986 resultados para Bassnett, Susan: Teoksesta toiseen
Currently, the most widely used criteria for assessing response to therapy in high-grade gliomas are based on two-dimensional tumor measurements on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in conjunction with clinical assessment and corticosteroid dose (the Macdonald Criteria). It is increasingly apparent that there are significant limitations to these criteria, which only address the contrast-enhancing component of the tumor. For example, chemoradiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastomas results in transient increase in tumor enhancement (pseudoprogression) in 20% to 30% of patients, which is difficult to differentiate from true tumor progression. Antiangiogenic agents produce high radiographic response rates, as defined by a rapid decrease in contrast enhancement on CT/MRI that occurs within days of initiation of treatment and that is partly a result of reduced vascular permeability to contrast agents rather than a true antitumor effect. In addition, a subset of patients treated with antiangiogenic agents develop tumor recurrence characterized by an increase in the nonenhancing component depicted on T2-weighted/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences. The recognition that contrast enhancement is nonspecific and may not always be a true surrogate of tumor response and the need to account for the nonenhancing component of the tumor mandate that new criteria be developed and validated to permit accurate assessment of the efficacy of novel therapies. The Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Working Group is an international effort to develop new standardized response criteria for clinical trials in brain tumors. In this proposal, we present the recommendations for updated response criteria for high-grade gliomas.
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense can be induced to undergo apoptosis after stimulation with Con A. As cell death in these parasites is associated with de novo gene expression we have applied a differential display technique, Randomly Amplified Differential Expressed Sequence-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RADES-PCR) to the study of gene expression during Con A induced cell death in these organisms. Twenty-two differentially displayed products have been cloned and sequenced. These represent the first endogenous genes to be identified as implicated in cellular death in trypanosomatids (the most primitive eukaryote in which apoptosis has been described). Evidence for an ancestral death machinery, `proto-apoptosis' in single celled organisms is discussed.
El incidentaloma adrenal es aquella masa suprarrenal hallada casualmente al realizar una prueba de imagen por otro motivo. El estudio debe determinar su benignidad y funcionalidad. La controversia radica en el seguimiento. Se presenta un estudio de 67 pacientes con indicentaloma adrenal recogido en 5 años, estudio inicial y seguimiento a largo plazo. Se halló un 74,6% adenomas no funcionantes, 7,4% mielolipomas, 4,5% Síndrome de Cushing, 2,9% Hiperaldosteronismo primario, 1,5% feocromocitoma y metástasis. El seguimiento a largo plazo se realizó a los 6 y 18-24 meses, sin cambios. El estuido realizado apoya las guías actuales.
La neurocirurgia és el tractament definitiu més utilitzat pels tumors hipofisaris. Objectiu: valorar les complicacions postquirúrgiques immediates(1º mes) i durant el 1º any dels adenomes hipofisaris secretors de GH, ACTH i no funcionants(NF) operats des del 2001. Metodologia: estudi observacional restrospectiu de 94 pacients (39H, 55D) amb edat a la cirurgia de 46,9±15,5 anys, intervinguts pels 2 mateixos neurocirurgians. Resultats: 40 pacients tenen alguna complicació immediata(42,5% dels NF, 37% GH i 48,5% ACTH) sense diferències en la freqüència de complicacions entre els 3 grups. Les complicacions més freqüents són: diabetis insípida transitòria(23,4%), fístula LCR(6,7%), sinusitis i meningitis(2,2%). Els secretors d'ACTH tenen una tendència a tenir més DI transitòria i sinusitis respecte els NF(p=0,071), mentre que els NF tendeixen a presentar més fístules LCR, meningitis i convulsions(p=0,08). En els GH, existeix major incidència de fístules LCR comparat amb els ACTH(p&0,05), sense diferències amb els NF. 10 pacients tenen complicacions al 1º any postquirúrgic(7,5% dels NF, 11,1% GH i 14,8% ACTH), destacant major incidència d'artromiàlgies i síndrome del túnel carpià en els ACTH comparat amb els altres 2 grups (p&0,05). Les variables més importants quan fem una predicció d'aparició de complicacions són: tipus de cirurgia utilitzada (més a craniotomies que als abordatges transesfenoidals) i presència d'extensió extraselar tumoral, sense ser significatiu(p=0,091). Conclusions: malgrat que els tumors d'ACTH són majoritàriament microdenomes(77,7%), i es presenten en pacients més joves, tendeixen a associar-se a major nombre de complicacions immediates i durant el primer any en comparació amb els NF i GH(97,5%, 81,4% macroadenomes respectivament).
