982 resultados para Biometria testicular
Este estudo objetivou verificar a distribuição temporal e espacial de Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766) e aspectos de sua biologia reprodutiva, tais como tempo de incubação, sucesso reprodutivo, biometria das fêmeas, número de ninhos e fecundidade. Os dados foram coletados de 2007 a 2010 nas praias de Muro Alto, Cupe, Merepe, Porto de Galinhas e Maracaípe, todas elas localizadas no município do Ipojuca, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram analisados comparativamente parâmetros relativos à biologia reprodutiva e áreas de nidificação da espécie. Eretmochelys imbricata foi registrada nidificando entre os meses de outubro a maio, totalizando 350 ninhos monitorados em três temporadas. Os picos de desova ocorreram de janeiro a março, revelando um padrão sazonal das desovas. Houve diferença significativa entre o número de ninhos nas temporadas. A praia de Merepe apresentou uma ocorrência elevada de ninhos (46 ninhos/km) em relação às demais praias monitoradas. Quanto aos aspectos da biologia reprodutiva, o sucesso reprodutivo foi 65,6%, e o intervalo do tempo de incubação de 54 a 56 dias. As medidas biométricas foram coletadas de 59 espécimes, e apresentaram média de 92,5 cm ± 4,5 para o comprimento curvilíneo da carapaça e de 83,4 cm ± 5 para a largura curvilínea da carapaça. Os resultados podem ser utilizados para subsidiar planos de conservação e demonstram que as praias registradas neste estudo têm relevância como áreas de nidificação para E. imbricata.
Reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Anura, Hylidae) in northeastern Argentina. The aim of this investigation was to characterize reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Schmidt, 1944) (Anura, Hylidae) in the northwest of Corrientes province, in northeastern Argentina. The reproductive cycles of males and females, the existence of sexual dimorphism and the male’s vocalization period were analyzed. Samplings were made from September 2011 to August 2012. Dendropsophus sanborni showed a prolonged reproductive pattern because reproductive activity was observed during most part of the year. Calling males were recorded all months except in July. The spermatogenic cycle can be characterized as potentially continuous. In males, snout-vent length was significantly correlated with mean testicular volume. The species showed sexual dimorphism in body mass, with females larger than males. Post-ovulatory females were found from March to June and most females had oocytes at different stages of maturity, with abundant post-vitellogenic oocytes from August to December.
The authors described the experiments with Penicillin Merck-Sodium Salt n. 135 in order to verify the curative action on the experimental disesase of the guineapig. I - They found that small doses, of 1,600 units, Oxford, when inoculated during the first 24 or 48 hours of the appearance of the feverish reaction are impotent to modify the course of the disease, whether in the thermic curve, or the testicular or esplenomegalic manifestations. II - Penicillin, when used in larger doses, from 25,000 to 30,000 units, Oxford, in 24 hours through peritonial cavity is capable of normalising the temperature, modifying to a certain degree the virulence of the virus in guinea-pigs. III - In large doses, even when injected later, it causes the temperature to fall, in all animals, attenuating the viceral manifestations. IV - Direct contact of Penicillin with the virus, during many hours, cause it to loose its virulence.
Os autores decreveram uma nova bactéria - Pasteurella intermedia n. ap., obtida pela inoculação em cobaio de 2 cc. de sangue total de um indivíduo morto de bronco-pneumonia e suspeito de ter a forma grave de Tifo exantemático neotrópico. Têm a impressão que a Pasteurella marsupialis e a P. intermedia, constituem um grupo à parte, bem definido, dentro das Pasteurellas. Muito pequenas, de grande e persistente poder patogênico para os animais comuns de laboratório, mesmo quando as amostras das bactérias são conservadas pelos replantios em agar-comum, na temperatura e iluminação comum em laboratórios, durante anos. Estas duas Pasteurellas, ao contrário das demais, têm alto e inconfundível poder antígenico, para a formação de aglutininas e fixação do complemento e dão com constância uma "reação testicular" em cobaios machos, quando injetadas pela via intra-peritoneal, febre alta, esplenomegalia constante e às vezes notável, prestando-se à confusão para o diagnóstico diferencial e experimental com a raça VB do Tifo exantemático neotrófico no Brasil (Moléstia de Pisa, Gomes e Mayer).
