987 resultados para Bacteriophage T4
Transthyretin (TTR), a tetrameric thyroxine (T4) carrier protein, is associated with a variety of amyloid diseases. In this study, we explore the potential of biphenyl ethers (BPE), which are shown to interact with a high affinity to its T4 binding site thereby preventing its aggregation and fibrillogenesis. They prevent fibrillogenesis by stabilizing the tetrameric ground state of transthyretin. Additionally, we identify two new structural templates (2-(5-mercapto-[1,3,4]oxadiazol-2-yl)-phenol and 2,3,6-trichloro-N-(4H-[1,2,4]triazol-3-yl) represented as compounds 11 and 12, respectively, throughout the manuscript) exhibiting the ability to arrest TTR amyloidosis. The dissociation constants for the binding of BPEs and compound 11 and 12 to TTR correlate with their efficacies of inhibiting amyloidosis. They also have the ability to inhibit the elongation of intermediate fibrils as well as show nearly complete (> 90%) disruption of the preformed fibrils. The present study thus establishes biphenyl ethers and compounds 11 and 12 as very potent inhibitors of TTR fibrillization and inducible cytotoxicity.
Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsiteltiin viiliä hapanmaitotuotteena, viilin arviointimenetelmiä sekä viilihapatteissa käytettyjen hapatekantojen vaikutuksia maidossa ja niiden vuorovaikutuksia toisiinsa. Lisäksi pohdittiin viilihapatteiden bakteriofaageja, niiden ehkäisyä sekä solunsisäisiä että -ulkoisia faagiresistenssimekanismeja. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin, onko nykyisten tuotantohapatteiden koostaminen yksittäiskannoista mahdollista, sekä koostettiin uusista Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris -kannoista varahapate. Hapatteiden käyttökelpoisuutta tutkittiin rakennemittauksin ja aistinvaraisin menetelmin. Varahapatteen faagikestävyyttä testattiin valmistamalla viiliä ja infektoimalla viilit faaginäytteillä. Hapatekannat viljeltiin fermentorissa, konsentroitiin sentrifugoimalla ja pakastettiin –75 °C:ssa. Hapatteet koostettiin noin 1 päivä ennen viilin valmistusta. Viilit arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti 3–6 hengen ryhmässä ja viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset (kiinteys, sakeus ja koossapysyvyys) sekä kemialliset analyysit. Aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tulokset käsiteltiin tilastollisesti ja tulosten perusteella tehtiin uudet kantakombinaatiot ja viilit. Tuotantohapatekannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin kolmitestillä (n = 10–11) ja uusilla kannoilla valmistetut viilit arvioitiin profiilitestillä (n = 8). Lisäksi viileille tehtiin rakennemittaukset ja kemialliset analyysit. Varahapatekoosteilla valmistettujen viilien pH laski 4,5:een faagin läsnäollessa 0–10 tunnin viiveellä verrattuna faagivapaisiin viileihin, kun taas tuotantohapatteet eivät hapantuneet faagin läsnäollessa. Aromintuottajat eivät kasvaneet viileissä kunnolla, kun hapate koostettiin yksittäiskannoista. Kolmitestissä ei erotettu nykyisillä tuotantohapatteilla valmistettua viiliä yksittäin koostetusta hapatteesta, eli hapatteita on mahdollista koostaa yksittäiskannoista. Varahapatteilla koostetut viilit poikkesivat profiilitestissä tuotantohapatteella koostetusta viilistä ulkonäkö- ja rakenneominaisuuksiltaan. Makuominaisuuksien suhteen ei viilien välille saatu eroa.
