874 resultados para Barrier to trade
A speculative security is an asset whose payoff depends on a random shock uncorrelated with economic fundamentals (a sunspot) about which some traders have superior information. In this paper we show that agents may find it desirable to trade such a security in spite of the fact that it is a poorer hedge against their endowment risks as the time oftrade, and has an associated adverse selection cost. In the specific institutional setting of innovation of futures contracts, we show that a futures exchange may not have an incentive to introduce a speculative security even when all traders favor it.
The relationship between the structures of protein-ligand complexes existing in the crystal and in solution, essential in the case of fragment-based screening by X-ray crystallography (FBS-X), has been often an object of controversy. To address this question, simultaneous co-crystallization and soaking of two inhibitors with different ratios, Fidarestat (FID; K(d) = 6.5 nM) and IDD594 (594; K(d) = 61 nM), which bind to h-aldose reductase (AR), have been performed. The subatomic resolution of the crystal structures allows the differentiation of both inhibitors, even when the structures are almost superposed. We have determined the occupation ratio in solution by mass spectrometry (MS) Occ(FID)/Occ(594) = 2.7 and by X-ray crystallography Occ(FID)/Occ(594) = 0.6. The occupancies in the crystal and in solution differ 4.6 times, implying that ligand binding potency is influenced by crystal contacts. A structural analysis shows that the Loop A (residues 122-130), which is exposed to the solvent, is flexible in solution, and is involved in packing contacts within the crystal. Furthermore, inhibitor 594 contacts the base of Loop A, stabilizing it, while inhibitor FID does not. This is shown by the difference in B-factors of the Loop A between the AR-594 and AR-FID complexes. A stable loop diminishes the entropic energy barrier to binding, favoring 594 versus FID. Therefore, the effect of the crystal environment should be taken into consideration in the X-ray diffraction analysis of ligand binding to proteins. This conclusion highlights the need for additional methodologies in the case of FBS-X to validate this powerful screening technique, which is widely used.
This paper focuses on the switching behaviour of enrolees in the Swiss basic health insurance system. Even though the new Federal Law on Social Health Insurance (LAMal) was implemented in 1996 to promote competition among health insurers in basic insurance, there is limited evidence of premium convergence within cantons. This indicates that competition has not been effective so far, and reveals some inertia among consumers who seem reluctant to switch to less expensive funds. We investigate one possible barrier to switching behaviour, namely the influence of supplementary insurance. We use survey data on health plan choice (a sample of 1943 individuals whose switching behaviours were observed between 1997 and 2000) as well as administrative data relative to all insurance companies that operated in the 26 Swiss cantons between 1996 and 2005. The decision to switch and the decision to subscribe to a supplementary contract are jointly estimated.Our findings show that holding a supplementary insurance contract substantially decreases the propensity to switch. However, there is no negative impact of supplementary insurance on switching when the individual assesses his/her health as 'very good'. Our results give empirical support to one possible mechanism through which supplementary insurance might influence switching decisions: given that subscribing to basic and supplementary contracts with two different insurers may induce some administrative costs for the subscriber, holding supplementary insurance acts as a barrier to switch if customers who consider themselves 'bad risks' also believe that insurers reject applications for supplementary insurance on these grounds. In comparison with previous research, our main contribution is to offer a possible explanation for consumer inertia. Our analysis illustrates how consumer choice for one's basic health plan interacts with the decision to subscribe to supplementary insurance.
[cat] En el context dels mercats a dues bandes, considerem, en primer lloc, que els jugadors poden escollir on dur a terme les seves transaccions. Mostrem que el joc corresponent a aquesta situació, que es representa pel màxim d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, pot ser un joc no equilibrat. Aleshores proporcionem condicions per a l’equilibri del joc i, per aquest cas, analitzem algunes propietats del core del joc. En segon lloc, considerem que els jugadors poden fer transaccions en diversos mercats simultàniament i, llavors, sumar els guanys obtinguts. El joc corresponent, representat per la suma d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, és equilibrat. A més a més, sota certes condicions, la suma dels cores dels dos jocs d’assignació coincideix amb el core del joc suma.
