994 resultados para Biology, Cell|Health Sciences, Pharmacology


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Estrogen receptor (ER) and the tumor suppressor p53 are key prognostic indicators in breast cancer. Estrogen signaling through its receptor (ER) controls proliferation of normal as well as transformed mammary epithelial cells, and the presence of ER is established as a marker of good prognosis and response to therapy. The p53 tumor suppressor gene is often referred to as the "cellular gatekeeper" due to its extensive control of cell proliferation and apoptosis. Loss of functional p53 is a negative prognostic indicator and is correlated with lack of response to antiestrogens, reduced disease-free interval and increased chance of disease recurrence. Clinical studies have demonstrated that tumors with mutated p53 tend to be ER negative, while ER positive tumors tend to have wild type p53. ^ Recent studies from our lab indicate that p53 genotype correlates with estrogen receptor expression in mammary tumors in vivo. We therefore hypothesized that p53 regulates ER expression in mammary cancer cells by recruitment of specific cofactors to the ER promoter. To test this, MCF-7 cells were treated with doxorubicin or ionizing radiation, both of which stimulated significant increases in p53 expression, as expected, but also increased ER expression in a p53-dependent manner. Furthermore, in cells treated with siRNA targeting p53, both p53 and ER protein levels were significantly reduced. P53 was also demonstrated to transcriptionally regulate the ER promoter in luciferase assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that p53 was recruited to the ER promoter along with CARM1, CBP, c-Jun and Sp1 and that this multifactor complex was formed in a p53-dependent manner. The regulation of ER by p53 has therapeutic implications, as the treatment of breast cancer cells with doxorubicin sensitized these cells to tamoxifen treatment. Furthermore, response to tamoxifen as well as to estrogen was dependent on p53 expression in ER positive human breast cancer cells. Taken together, these data demonstrate that p53 regulates ER expression through transcriptional control of the ER promoter, accounting for their concordant expression in human breast cancer and identifying potentially beneficial therapeutic strategies for the treatment of ER positive breast cancers. ^


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Antibodies (Abs) to autoantigens and foreign antigens (Ags) mediate, respectively, various pathogenic and beneficial effects. Abs express enzyme-like nucleophiles that react covalently with electrophiles. A subpopulation of nucleophilic Abs expresses proteolytic activity, which can inactivate the Ag permanently. This thesis shows how the nucleophilicity can be exploited to inhibit harmful Abs or potentially protect against a virus. ^ Inactivation of pathogenic Abs from Hemophilia A (HA) patients by means of nucleophile-electrophile pairing was studied. Deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in HA subjects impairs blood coagulation. FVIII replacement therapy fails in 20-30% of HA patients due to production of anti-FVIII Abs. FVIII analogs containing electrophilic phosphonate group (E-FVIII and E-C2) were hypothesized to inactivate the Abs by reacting specifically and covalently with nucleophilic sites. Anti-FVIII IgGs from HA patients formed immune complexes with E-FVIII and E-C2 that remained irreversibly associated under conditions that disrupt noncovalent Ab-Ag complexes. The reaction induced irreversible loss of Ab anti-coagulant activity. E-FVIII alone displayed limited interference with coagulation. E-FVIII is a prototype reagent suitable for further development as a selective inactivator of pathogenic anti-FVIII Abs. ^ The beneficial function of Abs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was analyzed. HIV-1 eludes the immune system by rapidly changing its coat protein structure. IgAs from noninfected subjects hydrolyzed gp120 and neutralized HIV-1 with modest potency by recognizing the gp120 421-433 epitope, a conserved B cell superantigenic region that is also essential for HIV-1 attachment to host cell CD4 receptors. An adaptive immune response to superantigens is generally prohibited due to their ability to downregulate B cells. IgAs from subjects with prolonged HIV-1 infection displayed improved catalytic hydrolysis of gp120 and exceptionally potent and broad neutralization of diverse CCR5-dependent primary HIV isolates attributable to recognition of the 421-433 epitope. This indicates that slow immunological bypass of the superantigenic character of gp120 is possible, opening the path to effective HIV vaccination. ^ My research reveals a novel route to inactivate pathogenic nucleophilic Abs using electrophilic antigens. Conversely, naturally occurring nucleophilic Abs may help impede HIV infection, and the Abs could be developed for passive immunotherapy of HIV infected subjects. ^