Background: The onset of many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented by changes in diet, physical activity and obesity. Known predictors of successful behaviour change include psychosocial factors such as selfefficacy, action and coping planning, and social support. However, gender and socioeconomic differences in these psychosocial mechanisms underlying health behaviour change have not been examined, despite well-documented sociodemographic differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity. Additionally, although stable personality traits (such as dispositional optimism or pessimism and gender-role orientation: agency and communion) are related to health and health behaviour, to date they have rarely been studied in the context of health behaviour interventions. These personality traits might contribute to health behaviour change independently of the more modifiable domain-specific psychosocial factors, or indirectly through them, or moderated by them. The aims were to examine in an intervention setting: (1) whether changes (during the three-month intervention) in psychological determinants (self-efficacy beliefs, action planning and coping planning) predict changes in exercise and diet behaviours over three months and 12 months, (2) the universality assumption of behaviour change theories, i.e. whether preintervention levels and changes in psychosocial determinants are similar among genders and socioeconomic groups, and whether they predict changes in behaviour in a similar way in these groups, (3) whether the personality traits optimism, pessimism, agency and communion predict changes in abdominal obesity, and the nature of their interplay with modifiable and domain-specific psychosocial factors (self-efficacy and social support). Methods: Finnish men and women (N = 385) aged 50 65 years who were at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes were recruited from health care centres to participate in the GOod Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) Lifestyle Implementation Trial. The programme aimed to improve participants lifestyle (physical activity, eating) and decrease their overweight. The measurements of self-efficacy, planning, social support and dispositional optimism/pessimism were conducted pre-intervention at baseline (T1) and after the intensive phase of the intervention at three months (T2), and the measurements of exercise at T1, T2 and 12 months (T3) and healthy eating at T1 and T3. Waist circumference, an indicator of abdominal obesity, was measured at T1 and at oneyear (T3) and three-year (T4) follow-ups. Agency and communion were measured at T4 with the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ). Results: (1) Increases in self-efficacy and planning were associated with three-month increases in exercise (Study I). Moreover, both the post-intervention level and three-month increases (during the intervention) in self-efficacy in dealing with barriers predicted the 12-month increase in exercise, and a high postintervention level of coping plans predicted the 12-month decrease in dietary fat (Study II). One- and three-year waist circumference reductions were predicted by the initial three-month increase in self-efficacy (Studies III, IV). (2) Post-intervention at three months, women had formed more action plans for changing their exercise routines and received less social support for behaviour change than men had. The effects of adoption self-efficacy were similar but change in planning played a less significant role among men (Study I). Examining the effects of socioeconomic status (SES), psychosocial determinants at baseline and their changes during the intervention yielded largely similar results. Exercise barriers self-efficacy was enhanced slightly less among those with low SES. Psychosocial determinants predicted behaviour similarly across all SES groups (Study II). (3) Dispositional optimism and pessimism were unrelated to waist circumference change, directly or indirectly, and they did not influence changes in self-efficacy (Study III). Agency predicted 12-month waist circumference reduction among women. High communion coupled with high social support was associated with waist circumference reduction. However, the only significant predictor of three-year waist circumference reduction was an increase in health-related self-efficacy during the intervention (Study IV). Conclusions: Interventions should focus on improving participants self-efficacy early on in the intervention as well as prompting action and coping planning for health behaviour change. Such changes are likely to be similarly effective among intervention participants regardless of gender and educational level. Agentic orientation may operate via helping women to be less affected by the demands of the self-sacrificing female role and enabling them to assertively focus on their own goals. The earlier mixed results regarding the role of social support in behaviour change may be in part explained by personality traits such as communion.
The hydrophobic effect is widely believed to be an important determinant of protein stability. However, it is difficult to obtain unambiguous experimental estimates of the contribution of the hydrophobic driving force to the overall free energy of folding. Thermodynamic and structural studies of large to small substitutions in proteins are the most direct method of measuring this contribution. We have substituted the buried residue Phe8 in RNase S with alanine, methionine, and norleucine, Binding thermodynamics and structures were characterized by titration calorimetry and crystallography, respectively. The crystal structures of the RNase S F8A, F8M, and F8Nle mutants indicate that the protein tolerates the changes without any main chain adjustments, The correlation of structural and thermodynamic parameters associated with large to small substitutions was analyzed for nine mutants of RNase S as well as 32 additional cavity-containing mutants of T4 lysozyme, human lysozyme, and barnase. Such substitutions were typically found to result in negligible changes in Delta C-p and positive values of both Delta Delta H degrees and aas of folding. Enthalpic effects were dominant, and the sign of Delta Delta S is the opposite of that expected from the hydrophobic effect. Values of Delta Delta G degrees and Delta Delta H degrees correlated better with changes in packing parameters such as residue depth or occluded surface than with the change in accessible surface area upon folding. These results suggest that the loss of packing interactions rather than the hydrophobic effect is a dominant contributor to the observed energetics for large to small substitutions. Hence, estimates of the magnitude of the hydrophobic driving force derived from earlier mutational studies are likely to be significantly in excess of the actual value.
