894 resultados para Benefit-Cost Analysis


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A função Manutenção é extremamente relevante para garantir o cumprimento do planejamento da produção de óleo e gás natural de uma unidade marítima de produção, pois impacta diretamente na eficácia do processo produtivo. Quando se trata de uma instalação offshore, a manutenção passa a ser ainda mais importante, pois falhas em equipamentos e sistemas industriais podem, além de causar perdas econômicas, causar graves acidentes às pessoas e ao meio ambiente. Gerir a manutenção de uma planta industrial flutuante, localizada a 300 quilômetros da costa, como no caso daquelas localizadas nos campos do pré-sal brasileiro, é uma tarefa que requer a aplicação das técnicas mais modernas de gerenciamento de manutenção e processos de trabalho ágeis e dinâmicos para garantir o suporte técnico adequado a partir de instalações localizadas em ambientes onshore. Neste contexto, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar e propor uma metodologia para definição da estratégia de manutenção a ser implementada em novas unidades de produção de petróleo e gás natural destinadas a operar em ambiente offshore. Esta metodologia, pautada na manutenção centrada em confiabilidade, tem como objetivo garantir que a estratégia de manutenção, além de garantir a máxima disponibilidade e eficiência dos equipamentos e sistemas, também seja compatível com a filosofia das Operações Integradas, recentemente desenvolvida pela indústria norueguesa de exploração e produção de petróleo para otimizar a produção de seus campos que já estão em fase de amadurecimento. Dessa forma, este trabalho contribuirá para que, com base na metodologia proposta para definição da estratégia de manutenção, novas plataformas de petróleo e gás natural possam operar com ainda mais segurança e eficiência, garantindo o melhor aproveitamento possível das reservas de petróleo. Este trabalho inclui uma análise de custos simplificada para os estudos de caso propostos, não fazendo parte do escopo do trabalho uma análise de custos detalhada para toda instalação.


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The need for more sustainable public transportation choices drives innovation and provides opportunity for improvement in options. Transit buses provide many advantages for efficient transportation and electric drive vehicles are anticipated to play an increasing role in future transportation systems. A lifecycle cost analysis of battery electric transit buses indicates rate structures and demand charges do not currently have a large impact on lifecycle cost for small fleets of battery electric buses. As fleets grow, policies and rate structures will need to adjust to avoid becoming a barrier to adoption. Battery electric transit buses are now being developed which promise to address the primary issues of high life cycle cost, low reliability, range, and flexibility.


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The Stokes County Humane Society has the opportunity to implement sustainable design concepts and demonstrate long-term fiscal savings in the design of an animal shelter for Stokes County, North Carolina. The proposed renovated structure takes advantage of passive design strategies that convert a cold, steel structure into one with warmth, light, and functionality. Proposed design techniques include an interior courtyard, geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels, a green roof, rainwater harvesting, sustainable landscaping, and clever materials selection. A cost analysis identifies capital costs and long term operational costs for both traditional and sustainable construction techniques. The results are capital costs of a sustainable design that are comparable to a traditional build, with long-term operational cost savings and generated revenue.


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This work addresses the optimization of ammonia–water absorption cycles for cooling and refrigeration applications with economic and environmental concerns. Our approach combines the capabilities of process simulation, multi-objective optimization (MOO), cost analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA). The optimization task is posed in mathematical terms as a multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear program (moMINLP) that seeks to minimize the total annualized cost and environmental impact of the cycle. This moMINLP is solved by an outer-approximation strategy that iterates between primal nonlinear programming (NLP) subproblems with fixed binaries and a tailored mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. The capabilities of our approach are illustrated through its application to an ammonia–water absorption cycle used in cooling and refrigeration applications.