The reversals of Mitsuda's reactions induced by BCG have been objected to based on the possiblem interference of other determination causes of the phenomenon: tuberculous primo-infections, communicants of unsuspected leprosy, revearsals due to other causes, such as anti-diphteric and anti-tetanic vaccination, etc. In order to study the problem, we have used Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), which were reared in isolation, in an attempt to avoid the referred to interferences. Prior to the experiments, all animals were tested and found negative to radiograph, tuberculin and lepromin tests and were then submitted to the application of BCG vaccine (from 1 to 3 days old), in different doses and by different via. At different times, after the application of BCG, they were again submitted to the radiographic, tuberculin and lepromin tests. In the tables I to IV the experiences were summarised. From the experiments, the following conclusions were reached: 1 - From 12 Rhesus that received BCG 11 showed reversals of the Mitsuda reaction (91.7%). 2 - These reverseals took place both in tests effected shortly after BCG (from 6 days to 2 months), and tests effected much later (from 7 to 12 months after BCG). 3 - Some differences were found in the results, according to the dosis and the application via of the BCG. a) - The testicular and peritonela via (0,02g) were the only that determined strong positive Mitsuda's reactions (+++). b) - By oral via, animals that received high dosis (0.6g and 1.2 g), there resulted uniform and regular reversals, even though of low intensity (+); but from those who got small doses (0.2 g.) one showed no reversals in all tests, and the other presented reversals in the 2nd and 3rd tests only, also with low positivity (+). 4) In the 2nd and 3rd Mitsuda's reactions in the same animals, positivity was always precocious (generally within 48 hours), one getting the impression that there occurs a sensibilization of the animal body by the antigen with the repetition of the tests, even though the intensity of the reaction always remains the same. This precocious reaction (Fernandez type) occurs both shortly and long time after the application of the BCG. Its precocity depends not of the antigen only because the first Mitsuda's reaction after the BCG application occurs after some time and seems not influenced by the control lepromin test effected on the Rhesus before the BCG. 5) On the control group, the animals which received a.a.f. bacilli suspensions (Mycobacterium sp.; M. avium, and M. smegmatis), did not show reverseals of the Mitsuda's reaction. Two Rhesus, however, which received dead BCG (120ºC autoclave 1 hour), one intradermically (0.006 g) and the other orally (1.2 g), did both present reversals of the Mitsuda's reaction, with weak positivity (+). In all animals of the control-group, the allergic reactions were found negative. 6) Strong local inflammatory reactions were observed in the Rhesus that had received living BCG by intradermal via, and in the one submitted to multipunctures, there occurred the formation of a large caseous abcess. 7) The allergic tuberculinic and infratuberculinic reactions appeared dissociated from the Mitsuda's reactions: sometimes they are more precocious, occurring before of the lepromin test; on other occasions they disappear, when the Mitsuda's reactions still persist; and finally, they may be absent, when the latter occur, especially after the oral application of the BCG. 8) In Rhesus which received BCG by testicular and peritonela via, in the infratuberculinic test (0.1 ml of total BCG extract), besides the classic answer, which occurs between 48 and 96 hours, one could observe a delayed answer (15 to 20 days), represented by a non-erythematous nodule, which persists for 11-14 days.
Dosou-se a atividade da GOT, GPT e ceruloplasmina no testículo de ratos normais (a atividade testicular destas enzimas é relativamente baixa) e injetados com cloreto de cádmio ( que lesa o testículo), assim como em animais com este órgão lesado e que se administrou testosterona, estradiol, progesterona e gonadotrofina coriônica. Pudemos observar alterações significativas das enzimas por ação destes diferentes hormônios. Infelizmente, como pouco se sabe sobre a função destas enzimas neste órgão, torna-se difícil interpretar os nossos achados.
L’anàlisi de l’efecte dels gens i els factors ambientals en el desenvolupament de malalties complexes és un gran repte estadístic i computacional. Entre les diverses metodologies de mineria de dades que s’han proposat per a l’anàlisi d’interaccions una de les més populars és el mètode Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction, MDR, (Ritchie i al. 2001). L’estratègia d’aquest mètode és reduir la dimensió multifactorial a u mitjançant l’agrupació dels diferents genotips en dos grups de risc: alt i baix. Tot i la seva utilitat demostrada, el mètode MDR té alguns inconvenients entre els quals l’agrupació excessiva de genotips pot fer que algunes interaccions importants no siguin detectades i que no permet ajustar per efectes principals ni per variables confusores. En aquest article il•lustrem les limitacions de l’estratègia MDR i d’altres aproximacions no paramètriques i demostrem la conveniència d’utilitzar metodologies parametriques per analitzar interaccions en estudis cas-control on es requereix l’ajust per variables confusores i per efectes principals. Proposem una nova metodologia, una versió paramètrica del mètode MDR, que anomenem Model-Based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MB-MDR). La metodologia proposada té com a objectiu la identificació de genotips específics que estiguin associats a la malaltia i permet ajustar per efectes marginals i variables confusores. La nova metodologia s’il•lustra amb dades de l’Estudi Espanyol de Cancer de Bufeta.
O trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento das gônadas do berne (D. hominis) durante o período pupal. As pupas desenvolvidas de larvas com peso superior a 650 mg, deram imagos fêmeas, enquanto que as desenvolvidas daquelas pesando entre 500 e 650 mg deram macho, tendo havido um erro ao redor de 5%. Até o oitavo dia de pupação os testículos crescem mais que os ovários; a partir daí diminui o desenvolvimento, parando de crescer entre o vigésimo e vigésimo quinto dias. A espermatogênese inicia por volta do sétimo dia de pupa quando é grande o número de espermatócitos. No décimo dia alguns testículos apresentam considerável número de espermátides e os espermatozóides começam a aparecer por volta do vigésimo dia. A espermiogênese desenvolve-se sem interrupção e ao final da pupação quase toda loja testicular está repleta de espermatózóides. Os machos começam a nascer dois dias antes das fêmeas. Nessas, os ovaríolos aparecem formados por volta do oitavo dia de pupa; os folículos se individualizam por volta do vigésimo dia de pupa onde se distingue os trofócitos com núcleos politênicos e citoplasmas bem basófilos, enquanto o ovócito tem citoplasma mais acidófilo e núcleo com cromatina bastante frouxa. A vitelogênese tem início ao redor do vigésimo quinto dia de pupa e se completa ao nascimento da imago. A ligação das gônadas com suas respectivas estruturas somáticas acontece ao redor do décimo terceiro dia de pupação.