L’objectiu es analitzar l’efecte d’una intervenció educativa realitzada a professionals de la salut i sobre la seguretat dels pacients diabètics. Estudi d’intervenció aleatoritzat per conglomerats (5 ABS intervenció i 5 control). Valorem pacients de 45 a 75 anys diagnosticats de Diabetis Mellitus tipus 1 o 2. Realitzem una intervenció educativa estandaritzada als professionals, els avaluem mitjançant el test DAS-3 (Diabetes Attitude Scale); dels pacients valorem ítems relacionats amb el control de la malaltia. Analitzem l’efecte de la intervenció sobre les actituds i motivacions dels professionals i l’efecte sobre el grau de control de la malaltia en els pacients.
El dolor es una complicación frecuente tras cesárea. Últimamente, se está desarrollando una nueva técnica analgésica que consiste en la infiltración de anestésico local (AL) a nivel subfascial en la herida quirúrgica. Nuestro objetivo es comparar la eficacia analgésica de dos AL. Para ello evaluamos el grado de dolor, parámetros hemodinámicos, satisfacción de las pacientes y necesidad de analgesia de rescate. El análisis estadístico concluyó que no existían diferencias entre los dos tratamientos, con buen control del dolor, sin existir alteraciones hemodinámicas. Parece que la infiltración de un AL es eficaz en la reducción del dolor postoperatorio, con menor consumo de analgesia intravenosa, y sin aumento de efectos secundarios.
The adipocyte-derived protein adiponectin is highly heritable and inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and coronary heart disease (CHD). We meta-analyzed 3 genome-wide association studies for circulating adiponectin levels (n = 8,531) and sought validation of the lead single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 5 additional cohorts (n = 6,202). Five SNPs were genome-wide significant in their relationship with adiponectin (P< or =5x10(-8)). We then tested whether these 5 SNPs were associated with risk of T2D and CHD using a Bonferroni-corrected threshold of P< or =0.011 to declare statistical significance for these disease associations. SNPs at the adiponectin-encoding ADIPOQ locus demonstrated the strongest associations with adiponectin levels (P-combined = 9.2x10(-19) for lead SNP, rs266717, n = 14,733). A novel variant in the ARL15 (ADP-ribosylation factor-like 15) gene was associated with lower circulating levels of adiponectin (rs4311394-G, P-combined = 2.9x10(-8), n = 14,733). This same risk allele at ARL15 was also associated with a higher risk of CHD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.12, P = 8.5x10(-6), n = 22,421) more nominally, an increased risk of T2D (OR = 1.11, P = 3.2x10(-3), n = 10,128), and several metabolic traits. Expression studies in humans indicated that ARL15 is well-expressed in skeletal muscle. These findings identify a novel protein, ARL15, which influences circulating adiponectin levels and may impact upon CHD risk.
