891 resultados para Big data analytics


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GraphChi is the first reported disk-based graph engine that can handle billion-scale graphs on a single PC efficiently. GraphChi is able to execute several advanced data mining, graph mining and machine learning algorithms on very large graphs. With the novel technique of parallel sliding windows (PSW) to load subgraph from disk to memory for vertices and edges updating, it can achieve data processing performance close to and even better than those of mainstream distributed graph engines. GraphChi mentioned that its memory is not effectively utilized with large dataset, which leads to suboptimal computation performances. In this paper we are motivated by the concepts of 'pin ' from TurboGraph and 'ghost' from GraphLab to propose a new memory utilization mode for GraphChi, which is called Part-in-memory mode, to improve the GraphChi algorithm performance. The main idea is to pin a fixed part of data inside the memory during the whole computing process. Part-in-memory mode is successfully implemented with only about 40 additional lines of code to the original GraphChi engine. Extensive experiments are performed with large real datasets (including Twitter graph with 1.4 billion edges). The preliminary results show that Part-in-memory mode memory management approach effectively reduces the GraphChi running time by up to 60% in PageRank algorithm. Interestingly it is found that a larger portion of data pinned in memory does not always lead to better performance in the case that the whole dataset cannot be fitted in memory. There exists an optimal portion of data which should be kept in the memory to achieve the best computational performance.


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Multiple transformative forces target marketing, many of which derive from new technologies that allow us to sample thinking in real time (i.e., brain imaging), or to look at large aggregations of decisions (i.e., big data). There has been an inclination to refer to the intersection of these technologies with the general topic of marketing as “neuromarketing”. There has not been a serious effort to frame neuromarketing, which is the goal of this paper. Neuromarketing can be compared to neuroeconomics, wherein neuroeconomics is generally focused on how individuals make “choices”, and represent distributions of choices. Neuromarketing, in contrast, focuses on how a distribution of choices can be shifted or “influenced”, which can occur at multiple “scales” of behavior (e.g., individual, group, or market/society). Given influence can affect choice through many cognitive modalities, and not just that of valuation of choice options, a science of influence also implies a need to develop a model of cognitive function integrating attention, memory, and reward/aversion function. The paper concludes with a brief description of three domains of neuromarketing application for studying influence, and their caveats.


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This paper researches on Matthew Effect in Sina Weibo microblogger. We choose the microblogs in the ranking list of Hot Microblog App in Sina Weibo microblogger as target of our study. The differences of repost number of microblogs in the ranking list between before and after the time when it enter the ranking list of Hot Microblog app are analyzed. And we compare the spread features of the microblogs in the ranking list with those hot microblogs not in the list and those ordinary microblogs of users who have some microblog in the ranking list before. Our study proves the existence of Matthew Effect in social network. © 2013 IEEE.


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The miniaturization, sophistication, proliferation, and accessibility of technologies are enabling the capture of more and previously inaccessible phenomena in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, more information has not translated into a greater understanding of disease complexity to satisfy diagnostic and therapeutic needs. Challenges include noncompatible technology platforms, the need for wide-scale and long-term deployment of sensor technology (among vulnerable elderly patients in particular), and the gap between the "big data" acquired with sensitive measurement technologies and their limited clinical application. Major opportunities could be realized if new technologies are developed as part of open-source and/or open-hardware platforms that enable multichannel data capture sensitive to the broad range of motor and nonmotor problems that characterize PD and are adaptable into self-adjusting, individualized treatment delivery systems. The International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society Task Force on Technology is entrusted to convene engineers, clinicians, researchers, and patients to promote the development of integrated measurement and closed-loop therapeutic systems with high patient adherence that also serve to (1) encourage the adoption of clinico-pathophysiologic phenotyping and early detection of critical disease milestones, (2) enhance the tailoring of symptomatic therapy, (3) improve subgroup targeting of patients for future testing of disease-modifying treatments, and (4) identify objective biomarkers to improve the longitudinal tracking of impairments in clinical care and research. This article summarizes the work carried out by the task force toward identifying challenges and opportunities in the development of technologies with potential for improving the clinical management and the quality of life of individuals with PD. © 2016 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.