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Advances in therapy for colorectal cancer have been hampered by development of resistance to chemotherapy. The Src family of protein tyrosine kinases has been associated with colorectal cancer development and progression. Activation of the prototypic member of the family, Src, occurs in advanced colorectal cancer and is associated with a worse outcome. This work tests the hypotheses that Src activation contributes to chemoresistance in some colon tumors and that this resistance can be overcome by use of Src inhibitors. The aims of the proposal were to (1) determine if constitutive Src activation is sufficient to induce oxaliplatin resistance; (2) evaluate the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the activation of Src after oxaliplatin treatment; (3) determine the frequency of Src activation in liver metastases after oxaliplatin treatment; and (4) evaluate the safety, preliminary efficacy, and pharmacodynamics of the combination of dasatinib with oxaliplatin-based therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. ^ Using a panel of colon cancer cell lines and murine models, I demonstrate that administration of oxaliplatin, a commonly utilized chemotherapy for colorectal cancer, results in an increased activation of Src. The activation occurs acutely in some, but not all, colorectal carcinoma cell lines. Cell lines selected for oxaliplatin resistance are further increased in Src activity. Treatment of cell lines with dasatinib, a non-selective pharmacologic inhibitor of the Src family kinases synergistically killed some, but not all cell lines. Cell lines with the highest acute activation of Src after oxaliplatin administration were the most sensitive to the combination therapy. Previous work demonstrated that siRNA to Src increased sensitivity to oxaliplatin, suggesting that the effects of dasatinib are primarily due to its ability to inhibit Src in these cell lines. ^ To examine the mechanism underlying these results, I examined the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as previous studies have demonstrated that platinum chemotherapeutics result in intracellular oxidative stress. I demonstrated that oxaliplatin-induced reactive oxygen species were higher in the cell lines with Src activation, relative to those in which Src was not activated. This oxaliplatin-induced Src activation was blocked by the administration of anti-oxidants, thereby demonstrating that synergistic killing between dasatinib and oxaliplatin was associated with the ability of the latter to generate ROS. ^ In a murine model of colorectal cancer metastasis to the liver, the combination of dasatinib and oxaliplatin was more effective in reducing tumor volume than either agent alone. However, when oxaliplatin resistant cell lines were treated with a combination of oxaliplatin and AZD0530, an inhibitor in the clinic with increased specificity for Src, no additional benefit was seen, although Src was activated by oxaliplatin and Src substrates were inhibited. The indolent growth of oxaliplatin-resistant cells, unlike the growth of oxaliplatin resistant tumors in patients, precludes definitive interpretation of these results. ^ To further explore Src activation in patients with oxaliplatin exposure and resistance, an immunohistochemistry analysis of tumor tissue from resected liver metastases of colorectal cancer was performed. Utilizing a tissue microarray, staining for phosphorylated Src and FAK demonstrated strong staining of tumor relative to stromal and normal liver. In patients recently exposed to oxaliplatin, there was increased FAK activation, supporting the clinical relevance of the prior preclinical studies. ^ To pursue the potential clinical benefit of the combination of Src inhibition with oxaliplatin, a phase IB clinical trial was completed. Thirty patients with refractory metastatic colorectal cancer were treated with a combination of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, an epidermal-growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody, and dasatinib. The recommended phase II dose of dasatinib was established, and toxicities were quantified. Pharmacodynamic studies demonstrated increased phosphorylation of the Src substrate paxillin after dasatinib therapy. Tumor biopsies were obtained and Src expression levels were quantitated. Clinical benefit was seen with the combination, including a response rate of 20% and disease control rate of 56%, prompting a larger clinical study. ^ In summary, although Src is constitutively activated in metastatic colorectal cancer, administration of oxaliplatin chemotherapy can further increase its activity, through a reactive oxygen species dependent manner. Inhibition of Src in combination with oxaliplatin provides additional benefit in vitro, in preclinical animal models, and in the clinic. Further study of Src inhibition in the clinic and identification of predictive biomarkers of response will be required to further advance this promising therapeutic target. ^