Summary : The skin is a complex organ that protects the body against entry of pathogens and supplies a relatively dry and impermeable barrier to water loss. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, which is the outermost layer of the skin. Serine proteases are involved in skin physiology and it is known that mutations or alterations in their expression can lead to skin diseases. In order to investigate the importance of the regulated expression of CAPI/Prss8, a membrane bound serine protease expressed in the epidermis, we developed transgenic mice ectopically expressing CAPI/Prss8 in the skin. These animals exhibited a phenotype characterized by scaly skin, epidermal hypertrophy, inflammation and scratching behavior. This phenotype could be completely abolished in mice lacking the proteinase activated receptor 2 (PAR2) revealing PAR2 as a potential in vivo downstream target of CAP 1 /Prss8. We could also provide evidence of a CAP1 /Prss8 function independent of its catalytic activity. Additionally, mice ectopically expressing PAR2 in the skin developed a skin phenotype very similar to CAPI/Prss8 transgenic animals, supporting the hypothesis of PAR2 activation by CAPI/Prss8. We could furthermore demonstrate an inhibitory effect of the serine protease inhibitor nexin-I on CAPI/Prss8, since nexin-1 transgenic expression negated the skin phenotype observed in CAPI/Prss8 transgenic mice. CAP1/Prss8 and PAR2 transgenic animals, and the understanding of the interaction between CAPl/Prss8 and PAR2, can be helpful in developing potential CAPI/Prss8 and PAR2 inhibitory molecules that may be used as drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases. Résumé : La peau est un organe complexe qui protège le corps contre l'entrée des pathogènes et forme une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Cette fonction de barrière est surtout fournie par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau. Le bon fonctionnement de cet organe est permis, entre autres, par les protéases à sérine qui sont des enzymes dont l'altération peut causer des maladies de la peau. Pour étudier l'importance de la régulation de CAP1/Prss8, une protéase à sérine exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, des souris génétiquement modifiées, dans lesquelles CAP1/Prss8 est exprimé d'une manière ectopique dans la peau, ont été générées. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et se grattent. Ce phénotype a pu être complètement guéri lorsque le gène de PAR2, un récepteur qui règle l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé chez la souris. Ceci montre que PAR2 est une cible de CAP1/Prss8 dans le système étudié. Des études expérimentales suggèrent de plus que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8 dans ce modèle ne dépend pas de son activité enzymatique. En dernière analyse, il a été démontré que l'expression transgénique de nexin-1, un inhibiteur des protéases à sérine exprimé dans la peau, a la capacité d'améliorer la peau squameuse et l'épiderme hypertrophique causés par CAP1/Prss8 transgénique. Les animaux transgéniques pour CAP1/Prss8 et PAR2, et la compréhension du mécanisme d'interaction entre eux, pourraient aider à développer et à tester des molécules inhibitrices de CAP1 /Prss8 et PARI qui pourraient alors être utilisées comme médicaments pour traiter des maladies de la peau comme les ichthyoses.
Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate nicked circular DNA molecules of equal length but forming different knot types. At low electric fields, complex knots drift faster than simpler knots. However, at high electric field the opposite is the case and simpler knots migrate faster than more complex knots. Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate the reasons of this reversal of relative order of electrophoretic mobility of DNA molecules forming different knot types. We observe that at high electric fields the simulated knotted molecules tend to hang over the gel fibres and require passing over a substantial energy barrier to slip over the impeding gel fibre. At low electric field the interactions of drifting molecules with the gel fibres are weak and there are no significant energy barriers that oppose the detachment of knotted molecules from transverse gel fibres.