In their safety evaluations of bisphenol A (BPA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a counterpart in Europe, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), have given special prominence to two industry-funded studies that adhered to standards defined by Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). These same agencies have given much less weight in risk assessments to a large number of independently replicated non-GLP studies conducted with government funding by the leading experts in various fields of science from around the world. OBJECTIVES: We reviewed differences between industry-funded GLP studies of BPA conducted by commercial laboratories for regulatory purposes and non-GLP studies conducted in academic and government laboratories to identify hazards and molecular mechanisms mediating adverse effects. We examined the methods and results in the GLP studies that were pivotal in the draft decision of the U.S. FDA declaring BPA safe in relation to findings from studies that were competitive for U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, peer-reviewed for publication in leading journals, subject to independent replication, but rejected by the U.S. FDA for regulatory purposes. DISCUSSION: Although the U.S. FDA and EFSA have deemed two industry-funded GLP studies of BPA to be superior to hundreds of studies funded by the U.S. NIH and NIH counterparts in other countries, the GLP studies on which the agencies based their decisions have serious conceptual and methodologic flaws. In addition, the U.S. FDA and EFSA have mistakenly assumed that GLP yields valid and reliable scientific findings (i.e., "good science"). Their rationale for favoring GLP studies over hundreds of publically funded studies ignores the central factor in determining the reliability and validity of scientific findings, namely, independent replication, and use of the most appropriate and sensitive state-of-the-art assays, neither of which is an expectation of industry-funded GLP research. CONCLUSIONS: Public health decisions should be based on studies using appropriate protocols with appropriate controls and the most sensitive assays, not GLP. Relevant NIH-funded research using state-of-the-art techniques should play a prominent role in safety evaluations of chemicals.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent to which stage at diagnosis and adherence to treatment guidelines may explain the persistent differences in colorectal cancer survival between the USA and Europe. DESIGN: A high-resolution study using detailed clinical data on Dukes' stage, diagnostic procedures, treatment and follow-up, collected directly from medical records by trained abstractors under a single protocol, with standardised quality control and central statistical analysis. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 21 population-based registries in seven US states and nine European countries provided data for random samples comprising 12 523 adults (15-99 years) diagnosed with colorectal cancer during 1996-1998. OUTCOME MEASURES: Logistic regression models were used to compare adherence to 'standard care' in the USA and Europe. Net survival and excess risk of death were estimated with flexible parametric models. RESULTS: The proportion of Dukes' A and B tumours was similar in the USA and Europe, while that of Dukes' C was more frequent in the USA (38% vs 21%) and of Dukes' D more frequent in Europe (22% vs 10%). Resection with curative intent was more frequent in the USA (85% vs 75%). Elderly patients (75-99 years) were 70-90% less likely to receive radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Age-standardised 5-year net survival was similar in the USA (58%) and Northern and Western Europe (54-56%) and lowest in Eastern Europe (42%). The mean excess hazard up to 5 years after diagnosis was highest in Eastern Europe, especially among elderly patients and those with Dukes' D tumours. CONCLUSIONS: The wide differences in colorectal cancer survival between Europe and the USA in the late 1990s are probably attributable to earlier stage and more extensive use of surgery and adjuvant treatment in the USA. Elderly patients with colorectal cancer received surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy less often than younger patients, despite evidence that they could also have benefited.
El temps del mal. L’experiència i la gestió de la cronicitat en adults. El principal objectiu d’aquesta recerca és l’estudi de l’experiència i la gestió diària de la cronicitat, entenent-la com a categoria analítica que engloba els processos de malalties i/o malestars crònics, biomèdicament diagnosticats o no, que perduren en el temps. La recerca es centra en adults entre 30 i 50 anys amb problemes crònics de salut que impliquin algun tipus de discapacitat i/o dependència (a nivell moderat), i s’ubica en l’àmbit urbà i en la comunitat autònoma de Catalunya (dins del context de l’estat Espanyol). L’estudi analitzarà la gestió individual i social de la cronicitat a través dels itineraris terapèutics i pràctiques assistencials dels processos de salut/malaltia/atenció prenent l’autoatenció com a principal categoria analítica. Per altra banda, es descriurà el rol dels serveis assistencials de la sanitat pública i dels serveis socials, per veure com es duu a terme la gestió – polítiques públiques - de la cronicitat en un país amb estat del benestar com Espanya. L’experiència de la cronicitat s’explorarà a través de les narratives de la vivència de la malaltia/malestar tan com a representació cultural – que dóna compte de les relacions, interaccions i respostes socials – i des d’una perspectiva fenomenològica que ens permet comprendre la naturalesa del patiment en l’experiència viscuda del cos malalt. Aquesta recerca espera poder fer aportacions pertinents que contribueixin des de l’antropologia però amb la intenció d’obrir un diàleg públic i interdisciplinar – professionals de la salut, experts en polítiques públiques i públic en general - a la resolució de l’actual problema de salut pública d’increment de cronicitat. El model públic d’atenció a la salut espanyol es va dissenyar per resoldre problemes de salut aguts, malgrat la major part dels usuaris actuals presentes problemes de salut crònics. L’actual crisi econòmica que amenaça aquest pilar de l’estat del benestar és, alhora, una oportunitat per replantejar-ho.