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This paper addresses the issues of current levels of inequality: their trends, determinants and future scenarios, demonstrating that welfare levels are measured by per capita consumption. Location, educational attainment and employment status have been identified as the key factors affecting levels of welfare and its distribution. A benefit incidence analysis was performed to investigate benefits of different deciles of per capita expenditure from education and health services. The inequality patterns in countries under investigation present significant variations; countries such as Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia show relatively high inequality while others, such as Egypt or Syria, show moderate to low inequality. Inequality in human development was addressed using the inequality-adjusted human development index (IHDI), introduced by Global HDR 2010. The average loss in the HDI due to inequality in all Arab countries under investigation is about 20%. Two reference scenarios (optimistic and pessimistic) were used to project future paths up to 2020 and 2030. The impact of positive growth is increasing inequality and a shrinking middle class. Results show that the rich benefit most from this growth path. The opposite trend is observed for the pessimistic scenario.


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Final report (SW-508) describing work performed for the Federal Solid waste management program under Contract no. 68-01-2684.


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"Prepared under purchase order number HRSA 87-336(P)"--T.p. verso.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Aims: To measure accurately the direct costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was undertaken in two sub-acute care units in a metropolitan hospital. A consecutive series of 29 consecutive patients with urinary and/or faecal incontinence, who were in-patients in a geriatric rehabilitation or subacute neurologic unit underwent routine timed voiding protocol, as per usual care. Face-to-face bedside recordings of all incontinence care, with detailed cost analysis, were undertaken. Results: A total of 3,621 occasions of continence care were costed. The median time per 24 hr spent caring for incontinence per patient was 109 min (interquartile range 88-140). Isolated urinary incontinence episodes occurred in 28 patients (96.5%), mixed urinary/faecal incontinence episodes observed in 79.3%, and episodes of pure faecal incontinence were seen in 62%. The median costs of incontinence care in the sub-acute setting was $49AU per 24 hr, the major share ($41) spent on staff wages. The incontinence tasks of toileting assistance, pad changes, bed changes and catheter care were spread evenly across the three 8 hr shifts of duty. Conclusions: As our population demographics include an increasingly greater portion of the elderly, for whom long term institutional care is becoming relatively more scarce, provision of care in the sub-acute unit that may allow rehabilitation and return to home warrants scrutiny. This is the first study that delineates the costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Such costs are substantial and place a heavy burden upon night-time carets. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The economical and environmental effects of mass reduction through Al and Mg primary alloys substitutions for cast iron and steel in automotive components are discussed using MF. Ashby's penalty functions method The viability of Mg alloy substitutions for existing Al alloy cast components is also considered. The cost analysis shows that direct, equal-volume, Al alloy substitutions for cast iron and steel are the most feasible in terms of the CAFE liability, followed by substitutions involving flat panels of prescribed stiffness. When the creation of CO2 associated to the production of Al and Mg is considered, the potential gasoline savings over the lifespan of the car compensate for the intrinsic environmental burden of Al in all applications, while electrolytic Mg substitutions for cast iron and steel are feasible for equal volume and panels only. Magnesium produced by the Pidgeon thermal process appears to be too primary energy intensive to be competitive in structural applications. Magnesium substitutions for existing Al alloy beams and panels are generally unviable. The current higher recycling efficiency of Al casting alloys confers Al a significant advantage over Mg alloys.


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The successful restructuring of Chinese industries is of immense importance not only for the continued development of China but also to the stability of the world economy. The transformation of the Chinese wool textile industry illustrates well the many problems and pressures currently facing most Chinese industries. The Chinese wool textile industry has undergone major upheaval and restructuring in its drive to modernize and take advantage of developments in world textile markets. Macro level ownership and administrative reforms are well advanced as is the uptake of new technology and equipment. However, the changing market and institutional environment also demands an increasing level of sophistication in mill management decisions including product selection, input procurement, product pricing, investment appraisal, cost analysis and proactive identification of new market and growth opportunities. This paper outlines a series of analyses that have been integrated into a decision-making model designed to assist mill managers with these decisions. Features of the model include a whole-of-mill approach, a design based on existing mill structures and information systems, and the capacity for the model to be tailored to individual mills. All of these features facilitate the adoption of the model by time and resource constrained managers seeking to maintain the viability of their enterprises in the face of extremely dynamic market conditions.