Extracting a bond-length-dependent Heisenberg-like Hamiltonian from the potential-energy surfaces of the two lowest states of ethylene, it is possible to study the geometry of polyacetylene by minimization of the cohesive energy, using both variational-cluster and Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbative expansions. The dimerization amplitude is satisfactorily reproduced. Optimizing the variational-cluster-expansion total energy with the equal-bond-length constraint, the barrier to reversal of alternation is obtained. The alternating-to-regular phase transition is treated from the Néel-state starting function and appears to be of second order.
For a person with a disability that limits or restricts their mobility, lack of sufficient parking can be a significant barrier to the full use and enjoyment of his or her dwelling. Lack of sufficient parking for persons with disabilities at a housing complex can also be a violation of State parking law, as well as State and Federal Fair Housing Laws. A resident with a disability who has a DOT parking permit who cannot find an available ‘persons with disabilities parking space’ or other suitable parking is effectively denied housing based on disability.
[cat] En el context dels mercats a dues bandes, considerem, en primer lloc, que els jugadors poden escollir on dur a terme les seves transaccions. Mostrem que el joc corresponent a aquesta situació, que es representa pel màxim d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, pot ser un joc no equilibrat. Aleshores proporcionem condicions per a l’equilibri del joc i, per aquest cas, analitzem algunes propietats del core del joc. En segon lloc, considerem que els jugadors poden fer transaccions en diversos mercats simultàniament i, llavors, sumar els guanys obtinguts. El joc corresponent, representat per la suma d’un conjunt finit de jocs d’assignació, és equilibrat. A més a més, sota certes condicions, la suma dels cores dels dos jocs d’assignació coincideix amb el core del joc suma.
Lateral root formation in plants can be studied as the process of interaction between chemical signals and physical forces during development. Lateral root primordia grow through overlying cell layers that must accommodate this incursion. Here, we analyze responses of the endodermis, the immediate neighbor to an initiating lateral root. Endodermal cells overlying lateral root primordia lose volume, change shape, and relinquish their tight junction-like diffusion barrier to make way for the emerging lateral root primordium. Endodermal feedback is absolutely required for initiation and growth of lateral roots, and we provide evidence that this is mediated by controlled volume loss in the endodermis. We propose that turgidity and rigid cell walls, typical of plants, impose constraints that are specifically modified for a given developmental process.
Ecological conditions can influence not only the expression of a phenotype, but also the heritability of a trait. As such, heritable variation for a trait needs to be studied across environments. We have investigated how pathogen challenge affects the expression of MHC genes in embryos of the lake whitefish Coregonus palaea. In order to experimentally separate paternal (i.e. genetic) from maternal and environmental effects, and determine whether and how stress affects the heritable variation for MHC expression, embryos were produced in full-factorial in vitro fertilizations, reared singly, and exposed at 208 degree days (late-eyed stage) to either one of two strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens that differ in their virulence characteristics (one increased mortality, while both delayed hatching time). Gene expression was assessed 48 h postinoculation, and virulence effects of the bacterial infection were monitored until hatching. We found no evidence of MHC class II expression at this stage of development. MHC class I expression was markedly down-regulated in reaction to both pseudomonads. While MHC expression could not be linked to embryo survival, the less the gene was expressed, the earlier the embryos hatched within each treatment group, possibly due to trade-offs between immune function and developmental rate or further factors that affect both hatching timing and MHC expression. We found significant additive genetic variance for MHC class I expression in some treatments. That is, changes in pathogen pressures could induce rapid evolution in MHC class I expression. However, we found no additive genetic variance in reaction norms in our study population.
Exchange of immature loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) between the northern and southern regions of the western Mediterranean was investigated using data obtained from several Spanish tagging programmes. Tagged turtles ranged in straight carapace length from 23.0 to 74.0 cm. Thirty-six turtles were recaptured after an average interval of 390.5±462.6 days (SD). As the mean dispersal distance (MDD) of a turtle population that spreads over the western Mediterranean would stabilize after 117 days (CI 95%: 98 to 149), two analyses were conducted that included data from turtles recaptured after 98 and 149 days respectively. In both analyses, turtles were recaptured more often than expected in the same region where they had been tagged. No difference was found in either of the two regions between the average distance between the capture and recapture locations and the expected MDD if the turtles were to remain in the region where they were first captured. Turtles recaptured after 15 and 25 days respectively were excluded from the analysis to ensure data independence. The overall evidence indicates that immature turtles exhibit strong site fidelity to certain areas and that there is a strong barrier to dispersal between the northern and southern parts of the western Mediterranean. Therefore, loggerhead turtles in the western Mediterranean should be split into at least two management units.