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a promising pest control method in terms of efficacy and environmental compatibility. In this study, we determined the efficacy of thiotepa-sterilised males in reducing the target Aedes aegypti populations. Treated male pupae were released weekly into large laboratory cages at a constant ratio of either 5:1 or 2:1 sterile-to-fertile males. A two-to-one release ratio reduced the hatch rate of eggs laid in the cage by approximately a third and reduced the adult catch rate by approximately a quarter, but a 5:1 release drove the population to elimination after 15 weeks of release. These results indicate that thiotepa exposure is an effective means of sterilising Ae. aegypti and males thus treated are able to reduce the reproductive capacity of a stable population under laboratory conditions. Further testing of the method in semi-field enclosures is required to evaluate the mating competitiveness of sterile males when exposed to natural environmental conditions. If proven effective, SIT using thiotepa-sterilised males may be incorporated into an integrated programme of vector control to combat dengue in Cuba.
BACKGROUND Several studies in recent years have evaluated Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). No disease specific questionnaires are available to assess the impact of the disease. The aim of this research is to describe the development of a new disease specific Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire for use specifically with PHPT patients. METHODS A conceptual model was developed describing the impact of the disease and its symptoms on QoL domains. A literature review was conducted to identify the most relevant domains. A focus group with experts was used to validate the domains; 24 patients were also interviewed to complement the information from the patient's perspective. A content analysis of the interviews was performed to identify items related with the impact of the disease, leading to PHPQoL-V.1 which was presented to a sample of 67 patients. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach's coefficient alpha and item-total score correlations. Validity was assessed by a factor analysis performed to determine the number of domains. Rasch analysis was carried out in order to refine the questionnaire items. RESULTS 259 items were extracted from the interviews that were subsequently reduced to 34 items. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was 0.92. The factor analysis extracted two domains (physical and emotional). After Rasch analysis the questionnaire PHPQoL-V.2 kept 16 items (9 physical and 7 emotional). The questionnaire was developed in a Spanish population and the final version was translated to English through translation and back-translation. CONCLUSION The first disease specific HRQoL questionnaire for PHPT patients (PHPQoL-16) has been developed. Validation studies designed to assess measurement properties of this tool are currently underway.
Estudio observacional en 33 hombres obesos mórbidos sometidos a cirugía bariátrica con objetivo de analizar cambios del perfil gonadal tras pérdida de peso. La prevalencia de hipogonadismo basal (TT & 300 ng/dL y TL & 65 ng/dL) era 78,8% y 51,5%; y un año tras cirugía 6% y 15%. Al año de la cirugía se observó incremento de TT, TL, SHBG y FSH y disminución de estradiol y prolactina. La edad y PPP se asociaban significativa e independientemente al porcentaje de cambio de TT. El hipogonadismo asociado a hombres con obesidad mórbida es muy prevalente y reversible con pérdida ponderal.
Benznidazole (BZ) is one of the two drugs used for Chagas disease treatment. Nevertheless therapeutic failures of BZ have been reported, which were mostly attributed to variable drug susceptibility among Trypanosoma cruzistrains. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are involved in a variety of translocation processes and some members have been implicated in drug resistance. Here we report the characterisation of the first T. cruzi ABCG transporter gene, named TcABCG1, which is over-expressed in parasite strains naturally resistant to BZ. Comparison ofTcABCG1 gene sequence of two TcI BZ-resistant strains with CL Brener BZ-susceptible strain showed several single nucleotide polymorphisms, which determined 11 amino acid changes. CL Brener transfected with TcI transporter genes showed 40-47% increased resistance to BZ, whereas no statistical significant increment in drug resistance was observed when CL Brener was transfected with the homologous gene. Only in the parasites transfected with TcI genes there was 2-2.6-fold increased abundance of TcABCG1transporter protein. The analysis in wild type strains also suggests that the level of TcABCG1transporter is related to BZ natural resistance. The characteristics of untranslated regions of TcABCG1genes of BZ-susceptible and resistant strains were investigated by computational tools.