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Asbestos and silica are important industrial hazards. Exposure to these dusts can result in pulmonary fibrosis and, in the case of asbestos, cancer. Although the hazards of asbestos and silica exposure have long been known, the pathogenesis of dust-related disease is not well understood. Both silica and asbestos are thought to alter the function of the alveolar macrophage, but the nature of the biochemical alteration is unknown. Therefore, this study examined the effect of asbestos and silica on the activation pathway of the guinea pig alveolar macrophage. Activation of macrophages by physiological agents results in stimulation of phospholipase C causing phosphatidyl inositol turnover and intracellular calcium mobilization. Phosphatidyl inositol turnover produces diacylglycerol which activates protein kinase C causing superoxide anion production.^ Chrysotile stimulated alveolar macrophages to produce superoxide anion. This stimulation proceeded via phospholipase C, since chrysotile stimulated phosphatidyl inositol turnover and intracellular calcium mobilization. The possible involvement of a coupling protein was evaluated by pretreating cells with pertussis toxin. Pertussis toxin pretreatment partially inhibited chrysotile stimulation, suggesting that chrysotile activates a coupling protein in an non-classical manner. Potential binding sites for chrysotile stimulation were examined using a series of nine lectins. Chrysotile-stimulated superoxide anion production was blocked by pretreatment with lectins which bound to N-acetylglucosamine, but not by lectins which bound to mannose, fucose, or N-acetylgalactosamine. In addition, incubation with the N-acetylglucosamine polymer, chitin, inhibited chrysotile-stimulated superoxide anion production, suggesting that chrysotile stimulated superoxide anion production by binding to N-acetylglucosamine residues.^ On the other hand, silica did not stimulate superoxide anion production. The effect of silica on agonist stimulation of this pathway was examined using two stimulants of superoxide anion production, N-formyl-nle-leu-phe (FNLP, which stimulates through phospholipase C) and phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (which directly activates protein kinase C). Sublethal doses of silica inhibited FNLP-stimulated superoxide anion production, but did not affect phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate-stimulated superoxide anion production, suggesting that the site of inhibition precedes protein kinase C. This inhibition was not due to cell membrane damage, since cell permeability to calcium-45 and rubidium-86 was not increased. It is concluded that chrysotile binds to N-acetylglucosamine residues on macrophage surface glycoproteins to stimulate the physiological pathway resulting in superoxide anion production. In contrast, silica does not stimulate superoxide anion production, but it did inhibit FNLP-stimulated superoxide anion production. ^


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A rare familial cancer syndrome involving childhood brain tumors (CBT), breast cancer, sarcomas and an array of other tumors has been described (Li and Fraumeni 1969, 1975, 1982, 1987). A survey of CBT identified through the Connnecticut Tumor Registry in 1984 revealed a high frequency of CBT, leukemia and other childhood cancer in siblings of CBT patients (Farwell and Flannery, 1984). Other syndromes such as neurofibromatosis and nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome have also been associated with CBT; however, no systematic family studies have been conducted to determine the extent to which cancer aggregates in family members of CBT patients. This family study was designed to determine the frequency of cancer aggregation overall or at specific sites, to determine the frequency of known or potentially hereditary syndromes in families of CBT patients, and to determine a genetic model to characterize familial cancer syndromes and to identify specific kindreds to which such a model(s) might apply. This study includes 244 confirmed CBT patients referred to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center between the years 1944 and 1983, diagnosed under the age of 15 years and resident in the U.S. or Canada. Family histories were obtained on the proband's first (parents, siblings and offspring) and second degree (proband's aunts, uncles and grandparents) relatives following sequential sampling scheme rules. To determine if cancer aggregates in families, we compared the cancer experience in the population to that expected in the general population using Connecticut Tumor Registry calendar year, age, race and sex-specific rates. The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for cancer overall was 0.91 (41 observed (O) and 44.94 expected (E); 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.65-1.24). We observed a significant excess of colon cancer among the proband's first degree relatives (O/E = 5/1.64; 95% CI = 1.01-7.65), in particular those under age 45 year. Segregation analysis showed evidence for multifactorial inheritance in the small percentage (N = 5) of the families. ^