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Sensing technology is a key enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT) and could produce huge volume data to contribute the Big Data paradigm. Modelling of sensing information is an important and challenging topic, which influences essentially the quality of smart city systems. In this paper, the author discusses the relevant technologies and information modelling in the context of smart city and especially reports the investigation of how to model sensing and location information in order to support smart city development.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine challenges and potential of big data in heterogeneous business networks and relate these to an implemented logistics solution. Design/methodology/approach – The paper establishes an overview of challenges and opportunities of current significance in the area of big data, specifically in the context of transparency and processes in heterogeneous enterprise networks. Within this context, the paper presents how existing components and purpose-driven research were combined for a solution implemented in a nationwide network for less-than-truckload consignments. Findings – Aside from providing an extended overview of today’s big data situation, the findings have shown that technical means and methods available today can comprise a feasible process transparency solution in a large heterogeneous network where legacy practices, reporting lags and incomplete data exist, yet processes are sensitive to inadequate policy changes. Practical implications – The means introduced in the paper were found to be of utility value in improving process efficiency, transparency and planning in logistics networks. The particular system design choices in the presented solution allow an incremental introduction or evolution of resource handling practices, incorporating existing fragmentary, unstructured or tacit knowledge of experienced personnel into the theoretically founded overall concept. Originality/value – The paper extends previous high-level view on the potential of big data, and presents new applied research and development results in a logistics application.


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Az üzleti élet globalizálódása, a technológiai fejlődés által nyújtott új eszközök részben új lehetőségeket, részben új feladatokat, elvárásokat jelentenek mind a tudományos, mind a gyakorlati marketingkutatás számára. Változnak az adatfelvétel módszerei, a fogyasztók attitüdjének és magatartásának változásával a primer kutatás módszerei között is hangsúlyeltolódás következik be, megnő a megfigyeléses, a kísérleti vizsgálatok szerepe. A kvalitatív és kvantitatív kutatás közötti határvonal is elmosódik, mindkét kutatási módszertanban új típusú módszerek jelennek meg és terjednek el. A nagy adatbázisok, a Big data lehetőségeit is integrálnia kell a marketingkutatásnak és az adatelemzésnek. A tanulmány a jelenlegi változások, valamint a jövőbeli szcenáriók felvázolására is kísérletet tesz.


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Graph Reduction Machines, are a traditional technique for implementing functional programming languages. They allow to run programs by transforming graphs by the successive application of reduction rules. Web service composition enables the creation of new web services from existing ones. BPEL is a workflow-based language for creating web service compositions. It is also the industrial and academic standard for this kind of languages. As it is designed to compose web services, the use of BPEL in a scenario where multiple technologies need to be used is problematic: when operations other than web services need to be performed to implement the business logic of a company, part of the work is done on an ad hoc basis. To allow heterogeneous operations to be part of the same workflow, may help to improve the implementation of business processes in a principled way. This work uses a simple variation of the BPEL language for creating compositions containing not only web service operations but also big data tasks or user-defined operations. We define an extensible graph reduction machine that allows the evaluation of BPEL programs and implement this machine as proof of concept. We present some experimental results.


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A evolução tecnológica na comunicação contemporânea estrutura sistemas digitais via redes de computadores conectados e exploração maciça de dispositivos tecnológicos. Os dados digitais captados e distribuídos via aplicativos instalados em smartphones criam ambiente dinâmico comunicacional. O Jornalismo e a Comunicação tentam se adaptar ao novo ecossistema informacional impetrado pelas constantes inovações tecnológicas que possibilitam a criação de novos ambientes e sistemas para acesso à informação de relevância social. Surgem novas ferramentas para produção e distribuição de conteúdos jornalísticos, produtos baseados em dados e interações inteligentes, algoritmos usados em diversos processos, plataformas hiperlocais e sistemas de narrativas e produção digitais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da pesquisa foi elaborar uma análise e comparação entre produtos de mídia e tecnologia específicos. Se as novas tecnologias acrescentam atributos às produções e narrativas jornalísticas, seus impactos na prática da atividade e também se há modificação nos processos de produção de informação de relevância social em relação aos processos jornalísticos tradicionais e consolidados. Investiga se o uso de informações insertadas pelos usuários, em tempo real, melhora a qualidade das narrativas emergentes através de dispositivos móveis e se a gamificação ou ludificação altera a percepção de credibilidade do jornalismo. Para que assim seja repensado a forma de se produzir e gerar informação e conhecimento para os públicos que demandam conteúdo