1. 1. The binding parameters of prealbumin-2 with retinol-binding protein and thyroxine (T4) revealed the existence of distinct and multiple sites for both retinol-binding protein and T4. 2. 2. From the analysis of binding parameters of retinol-binding protein with prealbumin-2 it is clear that under steady-state conditions about 99% of the holo-retinol-binding protein remains bound to prealbumin-2. 3. 3. Equilibrium dialysis studies on binding properties of thyroid hormones with prealbumin-2 revealed that it has a single high affinity site and three low affinity sites. 4. 4. The occurrence of three carrier proteins for thyroid hormones, thyroxine-binding globulin, prealbumin-2 and albumin has been demonstrated. However, the chicken thyroxine-binding globulin differs from human thyroxine-binding globulin by being relatively less acidic and occuring at a two-fold lower concentration. But the thyroid hormone binding parameters are comparable. 5. 5. Highly sensitive methods were developed for determination of T4 binding capacities of the various proteins and plasma level of total T4 by fractionation of carrier proteins and further quantitatively employing in electrophoresis and equilibrium dialysis. 6. 6. The thyroxine-binding proteins were found to be two types, one (viz., thyroxine-binding globulin) of great affinity but of low binding capacity, which mainly acts as reservoir of T4, and another (viz.,prealbumin-2) of low affinity but of high binding capacity, which can participate predominantly in the control of the free T4 pool.
Bacterial FtsE gene codes for the ATP-binding protein, FtsE, which in complex with the transmembrane protein, FtsX, participates in diverse cellular processes. Therefore, regulated expression of FtsE and FtsX might be critical to the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, under stress conditions. Although ftsX gene of M. tuberculosis (MtftsX) is known to be transcribed from a promoter inside the upstream gene, ftsE, the transcriptional status of ftsE gene of M. tuberculosis (MtftsE) remains unknown. Therefore, the authors initiated transcriptional analyses of MtftsE, using total RNA from M. tuberculosis cells that were grown under stress conditions, which the pathogen is exposed to, in granuloma in tuberculosis patients. Primer extension experiments showed the presence of putative transcripts, T1, T2, T3, and T4. T1 originated from the intergenic region between the upstream gene, MRA_3135, and MtftsE. T2 and T3 were found initiated from within MRA_3135. T4 was transcribed from a region upstream of MRA_3135. RT-PCR confirmed co-transcription of MRA_3135 and MtftsE. The cloned putative promoter regions for T1, T2, and T3 elicited transcriptional activity in Mycobacterium smegmatis transformants. T1, T2, and T3, but no new transcript, were present in the M. tuberculosis cells that were grown under the stress conditions, which the pathogen is exposed to in granuloma in tuberculosis patients. It showed lack of modulation of MtftsE transcripts under the stress conditions tested, indicating that ftsE may not have a stress response-specific function in M. tuberculosis.
The type III restriction endonuclease EcoPI, coded by bacteriophage Fl, cleaves unmodified DNA in the presence of ATP and magnesium ions. We show that purified EcoPI restriction enzyme fails to cleave DNA in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs. More importantly, this study demonstrates that EcoPI restriction enzyme has an inherent ATPase activity, and ATP hydrolysis is necessary for DNA cleavage. Furthermore, we show that the progress curve of the reaction with Eco PI restriction enzyme exhibits a lag which is dependent on the enzyme concentration. Kinetic analysis of the progress curves of the reaction suggest slow transitions that can occur during the reaction, characteristic of hysteretic enzymes. The role of ATP in the cleavage mechanism of type III restriction enzymes is discussed.