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The clinical application of chemopreventive agents is expected to prevent the appearance of cancer by arresting carcinogenesis or reversing it in the precancerous stages. The hypothesis of the present investigations was that chemopreventive agents (retinoids and antioxidant vitamins) may counteract the clastogenic effects of bleomycin in vitro in both lymphoblastoid cell lines and primary lymphocyte cultures and that a similar phenomenon can be detected in lymphocytes from individuals treated with 13-cis-retinoic acid. The efficacy of 13-cis-retinoic acid, n-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-retinamide, ascorbic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine, alpha-tocopherol, and alpha-tocopherol-acid succinate was tested against bleomycin-induced chromosomal breakage.^ The results provided direct evidence of the concentration-related protective effects of these agents against bleomycin-induced clastogenicity in cultures of human lymphoblastoid cell lines in vitro. Similar anticlastogenic protection was demonstrated with 13-cis-retinoic acid, ascorbic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine, and alpha-tocopherol-acid succinate in primary lymphocyte cultures in vitro. The in vitro anticlastogenic effect of 13-cis-retinoic acid was also demonstrated in lymphocyte cultures from peripheral blood samples from patients treated with this retinoid.^ An important consideration is that the concentrations used in the present investigations are comparable to those achieved in clinical situations.^ The in vitro anticlastogenic effect of these retinoids and antioxidants may constitute an important element of their chemopreventive properties. The results corroborate the hypothesis that these compounds may be effective in clinical chemoprevention trials. The bleomycin-assay may also be used as a short-term test to evaluate the antimutagenic effects of various agents. ^


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This case control study was conducted to assess the association between lung cancer risk, mutagen sensitivity (a marker of cancer susceptibility), and a putative lung carcinogen, wood dust exposure. There were 165 cases (98 African-Americans, 67 Mexican-Americans) with newly diagnosed, previously untreated lung cancer, and 239 controls, frequency-matched on age, sex, and ethnicity.^ Mutagen sensitivity ($\ge$1 break/cell) was associated with a statistically significant elevated risk for lung cancer (odds ratio (OR) = 4.1, 95% confidence limits (CL) = 2.3,7.2). Wood dust exposure was also a significant predictor of risk (OR = 2.8, 95% CL = 1.2,6.6) after controlling for smoking and mutagen sensitivity. When stratified by ethnicity, wood dust exposure was a significant risk factor for African-Americans (OR = 4.0, 95% CL = 1.4,11.5), but not for Mexican-Americans (OR = 1.5, 95% CL = 0.3,7.1). Stratified analysis suggested a greater than multiplicative interaction between wood dust exposure and both mutagen sensitivity and smoking.^ The cases had significantly more breaks on chromosomes 4 and 5 than the controls did with ORs of 4.9 (95% CL = 2.0, 11.7) and 3.9 (95% CL = 1.6, 9.3), respectively. Breaks at 4p14, 4q27, 4q31, 5q21-22, 5q31, and 5q33 were significantly more common in lung cancer patients than in controls. Lung cancer risk had a dose-response relationship with breaks on chromosomes 4 and 5. Cigarette smoking had a strong interaction with breaks on chromosomes 2, 4, and 5.^ In a molecular cytogenetic study, using chromosome painting and G-banding, we showed that: (1) the proportion of chromosome 5 abnormalities surviving as chromosome-type aberrations remained significantly higher in cells of lung cancer cases (14%) than in controls (5%) (P $<$ 0.001). However, no significant differences were detected in chromosome 4 abnormalities between cases and controls; (2) the proportion of chromosome 5q13-22 abnormalities was 5.3% in the cases and 0.7% in the controls (P $<$ 0.001). 5q13-22 regions represented 40% of all abnormalities on chromosome 5 in the cases and only 14% in the controls.^ This study suggests that mutagen sensitivity, wood dust exposure, and cigarette smoking were independent risk factors for lung cancer, and the susceptibility of particular chromosome loci to mutagenic damage may be a genetic marker for specific types of lung cancer. ^


