevantes han sido el nivel socioprofesional y educativo de las familias, el tiempo de residencia y el momento de escolarización del alumnado, el porcentaje de alumnado catalanohablante y de alumnado alófono en el aula y el contexto sociolingüístico del centro escolar. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado autóctono sabe más catalán que el alumnado alófono, pero las diferencias desaparecen respecto a algunos factores, de los cuales los más relevantes son los relacionados con las características del alumnado de las aulas. La lengua familiar del alumnado alófono no incide en sus resultados
Floods are the natural hazards that produce the highest number of casualties and material damage in the Western Mediterranean. An improvement in flood risk assessment and study of a possible increase in flooding occurrence are therefore needed. To carry out these tasks it is important to have at our disposal extensive knowledge on historical floods and to find an efficient way to manage this geographical data. In this paper we present a complete flood database spanning the 20th century for the whole of Catalonia (NE Spain), which includes documentary information (affected areas and damage) and instrumental information (meteorological and hydrological records). This geodatabase, named Inungama, has been implemented on a GIS (Geographical Information System) in order to display all the information within a given geographical scenario, as well as to carry out an analysis thereof using queries, overlays and calculus. Following a description of the type and amount of information stored in the database and the structure of the information system, the first applications of Inungama are presented. The geographical distribution of floods shows the localities which are more likely to be flooded, confirming that the most affected municipalities are the most densely populated ones in coastal areas. Regarding the existence of an increase in flooding occurrence, a temporal analysis has been carried out, showing a steady increase over the last 30 years.