Molecular understanding of disease processes can be accelerated if all interactions between the host and pathogen are known. The unavailability of experimental methods for large-scale detection of interactions across host and pathogen organisms hinders this process. Here we apply a simple method to predict protein-protein interactions across a host and pathogen organisms. We use homology detection approaches against the protein-protein interaction databases. DIP and iPfam in order to predict interacting proteins in a host-pathogen pair. In the present work, we first applied this approach to the test cases involving the pairs phage T4 - Escherichia coli and phage lambda - E. coli and show that previously known interactions could be recognized using our approach. We further apply this approach to predict interactions between human and three pathogens E. coli, Salmonella enterica typhimurium and Yersinia pestis. We identified several novel interactions involving proteins of host or pathogen that could be thought of as highly relevant to the disease process. Serendipitously, many interactions involve hypothetical proteins of yet unknown function. Hypothetical proteins are predicted from computational analysis of genome sequences with no laboratory analysis on their functions yet available. The predicted interactions involving such proteins could provide hints to their functions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Flaviviruses generate their structural and nonstructural proteins by proteolytic processing of a single large polyprotein precursor. These proteolytic events are brought about both by host cell signalase and a virally encoded protease. The virally encoded proteolytic activity has been shown to reside within the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) and requires the product of the nonstructural 2b (NS2b) gene. In order to obtain sufficient quantities of pure NS2b and NS3 proteins for kinetic analysis, we have expressed both these proteins in recombinant systems as fusions to glutathione S-transferase (GST). The fusion constructs were driven by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Transfection of these constructs into the African green monkey kidney cell line CV-1 previously infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the T7 RNA polymerase resulted in synthesis of the fusion proteins. Both the fusion proteins could be purified to homogeneity in a single step using a glutathione agarose affinity matrix.
P>Transcription activator C employs a unique mechanism to activate mom gene of bacteriophage Mu. The activation process involves, facilitating the recruitment of RNA polymerase (RNAP) by altering the topology of the promoter and enhancing the promoter clearance by reducing the abortive transcription. To understand the basis of this multi-step activation mechanism, we investigated the nature of the physical interaction between C and RNAP during the process. A variety of assays revealed that only DNA-bound C contacts the beta' subunit of RNAP. Consistent to these results, we have also isolated RNAP mutants having mutations in the beta' subunit which were compromised in C-mediated activation. Mutant RNAPs show reduced productive transcription and increased abortive initiation specifically at the C-dependent mom promoter. Positive control (pc) mutants of C, defective in interaction with RNAP, retained the property of recruiting RNAP to the promoter but were unable to enhance promoter clearance. These results strongly suggest that the recruitment of RNAP to the mom promoter does not require physical interaction with C, whereas a contact between the beta' subunit and the activator, and the subsequent allosteric changes in the active site of the enzyme are essential for the enhancement of promoter clearance.
Ferromagnetic dicopper(II) complexes [Cu(2)(mu-O(2)CCH(3))(mu-OH)(L)(2)(mu-L(1))](PF(6))(2), where L = 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), L(1) = H(2)O in 1 and L = dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq), L(1) = CH(3)CN in 2, are prepared and structurally characterized. Crystals of 1 and 2 belong to the monoclinic space group of P2(1)/n and P2(1)/m, respectively. The copper(II) centers display distorted square-pyramidal geometry having a phenanthroline base and two oxygen atoms of the bridging hydroxo and acetate group in the basal plane. The fifth coordination site has weak axially bound bridging solvent molecule H(2)O in 1 and CH(3)CN in 2. The Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu distances are 3.034 and 3.046 angstrom in 1 and 2, respectively. The complexes show efficient hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA as evidenced from the mechanistic studies that include T4 DNA ligase experiments. The binuclear complexes form monomeric copper(II) adducts [Cu(L)(2)(BNPP)](PF(6)) (L = phen, 3; dpq, 4) with bis(4-nitrophenyl)phosphate (BNPP) as a model phosphodiester. The crystal structures of 3 and 4 reveal distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry in which BNPP binds through the oxygen atom of the phosphate. The kinetic data of the DNA cleavage reactions of the binuclear complexes under pseudo- and true-Michaelis-Menten conditions indicate remarkable enhancement in the DNA hydrolysis rate in comparison to the control data. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Iodothyronine deiodinases (IDs) are mammalian selenoenzymes that catalyze the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) and 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) by the outer- and inner-ring deiodination pathways, respectively. These enzymes also catalyze further deiodination of T3 and rT3 to produce a variety of di- and monoiodo derivatives. In this paper, the deiodinase activity of a series of pen-substituted naphthalenes having different amino groups is described. These compounds remove iodine selectively from the inner-ring of T4 and T3 to produce rT3 and 3,3'-diiodothyronine (3,3'-T2), respectively. The naphthyl-based compounds having two selenols in the pen-positions exhibit much higher deiodinase activity than those having two thiols or a thiol selenol pair. Mechanistic investigations reveal that the formation of a halogen bond between the iodine and chalcogen (S or Se) and the pen-interaction between two chalcogen atoms (chalcogen bond) are important for the deiodination reactions. Although the formation of a halogen bond leads to elongation of the C-I bond, the chalcogen bond facilitates the transfer of more electron density to the C-I sigma* orbitals, leading to a complete cleavage of the C-I bond. The higher activity of amino-substituted selenium compounds can be ascribed to the deprotonation of thiol/selenol moiety by the amino group, which not only increases the strength of halogen bond but also facilitates the chalcogen chalcogen interactions.