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This dissertation examines the biological functions and the regulation of expression of DNA ligase I by studying its expression under different conditions.^ The gene expression of DNA ligase I was induced two- to four-fold in S-phase lymphoblastoid cells but was decreased to 15% of control after administration of a DNA damaging agent, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide. When cells were induced into differentiation, the expression level of DNA ligase I was decreased to less than 15% of that of the control cells. When the gene of DNA ligase I was examined for tissue specific expression in adult rats, high levels of DNA ligase I mRNA were observed in testis (8-fold), intermediate levels in ovary and brain (4-fold), and low levels were found in intestine, spleen, and liver (1- to 2-fold).^ In confluent cells of normal skin fibroblasts, UV irradiation induced the gene expression of DNA ligase I at 24 and 48 h. The induction of DNA ligase I gene expression requires active p53 protein. Introducing a vector containing the wild type p53 protein in the cells caused an induction of the DNA ligase I protein 24 h after the treatment.^ Our results indicate that, in addition to the regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, cellular DNA ligase I activity can be regulated at the gene transcription level, and the p53 tumor suppresser is one of the transcription factors for the DNA ligase I gene. Also, our results suggest that DNA ligase I is involved in DNA repair as well as in DNA replication.^ Also, as an early attempt to clone the human homolog of the yeast CDC9 gene which has been shown to be involved in DNA replication, DNA repair, and DNA recombination, we have identified a human gene with mRNA of 1.7 kb. This dissertation studies the gene regulation and the possible biological functions of this new human gene by examining its expression at different stages of the cell cycle, during cell differentiation, and in cellular response to DNA damage.^ The new gene that we recently identified from human cells is highly expressed in brain and reproductive organs (BRE). This BRE gene encodes an mRNA of 1.7-1.9 kb, with an open reading frame of 1,149 bp, and gives rise to a deduced polypeptide of 383 amino acid residues. No extensive homology was found between BRE and sequences from the EMBL-Gene Banks. BRE showed tissue-specific expression in adult rats. The steady state mRNA levels were high in testis (5-6 fold), ovary and brain (3-4 fold) compared to the spleen level, but low in intestine and liver (1-2 fold). The expression of this gene is responsive to DNA damage and/or retinoic acid (RA) treatment. Treatment of fibroblast cells with UV irradiation and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide caused more than 90% and 50% decreases in BRE mRNA, respectively. Similar decreases in BRE expression were observed after treatment of the brain glioma cell line U-251 and the promyelocytic cell line HL-60 with retinoic acid. (Abstract shortened by UMI). ^