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Las comunidades colaborativas, donde grandes cantidades de personas colaboran para la producción de recursos compartidos (e.g. Github, Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, Arduino, StackOverflow) están extendiéndose progresivamente a multitud de campos. No obstante, es complicado comprender cómo funcionan y evolucionan. ¿Qué tipos de usuarios son más activos en Wikia? ¿Cómo ha evolucionado el número de wikis activas en los últimos años? ¿Qué perfil de actividad presentan la mayor parte de colaboradores de Wikia? ¿Son más activos los hombres o las mujeres en la Wikipedia? En los proyectos de Github, ¿el esfuerzo de programación (y frecuencia de commits) se distribuye de forma homogénea a lo largo del tiempo o suele estar concentrado? Estas comunidades, típicamente online, dejan registrada su actividad en grandes bases de datos, muchas de ellas disponibles públicamente. Sin embargo, el ciudadano de a pie no tiene ni las herramientas ni el conocimiento necesario para sacar conclusiones de esos datos. En este TFG desarrollamos una herramienta de análisis exploratorio y visualización de datos de la plataforma Wikia, sitio web colaborativo que permite la creación, edición y modificación del contenido y estructura de miles de páginas web de tipo enciclopedia basadas en la tecnología wiki. Nuestro objetivo es que esta aplicación web sea usable por cualquiera y que no requiera que el usuario sea un experto en Big Data para poder visualizar las gráficas de evolución o distribuciones del comportamiento interno de la comunidad, pudiendo modificar algunos de sus parámetros y visualizando cómo cambian. Como resultado de este trabajo se ha desarrollado una primera versión de la aplicación disponible en GitHub1 y en http://chartsup.esy.es/


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. ARL and U.K. Ministry of Defense under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001, and by the NSF under award CNS-1213140. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or represent the official policies of the NSF, the U.S. ARL, the U.S. Government, the U.K. Ministry of Defense or the U.K. Government. The U.S. and U.K. Governments are authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.


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La información sobre conceptos de innovación educomunicativa en la web, sobre todo los relacionados con las TIC, suele ser confusa y presentarse de una forma divulgativa inexacta o de una manera científica compleja en artículos largos. Además, suelen utilizarse términos en inglés o en extrañas hibridaciones. Las y los estudiantes –y cualquier persona- que buscan estos términos suelen recurrir a la divulgación inexacta, lo que hace que no comprendan el término en toda su extensión y, por tanto, que los desarrollos que se realizan, tanto teóricos como prácticos, se alejen de la excelencia ya desde su inicio. Conceptos como Branding, Big Data, Force Touch, Gamificación, Geocaching, InRead video, Inroll Video, Interfaz Social, Mobile First, Mooc, Neurocomunicación, Responsive Web Design, Transmedia, Walking Cinema, Walking Documentary, Wayfinding… o no se comprenden o se comprenden sin los matices imprescindibles para un buen desarrollo académico y profesional. Los investigadores del grupo “Museum I+D+C. Laboratorio de cultura digital y museografía hipermedia” de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pertenecientes a distintas universidades de Argentina, Brasil, España, México, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador y Reino Unido, coinciden en la necesidad de intentar clarificar esos términos. Queremos animar a cualquier persona que lea estas líneas a participar en el proyecto, bien proponiendo mejoras o aportando nuevos términos.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. ARL and U.K. Ministry of Defense under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001, and by the NSF under award CNS-1213140. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or represent the official policies of the NSF, the U.S. ARL, the U.S. Government, the U.K. Ministry of Defense or the U.K. Government. The U.S. and U.K. Governments are authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.


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A Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é distúrbio do comportamento que afeta entre 5 a 7% das crianças a nível global. De forma a combater os sintomas da PHDA, muitas são sujeitas a medicação e a terapia comportamental. Este trabalho insere-se no Projeto TherapyForAll®© que se foca no desenvolvimento de serious games jogos que poderão complementar o tratamento da PHDA pela via comportamental. É necessário recolher uma quantidade muito significativa de dados durante a execução dos jogos de forma a retirar conclusões sobre a evolução dos sintomas. O âmbito da dissertação recai sobre o tratamento dos dados obtidos das sessões e a sua apresentação ao profissional de saúde responsável para que ele possa rapidamente perceber o estado da criança, a sua evolução e com isso dar o apoio necessário.


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Text summarization has been studied for over a half century, but traditional methods process texts empirically and neglect the fundamental characteristics and principles of language use and understanding. Automatic summarization is a desirable technique for processing big data. This reference summarizes previous text summarization approaches in a multi-dimensional category space, introduces a multi-dimensional methodology for research and development, unveils the basic characteristics and principles of language use and understanding, investigates some fundamental mechanisms of summarization, studies dimensions on representations, and proposes a multi-dimensional evaluation mechanism. Investigation extends to incorporating pictures into summary and to the summarization of videos, graphs and pictures, and converges to a general summarization method. Further, some basic behaviors of summarization are studied in the complex cyber-physical-social space. Finally, a creative summarization mechanism is proposed as an effort toward the creative summarization of things, which is an open process of interactions among physical objects, data, people, and systems in cyber-physical-social space through a multi-dimensional lens of semantic computing. The insights can inspire research and development of many computing areas.