Most economic interactions happen in a context of sequential exchangein which innocent third parties suffer information asymmetry with respect toprevious "originative" contracts. The law reduces transaction costs byprotecting these third parties but preserves some element of consent byproperty rightholders to avoid damaging property enforcement?e.g., it isthey, as principals, who authorize agents in originative contracts. Judicialverifiability of these originative contracts is obtained either as an automaticbyproduct of transactions or, when these would have remained private, byrequiring them to be made public. Protecting third parties produces a legalcommodity which is easy to trade impersonally, improving the allocationand specialization of resources. Historical delay in generalizing this legalcommoditization paradigm is attributed to path dependency?the law firstdeveloped for personal trade?and an unbalance in vested interests, asluddite legal professionals face weak public bureaucracies.
When individuals learn by trial-and-error, they perform randomly chosen actions and then reinforce those actions that led to a high payoff. However, individuals do not always have to physically perform an action in order to evaluate its consequences. Rather, they may be able to mentally simulate actions and their consequences without actually performing them. Such fictitious learners can select actions with high payoffs without making long chains of trial-and-error learning. Here, we analyze the evolution of an n-dimensional cultural trait (or artifact) by learning, in a payoff landscape with a single optimum. We derive the stochastic learning dynamics of the distance to the optimum in trait space when choice between alternative artifacts follows the standard logit choice rule. We show that for both trial-and-error and fictitious learners, the learning dynamics stabilize at an approximate distance of root n/(2 lambda(e)) away from the optimum, where lambda(e) is an effective learning performance parameter depending on the learning rule under scrutiny. Individual learners are thus unlikely to reach the optimum when traits are complex (n large), and so face a barrier to further improvement of the artifact. We show, however, that this barrier can be significantly reduced in a large population of learners performing payoff-biased social learning, in which case lambda(e) becomes proportional to population size. Overall, our results illustrate the effects of errors in learning, levels of cognition, and population size for the evolution of complex cultural traits. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
During the Pleistocene glaciations, the Alps were an efficient barrier to gene flow between isolated populations, often leading to allopatric speciation. Afterwards, the Alps strongly influenced the post-glacial recolonization of Europe and represent a major suture zone between differentiated populations. Two hybrid zones in the Swiss and French Alps between genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species-the Valais shrew, Sorex antinorii, and the common shrew, S. araneus-were studied karyotypically and by analyzing the distribution of seven microsatellite loci. In the center of the Haslital hybrid zone the two species coexist over a distance of 900 m. Hybrid karyotypes, among them the most complex known in Sorex, are rare. F-statistics based on microsatellite data revealed a strong heterozygote deficit only in the center of the zone, due to the sympatric distribution of the two species with little hybridization between them. Structuring within the species (both F(IS) and F(ST)) was low. An hierarchical analysis showed a high level of interspecific differentiation. Results were compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone located at Les Houches in the French Alps. Genetic structuring within and between species was comparable in both hybrid zones, although chromosomal incompatibilities are more important in Haslital, where a linkage block of the race-specific chromosomes should additionally impede gene flow. Evidence for a more restricted gene flow in Haslital comes from the genetically intermediate hybrid karyotypes, whereas in Les Houches, hybrid karyotypes are genetically identical to individuals of the pure karyotypic races. Genic and chromosomal introgression was observed in Les Houches, but not in Haslital. The possible influence of a river, separating the two species at Les Houches, on gene flow is discussed.