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Background. The mTOR pathway is commonly altered in human tumors and promotes cell survival and proliferation. Preliminary evidence suggests this pathway's involvement in chemoresistance to platinum and taxanes, first line therapy for epithelial ovarian cancer. A pathway-based approach was used to identify individual germline single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and cumulative effects of multiple genetic variants in mTOR pathway genes and their association with clinical outcome in women with ovarian cancer. ^ Methods. The case-series was restricted to 319 non-Hispanic white women with high grade ovarian cancer treated with surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. 135 SNPs in 20 representative genes in the mTOR pathway were genotyped. Hazard ratios (HRs) for death and Odds ratios (ORs) for failure to respond to primary therapy were estimated for each SNP using the multivariate Cox proportional hazards model and multivariate logistic regression model, respectively, while adjusting for age, stage, histology and treatment sequence. A survival tree analysis of SNPs with a statistically significant association (p<0.05) was performed to identify higher order gene-gene interactions and their association with overall survival. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference in survival by tumor histology or treatment regimen. The median survival for the cohort was 48.3 months. Seven SNPs were significantly associated with decreased survival. Compared to those with no unfavorable genotypes, the HR for death increased significantly with the increasing number of unfavorable genotypes and women in the highest risk category had HR of 4.06 (95% CI 2.29–7.21). The survival tree analysis also identified patients with different survival patterns based on their genetic profiles. 13 SNPs on five different genes were found to be significantly associated with a treatment response, defined as no evidence of disease after completion of primary therapy. Rare homozygous genotype of SNP rs6973428 showed a 5.5-fold increased risk compared to the wild type carrying genotypes. In the cumulative effect analysis, the highest risk group (individuals with ≥8 unfavorable genotypes) was significantly less likely to respond to chemotherapy (OR=8.40, 95% CI 3.10–22.75) compared to the low risk group (≤4 unfavorable genotypes). ^ Conclusions. A pathway-based approach can demonstrate cumulative effects of multiple genetic variants on clinical response to chemotherapy and survival. Therapy targeting the mTOR pathway may modify outcome in select patients.^


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InGen of Creative Production in the Health Sciences is a compendium of innovative thinking exercises for individuals and groups, derived from an eclectic array of practical guides for professionals in a variety of fields. Segmented into five subcategories across twenty two chapters, the effort seeks to make techniques for increasing innovative problem solving more accessible to a diverse audience of problem solvers. The chapters of Roberta Ness. Innovation Generation (2012, Oxford University Press) provide the themes for each of the chapters in the workbook. It is intended that those who read Ness. Innovation Generation will benefit from practicing the constructs of innovative thinking exemplified in each exercise.^ The methods used to gather data, in this case mostly innovative thinking exercises, included literature reviews of existing innovative thinking tools, classroom materials, and theory-driven exploration of exercises to fill in gaps in extant materials. Specifically, Google.com and Amazon.com searches were conducted using the terms “innovation,” “innovative,” “innovator,” “creative,” “novelty,” “thinking,” together with some variance of “book,” “workbook,” and “exercise.” The results were sorted thematically to show correspondence with the themes in Ness (2012) and compared to suggested best practices of 50 years of scientific research on innovative thinking. Where themes were suggested by Ness (2012) and peer-reviewed research on innovation but unavailable in published innovation thinking workbooks, new exercises were developed. The five type subcategories into which these results were organized are: individual direct, individual indirect, group direct, group indirect and probing question. It is anticipated that the five type subcategories and spectrum of themes will equip problem solvers in a variety of capacities.^


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Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for females due to lack of specific early detection method. It is of great interest to find molecular-based biomarkers which are sensitive and specific to ovarian cancer for early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics. miRNAs have been proposed to be potential biomarkers that could be used in cancer prevention and therapeutics. The current study analyzed the miRNA and mRNA expression data extracted from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Using simple linear regression and multiple regression models, we found 71 miRNA-mRNA pairs which were negatively associated between 56 miRNAs and 24 genes of PI3K/AKT pathway. Among these miRNA and mRNA target pairs, 9 of them were in agreement with the predictions from the most commonly used target prediction programs including miRGen, miRDB, miRTarbase and miR2Disease. These shared miRNA-mRNA pairs were considered to be the most potential genes that were involved in ovarian cancer. Furthermore, 4 of the 9 target genes encode cell cycle or apoptosis related proteins including Cyclin D1, p21, FOXO1 and Bcl2, suggesting that their regulator miRNAs including miR-16, miR-96 and miR-21 most likely played important roles in promoting tumor growth through dysregulated cell cycle or apoptosis. miR-96 was also found to directly target IRS-1. In addition, the results showed that miR-17 and miR-9 may be involved in ovarian cancer through targeting JAK1. This study might provide evidence for using miRNA or miRNA profile as biomarker.^