To make a diagnostic of cancer in a young adult (15-30 years of age) has important physical, psychological and social implications. The most frequent cancers seen at this age are cancer of the thyroid, testicular germ cell tumours, 'melanoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukaemia, cerebral tumours and sarcomas. Even if the prognostic of most of these cancers is excellent, treatments are difficult and often associated with long-term side effects. A multidisciplinary approach of these patients is essential. A long-term follow-up by a general practicioner or an oncologist is indispensable.
When 4th instar nymphs of Panstrongylus megistus are fed with a saturant blood meal, there is an intense proliferation of the spermatogonia. At the end of the intermoult, the older spermatogonial cysts differentiate into 1st primary spermatocyte cysts. In the nymphs deprived of the blood meal this evolution is not observed, but a small growth of the testicular follicles occurs, due to a few mitotic divisions. This growth is observed at least, until 25 days after ecdysis. Since day 15, an autolytic process starts in the older spermatogonial cysts. The presence of exogenous juvenile hormone III (JH III) does not promote the development of the germ cells in the fasting insects. There is only a small growth of the testicular follicles and the autolytic process is also observed. In the precocious adults obtained by allatectomy or precocene II treatment, germ cells are observed in all development stages, except packed and elongated spermatozoa bundels.
About 15% of adolescent males present with a varicocele. It rarely causes symptoms and is often diagnosed on the routine physical examination. There are evidences of an association between duration of a varicocele and testicular impairment. Surgical treatment is indicated in case of testicular growth arrest, testicular asymmetry, grade II or more, symptoms i.e. pain or swelling, parental or patient's anxiety. Several treatment options include open surgery (with or without micro-anastomosis), laparoscopy, embolization by interventional radiology, antegrade scrotal sclerotherapy. Informations should include a recurrence rate as hight as 15% whatever the technique may be, postoperative hydroceles and some testicular atrophies. Those complications can be delayed.
The gene encoding the cAMP-responsive transcription factor CREB consists of multiple small exons some of which undergo alternative RNA splicing. We describe the finding of a novel transcript of the CREB gene expressed at high levels in the germ cells of the rat testis. The transcript contains an alternatively spliced exon inserted within the sequence encoding the transcriptional transactivation domain of CREB and this exon contains multiple in-frame stop codons. Furthermore, the exon is conserved in both rat and human genes (75% nucleotide identity). Although the function(s) of this RNA or the truncated CREB protein predicted to result from the translation of this unusual transcript is unknown, the high level of expression in the testicular germ cells and remarkable conservation of sequences in rat and human suggests that it may have a unique biological function in these cells.
The authors revalidate the genus Mepraia, described in 1940 by Mazza, Gajardo & Jörg. The genus is monotypic and represented by the species M. spinolai (Porter, 1934). Based on the characteres described below the authors considered the separation of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832 and the return of the genus Mepraia. Strongly alar polymorphism, the abdomen of female with connexivum like in genus Dipetalogaster Usinger 1939, seven testicular follicles, like in Triatoma, however with a different relation of lenghts; external male genitalia showing a big and foliar process of the conjunctiva, vesica with an arch-shape, struts and endosoma process absent.
OBJECTIVE: This study examines the physiological impact of a glucose load on serum testosterone (T) levels in men with varying glucose tolerance (GT). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 74 men (19-74 years, mean 51·4 ± 1·4 years) underwent a standard 75-g oral glucose tolerance test with blood sampling at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. Fasting serum glucose, insulin, total T (and calculated free T), LH, SHBG, leptin and cortisol were measured. RESULTS: 57% of the men had normal GT, 30% had impaired GT and 13% had newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Glucose ingestion was associated with a 25% decrease in mean T levels (delta = -4·2 ± 0·3 nm, P < 0·0001). T levels remained suppressed at 120 min compared with baseline (13·7 ± 0·6 vs 16·5 ± 0·7 nm, P < 0·0001) and did not differ across GT or BMI. Of the 66 men with normal T levels at baseline, 10 (15%) had levels that decreased to the hypogonadal range (<9·7 nm) at one or more time points. SHBG, LH and cortisol levels were unchanged. Leptin levels decreased from baseline at all time points (P < 0·0001). CONCLUSIONS: Glucose ingestion induces a significant reduction in total and free T levels in men, which is similar across the spectrum of glucose tolerance. This decrease in T appears to be because of a direct testicular defect, but the absence of compensatory changes in LH suggests an additional central component. Men found to have low nonfasting T levels should be re-evaluated in the fasting state.