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Presents a simulation study of the costing of police custody operations at a UK police force. The custody operation incorporates the arrest, booking-in, interview, detention and court appearance activities. The Activity Based Costing (ABC) approach is used as a framework to show how costs are generated by the three “drivers” of cost, activity and resource. These relate to the design efficiency of the process, the timing and mix of demand on the process and the cost of resources used to undertake the process respectively. The use of discrete-event simulation allows the incorporation of dynamic (time-dependent) and stochastic (variability) elements in the cost analysis. This enables both the amount and timing of the use of capacity and the generation of cost to be established. The concept of committed and flexible resources directs management decisions to the redeployment of unused capacity or alternatively the identification of additional capacity requirements.


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The research compares the usefullness of four remote sensing information sources, these being LANDSAT photographic prints, LANDSAT computer compatible tapes, Metric Camera and SIR-A photographic prints. These sources provide evaluations of the catchment characteristics of the Belize and Sibun river basins in Central America. Map evaluations at 1:250,000 scale are compared to the results of the same scale, remotely sensed information sources. The values of catchment characteristics for both maps and LANDSAT prints are used in multiple regression analysis, providing flood flow formulae, after investigations to provide a suitable dependent variable discharge series are made for short term records. The use of all remotely sensed information sources in providing evaluations of catchment characteristics is discussed. LANDSAT prints and computer compatible tapes of a post flood scene are used to estimate flood distributions and volumes. These are compared to values obtained from unit hydrograph analysis, using the dependent discharge series and evaluate the probable losses from the Belize river to the floodplain, thereby assessing the accuracy of LANDSAT estimates. Information relating to flood behaviour is discussed in terms of basic image presentation as well as image processing. A cost analysis of the purchase and use of all materials is provided. Conclusions of the research indicate that LANDSAT print material may provide information suitable for regression analysis at levels of accuracy as great as those of topographic maps, that the differing information sources are uniquely applicable and that accurate estimates of flood volumes may be determined even by post flood imagery.


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The focus of this study is on the governance decisions in a concurrent channels context, in the case of uncertainty. The study examines how a firm chooses to deploy its sales force in times of uncertainty, and the subsequent performance outcome of those deployment choices. The theoretical framework is based on multiple theories of governance, including transaction cost analysis (TCA), agency theory, and institutional economics. Three uncertainty variables are investigated in this study. The first two are demand and competitive uncertainty which are considered to be industry-level market uncertainty forms. The third uncertainty, political uncertainty, is chosen as it is an important dimension of institutional environments, capturing non-economic circumstances such as regulations and political systemic issues. The study employs longitudinal secondary data from a Thai hotel chain, comprising monthly observations from January 2007 – December 2012. This hotel chain has its operations in 4 countries, Thailand, the Philippines, United Arab Emirates – Dubai, and Egypt, all of which experienced substantial demand, competitive, and political uncertainty during the study period. This makes them ideal contexts for this study. Two econometric models, both deploying Newey-West estimations, are employed to test 13 hypotheses. The first model considers the relationship between uncertainty and governance. The second model is a version of Newey-West, using an Instrumental Variables (IV) estimator and a Two-Stage Least Squares model (2SLS), to test the direct effect of uncertainty on performance and the moderating effect of governance on the relationship between uncertainty and performance. The observed relationship between uncertainty and governance observed follows a core prediction of TCA; that vertical integration is the preferred choice of governance when uncertainty rises. As for the subsequent performance outcomes, the results corroborate that uncertainty has a negative effect on performance. Importantly, the findings show that becoming more vertically integrated cannot help moderate the effect of demand and competitive uncertainty, but can significantly moderate the effect of political uncertainty. These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications, and extend our knowledge of the impact on uncertainty significantly, as well as bringing an institutional perspective to TCA. Further, they offer managers novel insight into the nature of different types of uncertainty, their impact on performance, and how channel decisions can mitigate these impacts.