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The tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) is an obvious carcinogen for lung cancer. Since CBMN (Cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus) has been found to be extremely sensitive to NNK-induced genetic damage, it is a potential important factor to predict the lung cancer risk. However, the association between lung cancer and NNK-induced genetic damage measured by CBMN assay has not been rigorously examined. ^ This research develops a methodology to model the chromosomal changes under NNK-induced genetic damage in a logistic regression framework in order to predict the occurrence of lung cancer. Since these chromosomal changes were usually not observed very long due to laboratory cost and time, a resampling technique was applied to generate the Markov chain of the normal and the damaged cell for each individual. A joint likelihood between the resampled Markov chains and the logistic regression model including transition probabilities of this chain as covariates was established. The Maximum likelihood estimation was applied to carry on the statistical test for comparison. The ability of this approach to increase discriminating power to predict lung cancer was compared to a baseline "non-genetic" model. ^ Our method offered an option to understand the association between the dynamic cell information and lung cancer. Our study indicated the extent of DNA damage/non-damage using the CBMN assay provides critical information that impacts public health studies of lung cancer risk. This novel statistical method could simultaneously estimate the process of DNA damage/non-damage and its relationship with lung cancer for each individual.^


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Background: HIV associated B cell exhaustion is a notable characteristic of HIV viremic adults. However, it is not known if such alterations are present in perinatal HIV infected children, whose viral dynamics differs from those seen in adults. In the present study we perform an analysis of B cells subsets and measure antigen-specific memory B cells (MBC) in a pediatric HIV infected cohort. ^ Methods: Peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) of perinatal HIV infected individuals are characterized into naïve (CD21hi/CD27−), classic (CD27+), tissue like (CD21lo/CD27 −) and activated MBC (CD27+CD21− ) by FACS. A memory ELISPOT assay is used to detect antibody secreting cells. We measure total IgG and antibodies specific for influenza, HBV, mumps, measles, rubella and VZV. Memory was expressed as spot forming cells (SPC) /million of PBMC. Wilcoxon rank-sum was used to compare unpaired groups and linear regression analysis was used to determine predictors of B cell dysfunction ^ Results: 41 HIV perinatal infected children are included (51.2% females and 65.9% Black). Age at study is median (range) 8.78 years (4.39-11.57). At the time of testing they have a CD4% of 30.9 (23.2-39.4), a viral load (VL) of 1.95 log10 copies/ml (1.68-3.29) and a cumulative VL of 3.4 log10 copy × days (2.7-4.0). Ninety two percent of the children are on cARV for > 6 months. Overall, HIV+ children compared with controls have a significant lower number of IgG and antigen specific SFC. In addition, they have a lower proportion of classical MBC 12.9 (8.09-19.85) vs 29.4 (18.7-39.05); 0.01, but a significant higher proportion of tissue like memory MBC 6.01 (2.79-12.7) vs 0.99 (0.87-1.38); 0.003, compared with controls. Patients are parsed on VL (<400 and ≥ 400 copies/ml) with the objective to evaluate the effect of VL on B cell status. Patients with a VL ≥ 400 copies/ml have a significantly lower IgG, HBV, measles, rubella and VZV SPC compared with those with a VL < 400 copies/ml. There are no significant differences in B cell subpopulations between the groups. A moderate negative correlation was observed between the time of cARV initiation and the frequency of IgG memory B cells, suggesting that early initiation of cARV appears to lead to a better functionality of the IgG memory B cells (P=0.05). A statistically significant positive correlation was observed between the total number of IgG memory cells and the number of antigen-specific memory B cells/SPCs. Suggesting that the progressive recovery of the IgG memory B cell pull goes along with a progressive increase in the number of antigen-specific SPCs. ^ Conclusion: A pediatric cohort in overall good status with respect to HIV infection and on ART has defects in B cell function and numbers (reduced total and antigen specific MBC and increased tissue like and reduced classical MBC).^