Bacteria and bacteriophages have evolved DNA modification as a strategy to protect their genomes. Mom protein of bacteriophage Mu modifies the phage DNA, rendering it refractile to numerous restriction enzymes and in turn enabling the phage to successfully invade a variety of hosts. A strong fortification, a combined activity of the phage and host factors, prevents untimely expression of mom and associated toxic effects. Here, we identify the bacterial chromatin architectural protein Fis as an additional player in this crowded regulatory cascade. Both in vivo and in vitro studies described here indicate that Fis acts as a transcriptional repressor of mom promoter. Further, our data shows that Fis mediates its repressive effect by denying access to RNA polymerase at mom promoter. We propose that a combined repressive effect of Fis and previously characterized negative regulatory factors could be responsible to keep the gene silenced most of the time. We thus present a new facet of Fis function in Mu biology. In addition to bringing about overall downregulation of Mu genome, it also ensures silencing of the advantageous but potentially lethal mom gene.
A new class of macrobicyclic dinickel(II) complexes Ni2L1,2 B](ClO4)(4) (1-6), where L-1,L-2 are polyaza macrobicyclic binucleating ligands, and B is a N,N-donor heterocyclic base (viz. 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen)) are synthesized and characterized. The redox, catalytic, DNA binding and DNA cleavage properties were studied. They exhibit two irreversible waves in the cathodic region around E-pc = -0.95 V and E-pa = -0.85 V vs. Ag/Ag+ in CH3CN-0.1 M TBAP, respectively. The first order rate constants for the hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenylphosphate to 4-nitrophenolate by the dinickel(II) complexes 1-6 are in the range from 3.36 x 10(-5) to 10.83 x 10(-5) Ms-1. The complexes 3 and 6 show good binding propensity to calf thymus DNA giving binding constant values (K-b) in the range from 3.08 x 10(5) to 5.37 x 10(5) M-1. The binding site sizes and viscosity data suggest the DNA intercalative and/or groove binding nature of the complexes. The complexes display significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pBR322DNA at pH 7.2 and 37 degrees C. The hydrolytic cleavage of DNA by the complexes is supported by the evidence from free radical quenching and T4 ligase ligation. The pseudo Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters k(cat) = 5.44 x 10(-2) h(-1) and K-M = 6.23 x 10(-3) M for complex 3 were obtained. Complex 3 also shows an enormous enhancement of the cleavage rate, of 1.5 x 10(6), in comparison to the uncatalysed hydrolysis rate (k = 3.6 x 10(-8) h(-1)) of ds-DNA.
Bacteria and bacteriophages have evolved DNA modification as a strategy to protect their genomes. Mom protein of bacteriophage Mumodifies the phage DNA, rendering it refractile to numerous restriction enzymes and in turn enabling the phage to successfully invade a variety of hosts. A strong fortification, a combined activity of the phage and host factors, prevents untimely expression of mom and associated toxic effects. Here, we identify the bacterial chromatin architectural protein Fis as an additional player in this crowded regulatory cascade. Both in vivo and in vitro studies described here indicate that Fisacts as a transcriptional repressor of mom promoter. Further, our data shows that Fis mediates its repressive effect by denying access to RNA polymerase at mom promoter. We propose that a combined repressive effect of Fis and previously characterized negative regulatory factors could be responsible to keep the gene silenced most of the time. We thus present a new facet of Fis function in Mu biology. In addition to bringing about overall downregulation of Mu genome, it also ensures silencing of the advantageous but potentially lethal mom gene.