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$\beta$-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase exhibits an agonist-specific separation between the dose/response curve (characterized by the EC$\sb{50}$) and the dose/binding curve (characterized by the K$\sb{\rm d}$). Cyclase activity can be near-maximal when receptor occupancy is quite low (EC$\sb{50}$ $\ll$ K$\sb{\rm d}$). This separation between the binding and response curves can be explained by the assumption that the rate of cyclase activation is proportional to the concentration of agonist-bound receptors, since the receptor is mobile and can activate more than one cyclase (the Collision Coupling Model of Tolkovsky and Levitzki). Here it is established that agonist binding frequency plays an additional role in adenylate cyclase activation in S49 murine lymphoma cells. Using epinephrine (EC$\sb{50}$ = 10 nM, K$\sb{\rm d}$ = 2 $\mu$M), the rate of cyclase activation decreased by 80% when a small (1.5%) receptor occupancy was restricted (by addition of the antagonist propranolol) to a small number (1.5%) of receptors rather than being proportionally distributed among the cell's entire population of receptors. Thus adenylate cyclase activity is not proportional to receptor occupancy in all circumstances. Collisions between receptor and cyclase pairs apparently occur a number of times in rapid sequence (an encounter); the high binding frequency of epinephrine ensures that discontiguous regions of the cell surface experience some period of agonist-bound receptor activity per small unit time minimizing "wasted" collisions between activated cyclase and bound receptor within an encounter. A contribution of agonist binding frequency to activation is thus possible when: (1) the mean lifetime of the agonist-receptor complex is shorter than the mean encounter time, and (2) the absolute efficiency (intrinsic ability to promote cyclase activation per collision) of the agonist-receptor complex is high. These conclusions are supported by experiments using agonists of different efficiencies and binding frequencies. These results are formalized in the Encounter Coupling Model of adenylate cyclase activation, which takes into explicit account the agonist binding frequency, agonist affinity for the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor, agonist efficiency, encounter frequency and the encounter time between receptor and cyclase. ^


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Three approaches were used to examine the role of Ca$\sp{2+}$- and/or calmodulin (CaM)-regulated processes in the mammalian heat stress response. The focus of the first approach was on the major Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein, CaM, and involved the use of CaM antagonists that perturbed CaM-regulated processes during heat stress. The second approach involved the use of a cell line and its BPV-1 transformants that express increased basal levels of CaM, or parvalbumin--a Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein not normally found in these cells. The last approach used Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators to buffer Ca$\sp{2+}$-transients.^ The principle conclusions resulting from these three experimental approaches are: (1) CaM antagonists cause a temperature-dependent potentiation of heat killing, but do not inhibit the triggering and development of thermotolerance suggesting some targets for heat killing are different from those that lead to thermotolerance; (2) Members of major HSP families (especially HSP70) can bind to CaM in a Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent manner in vitro, and HSP have been associated with events leading to thermotolerance. But, because thermotolerance is not affected by CaM antagonists, and antagonists should interfere with HSP binding to CaM, the events leading to triggering or developing thermotolerance were not strongly dependent on HSP binding to CaM; (3) CaM antagonists can also bind to HSP70 (and possibly other HSP) suggesting an alternative mechanism for the action of these agents in heat killing may involve direct binding to other proteins, like HSP70, whose function is important for survival following heating and inhibiting their activity; and (4) The signal governing the rate of synthesis of another major HSP group, the HSP26 family, can be largely abrogated by elevated Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding proteins or Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators without significantly reducing survival or thermotolerance suggesting if the HSP26 family is involved in either end point, it may function in (Ca$\sp{2+}$) $\sb{\rm i}$ homeostasis. ^